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Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?
image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)
Categories: Health/Medicine, Psychology
Posted by Alex on Thu Feb 10, 2005
Comments (607)
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Don't force my hand, Raoul. I know things that you don't. I know who The Leb really is, and so will The Council, very soon. The plan will fail without me, and I say when they are ready, got it?
Posted by Hairy Houdini  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  09:24 PM
They won't believe you, and you'll never get to prove it. You know that, don't you? Sidereals... I'll never understand you. Let it begin, then, traitor.
Posted by Raoul  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  09:34 PM
There's a fungus amungus :ahhh:

Does anyone have a parasites? I need to borrow them.

(Go easy on's my first play on words publicly...)
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  09:35 PM
Try and post now, Raoul. Where was I? oh yeah, Morgellon's... This topic kinda grows on you, and I think we've barely scratched the surface.
Posted by Hairy Houdini  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  09:45 PM
One has to be realistic...not being able to find something by available methods in science means nothing to the sick patient who recovers after many weeks/months of appropriate treatment.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  11:25 PM
H.H. you've no idea how much surface Morgellons sufferers have scratched!!! :lol:

I love the smileys. I love to laugh! I love life!
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Sun Mar 06, 2005  at  11:27 PM
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Mon Mar 07, 2005  at  07:13 PM
Don't worry, not gone, just a little busy. Tomorrow I'll post.
Posted by Rod  on  Mon Mar 07, 2005  at  10:53 PM
:coolsmile: COOL.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Tue Mar 08, 2005  at  12:49 AM
Okay, I'm north of Montana. Central Time (ha, we never have to change our clocks!)
Anyway, I think that we've both got about all we're going to get out of this exchange. I saw and understood your point of view, and you saw my point of view.
At this point, there will be no agreement. We both know that. I've checked out all I can find on the net about this. I've even exchanged a few emails with a student at the UofS. All she looked up supported my point of view (not really surprising, you're fighting this, you knew what they'd say).
I really actually enjoyed this exchange. Believe it or not, this is the first debate of any sort I've had on the net (and I used computers way back when e-mail meant echo mail, not electronic).

Okay. Psych courses? No, but I've read the first two years of book-work for the university course.
Philosophy? No. I just read whatever intersts me... All kinds of stuff. Particularly intersted in "profiling"... huge fan of John Douglas. I've read the new testament three times (KJV twice, some weird baptist version the third time (it was printed in the late 1800s)), the old testament, the koran, all the "major" religious works... you don't just become an atheist without research (that's why 99% of scientists (physicists, etc, are atheists)). I've read Mein Kampf, several old "magical" books (not the instruction manual type, the philosophical type), and all kinds of weird and wonderful stuff. I once spent 2 and a half months digging through the law library at the university where I used to live. (Did you know that peyote is legal where I live? It's specifically exempt, written right in the criminal code. Not that anyone would ever know unless they stumbled on it.)
Posted by Rod  on  Tue Mar 08, 2005  at  10:26 PM
Part Two
Okay, as for the global warming thing, I really don't know much about it except what I "learned" in high school (it was all theory back then).

One side note though, I recently (about three months ago) read a National Geographic magazine from about 1980. The cover story was all about how, by the year 2000, the new ice-age would be upon us. They had as much proof for their theory back then as they do for the more modern heating theory. Which is right? Don't know, don't particularly care. I really can't do a whole lot about it. Not interested in finding out the current popular theories. It just doesn't interest me. Sorry.

But I can say this... I'll be keeping an eye on the morgellons thing, just to see how it comes out, and if the docs (and I) are a smart as we think we are. (It kinda shows that I've made up my mind now, but like I've always said... New evidence WILL be eveluated).
Posted by Rod  on  Tue Mar 08, 2005  at  10:34 PM
:) Brilliant!
I can tell now that you are a person with a pretty good or a pretty bad I.Q. I totally agree with you, but I am still curious to know what you think about that doctor that told me Fibromyalgia is not a real disease. And what you may have said to him!

