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Paul Harvey Riddle
Gary C. sent me this riddle which has been doing the rounds on email for quite a while, though I had never seen it before. As Gary pointed out, the interesting thing about this is not whether it really is a Paul Harvey riddle (I have no clue), or even the riddle itself. It's the claim that 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer while 83% of Stanford graduates were unable to. Instead of trying to track down whether or not a group of Stanford graduates ever has been tested with this riddle, I thought I'd do the next best thing. Take an unscientific poll of Museum of Hoaxes readers to see how many of you are able to figure out the answer right away vs. aren't able to. That'll give a rough approximation of the percentage of (presumably over-kindergarten age) people able to solve the riddle, assuming people answer the poll honestly.

I have to admit that I couldn't get the answer. I finally gave up and googled for the answer.

If you've seen the riddle before and already know the answer, then base your response to the poll on the first time you ever saw the riddle. Did you figure out the answer immediately? If you were in kindergarten when you first were given the riddle, then don't respond to the poll.

I put the answer in a link below for those people, like myself, unable to figure it out.

Paul Harvey RIDDLE:
When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors.

What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?

Send this to 10 people and then press shift and you will get the answer.
P.S. You won't believe this, but this really does give you the answer!!!!

The Answer
Categories: Psychology
Posted by Alex on Sat Feb 12, 2005
Comments (214)
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Wow, Jeff, you're a genius.
Posted by Boo  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  09:42 AM
But that answer doesn't work. Since god doesn't exist his greatness must equal null. Likewise the devil's evil must also equal null. Since x>null is invalid then x=nothing is not a valid solution.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  09:58 AM
Boo.. thank you... <bowing>
Charybdis.... God Bless You
Posted by Jeff  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  12:59 PM
It's funny, that comment at the end of the email chain is actually true- if you send it to 10 people and press shift, you'll get
Posted by Emily  on  Mon Aug 01, 2005  at  04:40 PM
What would Johnny Damon Do??

Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Paul  on  Sat Aug 27, 2005  at  09:42 AM
This is a very good riddle to have a message board for. Here's my two cents. (in four points, sorry)
I'm a Christian, but I use my mind. I have, on multiple occasions (one being three weeks ago) disagreed with what was preached. On that specific day, the first thing my family did was discuss it in the car. Secondly, I think of the Bible as a book. However, I believe God worked through men to write that book (or collection of them). Thirdly, in response to the Chris, yours is a beautiful idea on the outside, but I serve a God who is not a rapist or serial murderer and who created something distinct from him (the mysteries of which I admit I do not understand). Fourthly, I, too, encourage you, Heather (if you read this) to use your mind. After all, C.S.Lewis, Pascal, Thomas Aquinas, and Augustine thought it wise to.
Posted by Gurjia  on  Wed Sep 14, 2005  at  07:50 AM
Doesn't anyone chat about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes anymore?
Posted by Karen  on  Wed Sep 14, 2005  at  02:26 PM
Karen said:

"Doesn't anyone chat about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes anymore?"

