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Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?
image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)
Categories: Health/Medicine, Psychology
Posted by Alex on Thu Feb 10, 2005
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Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Aug 26, 2007  at  08:50 AM
The Parasitology Center, Inc. (PCI) in Tempe, Arizona is a research and testing facility with many years experience and knowledge of the diagnosis, pathology, ecology, and transmission of human parasitic infections from wildlife and environmental sources to humans. Dr. Amin there sees NCS (also known as Morgellon's Disease) patients for evaluation. During an evaluation session, the patient's medical history and environmental exposure are discussed, a diagnosis of NCS may be established, and recommendations to manage/resolve the conditions are made. Their phone number is 480-767-2522. Web site:
Posted by LadyHawk  on  Sun Sep 23, 2007  at  10:34 AM
My brother has been talking about this disease, researching it on line, doing his own analysis etc for a couple years now. I was skeptical at first but not any longer.
If you don't believe this is real or want some proof get a black light and look at your skin or the persons skin who is infected. You can also pick up a cheap microscope at radio shack or someplace like that and see them. Look under your fingernails, around any open wounds or scrapes/scabs. One night we sat in the dark, black light in hand for about 40 minutes. At first I said, ok so you have little dudahs that glow under black light on you, big deal. Then I started looking closer, some of it was resting on his skin, some looked like it was coming out of his skin like little hairs, some weaved in and out of his skin. They didn't move they just sat there doing nothing, NOT! I began to notice they were moving very slowly, you couldn't see them move with the naked eye. I noticed two long fibers, maybe 3/4 inch long that were running parallel to an old scar on his head. They were just under the skin, I left the room for about fifteen minutes came back and they were both gone. Seems crazy I know but...
They look like little fibers; typically not straight like a piece of thread they usually have a kink in them (hard to describe).
Many people believe they are actually some form of, "Nano Technology". For the paranoid, man made to cause... death and blablabla anyway.
I don't want to go into any of that, but I do have two self-help methods some sufferers might find useful. [It's funny, when my brother called one of the prominent researchers (so called caring expert trying to help find a cure etc) wanting to talk and share what he has learned, she basically scoffed at his ideas and told him if he wanted to continue the phone conversation it would cost $250 for 1/2hr conversation.] There is alot of that going on right now.

Anyway the first thing that helped him is a simple one, DUCKTAPE! He had a spot on his back that has been numb for years. After seeing the fibers in and out of his skin he tried brushing them out, picking them out and so on. If you take a piece of Ducktape wrap around your hand sticky side out and use it like you would to remove lint from your cloths it pulls them out. After he did that the numbness went away. It helps get rid of the itching sensation and some other symptems for a while anyway. He swears by it!

The second thing that helps him is a hot, (as hot as you can handle) sauna/steam bath. He uses a shower closed in etc... After about 30 minutes he brushes his skin to get them out and on the surface then a hot-hot rinse followed by cold to close the pours.

Neither of these are cures but they help him feel better for long enough to be worth it.

Good luck.

By the way, I believe every person you know has some in them. Everybody my brother has checked he has found fibers on, myself included. I hate that!
Posted by Bob  on  Fri Oct 05, 2007  at  11:13 PM
He Bob,
you are right...
Everybody only is asking for money and mostly without result...
I know this things do not like heat and I have a cream FINALGONE... it is something made from the bees and I always get releave...
But nobody does listen to you and they think it is in our mind...
So we have to try to help ourself...
Good Luck Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Mon Oct 08, 2007  at  07:11 AM
you are all crazy. get some seroquel.
Posted by db  on  Tue Oct 09, 2007  at  02:22 PM
if we are all crazy, than I wonder
what the world is coming too...
Posted by Charlotte  on  Tue Oct 09, 2007  at  07:34 PM

Dr. Staninger's findings are pending to published in the Journal of Pathology.


