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Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?
image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)
Categories: Health/Medicine, Psychology
Posted by Alex on Thu Feb 10, 2005
Comments (607)
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Someone was looking for Dr Joseph Burrascano. The url I have posted here is a good start.
With the economy like it is I am finding it so hard to keep purchasing the products needed to keep these creeps at bay. Any suggestions?
Posted by Linda  on  Thu Jan 29, 2009  at  08:36 PM
Hi "Those who believe"
This is my second post, but it's been quite some time.
Let me start by saying that I was sobbing when I sat down to write this. I just had to cancel a flight to Pittsburgh (my home town). Headed to see friends and family and attend a few Super Bowl parties to supprt my Steelers of course!!
I've been battling itching, crawling sensations, lesions all over my body for over six months. I've seen numerous dermotologists, even drove to Wake Forest. No answers not a damn (excuse my French) that seemed to want to find an answer. And to those that call us "obsessed:, your damn skippy I'm obsessed! If you could live in my shoes a day, as another sufferer mentioned, you would see why we are: OBSESSED! Am I angry? Yes, because my kids don't deserve this life I am having to live! The scariest thing is they too are comlaining of similair symptoms. Confirmining the suspision The suspicion that it is infecioious. It is full blown now and I don't know I need a Dr. that even if they don't have the answers, is willing to keep searching. Anyway, those of you with hope, reading your posts stopped my tears and gave me just that "hope" I needed to not feel so isolated! I have tried some online prducts, but even they though they gave some relief, are very expensive! I would jump on a plane tomorrow if I could get someone in the medical community to really listen.
Anyway, thank you to the believers. I am open to anything! Dr's specializing in this, diets, products, ANYTHING TO GET SOME RELIEF!!!! RELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Lost in the South"
Posted by Lost in the South  on  Fri Jan 30, 2009  at  07:05 AM
try provodone iodine and Gene's all natural skin cream (available online at same webiste). Do whatever you can to boost your immunity-exercise, lots of vegetables and fruit, B-12 shots. Try some sunshine on your skin, even a short tanning bed session. Don't forget to meditate and relax no matter what.
Posted by schwinnboy  on  Fri Jan 30, 2009  at  09:09 AM
Hello fellow sufferers,
Posted by Chuck from Washington  on  Fri Jan 30, 2009  at  10:37 AM
A friend of mine from the UK sent a tube of Germolene to me, which is the best I have used for the itching and breakouts on humans. If you do a search and happen to order some please do not use or get it on or around cats. Just cover the area with clothing and wash your hands really good after using this cream. I hope this helps.
Posted by Linda  on  Wed Feb 04, 2009  at  11:51 PM
Germolene is only for external use. Please know that I am not a doctor or with any firm selling this product. I just am an elderly woman that found something that helps. Please consult your doctor before you use it, however. Thanks.
Posted by Linda  on  Wed Feb 04, 2009  at  11:54 PM
Antibiotics help tremendously. I am taking Bactrim 1x day (although I am thinking about 2xs) and Doxycicline 200 mg x2 day (soon going to 600mg day). I think that stuff works the best. The Bactrim seems to really help with the symptoms. I took two weeks of Augmentin before starting the others and that helped tremendously as well. I also take Diflucan 200mg day (soon to switch to Sporanox), and Albendazole 400 x2 a day. All of this combination is hard on the liver, so you need to be careful and have your doc check liver enzymes regularly. It has taken me about three months to get back to where I could go back to work. I am hopeful that the right combination of diet, exercise and anti-biotics might be eventually a cure. No sugar, no alcohol and try and limit your food to all natural. Lots of fruits (juice if nothing else). Borax lightly sprinkled over all your carpets, mist with Home Depot Antifungal/bacterial silver active ingredient, pour 1-2 cups antifungal/bacterial silver solution in your wash with 1-2 cups borax + arma nd hammer baking soda detergent. Look into hydrogen peroxide oral therapy (yes you take it internally- but very very dangerous if not done properly and with food grade). Look into MMS. Take lots of the antioxident supps c d e a b complex minerals etc. Grapefruit seed extract topically and orally. Antifungal shampoo and head and shoulders (wash your whole body and hair everyday). Wash your clothes in hot water in the above solution I mentioned. Dont wear anything twice. Consider buying all new clothes. Use only "natural" cleaners in your house. No chemicals. Swiffer (electrostatic properties?) is good for the floors. Put hydrogen peroxide in your humidifier at night through sleep. Take benadryl at bed time to help sleep. Unisom also works when benadryl doesn't. I had never had a time when I laid down and did not get any sleep the whole night. Those have happened several times since this started. Be careful who you tell some of the more unbelievable bizarre things that happen to you - you will risk wearing a straitjacket. Whatever this is, it is unbelievable until you have it. We can only hope enough people that are scientists get this so the whole world doesn't go insane. If it isn't treated, it does drive you crazy. You are not crazy. ABOVE ALL - try and figure out how to remove negative influences/emotions from your life. This thing feeds off of that. It is a vicious cycle once it starts. You have to learn to be a fighter. You will have to fight to get your health back.
Posted by Trying to survive  on  Sun Feb 08, 2009  at  02:21 PM
There is a highly effective treatment for Morgellons and you can see proof of it here:

You can also see a video here:

If you have Morgellons, it is time to end your suffering.
Posted by Danser  on  Tue Mar 17, 2009  at  05:59 AM
Just want to say- if I had heard about this disease even days ago I would have laughed it off as mass hysteria or just people picking at themselves and embedding fibers into wounds or something, but last night probably changed my life...

Last night I was helping my husband by checking him for ingrown hairs on his legs, back and stomach. I use tweezers to gently pull them out of the skin so they don't itch any more- some of them really bother him. I came across one that was very deep and running straight instead of curled up like a normal ingrown hair. So I asked him if it was bothering him and if he wanted me to dig it out even if it hurt a little- he saild to do it cause it was itching and hurting him. So I did. I dug down until I found the hair- a normal hair as far as I can tell, but I noticed something else- stuck to the hair and pulling out of his skin were what looked like little synthetic fibers- like what you'd find on a fuzzy blanket. I thought "what on earth? Did he get some fibers from a bandage or something imbedded in his skin at some point? I didn't like the thought of leaving something under the skin so I kept digging and pulling getting fibers the whole time. Twice I pulled out a strange bit of tissue with fibers all through it and I could see them as they were coming out of his skin as I was using a light and a magnifying glass to see. It was truly bizzarre and made me worry so I looked up fibers under skin on google and found Morgellons. The more I read the more it makes me think of my husband and I am really concerned. We saved some fibers, and looked under a microscope and they are WEIRD! SO, are my husband and I both delusional?

Going to talk to the doc about it on Thursday, I just hope she listens and doesn't think we're crazy or something.
Posted by C.G.  on  Tue Jun 23, 2009  at  08:35 PM
C.G. What did the doctor say? Ewww, I totally can't imagine going over someone and doing what you said. Whose idea is it, yours or your husbands? Exfoliating when he bathes or showers could reduce ingrown hairs, or would that take away the fun?
Posted by swampwater sue  on  Thu Jul 02, 2009  at  07:36 PM
I don't do it for fun, ew! I help him with the ingrown hairs because they hurt and irritate him, and exfoliating just never has gotten them all. It's not like I dig at them most of the time, they're just in the top layer of his skin.

ANYWAYS, lol. He decided not to tell the doc at this time. His reasoning is even if she doesn't dismiss him out of hand there really isn't anything she can do to help him as it's unknown what causes it or what helps. If a breakthrough is made in treatment or what not then perhaps he'll think of talking to the doc.
Posted by C.G.  on  Thu Jul 02, 2009  at  10:41 PM
Check out my vids of black n red moving thread at Youtube