Yeah, Scientologists.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Thu Sep 15, 2005  at  12:39 AM
I feel it very important to study the bible, and not always with a 'it is 100% true' approach. I believe it was written through man with the help of god, but then it has been re-written and re-written and translated into another language and probably again in most cases. This does leave room for error in what you are reading.
I would love to say that to my preacher/head pastor but i don't pay any tithes/offerings so i can't really, but i'm sure if i did he would offer me a moment in the spotlight :D.
Just one more thing, I have personally felt the touch of god on two occasions. One was about three weeks before a major change in direction in my life which also happend to co-incide (however you spell it) with a pro kickboxing fight (that i won) It was such a powerfull moment that I bled from the nose more profusely then i ever have before/since. What I think was important was not whether or not religion matters or that i was in church, but that my life is better off for it. For you cynics out there, maybe it was him maybe it was just me and repeated nose injuries and some good base making me in the mood. Instead of arguing over what it is how about you just find someone you like who believes in god or goes to church and tag along a couple of times (do it your way) and check it out. Don't look for answers just enjoy.
Posted by dug  on  Mon Sep 19, 2005  at  08:13 AM
Jeeze people, it's a damn riddle! You don't have to get all technical and self righteous about it being religious. Funny how those who want to state their negative point about the God part, but not one of these people mentioned the devil part. wonder this world is doomed.
Posted by D.O.A. C.P.A. M.D.  on  Thu Sep 22, 2005  at  05:42 PM
I cant get it, whats the answer!!!!!!!!!
Posted by chris  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  03:01 PM
i'm with kentaro mori, what god?
Posted by jack  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  07:27 PM
D.O.A. C.P.A, and as for that person i say the same thing for the devil what god what devil? i think the bibal is a fiction story writen by an egyption. i don't care what you'll say in reply but thats what i think.
Posted by jack  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  07:31 PM
Wow. This riddle was awesome... I'm only 13 and when I saw it, I was like. What the.... and then after around five monutes, I started looking at all the questions by themselves. I couldn't believe how simple it was, yet how effective it was on other people. Most couldn't even GET the answer. Paul Harvey is a genius.
Posted by Aya  on  Sun Oct 09, 2005  at  08:38 AM
Boy, you people spent an awful lot of useful time overthinking this one! We have far better things to do with our time! Get a Life!
Posted by dee  on  Wed Oct 19, 2005  at  08:10 AM
So I just spent the past half hour reading all the crap that you all wrote, and what did I get out of it? The people who over analize things needs to pull the stick thats lodged in their buttocks out, lifes to short! relax, don't take yourself so seriously, and don't go around thinkin your so stinkin smart.. And as far as the other side.. Don't blurt out the first idiotic thing that comes to your ignorant brain!! Think before you speak.. I know what I believe, and I know where my faith is, or is not.. But I do not feel it necassary to broadcast it to a bunch of cynics and bible belt represenitves.. What good would it do? All I hope for you all, is to enjoy and respect other peoples opinion, that is what makes life fun and interesting.. (by the way.. I figured the riddle out right away!!) ha ha!! suckas!!
Posted by Jessica  on  Sun Oct 23, 2005  at  05:46 PM
i couldn't figure it out so i e-mailed to my daughter and she later told me the answer.
Posted by sarah  on  Tue Nov 01, 2005  at  02:27 PM
hey the person who said 87.52% statistics are made up on the spot...well don't you think that is a statistic??? hmmmm.

(minutes later...)

Well now that i have thought about it,some might say commenting on someone else's comment is just well (whatever the opinion). Ahh they can suck it up.
Posted by Kat  on  Thu Nov 17, 2005  at  10:21 PM
the answer is nothing nothing is greater than god nothing is more evil then the devil and the poor have nothing and the rich need nothing and if you eat nothing you will die
Posted by thomas  on  Thu Dec 22, 2005  at  04:50 PM
I think this riddle makes perfect sence to me. But for some reason people are making a big deal about it and making it seem like a bad thing on these comments I have been reading. I think it is a wonderful thought and it is amazing. People don't get mad and try to find the flaws of it because that is why the children got it faster because they don't think that hard which makes it even harder to find the real answer. It is great.
Posted by chelsealou  on  Mon Jan 02, 2006  at  01:58 PM
The answer is NOTHING...