I have been doing lots of reading since our last exchange and I have been looking at my mother's "delusional" stuff that is coming out of her skin. I am going to be trying to start a web site over the next couple weeks and post our stories, and her pictures, and her "delusional" samples pictures. Anyway, the reading I've been doing is on Lyme disease. At this point, I am beginning to believe that maybe some of both of our points are right. I have found a doctor, scientist and researcher that has been studying Lyme disease for MANY years! He is world known for his research and his successful treatment of over 7,000 people chronically ill with Lyme. In the year 2000, he was finding new tick-bourne bacteria and was convinced he was finding parasites as well and that we would some day soon discover pathogens with Lyme disease. (Morgellons fits that bill exactly!) His research, as well as other's research has shown that there are over a dozen other bacteria that ticks can transmit to humans. Apparently his work was right on the money as the CDC has changed their views somewhat on Lyme also.
One thing is Babesiosis in ticks and that it CAN be passed in blood transfusions. There have been over 40 documented cases that people have contracted this Babesiosis through transfusions!
This is a very exciting time in Microbiology and Science as a whole! From his 13th to 14th Editions on Lyme, in 2000, and 2002 respectively, new discoveries have been made and some documented in humans, and some only working lab theory at the moment. However, my body, my mom's and my sister's could all prove him right on the money OUT of the lab and in human's as we all have these cysts that he says can be produced in lab settings by different bacterias carried by ticks. The funny thing is I don't remember a tick bite and neither does my sis, but my mom does! Immunodepressed patients have a high probability to "catch" these bacteria in some way. He has shown with his research that Lyme is ALWAYS present with these other tick-bourne illnesses and that Lyme is causing the comprimised immune system. His name is Joseph Burranscano from New York. I read that he and some of his fellow doctors may have had their liscense pulled because of their treatment options and that their peers were considering this to be "MEDICAL McCARTHYISM".
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  02:30 AM
Thousands of patients these doctors have helped are outragged! They are now free from the diseases that plagued their tortured bodies and have a life again.
I can't wait to have just a LIFE without pain and lethargy.
I had to go to the grocery today. I spent 2 hours shopping and about 30 minutes putting everything away when I got home. I was so bloody exhausted by then all I could do was sit. I needed to sleep and let my body re-boot, so to speak, but when you have a toddler, you CAN'T, and sometimes that's the hardest part...because I have to literally push myself when I feel like this to take every step I have to make. It's a nasty feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even with voodoo...hehehehe.

I don't care much about global warming and I am MOST definately NOT concerned about it. I know what I believe through my faith what the end of this earth is anyway.


I am glad to know you will be following Morgellons to IT'S diagnosis.

Could it be that what was known in the 17th century as Morgellons and what is beginning to come to light through the research of Lyme could be one in the same disease??? I believe it may be for some known and unknown facts.

I have been reading study and study, report after report, that most immue disorder illnesses may actually be Lyme disease or that Lyme is making their illnesses worse, and that Fibromyalgia may in fact be Lyme disease all together
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  02:58 AM
Ok, first, I would have just walked out on the doctor. That's what I did when he told me my migraines were not as bad as I claimed, and could not cause what I said was happening (namely, light bothered me so badly I couldn't watch tv or even read, but I could crank the stereo in the dark, and it didn't bother me a bit). This was definately NOT normal for migraines, from what he was taught (he was about 60, so he went to school when?).

I know there's a lot of proven research at the library about Fibro, because my ex suffers from it. I never said it in the last post, but I read every night before bed, sometimes for many hours. I will read just about anything if it's the only thing around that I have not read. I even TRIED to read "the book or mormon". Argh! Anyway, she had a collection of books about it. I ended up reading them all. Informative, definately.

I was so P.O.ed I wanted to hit him. So I went to the library (both Univ. and Public) and researched my symptoms, dug out the studies, etc. I told you about that part already.

As for the tick bites, they can attach, feed, and drop off without you even feeling it. Last spring at my brother's ranch EVERYBODY ended up with ticks... we counted 37 on the dog. My one neice had 3 on her head. The next day at school, she found one when she untucked her shirt; it had fed and dropped off. She had no idea it was there. And by the time they drop, they're so full of blood they're about 3/8 inch around. (Popping them with pliers is fun (think revenge on bug-kind) but pretty gross... lotsa blood!). We had to use pliers because they're damned near impossible to squish.

AUGH! And I spelled evaluated wrong!
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  03:07 AM
Fibromyalgia /Lyme disease? Ineresting. Bears looking into, at least.

As for life on other planets, who knows? I think there's a chance that it could happen. You never know. I have not seen enough from either side of that argument to really choose, but so far my uninformed bias is on the possibility, but not on the actual fact, that life exists elsewhere.

Gotta admit I've thought about it. I went through lots of sci-fi when I was in high school. I believe there's no chance UFO's are aliens, that they could all be explained by terrestrial phenomenon (not the least of which being humans), but there's just not enough to go on to prove this, and that opens the door for the alien theory.
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  03:17 AM
Of course I did kinda make the Lyme disease point with Victoria, but I'd forgotten about that until now.
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  03:31 AM
Saw my mom suffer with them for years! I used to help her roll over just to throw up!

