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Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?
image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)
Categories: Health/Medicine, Psychology
Posted by Alex on Thu Feb 10, 2005
Comments (607)
More from the Hoax Museum Archives:

1.) If all of the problem starts with french spring water, how come this is not a rampant disease in France, and, indeed, not all of Europe?

2.) People with AIDS and cancer are the ones affected, according to the doctor. Do whole families have undiagnosed cases of AIDS or cancer?

3.) Doctors say you shouldn't stop drinking bottled water? Why is this, if that's where it's from?
Posted by Rod  on  Tue Apr 12, 2005  at  09:11 PM
The Morgellons website has been updated, check it out.
Posted by Paula  on  Wed Apr 13, 2005  at  05:46 AM
another good site on Morgellons
Posted by Paula  on  Wed Apr 13, 2005  at  05:51 AM
#1 - They are not sure why the French people are not being affected and are looking into it I believe. One theory is that their immunity might be built up and are not affected by it...and how sure are we that there are not some cases of Morgellons in France? I would like more research done in that regard.
#2 - The doctor was saying that people with AIDS and cancer have compromised immune systems and would be the most likely to contract a pathogenic illness. He was not excluding other reasons. There are entire families becoming ill from Morgellons that do not have AIDS or cancer, but many DO have Lyme Disease. I have a feeling the news broadcast perhaps edited out part of what he said.
#3 - The point the reporter was trying to make I think, is that if you have a healthy immune system, you need not be alarmed. (WELL - I THOUGHT I had a healthy immune system...until I got this!) I think they don't want to have widespread panic over drinking bottled waters, again...UNTIL MORE RESEARCH is done. (Hence, the need for donations to be made, so that the research CAN be done.) They could set themselves up for lawsuits I would think, if they are not sure the bottled waters in the US are not safe to drink as well. Keep in mind, Dr. Schwartz said (on the radiobroadcast made on 3/15/05 on RPN)he thought the bacteria may also be in community water supplies (which could explain the "pockets" of certain cities getting this.) (BUT HOW IN THE HELL DID I GET IT??????) I am STILL waiting for the analysis of my well water from the NC Dept. of Environmental Health - knowing their are two different bacteria there, but not knowing WHAT they are!
Hopefully, this answered some of your questions, although I am no authority on any of this. I am just wanting some answers as to how I got this and how to get rid of it!
Posted by Victoria Moore  on  Wed Apr 13, 2005  at  07:18 AM
Oops! I meant to say RBN (Republic Broadcasting Network) and the radio broadcast there is excellent. The link is:
SCROLL DOWN to March 15, 2005 show. You have to click on the 1hr (1st hour) and then 2hr (2nd hour) to hear both segments of the show.
Posted by Victoria Moore  on  Wed Apr 13, 2005  at  07:34 AM
Here's proof of this Not being dillusionary and shows how quickly its spreading. Ive had it 3 years and aquired it in a hotel in south san francisco and believe bed bugs were the vector. Now go to this site This is an exterminators web site question answer forum. go back in its archives to mid 2002 and scan all posts from then till the present and look for: whats biting me. small black biting bug. mystery bites. someone help please. fuzzy, fibers. etc etc etc.

I dont know of any clearer way to prove this is not a dillusion. to many people with the exact same story. its been spreading slowly but is really starting to pick up speed now. And if you still dont believe it... C'mon over here and give me a hug..
Posted by youWantProof  on  Sun Apr 17, 2005  at  06:21 AM
I went to doctors who said I was delusional. I learned to take care of myself. Vinegar rub downs help. Frequent bathing and washing of clothin helps. B2 Vitamine helps. MSM helps. Cilantro helps.

Cheese, Sugar, sweets, refined carbohydrates make it worse.

Hypothyroid makes it worse. Iodine makes it better, coconut oil makes it better.

There is none so deaf as those who will not hear.
Posted by jane mccloskey  on  Wed Apr 20, 2005  at  07:17 PM
I think many of us have had to take matters into our own hands to seek some sort of relief from the symptoms of this madness. However, I do hope that the research being done now will soon be able to enlighten the doctors who have dismissed these symptoms as delusional and begin to give their patients the proper treatments they deserve. I will keep you in my prayers and pray that you will get the chance to get treatment that will CURE this, not just give temporary relief! I selfishly want that for myself as well.
Posted by Victoria Moore  on  Wed Apr 20, 2005  at  08:47 PM
:coolgrin: ...Honey...I'm home!

