Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the
Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have
The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book,
The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.
Many posts here will soon be deleted, so someone please make a mirror of the thread.
Many posts here will soon be deleted, so someone please make a mirror of the thread.
Hey Man,
So that's how this thread comes to an end?
So they were not bluffing all along?
The Vampires did win?
what happened?
I can't believe the plastic fangers are taking this thread down!
A storm is coming. A harvest.
What should I say? Long time listener; first time caller. Nice to see these unoriginal and uninspired bastards called on their cultiness. Truly an affront to all industrious occultists.
A big thanks to Private, Lu Yang, and the rest of the whistleblowers on here for ruffling the feathers of the ToV flock long enough for a guy like me to find this site. Let's get a mirror up asap before these cowards take their damning words with them..
Anyway, below is a comment I had intended to post on Mr. Styles' blogspot, but since I doubt it will ever be approved there, I figured I'd reproduce it here:
Hilarious! I've been reading the museumofhoaxes blog you're obviously referring to & while I agree the attack on your new son(congrats btw) was over-the-top, isn't that the type of behavior expected from a former cult member towards current cult members? It's also pretty funny that you're to blame for fanning the flames to that blog by arrogantly chiming in. I personally hope that site leads to a much broader condemnation of your Temple's cult-like practices(e.g. guided imagery, hyperventilation, etc) as I currently have friends still dilluding themselves in this mess. Anyway the ToV seems to be big fans of whitley strieber's nonfiction works. I don't know, the guy's always come across as a bit of an effeminate liar. see you on the MoH boards, I'll be sharing my insights on there imminently. I've heard they've got a gag order on all you Vamps, but surely an Adept like you does what it pleases.
On a side note: you look like the type of guy whose teeth get kicked in easily.. even if not frequently enough
And despite the smug comment from Styles, the attention wasn't entirely welcome. Especially after people with inside knowledge started to comment as well.
It is ironic, that in the aforementioned blog Styles writes:
"Richie is, amongst other things, what I call
You used 4,000 words to convey something you could have said in 400. Silly, arrogant Styles...typical!
First of all, my choice of screen names on various Internet sites have no relation to my wife's name, and neither is my name a male counterpart of hers. Also, I did not use a picture of my own wife as an avatar anywhere. This is plainly a lie. Tut, tut, Styles...
Secondly, you mention that the ToV is merely a "transhumanist" (whatever the fuck that means) organisation and that it is "international" and "well established"(!). However, you fail to mention some of the outlandish claims you guys make. "Magic", for example: remember the time we were walking around Manchester and you told me you had made a building either move or disappear, by using your "vampire magic"? Or how after we did "communion" together and I reported what I supposedly experienced in your darkened room, you quickly acknowledged that I had verified the "undead" and that they were very real? Please, Styles. Tell us all about it.
And then you go onto saying that I am a "...a bitter failure of a man..." - well, Mr Styles, I may be so by your standards, but by mine, I am a success. I have everything I could ever want (a most dedicated and loving wife), I live in a cool city (unlike your grim, shitty Manchester), and have a cool job. I may not be wealthy, but that's because I am not too ambitious and have simple goals in life. I am fine this way.
And then you do your thing and arrogantly (typical Styles) claim that you cannot take Richie and I to court, as we have no assets. Shut the fuck up, Styles, and think before you come up with this stupid shit.
And if you have a problem with what I've said, why don't you solve the problem like men do - a fist fight, face to face, rather than getting litigious like most of the faggots who populate this planet. You, being one of them.
And one thing I will never forgive you, and for which, I am sure, one day you'll get punched in the face. In the CoS members meet-up in Cambridge, where I last saw you, you insulted me and my wife's intelligence in front of everybody. We may not be as street-smart and savvy in outlandish and weird subjects as you and your friends are, but we are at least normal, good people who love our lives.
Much love,
PS. Fuck you.
You can tell he's completely brainwashed by George C Smith's Cult - he thinks he is being rational and explaining his actions well!
But he might as well as just jumped off a cliff in regard to being general manager of a cryonics company. He will never be taken seriously by his "customers" who know this about him - how can they trust a self confessed vampire and satanist with there or their loved ones remains?
"here comes a candle to light you to bed
here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
I heard vampire feet are delicious. Is that true, Styles? By now you must have tasted your own pretty thoroughly.
If the ToV was just a harmless wacky little religion, I'd be like "hey guys, lets lay off a bit," but it is harmful, in many ways.
Good job Gabriel! You are an inspiration. I can just see the OoP's forums raging with indignation. lol
So, um, yeah.