Once she went to a doc here for a shot of whatever it was to relieve her headache. He told her to leave because she was only there because she was a drug addict. I wanted to deck him, but I was 12. I knew she was in big ass pain. Think I'll write that b?@#$^d a letter and tell him what I think about that now that I am old enough and I know I can.

I was so flabbergasted when I was told by that doctor that I didn't have Fibro. that I was speachless except for asking him if it wasn't Fibro what was it?????
Think I'll write him a letter too.

I used to read ALL THE TIME. It was all I ever wanted to do. Now, it seems as if it's not on the web, I don't read it. I am learning too much to go to a book today though.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  06:24 AM
I've downloaded I don't know how many online books from "The Gutenbeg Project". It's a great idea.
Download Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. Holy shit that guy was on drugs. Kid's story my ass.

Yeah, doctors who don't believe you suck. The doctor (yes, THE) where I live graduated Med School 49 years ago... Holy old-fashioned thinking, Batman! I'm from a place so small that if anyone has a serious accident, they're probably going to be dead before they get to a hospital. The nearest Emergency room is 45 miles down the road, the nearest city Emerg room is 120 miles.

I was joking with a guy when I was in the waiting room last time; I told him that I was there to get bled, and have the troll removed from my stomach. (Familiar with Theodoric of York?)
The nurse/slash receptionist was not pleased, because the doc is her dad.

Anyway, MORGELLANS. There, now I wasn't TOTALLY off topic. 🙄
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  08:34 AM
You're a med school grad??? Why didn't you say before!!!!!!

OK, now YOU don't like doctors who don't listen to you, so, you know how it feels.
If you had a patient come to you with the symptoms of an odd nature like this, what would you do??? Say to them???
Knowing how crappy it is when docs won't listen, would you??? Could you???

I'm going to check out that site.
:lol: Bled...haha...a troll...hahahahahahaha!!!
I'll probably use it on my hubby first. He's always asking me, "what do you have to go there for". I am always trying to come up with witty things to say to him.

I think that Shakespere was on drugs, BIG TIME.
And WHO wrote Mother Goose?

Theodoric of York...never heard of him.

49 years ago???????????????????????????

You talk a lot younger than that!!!

I looked at my mom's "delusions" again last night. Got good pictures of her nose and face. She has a odd swelling on the left side of her upper body, neck, face. Lyme? Saw these things she pulls out of her skin, lesions, nose and mouth. NO SCABS! She's got weirder things going on than scabs.

I am gonna try to get a web site up in the next couple weeks and will be posting pictures, etc. We are going to get a micro that takes good digis. I can't wait to get it up and going!

I've always said I'd rather have a snake in my house than a tick under my skin. I think that's the only thing on earth, besides tarantulas, that totally wig me out!


:exclaim: (PUN INTENDED)
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  05:27 PM
nononononoo, I was referring to when the doctor graduated. His M.D. Certificate says he graduated 49 years ago, I remember because I mentioned the 50 year thing to him.

Okay, as for Theodoric of York...
In the dark ages, people went to the barber, not the doctor. The barber did most of the work with leeches, and bleeding, and surgery and crap.
Anyway, Theodoric was a recurring character on Saturday Night Live, played by Steve Martin.
There were a few different ones, judge, etc. My favorite was Theodoric The Barber.
It starts with Steve (Theodoric) lecturing people about a woman's depression. He says something about "in the past" and "evil spirts", but then says "But nowdays we know it's caused by a dwarf or a small troll living in her stomach." (or maybe it was a small toad...).
Then Bill Murray gets pushed into the barber's and Steve says "What seems to be the problem?"
Bill goes into a long story about how he drank too much mead and darted in front of an oxcart, and lost his legs. Theodoric (Martin) says "What you need is a good bleeding." Murray says "But I'm bleeding already!"

The reply? "Hey, who's the barber here?"
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  05:47 PM
You'll find this amusing, J. Hairy just promoted me to doctor...