youtube username: TheRealPhatgrower
Posted by Billy D  on  Fri Sep 18, 2009  at  07:24 AM
People who think it is delusion should experience it semself...for 5 years I have something with me similare to the Morgellons desease..
I am without medication as nothing will help...
I have seen what it with me and it was my mistake to tell to the Doctor as now I am mental...
He will not listen and have nothing to do with me as I refuse medication.. I am sure it is something supernatural and after all this years I can hold it in line and it seems to weaken..
But it is still there and I have to keep myself out of not getting depressed.
It is unreal and I would not believe it myself if someone told me, but it is the truth...
God bless Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Wed Sep 23, 2009  at  08:35 PM
I will be putting a pic of my hair on youtube soon, TheRealPhatgrower
My question is: How in the hell do these fibers get into my hair roots? It did not get underneath my hair root by my clothing. I will post the pic/video by Nov 11, check it out, cuz it is real no matter how much people deny it or ignore it. I wish I was wrong, but I'm not. WE NEED HELP PEOPLE, at least look and see!!!!
Posted by William Pope  on  Thu Nov 05, 2009  at  04:16 PM
I'll be there on the 11. November...
Good on you
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sat Nov 07, 2009  at  04:05 AM
Can anyone find me 20 or 30 Morgellons patients for study?


I work at a non-profit group that helps develop diagnostics and treatments for an infectious disease that has similarities to Morgellons.

I'd like to find 20 or 30 patients diagnosed with Morgellons disease who would be willing to participate in a study. Participants would need to fill out a questionnaire, and provide a stool (fecal) sample.

We would need the patients to be in Oregon to fall under our IRB protocol. It would be preferable if they were in driving distance to Tigard or Corvallis to drop off the specimen.

If the patients were in another state, that would be OK, but we would need a physician in that state who would be willing to get IRB approval for the study. It can usually be done through a local hospital at no cost, but it requires some time. The physician would also have to receive the stool samples and ship them to a lab. BRF will pay for the collection vials and shipping and lab analysis.

The interface to this message board will not allow me to post my e mail address in a standard format, but that is director at bhomcenter dot org. If you google Blastocystis Research, our web site is the first listed, and you can click on Contact.

I'll also check back on this message board in a few days.

Best Wishes,



Blastocystis Research Foundation
5060 SW Philomath Blvd, #202
Corvallis, OR 97333

"Germs are of no account in cholera."
- Max von Pettenkofer, Cholera Expert, 1884

Note: This message was posted in
Posted by eslai  on  Tue Dec 01, 2009  at  02:08 PM
Follow-up to:
Post from C.G. on Thu Jul 02, 2009 at 08:41 PM

"I don't do it for fun, ew! I help him with the ingrown hairs because they hurt and irritate him, and exfoliating just never has gotten them all. It's not like I dig at them most of the time, they're just in the top layer of his skin.

ANYWAYS, lol. He decided not to tell the doc at this time. His reasoning is even if she doesn't dismiss him out of hand there really isn't anything she can do to help him as it's unknown what causes it or what helps. If a breakthrough is made in treatment or what not then perhaps he'll think of talking to the doc."

-- C.G., It's not unknown what causes ingrown hairs, or what helps --
Posted by swampwater sue  on  Fri Dec 11, 2009  at  02:23 AM
You know, I've posted once before a while back about my then-boyfriend who claimed to have had this "Morgellon's" disease.

I can say that I was honestly a little confused as to what to believe.

That was before I started studying psychology.

That was also before he started kicking my ass.

Morgellon's...real or myth?

Elementary, my dear Watson. Your brain does some powerful things.

And please stop using Morgellon's as a scapegoat for all of the bad things that happen to you.
Posted by Tabitha  on  Sun Dec 27, 2009  at  01:00 PM
I know what is real, yet I am forced to live in denial. I literally feel hundreds of tiny things 'jumping' and 'popping' off my skin and in my hair. You took psychology, big woop. Maybe you should apply some of that vast knowledge of yours and study this disease. Start at youtube. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ALL HAVE THE SAME THING WRONG WITH THEM, EXACTLY THE SAME UNDERLYING SYMPTOMS, AND EVERY ONE OF THEM HAS WEIRD CRYSTALS, FIBERS N SPECKS INSIDE THEIR SKIN AND SORES. JUST STUDY IT, AND GET A GOOD MICROSCOPE, and get a clue.
Posted by William Pope  on  Mon Jan 04, 2010  at  08:18 AM
Get a clue?