Hell, I'm glad I realised it before it was too late and my former delusions of grandeur took over my life.
And Mr Styles - no, I am not stalking you, as you claim. I simply focus on you because you are vile and I detest you the most. I have to admit there were a few decent people in the ToV with whom I still maintain a friendship. But you...well, your hubris and delusions of grandeur is what made you my target, faggot.
That is a dumb move with long term consequences that may not seem so at first to many enthusiastic twenty something year olds involved in occult groups. I am sure his older peers suggested he not do this, unless they have no interest in this young mans future.
Mr.Styles,you may think this is a gutsy move on your part, but it only demonstrates the smallness size of the pond you swim in.
Remove the vampire colored glasses and ponder on your future young man. There is still time to change course.
-- Death In June #1 Fan ----
So vampires and their fantasy heroes win?
valeria sythwind, if you are out there, I challenge you to respond. You are a brainwashed occultizoid nincompoop.
I will, however, keep a mirror of the whole comment thread up to this point.
I guess their power doesn't extend past messages and free lunches.
In the meantime, I noticed something on those Lifeforce message board threads:
"I have additionally spoken with Ben Best regarding the situation, operating on the assumption that if ******* is contacting everyone and their cat about this, it will also reach CI's ears. As, up until this point, Ben was the only person remotely suspicious of me, when the rumour reached him it would answer a lot of questions he had, so it was better if he had the facts from me first.
I should mention that I did get permission from Nemo who in turn got permission from Senior Management regarding this.
I filled Ben in on the past couple of decades of secrets that he has missed, and brainstormed with him regarding fixes for this situation.
He took it very well and reacted very reasonably, by the way.
He shares my suspicion that Andy Zawacki will not take it at all well or react very reasonably.
He will endeavour to intercept the CI email, which he checks while Andy is away (as he currently is for a few days), in the hopes of deleting anything from ******* before Andy sees it. It is understood however that Andy might still read it first on his Blackberry."
Does Andy Zawacki know that his mail is getting intercepted, possibly deleted?
But what Sand just posted demonstrates an irrefutable link between the higher echelons of the ToV and the cryonics business.
A small part of me still hopes I am wrong about the ToV and someone from there will post something here refuting all of this but that seems impossible.
I still think what is represented of the ToV in their literature is worth exploring but not within the cryonics focused org. known as the Temple of the Vampire.
I will look elsewhere for my initiatory needs.
I'm going to move forward and enjoy my life without worrying about the temple.
Thanks to everyone who posted, you've helped me heal and I am forever in your debt. To the temple, you don't have an enemy with me, I'm done with all of that.
Thank you.
I recommend reading that and the other compilation thoroughly, as it shows exactly how twisted and deluded the members of the ToV are.
I also recommend making a copy in case their little sanitation squad decides to bully site owners to do their bidding. Nemo's old psychic consultation scam is already blocked:
I already have a text harvest of this place, by the way. I recommend everyone interested do the same.
The dynamism of the internet may seem to work in their favour, but it also makes it hard to prove a communication didn't take place. In 1... 5... 20 years this exchange of information may resurface, further proving the manipulative ways of the temple of the vampire as well as their unsavory nature.
It has been a pleasure. I mean that on every level. 😉
I do recognize all of the names that are mentioned in this posting from my past experience on the messageboard.
I also think it is funny how people call the criticisms against the ToV "childish" as a way to shame criticisms against the ToV into silence.
Off topic, I have noticed that with today's overly obsessive political correctness that calling other's childish for being obscene is a tactic to try and shame people from being "offensive". What is even more funny is that people fall for this BULLSHIT, including some Satanists.
They also take this political correctness a step further by calling people "childish" for adopting the goth look. It seems that calling those who are considered "freaks" in society "childish" will convert them to being normal and non-offensive.
Opps! I am being "childish". Lol! 😉
Please stop referring to me as "Gabe" - unless you know me. My name is Gabriel, and few people (only friends) call me Gabe.
WTF do you think you are doing disrespecting Lu Yang like that?
what gives you the right?
Have you been doing Communion with the Undead Gods again or something?
Respond to us, you are all losers and fakers.
You ignored your precious Oath before you can do it again. Hidden Heroes come back and face us!
I piss on the undead gods.
I piss on communion.
I piss on the dragon.
And for some search engines to find this thread( git us some hits) before it's too late, I send a hey y'all wuz up to all George Noory Coast to Coast AM, Richard Dawkins, Thelema, Marilyn Manson, Charles Manson, Bauhaus, Peter Murphy, Type O Negative, Black Sabbath, and Scientology fans out there!