NOTHING is greater than God. NOTHING is more evil than the Devil. The poor have NOTHING. The rich need NOTHING. If you eat NOTHING (starve), you'll die.
Posted by Jenny  on  Sun Jan 08, 2006  at  10:14 AM
That's not hard, and I'm 21. And I'm not religious.
Posted by Angela  on  Sat Jan 14, 2006  at  11:53 AM
This is not a good riddle. It is nothing more than excuse to make a hap-hazard religious point and anyone who thinks about what it is saying, should notice this immediately. A PERSON CANNOT "EAT NOTHING." It is impossible because the word "nothing" implies there isn't anything to eat. A person cannot eat something that does not exist. "Nothing" is not tangible and since you can't eat it, you can't die from eating it. At best this is more of a "pun" than anything else. But certainly not a very good one.
Posted by Dear Crabby  on  Wed Jan 18, 2006  at  01:16 PM
hmm wow.... that is pretty stupid that you are making a big deal about something that is simple and smart as this.. it is meant by saying that if you dont eat anything you will die. it is not saying that if you eat nothing like air you will die! That is kind of a dumb thing to say.
Posted by chelsealou  on  Wed Jan 18, 2006  at  07:41 PM
People, you need to step back and look for a second. Riddles are made to challenge the mind, tease the brain, and people can do nothing better than ruin the fun of it by debating the existance of God? I'm agnostic, so am I the only one who can see the complete idiocy there is in debating that topic? No one will ever convince you that there is if you don't believe, and no one will convince you there isn't if you do believe. The only way you can believe is to simply do so. I am waiting for Him to prove it to me Himself, but that hasn't happened yet. So yeah, please, enlighten me, how can I meet Him, or be proven of His existence? And those who don't believe, enlighten me, how do you know He isn't there? How do you know He is just made up? None of you know for sure unless He told you so Himself. And the funny thing about it is, if He has, and you tell people, you'll get put in a Psyche ward. How weird is that? So please, for all of our sakes, if you're going to comment, just say something about the Riddle, how hard it was, and leave your faith (or lack there-of) in Him out of it. So good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Posted by Mitch  on  Sat Jan 28, 2006  at  11:14 PM
I also think that the riddle is flawed even from a religious point of view. 😛 I first thought nothing, because of the what is greater than God, but once again the poor don't have "nothing"... I mean, they have something. Poor people don't stand on the street naked, at least they have the clothes on their back, and define poor. And if this is sending a Christian message, the poor shouldn't have "nothing" becuase as christians we share in Christ now don't we? And also the die thing threw me off ALOT O_o....
Posted by Nef  on  Fri Feb 03, 2006  at  01:11 PM
Dear mitch,
I was raised up as a christian and I believe in God 100%. There are so many miricles in this world to prove to you that he exhists. You do not need for him to actually come up to you and tell you that he is real. Look at all the things you are blessed with. From the day that you were born, to this day. He has watched over you and put you through challenges in your life. He loves you more than you can even imagine. You just need to accept it. If God does think you need to be proven that he does exist, then he will do so. But its your choice whether or not to believe in him. When you die, you will be judged on how you react to this. I am not trying to make you believe in him, I am telling you of my opinion, as a christian, looks at this. And to me< believing is seeing God bless you!!
Posted by chelsealou  on  Sat Feb 04, 2006  at  01:09 PM
Yeah, like Nef said, there are a few errors with that riddle. Like bums, if they believe in God, still have their faith. The rich do need things too. Like love, caring families, etc. You can't define what you need by what you have.

Dear Chelsea,
If you believe in Him so much, why don't you capitalize His pronouns? The Bible does, and so should you. And through the hardships, I ask Him to help me, but He does nothing. He just sits around while I ride it out. Like Canada when we were going through all that terrorism. They could've done something to help us out. I'm starting to believe that they don't exist either. Just a myth to ruin everyone who believes in them! Yeah, but God said that you shouldn't test Him, that you should just BELIEVE. I'm sorry, but I believe in aliens only because I've seen them before. I believe that when I get stabbed in the toe with a side of a lid, it hurts, because it's happened before. But just SAYING something is there doesn't mean that it actually is, and there's no way to prove it until you experience something that directly proves it. Until then, it's just wishful thinking that He's there. Or that there's an afterlife. I really HOPE there is, but I'm not sure. And I do believe that if I sort of believe I will be sent to purgatory and have a chance to repent, will I not? But I'm not sure if He is real, or if Jehova is real, or if Buddha is who you should believe in, or whoever, so yeah, I don't know, and you really DON'T know, even if you think you do. Everyone is brainwashed into thinking that He's real, but no one knows for sure unless they've seen Him.
Posted by Mitch  on  Sat Feb 04, 2006  at  07:01 PM
dear mitch,
you do have a logical point, buts thats the whole thing. faith is what will get you to heaven, denying the existence of God will get you sent to hell, faith is the most essential element to any religion, sure maybe he hasnt seen God, but he sure hasnt seen gravity either and gravity obviously exists cuz we are all stuck to the ground. we as christians can use miracles, the bible, and everything we are blessed with as proof of him, if thats not proof enough, i dont know what is.
Posted by chelsealou  on  Sun Feb 05, 2006  at  08:50 PM
Dear Chelsea,
Ah, but there in-lays my point. There is solid proof that gravity exists. Because, as you said, we are stuck on the ground. And if I'm not mistaking, Christians don't USE miracles, they recieve them. How do you distinguish the difference between a miracle, and random chance? Because if I won a million dollars, that doesn't mean that God helped me, that just means that I got lucky. Most "miracles" could just be sheer coincidence, even if there is a God. I never said there wasn't, I'm just not sure if I believe he's actually there.
Posted by Mitch  on  Sun Feb 05, 2006  at  09:08 PM
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