- - - A disease in which individuals have the growth of fibers from their skin that burn at 1,700 degrees F and do not melt. (20)(* see below) A private study to determine the chemical and biological composition of these fibers has shown that the fibers' outer casing is made up of high density polyethylene fiber (HDPE). The fiber material is used commonly in the manufacture of fiber optics. There is no history of the individual in that industry or coming into contact with this material. It was further determined that this material is used throughout the bio nanotechnology world as a compound to encapsulate a viral protein envelope, which is composed of a viron (1/150th times smaller than a virus) with DNA, RNA, RNAi (mutated RNA) or RNAsi linear or ring plasmids for specific functions. (21, 22) Toxicological pathology identification of tissue biopsies from an individual diagnosed with Morgellons revealed the presence of continual silica or glass tubules with the presence of silicone. (23) Dr. Staninger's full paper presented at conference

It must be noted that the core toxicological effects of silicone alone have been demonstrated throughout the breast implant industry and litigation cases. (24, 25)

Furthermore, silicone cannot make silica, but silica or silica bicarbonate can make silicone through natural cellular interaction in a biological system. The subject did not have breast implants or any other implant or silicon glue injections. "
Posted by MAD AT BIOTECH  on  Tue Oct 09, 2007  at  08:00 PM
Other findings Dr. Staninger presented at the conference:

FDA Approved New Virus Sprays For Foods - August, 2006.

The FDA approved nano-virile protein bacteria eaters that work on deli meats and other ready-to-eat foods in August, 2006. Food manufacturers started spraying this new nantechnology viruses on meats and vegetables in August 2006.

Intralytix Corporation, based in Baltimore, first petitioned the FDA in 2002 to allow the viruses to be used as an additive. It has since licensed the product to a multinational company, which is marketing the virus spray worldwide.

The viruses are known as bacteriophages, viruses that kill bacteria, or phages for short. Phages have been around a long time, living as parasites inside many bacteria.

Intralytix uses biotechnology to grow viral phages in a culture with Listeria, in theory teaching the viruses to recognize the bacteria. The FDA-approved cocktail contains six different viruses intended to attack one strain of bacteria.

This mixture is then sprayed on food. If Listeria is present in the food, the bacteria will ingest the viruses. This results in massive viral replication inside the bacteria, until such point as the bacteria simply bursts. This battle results in significant production of bacterial poisons called
Posted by MAD AT BIOTECH  on  Tue Oct 09, 2007  at  08:07 PM
FDA, EPA and Nanotechnology

Nanotechnlogy is the ability to control things at an atomic and molecular scale of between one and 100 nanometers and has been met with enthusiasm across a variety of industries. Critics highlight the murky area of how nanoparticles affect toxicity and they say nanoparticles should be treated as new, potentially harmful materials and tested for safety accordingly. (5)

Unlike pharmaceuticals, which must go through a series of pre-market approvals, finished dietary supplements need no pre-market approval. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which is part of the Food and Cosmetic Act, only ingredients not marketed in the US before October 1994 must be approved by FDA before use in consumer products. Thus, as it stands, pre-market regulation of nanotechnology in dietary supplements, biological pesticides, and other man made nanotechnology does not fall under FDA, EPA, OSHA, FIFRA and other regulatory agencies in the USA, just for the simple reason that the nanotechnology is so small that the conventional regulatory laboratory methods do not have equipment to measure at 9 decimals below the zero and are only addressing 3 and 4 decimals (ppm, ppb, and ppt). " (Staninger, Dr. Hildegarde, ibid.)

The above is the "tip" of the iceberg. There are now many, many thousands of Moregellons victims across the globe. And the numbers are growing daily. The disease is "unknown" by the CDC, and the CDC was instructed by certain members of Congress last July to form a health team to immediately study the findings and report back to them. As yet, the CDC has not come to any conclusion as to what is causing Morgellons. However, some of the proof is in. More is on its way as this private research continues. Isn't it amazing how private individuals in the medical fields have to find the causes of such things as this, yet, the CDC is given billions of dollars by the government each year to operate? These tests, which cost in excess of $30,000, were paid for by private citizens to "find" the cause of Morgellons.