"Dr. Rod, what is your diagnosis?" "I'd say Jerks and Tools, Dr. Hairy... Do you concur?" "I do concur, Dr. Rod- Jerks and Tools". - From Internet UFO Hoax
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 09, 2005  at  08:14 PM
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Fri Mar 18, 2005  at  07:12 PM
NO. Is there anybody in THERE?
Posted by Rod  on  Fri Mar 18, 2005  at  08:05 PM
I wanted to let anyone know who reads this that I know firsthand that this condition is 100% real. I also would like anyone who is suffering from this condition to know that there is a cheap experimental treatment available that worked great for me. i am not part of a sales gimmick/team nor am I affiliated with anyone selling the product. I'm telling you this because there have been so many scams with this subject and I fell for many of them. This product works. That is, providing you have the same condition. --so if you have anything close to the strange skin condition where fibers emrge from skin and you feel invisible crawlies and the doctors cant help you, you may want to try this. It's $35. it is a powder. I"m not sure what is in it but they claim it is all organic. It cleared up my condition in only days and i had it very bad. I thought my life was over. The company offers a money back guarantee. I forget how to contact the company who has this stuff but you can contact me and I'll find it for you. I would be glad to help anyone who is suffering from thie condition. I hope this works for you. you may contact me at globalsoftware@
Posted by Helper  on  Tue Mar 29, 2005  at  03:09 PM

We'll definitely be getiing hold of you with THAT email address. "It's just $35 bucks! What have you got to lose?" Umm, about $35 bucks, you freak.

Anyway, I found this wbsite...
"Health experts tell KXAN that while Morgellons patients are not cured, their skin conditions almost always improve once they begin receiving treatment for lyme disease."

Which kinda goes with what I said about this just being lyme disease symptoms.

And I found this which was definitely not written by someone with delusions of any sort...

See, jaleenasmom? You didn't think I'd actually look in on this every once in a while, did you?
Posted by Rod  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  01:29 AM
My life's been crazy as of late, but I'm glad to see you're still there.
TO HELPER: I would like to get in touch, however someone removed your address.
If you could post the name of the powder and where I can get it, it would be helpful. My mom is getting to her wits end.
Rod, my mom's test came back 1st a negative, and now we know she's positive for lyme.
hmmmm...a "false" negative...isn't that a hoot?
Anyway, I am getting tested today, wish me luck.
Had to have a shot of cortisone in my wrist about 4 days ago. I have lost the use of my left wrist and hand for about 3 weeks now and the pain was more than I could bear anymore.
Seeing a Rhuematologist today. He's SUPPOSED to be the best in the USA.
I'm glad to see you're looking into to this with a more open mind, and I hope and pray that you are correct...that all it will take to cure this crap is to treat for Lyme.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  04:50 AM
I removed half their email, because it seemed like they were either spamming or had some kind of scam going on. I mean, they can't remember the name of the company, but if you email them they'll find it? And who but a spammer has 'globalsoftware' as their email username? Anyway, I think the second half of the email address was, if you really have to contact them.
Posted by The Curator  in  San Diego  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  08:27 AM
This is a reply that the CDC sent to me about MORGELLONS. Thought You might like to see what they have to say......

Subject: cpFW: Morgellons Disease
Date:Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:55:00 -0500
From:"CDC Public Inquiry" <[email protected]> Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
To:[email protected]

CDC has been aware of patients' concerns about a skin condition knows as Morgellons Disease for some time; to date no parasites or other agent have been identified as the source of disease.

Specimens received directly from patients are typically not appropriate for diagnostic purposes. CDC laboratories are available to examine clinical specimens received from physicians or health departments to try to clarify the cause of disease. CDC encourages people who think they have Morgellons disease to work with their physicians to seek appropriate diagnostic testing.


Public Inquiry
Posted by Paula  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  08:40 AM
You know...ROD...people with this condition do not listen to folks like you. You're the type of people who have caused this type of condition to be thought of as "imaginary"....or "delusional". this condition is very rare and very real. I know people who have lost their entire lives over this disease. I, for one have moved 3 times and left everything I owned behind. Can you imagin what it's like to buy al new clothes in hopes that you'll get rid of an invisible & unexplainable infestation only to find that it's still with you and now you have to buy new clothes? No ROD....$35 is like a penny when you have a condition like this! I've read some of your posts and I don't think anyone here takes you seriously anyway. You're obviously a person with many talents....talent just isn't one of them. I agree with "jaleenasmom" ....i think you are a moron to say what you did. You may have ruined an opportunity for someone to get their life back for a mere $35! Do you even know anybody with this skin condition? If not, how can you even comment on it by backing your info with a story of an 'iceage' that you read in an 80's issues of national geographic? seem to be a person who reads too much, too fast, while taking it all in by filtering it through your opinions and dismissing everything which you personally just don't believe in......That is not how you arrive at a factual finding----or "proof". UFO's? Ice-Age? Folks,There's a saying.....that goes: "Never argue with an idiot- people might not know the difference"

What do you really believe in Rod?
Posted by helper  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  09:15 AM
You're an idiot.
I'm not entirely sure how Rod is supposed to have 'ruined an opportunity'. Please explain.
Posted by Boo  on  Wed Mar 30, 2005  at  09:18 AM
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