Hellooooooo ROD!!! and everyone else.

1.) If all of the problem starts with french spring water, how come this is not a rampant

disease in France, and, indeed, not all of Europe?

First and foremost, I don't think everyone in Europe, France, has their immuno-system

repressed from some illness.
Even though it's not in a "paper" in the AMA yet, it is a proven fact that people who have

Morgellons Disease are immuno-compromised and yes, there is emperical proof from

research about this, but like I said, no paper yet. For example, cancer, AIDS, Lyme

Disease, Erchilosis, Babesiosis, however, there is no answer as to WHY AND HOW it

is only attacking these people.
I don't believe saying it is in "spring water" from France is exactly accurate.
It is in 1/3 of the bottled waters imported from France, not neccesarily "spring water". 😛

2.) People with AIDS and cancer are the ones affected, according to the doctor. Do

whole families have undiagnosed cases of AIDS or cancer?

:blank: Let's be sensible...of course entire families are not undiagnosed with AIDS or Cancer,

however, entire families ARE being diagnosed with CHRONIC LYME DISEASE. This is

a condition in which a person has had Lyme disease over a period of years.
Did you know new research EMPERICALLY proves that Lyme disease can be

transmitted sexually??? Go in search for the truth...look up syhpillis and sphirochetes.:blank:
I have personally spoken with an entire family who has had this happen to them...only

ONE had Morgellons. Why??? Nobody knows...any thoughts???

3.) Doctors say you shouldn't stop drinking bottled water? Why is this, if that's where

it's from?

I TOTALLY agree with you on this one!!! Stop drinking it and now!!! My mom has

drank ONLY bottled water for about 3 years now, thinking that it would "be better for

her". Wow! This is the only source, and I mean ONLY source, that we and her doctor,

who is now a Morgellon's believer by the way, can come up. No other source, so far,

has given rise to believe otherwise. Any thoughts??? We have worn out our "thinkers"

on this subject of her Morgellons Disease. How else could she have become


And boy, oh, boy!!! She was sent back to the same derm for a third time last week.

That's 3 trips in 2 weeks and man, is her doc getting P.O.'d! She (the doc) doesn't

understand why in this world this man (the derm) keeps telling my mother that the only

thing wrong with her is Rosciesa (don't know if I spelled that right)! She has HOLES in

her face, neck, chest, AND arms for crying out loud! Now her doc is really P.O.'d!
(Keep in mind that my mother is also a diabetic type 2 and has high blood pressure

which she takes 3 meds to control.)
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  01:06 PM
e prescribed her RISPERDAL - "Common Uses: This medicine is an antipsychotic

agent used to treat emotional and mood disorders. Inform your doctor of any other

medical conditions including heart disease (heart failure, history of heart attacks or

ischemia, conduction problems), diabetes, strokes (cerebrovascular disease),

dehydration (too little body water), seizures, dementia, swallowing problems, allergies,

pregnancy, or breast-feeding. THIS MEDICINE MAY INCREASE YOUR RISK OF


sometimes severe. Caution is advised when using this medicine in the elderly because

they may be more sensitive to the effects of this medicine."
Knowing she has these 2 conditions, and unwilling to put specimins on a slide, he gave

her this medication. :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:

:blank: :blank:
I was out of town.
She called her sister the evening of the doctor visit to ask her to look this med up

because she was having all sorts of side effects.
She gave her the above info and my mom immediately called her pharmacist who told

her that the doctor (this brilliant...NOT...dermatologist), told him NOT to tell her what it

was for! Uhhhhhh...can we say malpractice 3 times fast?!
So she calls this dude and started giving him a raking because he KNOWS her

medical conditions, as well as all the meds she takes and he still gave this junk to her.

Can you believe at that point he started BEGGING her to take the medication???????
She told him all the crazy side-effects she was having and he told her to "take it,

please! Please, just take it!" She asked him if HE was nuts?