C'mon and dig in while the cookin' still good!
I've gotta go. I'm gonna take some Life Force from my partner while watching Kenneth Anger's LUCIFER RISING.....
"I am a Vampire. I worship my ego and I worship my life, for I am the only God that is. I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honor my animal instincts. I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason. I recognize the difference between the world of truth and fantasy. I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest law. I acknowledge the Powers of Darkness to be hidden natural laws through which I work my magic. I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real, and I respect and acknowledge the results of my magic. I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell, and I view death as the destroyer of life. Therefore I will make the most of life here and now. I am a Vampire. Bow down before me.
Today's vampire exists in a double reality. What is termed the Daytime self is a material skeptic who laughs at superstition. The Nightside self practices magical and ritual acts. Through the techniques taught by the Temple, the vampire learns to move in the world of magical fantasy and there begins to realize the traditional powers of the vampire (from shapeshifting to hypnotic power to physical immortality). The strengthening of the Nightside self, in which the individual's will is connected with the cosmic Powers of Darkness, leads to changes in the Dayside world in conformity to the Nightside realities. Vampiric rituals allow contact with the Undead Gods and lead to the sacred act of Vampiric communion.
Membership in the temple is international and is organized in several levels. The Lifetime Member is one who has made a first step in contact and made a material donation to the temple. After making application and being accepted, the Lifetime Member becomes an Active Member. After some degree of results in development of one's vampiric powers, advancement to the level of Vampire Predator and entrance into the Second Circle of the Outer Temple is acknowledged. Further advancement may lead to becoming a Vampire Priest/ess. The priesthood has access to the innermost levels of temple knowledge-the hidden teachings. "
I dont think so....
Would you be a dear and post some more threads from Lifeforce on your website?
If you were to post threads concerning the Nightside beliefs of the Temple as seen through the eyes of the OoP, I think it would have an even greater effect on people than the cryonics connection.
How do they really talk about the undead gods, flying the dragon, and all the rest?
This is all hodge-podge, taken from here, re-worded from there.
The entire Dayside/Nightside program is built around one mans obsession with dying.
Misery loves company, and the gullable.
I will admit Nemo has made some real-life accomplishments that may merit him his level of success in the Cos, yeah he's an intelligent animal.....but it's all for show.
He will argue that Satanists' should embrace the possibility of Immortality through Cryonics, for life is held sacred by Satanists.
Cryonics is not yet a reality and is not worth committing any portion of one's valuable to. We know that today there are only two things, life and death, death being the end of our indulgent lives.
To obsess to the point in which you lead people astray, down a dead-end path is not Satanic.
I believe that you are a sheep in wolves clothing, I believe you talk-the-talk but are afraid to walk-the-walk.
Where would you be without your support system, your pack, the ones blinded by your title and your way with words.
Pretender to the Throne
"Lord of the Flies"
I am still waiting for you to reply to my posts here. Either on your blog or here.
If not, I'll have to force myself to contact you through "communion". Yes, man, let's connect(!)
Got any more stupid shit to say, faggot?
Your un-friend,
Sure. I'll ask my insider friend to dig around a bit more. I'm sure to find some nice treasures.
Might take some time though. As Nemo and his cronies are aware that I have access to their super duper secret forums, the security might have been tightened a bit.
Your friend,
Where did you hear/read that?
It amuses me to think of Nemo walking around with a Bodyguard!
Like anyone would hit a cripple even if he is a twisted old man who has messed with heads.
So much for being a Martial Arts expert.....
these let everyone see how they really think.
it be cool if there were a thread on communion and them talking about how the undead gods are real.
that would make them look nuttier and uber unSatanic!
I read your post on the London Futurists and am grateful for all the information you have provided.
I had done a personal investigation of the ToV, although never a member.
I was under the impression that the "Undead Gods" just referred to Nemo and the ToV admin.
You are stating that they actually believe that the "Undead Gods" are spirits or something supernatural?
Please elaborate,
what exactly are the "Undead Gods"?
The "undead gods" are...wait for it...
Ain't no such thing son.
The news is spreading like wildfire.
Thanks, I am aware there are no such things as the "undead gods."
I am however curious as to what the term actually represents to the pretend vampires.
I thought "undead gods" simply referred to the living flesh and blood leaders of the group.
But now it seems they really believe the "undead gods" are spirits or something of that nature.
I'd like someone in the know to clarify that.
Thank you.
According to the Temple's literature the "undead gods" are advanced Temple members who have mastered the so-called "out of body experience" and have risen (they are sometimes referred to as "Those Who Have Risen") above the need to have a physical body. The Temple claims that these "undead" can leap from one body to another volutarily and can be summoned in the ritual of "communion" that is outlined in the "vampire bible".