Please call, write, email your Congressman TODAY to issue an order to the FDA to halt the use of these genetically modified viral protein envelope "concoctions" on foods. This is a very serious matter. Please email your friends about this information and get your friends and family involved in writing your Congressman to halt this insidiuous assault on our food supply and our environment. Your call will help in preventing untold millions to suffer, you and your family included!
Posted by MAD AT BIOTECH  on  Tue Oct 09, 2007  at  08:09 PM
Hello - I have the same symptoms as all of you. I live in Las Vegas. Just curious if any of you have experimented with any illegal drugs. I think it may have something to do with it. I have been to numerous doctors and they all brush me off. Please help!

Posted by Sharon  on  Sat Nov 03, 2007  at  08:00 PM
I have cured myself of Morgellons or fiber disease, I found this site by typing in urine therapy morgellons, and found another person a few pages back who also cured themselves using uropathy.

Urine therapy killed Morgs need to google to read about it, and why urine is our most perfect medicine, not a waste product like we are taught.

I followed the instructions for using the mid stream moning urine, but also collected while I was having an attack, which started with hives...the results were immediate, within minutes the attack stopped. I did this about 3 or 4 days in a row, and took psyillium and benotite clay to scrub thenm out, and I had the mother of all die off's ....I had white beans in my urine and my stool was covered in white things that looked like egg embrios sort of.

the die off lasted about 4 days, I was very tired but that was only side effect.

Morgs is gone ....if symptoms ever appear again, iknow what to do....start googling urine therapy, and see for youself.
Posted by Karen  on  Sat Nov 03, 2007  at  08:35 PM
Ok so most of us that see thse bugs have done some meth does it let us see something thats not real or is it real on a whole nother level whatever it is the f-ing bugs that are in my fingers and toes are real now and I havnt done meth 4 2 yrs now and these bugs came a month ago and they stink
Posted by M  on  Thu Nov 15, 2007  at  02:30 PM
well ive had this filthy show for 5 years. I went from perfectly healthy to sick in about a week after i picked up the bug
its not a hoax
but rather than cater to the disinformation specialists who are contracted by the billion dollar antidepressant imdustry
(including lilly's website above morgellons watch)
why dont you look a little deeper and you might find the truth
morgellons is severe depression
chronic fatigue is severe depression
alstheimers is severe depression

depression is recognised by the medical world at last as a contagion
but its a mystery because these severe cases are ridiculed as mental disorders because there are actual specimens of the disease that can potentially used to find a cure.
If you are making billions in ongoing sympton treatment for a disease what would be your motivation to find a cure?
depression is a symptom of a mystery parasite
its like calling irritation a disease, its not its a symptom. Find out who's paying the advertising dollars to promote the concept that Depression is a legitimate illness
there is a giant hoax here dont fall for the smokescreen
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Thu Nov 29, 2007  at  06:01 AM
You people sound like you just want attention, how sad. I'll give you a hug, and continue to tell you that you're sick if you want.
Posted by Not crazy  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:28 AM
for any suffers who want to look, I've found DSP cream, all natural to really releive the stinging,crawling, biting sensation. Just search it any any engine, and they also have a healing protocol, but I haven't done that yet. I have found that if I have any skin injury whatever this is seems to attack it, making it worse. I am of the theory that this is some kind of mold/fungus, due my health history (long period on IV antibotic) and the fact that I an extreme reactive hypoglycemia. So when I eat to many carb or sugar source I pay for the next week of healing. One key I found to stop itching so you don't open those little bumps AND the dry up and go away, if not broken, is an old faithful skincare product called "SeaBreeze". Everyone sells it, and I get the senstive skin type so you don't over dry the skin. I noticed that if I am hot, sweating, or hormonal it all intensifies...tht's when I bring out the medicated Goldbond Powder. None of this is a cure but I no longer have lesion. Good Luck to all.
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:38 AM
come and give me a big hug not crazy
with pleasure
happy to share this plague with you
see how sane you are as you watch yourself mutate