He said, and this is REALLY interesting, actually THE BEST PART OF THIS WHOLE


"This medication is what I give everybody who comes to me bringing me stuff like this

with these symptoms."
:blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:


What a shock to my mother's ears, huh? Everybody??? How many is Everybody???
2, 4, 10, 20, 100???? He is the only derm within an 80 mile radius of where we live.
Ah! You say he may have been making that up just to get her to take the medicine?
Oh, contrare, monfreir! I have a cousin who works in another county who says they

send patients to him with symptoms like that too. She said they send him SEVERAL.

Well, at least he admits it is not Rosceicia (?) anymore. Now the cat is out of the

proverbial bag and he can't put it back in! So, my mom proceeds to jump at this

chance and tell this @#^&*>)$@, that I have contacted a major television station in

another state, but close to us, she actually told him which one...I don't tell that info here.

Someone may wind up dead...
And that they are going to do a story just as soon as they get their May sweeps done,

which shouldn't be long.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  01:11 PM
He says, "Surely you're not going to go on t.v. about this!" She said yes, she was, and

she was going to tell them how doctors have been treating people with Morgellons


At this point her phone went dead and he DID NOT call her back. She didn't call back

either...she'd had most of her say.
Now, I get mine with him.
My mom is 65. She is a spunky old gal. People mistake her for "a little old woman".

They get the shock of their lives when they try to pull something on her!
She is smart and extremely quick witted and sharp minded.
He's floating up Crap Creek. :gulp:
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  01:12 PM
Sorry, it's "spirochaete" (spiral-shaped bacteria) 😊
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  08:18 PM
:lol: HUGS for everyone, youwantproof!!!
Hugs for all these docs who are in fear. Where is the hypocratic oath? Gone, I should say. None would dare investigate, none will admit what we know, yet none will EVER hug you.

If not, why not?

I have been in contact this afternoon with my internist. He wants ME to come see HIM. I must have gotten his attention with whatever I told my nurse. However, he is a brilliant, open-minded physician, who takes time and does his study.
He believes God (sorry Rod, I know you won't believe THIS) had called for him to be a doctor at the age of 13. He is now 47. He came here after years of practice from Memphis Tennessee. If you're from these parts you know that Memphis is notorious for producing excellent doctors. He came here because he knew that we don't have any really good physicians.

You have to put your name on a waiting list to get to see him. I was on that list for 2 years!!!

So, I have an appointment with him to discuss new information about Lyme, Erchilosis, Babesiosis, and Morgellons.

A microbiology professor at a local university is EXCITED about what they are seeing! I told him the folks that have Morgellons aren't too excited, but I hoped it moved him to action. It has...more to come.

I wish I could contact Dr. Joseph Burasscano. I've scoured the net looking for how to contact him and the only way I can figure to do so is to start contacting web sites that feature his name. Anyone know how to get him???
I am willing to fly to NY at this moment to become a patient if he'll have me. I wonder how many others that are aware of his work would do the same?

Bad, painful day...
Nite raoul
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  10:11 PM
Good night, Jmo
Posted by Raoul  on  Thu Apr 21, 2005  at  10:49 PM
I haven't been here for awhile now and can't believe that some (that's you included, Rod) are still "playing" with everyone who is so deathly sick. You are having fun at our expense and truth be told, you might already be infected and not even know it yet. What goes around comes around, and often in spades.

A test was done in several motels and hotels across the country, some very high-class expensive ones, and all of them had these fibers on their supposedly clean sheets as well as other areas of the rooms. This was not done by a medical professional, as they surely could not be bothered with trying to figure this out, so it won't be published in any "Peer Reviewed" journals. But it's 100% accurate, nonetheless, and I hope you never spend the night in one of these places while your immune system is down.

More doctors and scientists know about this than are admitting and I daresay if we come to this forum two years from now, the discussions won't be about whether it exists or not. Instead, the posts will be from people begging for help!

BTW, Lymebusters is not a name for a disease, it's a place for people who suffer from Lyme and/or Morgellons, and the numbers are growing daily. The people who started it are totally dedicated to helping others. As for Morgellons, it was started by a Biologist whose son was suffering from the disease. The name is not important; through years of intensive research, Morgellons was found to be the only disease resembling what we suffer today so that is what it's called. And yes, there are many dedicated and brave doctors affiliated with Morgellons who will not stop until our suffering has ended.

I could care less whether anyone believes me or not, time will prove to be a downfall to all the skeptics, who will probably be suffering while we all are finally cured and getting on with our lives.