It is also claimed that some of the more ancient "undead gods" are the true rulers of the world, behind the scenes and that they are also the gods of world religions, who, according to the books, once ruled the world openly, but had to hide after there was some sort of upheaval many generations ago.
In the doctrine of the "apocalypse" or "final harvest" (which can both be taken as a metaphor for a technological singularity and literally as an upcoming apocalypse), it is claimed that the "undead" will one day return to rule the world openly, that the vampires will have a privileged place among their ranks, and that there will be a great culling of humans as they worship the "undead" and give up their "lifeforce" energy up to them.
Also, the "undead" are said to have supernatural powers such as flight, shapeshifting, among others.
In a literal sense, yes, the Smith family (George, Michael and Ruth) are the real "undead", as they receive all of the money (lifeforce) paid by members (sacrifices).
It is worth noting that some temple members who were acquaintances of mine also claimed to be able to leap from one body to another. David Styles was one such member. Surely they were either lying or were hallucinating. Either way, I am sure they believed what they were saying.
I hope this is a good answer, Nathan.
He has a local armed military? ex-military member that is their (The Smiths) "bodyguard" escort or whatever at events, day to day stuff sometimes.
And how did you find that out?
Nemo is not the only one - check out
It is a Lovecraftian take on the Magic of Agreement; in this case the "Vampiric Communion" as a method of gaining agreement is called "Sumbel".
As for the reality of the Undead Gods?
"When the Temple teaches that there is not just one single objective universe, we mean it.
When the Temple teaches that all experience is real, we mean it.
But what does this imply?
First, it means that there is not now nor can there ever exist only one history of this world (nor any other).
Second, it means that you have the potential to skip from world to world, thereby entering a universe in which the history itself is different.
Third, it means that if you consciously skip world, you can consciously choose the one that has the kind of future you prefer." -- "The Truth About Magic" (essay published in "Bloodlines")
So, yeah, George&Co;. admit that there are no Undead Gods - unless they change the current paradigms.
Question is: in this view of reality is there even such a thing as creation? Is effecting a change merely a shift from one dream to another?
And if all the possibilities (dreams) must already be there in the first place and the dreamer (sorcerer) is their origin - shouldn't we be talking about the act of recalling an experience?
Just my musings... this cryonics thing going on is too dry...
Now, Nemo claims that "all experience is real" - and by his definition of what "real" means, he implies that psychotic hallucinations are also real. His talk about "undead" gods and all that bullshit is nothing but psycho-babble and judging by his metaphysics system, he believes them to be very real entities that anybody with the right, erm, books and jewellery can experience.
This man belongs in a mental asylum.
"Just my musings... this cryonics thing going on is too dry..."
But the cryonics thing is the whole point of the matter...when it comes to the ToV.
If the Temple where simply exploring agreements, dreams, and magic as you are discussing above, I would have no issue with it. I am also interested in reality, magic and such matters. In fact, most people are at least curious about OBE, dreams, and the like.
Most who join the Temple do so because they want to examine topics of the occult more closely.
The problem is.....
Cryonics is not even overtly mentioned in the vampire bibles and is pushed upon the members as something that they MUST FIND AGREEMENT with in order to proceed to the Higher Teachings.
I know of no other organization that pulls such a diabolical 'bait and switch' on its members.
So yes, Nemo IS the only one.
If Temple would do away with the cryonics requirement for the Third Circle, it would find that some of its outspoken critcs( some of which are still active subscribes) will be quiet.
To those interested in exploring magic and immortality, do not join the Temple of the Vampire.
If you do join, you will be barred from the higher teachings unless you purchase a cryonics contract. You are not told this until you are a member. If they let potential members know this upfront, new members would be few and far between.
If potential members learn the truth, they would not join. So the org hides the truth from the 'uninitiated.'
Scientology has Xenu.
the Temple of the Vampire has Cryonics.
'Scientology has Xenu.
The Temple of the Vampire has Cryonics.'
Should make a nice bumper sticker! 😊
"Many members do not make enough effort to ensure Dayside immortality. In our grade questionarre they complain that cryonics is too expensive and unreliable. What they fail to realize is that the Temple does not endorse cryonics, all you need is a simple, inexpensive kit to archive your DNA."
*snickers* of course, now that they are selling bridges in Brooklyn such posts, as well as many others, have been deleted.
"Little lord Fauntleroy sat on a throne, little lord Fauntleroy died there alone", eh, Nemo?