To everyone else
---a message from hell---
this is contagious, plus
it is in your food
it is in your cosmetics
it is in your garden
it is in your clothes
the future has arrived
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:48 AM
By all means, Let's all give "NOT CRAZY" one big group hug! Oh yeah, why don't you come and stay for christmas! No need to pack anything I am sure I have something you can wear. You can have your own room even. Don't even need to bring money, since I am very wealthy and have plenty of room. Maybe I should mentioned I had stayed at my girlfriends house (and wore a pair of her PJ's), who was supposedly suffering from "skincancer" (NOT)-- a few days before I had my first appearance of these lovely little creatures. BUT fear not, since IT'S ALL IN MY MIND!

By the way, the bumper sticker own my car says "Driving Miss Crazy". Crazy NOT stupid. Next time you want to post something, somewhere, anywhere...try to make it seem like you know something about the subject at hand, oh and have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  11:24 AM
forgot to mention, for all those out there, shopping, trying on clothes etc. NEVER wear a garment of any kind before washing it...don't know most the time where they are really made to completion or where they were stored. Don't need to travel to a 3rd world country or anywhere to bring home the unknown.
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  11:43 AM
you looking in the wrong part of the world brain fogged
they have it alright
but it was made right in the u.s.a.
and exported in the millions of millions of
millions etc
its called bio pesticide/herbicide
and other stuff besides
but thats not all it does
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  12:08 PM
Morgellons is real, as real as the person you see looking back at you in the mirror every morning.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger has proven where Morgellons is derived from. She is not out to make money, or profit in any way from this very real biotech condition. She merely wants to aknowlege and make aware this very real situation we have on our hands. Dr. Staninger is a professional who has dedicated her time and proffesional expertise in this area and is searching ((like myself)) for answers to all the questions. PLease read her literature, it will be very helpful to all those affected and to all those skeptics. please do not be ignorant to this very real situation. you will find that the cause is not only in the food you eat, but the clothes you wear, the air you breath. It is all around you, it is time Americans stand up and fight for what is right. The G M O'S used daily in the USA IS AFFECTING ALL AMERICANS especially the young.Start doing your homework people, start becoming aware((that's the first step)) education in the world around you helps those like "NOT CRAZY" grow a new set of balls and instead of making himself look incredibly vulnerable he could make himself useful in the catastrophy's of this political injustice ((FDA,MONSANTO,CDC,CONGRESS-TO NAME A FEW))all being paid off or making billions from the stupidity of the humanity in the USA.
wE ARE ALL SO GULLABLE AND NAIVE you must start reading between the lines.
GO TO :Dr. "Hildegarde Staninger" <[email protected]>

***Morgellons - A Nano 911 Foreign Invader - Full
Presentation By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger

NW RAGE <[email protected]>

"Union of Concerned Scientists Action Network" <[email protected]>

Posted by MEEMO IN MA  on  Sun Dec 02, 2007  at  07:00 AM
I have read up on Dr. Hildeguarde Staingers papers and have also spoke to her. She speaks with great knowledge and what she has to say makes a lot of sense. I have been doing some of her protocols; but not all of it because I am alone and I can't seem to do everything she is recommending.

Additionally, i have been using Q-Based products called DermaTechRx and the PuraCleenRx disinfectants. They are hospital strength, more competitively priced than the other places I have found disinfecants and i can honestly attest they work wonders for me.

I went from not being able to function on a daily basis, in a horrible brain fog and loosing my job & husband, to living my life as a normal person. I am able to take control of my morgellons symptoms and be around my family now. Although they still dont understand, they are able to deal with my symptoms and not shove me aside.

I use DermaTechRx Mitactin Spray and Mitactin Salve religiously. The rejuvenating Body wash is wonderful and the activity on my skin ceases immediatley. I can not live without my sulfinex and mud packs.

Believe me, if there is any message I leave with you, its disinfect your house daily. This is they key people! Qbased PuraCleenRx disinfectant are concentrated and ready to use formulas and they kill bacteria, virus and fungus. Somehow, there is a major impact with these parasites.