It will be pure heaven to see all those tables turned.
Posted by Lymebuster  on  Fri Apr 22, 2005  at  08:31 AM
jaleenasmom::: Im sorry, I know you have this, but you are not helping. you appear obsessed and a bit nuts. rambling like you do will only delay any serious inquiry about this disorder, please relax, and understand this.
Posted by annoyed  on  Tue Apr 26, 2005  at  02:37 AM
Dear annoyed,
I am obsessed. I appear obsessed. What do YOU think I am obsessed with??? 😕

I think that I am obsessed with, or should I say "blessed with", ignorant, not stupid, dr.s who want to put my mom on a schizo drug because he thinks that she is just making these symptoms happen to her because she is delusionary of parasitosis. I am obsessed with the fact that Dr.s need to be made aware of what is going on with this disease, as well as Lyme and associated tick-bourne illnesses. I have an appointment with the top two dr.s in our county. One is an internest and the other a G.P. Funny, they are quite interested in what I have found and want further information from me.

If I appear nuts to you, you won't be the first. I've had one dr. tell me I needed a psyhciatrist because I couldn't pee. He couldn't find anything wrong with me, and he informed me that he doesn't believe in Fibromyalgia Syndrome so I must be crazy, huh? As in an earlier post, I stated I saw my Gyn two days later who had to dialate my urethra because it was almost completely closed.
But it was all in my head.
Does that sound familiar to anyone out there with Morgellons? Ask the people who have posted here saying they have Morgellons to reveal how they've been treated by their physicians.

As far as "delaying serious inquiry", in your opinion, it may seem so to you. However, I am a supplier of information to three dr.s and one t.v. station where I live. Why do they not see me as "rambling"? Because they see my passion and my commitment to the cause of getting people informed about what is going on. Because they see me wanting to seek out and reach out to others who have these diseases so they will know they are NOT NUTS!

My "ramblings" are points I make and my opinion. I am entitled to those, as you are yours.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Tue Apr 26, 2005  at  05:23 PM
Oh, and I guess some of my "ramblings" are directed to Rod, not you, therefore you will not be able to understand some of what I speak of. Some to Raoul, my eternal one. 😉
Come walk in my world, annoyed, and see why I am on this board. There are those who need to speak and those who need someone to listen. I am both.

Hi Rod! Where you been???
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Tue Apr 26, 2005  at  06:49 PM
you're not fooling me with that tooth filling story. I read that book as a kid, too.
Posted by john  on  Thu May 05, 2005  at  06:06 PM
I, Raoul, also read that book when I was Little Raoul. This Hairy is very crazy, this I know, but I learned the better English from him, and now that I am with the Llamas all the day, my English is not so good. It is true that we are on tour, but the Llamas have all the interviews, and I am the beefcake, and talk not too much. Don't get me started. Rrrraoul
Posted by Raoul  on  Thu May 05, 2005  at  06:40 PM
RAOUL, you should write a book...
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Fri May 06, 2005  at  04:29 AM
I have beaten this as I beaten EBV/CFS and Cancer.

I is all diet, I want share it with you. Once I committed myself to this, I shed off the mites, parasites and mange from my skin and surroundings,,,,I have helped a few people out there,,,you have to stay on the diet, which will not hurt you,,,,no pomegranite juice needed here.
Posted by Tampa Paul  on  Wed May 11, 2005  at  09:36 PM
I have had Morgellons for 15+ years. I was on treatment a few years back for 3 Tick-born Diseases. I now test Negative for them, however still sick. Morgellons survived the 1 and 1/2 years of combinations of 5 Anti-biotic Treatment.
For the past month I have been treated for Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection. First 3 weeks I had extreme Headaches, Medium to High Fevers, etc., on a daily basis, which shows that there is a Bacterial Infection. I have 2 more months to go, about a week ago my Fever broke, and my headaches for the most part disipated.

I am slowly getting better. There are some vivid photos at
It is my Websight, however there is a great error that I need to fix,....
Where I called certain Cysts, (Lyme Borrelia Cysts) as they tested Negative for this.