If SO many people have it, if it's SUCH a PSA-worthy problem, then why hasn't anything been done about it? Why do doctors and psychologists sit down and throw out parasitic psychosis? Wouldn't the government be concerned? Wouldn't this be globally recognized health concern?

Or would you suggest that it's all some "conspiracy"? Let me guess, microchips and contaminates that are purposely being put into planes that spray for mosquitoes? Is it aliens? Is it bugs?

Or is it your head? Is it possible that you could simply be taking all of the anomalies of the human bodies that happen so often and expanding upon them in order to satisfy your curiosity?

Tell you what...if you haven't already, go see a shrink. I think you have a little more to learn about yourself than you think you do.
Posted by Tabitha  on  Mon Jan 04, 2010  at  07:29 PM
I hope you feel good, as you have
off loaded your wisdom...
Posted by Charlotte  on  Tue Jan 05, 2010  at  03:30 AM
Go watch under our skin. Duh!
Morgellons IS REAL. I got it 3 months ago and have not slept since.
And have not found the culprit but YES the SYMPTOMS are the same... pinpricking bites, black specks, fibers. EVERYWHERE.
By the way... mites do not go up ears, nose, mouth and eyes... and yes... there and there....
It is a NIGHTMARE! I do not wish my enemy!

Now... go watch the movie and see why the CDC has done nothing for Lymers and Morgies alike.

UNDER OUR SKIN, the only way CDC will regulate the stuff is if the film gets an oscar...
Posted by Jee  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  01:07 AM
Why would people like some on this forum contribute to covering up this disease? Plain and simple, instead of utilizing resources to help us, they pump the airwaves with put-downs and arguments against such a disease. All it takes is an hour of investigating the skin with a microscope during an active phase, the evidence is undeniable unless you have alterior motives.
Posted by William Pope  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  10:30 AM
Take a look at my newest video on youtube

TheRealPhatgrower is my username. This is a microscope video of a worm that came out of my skin after using ivermectin topically. Is it possible that a bacteria or fungus could have been engineered to quorum-sense into an organism? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE IDENTIFY THE WORM IN MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS? It would be nice if this plague was eventually identified and eradicated...
Posted by David Pope  on  Tue Jan 26, 2010  at  04:49 PM
Posted by W P  on  Thu Feb 11, 2010  at  07:23 PM
This is a Hoax Museum..
Who will take us sirjes?
I gave up writing to this Web....
Posted by Charlotte  on  Fri Feb 12, 2010  at  06:17 AM
Well wishes being sent to Charlotte.
Posted by That Is Progress  on  Sun Feb 21, 2010  at  12:53 AM
Morgellons disease which only proves they should not be making any kind of (guess) supposed diagnosis or have the nerve to insinuate the patients need a psychiatrist. The delusions of parapsychologist is an outdated claim by doctors who know nothing of what they are speaking. There are Doctors who understand and are trying to raise money for research along with many patients who are also raising money and awareness to those close minded or those who simply do not understand the disease. Lets have comments from those Doctors who actually have knowledge of the illness.
Posted by Suwanee GA Chiropractor  on  Wed May 19, 2010  at  07:22 AM
I don't have the illness but find it amazing how other people are so quick to dismiss someone else's experiences and use judgment to diagnose them without any facts or research. The name callers need to get a life or see a psychologist to find out why they have such a need to pass judgment on people they don't know and things they have no understanding of. Even if they truly believe it is psychological, why on earth would they be harassing people they believe to have a psychological condition. I think it's pretty obvious who really has the psychological issues, so grow up, get a life, and get some help.
Posted by Wally  on  Tue Jun 29, 2010  at  08:16 AM
violet ray generator and nutrasilver some swear by but the violet ray for sure it put oxygen into the cells and they fry...
Posted by redhawk  on  Mon Aug 16, 2010  at  02:41 PM
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