Go here if you have skin parasites and read what Q-Based has to say. The products they offer are down at the bottom of the website.

This is what Q-Based website has about the products and how they work.
Posted by Trevlyn  on  Sat Dec 08, 2007  at  11:07 AM
nice advertising
ive spent $1000 on dermatech
got everything they had
and i dont doubt they are good quality
yet im still sick
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 08, 2007  at  05:51 PM
I wish all I was doing was advertising for these people. I too have spent a lot of money with anything and everything I could put my hands on. These products work the best for me. yes, I wish i was cured, but I am not.

Q-Based is allowing me to get my products from them at a discount now (not sure if they would appreciate me telling you this). I simply had reached the point that I had gone through my savings and was broke. I told them that I was not rich, broke, needed help and i asked to speak to the manager and they got the owner involved and thats how it happened for me.

If the products did any good for you, call them and ask to speak to someone in management.

The concentrated disinfectant makes up to 64 gallons of disinfectant and I paid about $40 for the gallon. Disinfecting is the key for me.

email me and i will be happy to share more with you direct.
Posted by Trevlyn  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  01:44 PM
ok man sorry, i thought you were advetising
this is a hoax site afterall

but ive tried everything possible

every idea,however stupid and nothing will kill it
lots of stuff helps but nothing will kill it
its genetic
get a test and see if im right
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  03:09 PM
How come everyone's helping this hoax along?
Posted by jupiter  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  05:36 PM
maybe its not a hoax
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  06:35 PM
I have told you before, but nobody would take notice.They think I am not normal.. It is something supernational....
This things are with me for nearly 3 years and I have all the symptons from Morgellons....
but they are not in my body..
I find this things in the house and it is the same things what is coming out of the peoples
body.. I can't even talk to my family of it...
It is all unreal and I do not believe it myself if I would not have the experiance...
I tryed to resolve it with spirituel people and all what they want is money..but no result..
Now I try to keep it in place by talking to it and it does help me....
You will not believe it, but I am normal!!!
Lets hope there is a solution somewhere. Till now Everyone is only guessing
Merry Christmas
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  07:18 PM
Well hello all skeptics and false advertisers,Morgellons is real and currently there is nothing on the market to cure this new epidemic. So please , any one that has Morgs do not fall prey to all these get rich schemers out there
My personal investigation leads me to believe that your body chemistry is creating or should I say manufacturing this from the inside out and until the government get's it's head out of it's ass and puts some funding behind this very real scary enviromental plaque we will continue to endure this problem. All of you affected with THIS MORG/FIBER EPIDEMIC need to contact your state representitive asap. Keep writing and become active politically and most of all do not give up. Go to your local news station let your voices be heard.Very important*get a DNA test performed to find out if you have any foreign invaders((plant genetics)) inhabiting your blood/chemistry makeup. Do it now-don't hesitate!!!
One study I have researched showed patients of Morgs to have a mutated plant gene in them, this is not bullshit, it's very real........
Posted by MEEMO  on  Tue Dec 11, 2007  at  09:51 PM
Merry Chritmas Charlotte.
Posted by Bryan aka Fighorfly  on  Tue Dec 25, 2007  at  04:02 AM
I too have been the target for these pests and I am saddened to see others dealing with this too. I have been noticing the different stages of these bugs and I can see how they all work together. I do see how some may feel that it is a government conspiracy, but I do not think so. I do believe however that they are FULLY AWARE that there is something, but they can not contain it. I think it is so deep in our every day life that there is no way they can do anything about it. I was so happy when I finally found, on the top of this article, the NPA was researching for CDC, and then when I found that I fit ALL the symptoms I felt YAY someone is trying to fix it! WRONG, they have cancelled that report, and are no longer excepting reports. I am just up the road from them (CDC), maybe I should go in and shake my hair on the front get their attention ..If I can make it past the fron gate..J.J. . . I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy!(
Posted by Lyn Miller  on  Fri Dec 28, 2007  at  08:54 AM
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