I believe they are a form of how the Fibers grow in segmented links, compacted and hard until they burst open, the Cysts were from the Digestive Tract, and all other samples came from my skin,
Also, I found a glass bead in the bathroom once, that had the same Fibers growing on it, Wherever there has been Moisture,......
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is known to grow on plastics, glass, etc.
Posted by Greg Vigil  on  Mon Jun 06, 2005  at  10:21 AM
hey i had this Morgellon's diseae. So iknow it's real. Actually, i think there's a condition around that mimicks morgellons but isn't quite exactly the real thing. It also mimicks many ot her skin diseases/conditions. I lived with thi terrible condition for 1.5 yrs and got rid of it using a chemical skin powder that knocked it out. To anyone with the condition that may want help, you can look up the latest research or email me and I 'll send you the list of research, products that cure it, and other stories from other people. I documented the whole ordeal and saved info and when it was completed I passed it onto others who suffered from it as well.
Take care,
Jay- .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by Jay  on  Fri Jun 17, 2005  at  09:55 PM
Hi all,
I think that when unwell people take the time and trouble to discuss this awful disease we should applaud, not censure, their undoubted bravery.
From my research, it would seem that there may sometimes be a link between Morgellon's and a concomitant bacterial infection, as well as a link with certain parasites invading the body.
I most certainly do not think that people who are exhibiting the clinical features suggestive of Morgellon's are suffering from Delusional Parasitosis.
That is not to say that such a psychosis does not exist. Of course it does, but common decency should tell us that we should not be using this term pejoratively, because those who suffer from this are very ill.
What is society coming to, when the sick cannot expect either to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment, or even much in the way of kindness and support from their fellow human beings?
Posted by Mo  on  Fri Jul 08, 2005  at  05:49 AM
I don't know who you are and that does not matter.I just want to thank you for your compassionate message here and you have stated the exact message I have wanted to convey but could not find the right words.
I am one of the sufferers of Morgellons and have gone through hell, but possibly not as much as others here have gone through.
I found an understanding infectious disease specialist, as well as friends who have helped me find alternative, agressive, natural treatment that is finally getting me well. It has been a wild ride and I want everyone who has suffered with disease to have dignity restored, proper diagnosis made available and treatments made available to get rid of this stuff readily available. We have "cracked the surface" in getting there, but we need more people with a voice like yours to help speed things along. Thank you, from the bottom of heart.
PS - To those out there who have been critical and judgemental - I am NOT delusional and I have returned to work in a very well respected position!
Posted by Victoria Moore  on  Fri Jul 08, 2005  at  07:42 AM
Folks suffering from Morgellon's or related conditions: I"d like you to give this product a try. It's cheap and i"ve heard so many positive testimonies regarding it's use. It's not a cure but it DOES stope the itching and crawling sensations almost instantly. I'm not going to blatantly post a "spamlike" url for all to critique but those serious in relief may contact me and I'll be glad to steer you in the right direction. I used this product myself and can say firsthand that it definitely stops the itchiness & craly things almost instantly. After a few days it will not come back. Now please hear what I said because I did not say it was a cure- It will alleviate some of your symptome. Drop me a line if you'd like to talk more about thihs because I truly know what you'r going thru. I had it soooooo bad a few years ago and honestly thought I was going to die.
Good Luck! .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by Jay  on  Fri Jul 08, 2005  at  09:40 PM
My website has pictures, including a video, of my "delusions." These are currently being studied, btw, by entomologists at the Unviersity of Georgia, who have suggested that my delusions may be (caused by) a flagellate protozoa.
Posted by Ever Hopeful  on  Tue Jul 12, 2005  at  05:49 AM
Hey "EverHopeful"!
I'm looking at your website now and you're funny as hell! HA!!! I love the delusions. They look EXACTLY like the delusions that I had!!!!!!!!
You know what? I think we've been mass hypnotized!
Drop me a line sometime at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by Jay  on  Tue Jul 12, 2005  at  09:36 PM
I had Morgellons until My children and I went and were treated by Dr. George Schwartz. He saved our lives. The medical community just passed us off to to others to be looked at. And a warning to all this bacteria Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia comes from bottled water and in my familys case it all makes sense. I was trying to be a good mother and my children and I were going to quit drinking soda and so I started buying bottled water and thats when the nightmare began. It all sounds crazy and in fact it makes a person crazy. Thank god for Dr. Schwartz who is the one and only in his perfession that takes the time to listen to his patients and actually does a culture to figure out the problem.
Posted by Kim  on  Sat Jul 23, 2005  at  12:34 AM
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