Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Seems all involved should be flattered.How very much loved is this man, that we hold him up and defend him,whether it be in his death or his life.
Posted by horses love  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  08:55 AM
Mr. Logan,

I have to wonder at the experience of the "experts" you and your pal at Rodeowest quote. The real experts disagree with you, as do I.

There is nothing that Bill Loyer has in common with James Douglas Morrison.

Yes, people's looks age, but they don't change as radically as JDM's looks would have had to change after 35 years to even begin to look like Loyer.

Facial and skull study measurements don't match. Voice prints don't match. The skeletal structure-physical ratio of legs to torso to shoulders to head also is no match. Fingerprints can be faked.

Jim was measured as 6'1' when he died. When I knew Jim he actually measured 5'11' plus.

I know what Jim looked like next to a 16-hands high horse.

Judging from Loyer's height compared to the horses Loyer rides, Loyer doesn't begin to measure up to JDM. Loyer didn't in 1971, or 1990, and he doesn't now. Just too short.

A bricklayer? The idea that JDM would ever seek work as a bricklayer, let alone be able to do the job without getting fired the first day, is laughable. Jim never worked a blue collar job in his life. There is no reason to think he ever would.

Someone said Loyer didn't have a police record before 1971. That doesn't mean anything. Perhaps Loyer had his first run in with the cops in 1971, or he has a sealed juvenile record? Maybe he came over the border in 1971. Perhaps someone should check the records in Mexico?

Finally, I have a source who was actually there when JDM physically died. That was in Paris on July 3, 1971.

Maybe Loyer would have better luck being believed by everyone if he claimed to be the baseball player Jim Morrison, instead of the long deceased singer. 😊
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  01:17 PM
No earthly way he's not an imposter, so sorry, and you're clearly taking him at his word re the so-called "experts."

And while it's true that some people change drastically with age, Jim would have had to have had a full body/skeletal replacement to look the way Loyer does.

To tell the truth, I almost feel sorry for the guy, really I do. He thought he'd get by with this silliness and actually make some bucks, apparently.

That didn't happen. because anyone with two functioning eyes and/or ears can see and hear that there's no way in Hades that Bill Loyer is Jim Morrison, but now he's in too deep. If his current wife is indeed an MD--I've heard that she's actually a DVM, but in any case I've known some appallingly dimwitted MDs and DVMs in my day--then I suppose his marriage and the perks that come with it (an oceanfront home?) might be endangered if he were to be exposed once and for all as the fraud that he is.

But he's asking for it. If he doesn't want to be exposed, then why does he have a MySpace page? Why is he still out there flogging his ridiculous claims?

But you know, there's a reason neither the Doors organization nor the Morrison family have pursued their legal remedies, and that's because Loyer is just so pathetically small time. It just ain't worth it. They laugh at him, and then they ignore him.

Which is what I'm going to do from now on.
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  01:22 PM
One more teeny tiny little thing. In 1988 Bill Moyers was 37 years old. Guess what? That means Bill Loyers was born in 1951. 😊
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  01:52 PM
I meant Loyers, not Moyers. But then I'm known for my typos. 😊 Jim was born in 1943. 😊
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  01:54 PM
Google Gerald Pitts interview. In it Gerald says the did some type of sonar and Jimbos body was not in the grave. I don't know if I believe what Gerald Pitts says. What did Gerald Pitts do send some of his guys over to Jimbos grave and perform a sonar scan. How come that was never brought to light. I guess I should probably email Gerald Pitts to find out.Maybe someone already has if yes then that would save me the time to email him.
Posted by Big Tom  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  03:34 PM
One of Jim's alleged children, my friend of 3 years Jade recently had a house fire and lost her material possessions. It was on a farm so her pets died too. If anyone's got a prayer in 'em, would appreciate it.

I recall the following quote from this wonderful site:

I am reading alot of unconvincing posts saying this is NOT Jim Morrison. I am a Medical Illustrator and advisor to Attornies at Law. I'm not saying it IS, but this deserves a closer look

The first GLARING fact that everyone is missing here is this RODEOWEST and website is flatly, no mistake about it, claiming this to be Jim Morrison of the band the DOORS. Son of Admiral G.S.Morrison, etc.

Listen people. Lawyers dont f**k around. So the estate of Jim Morrison should have shut this site down by now. This is a passive fact, but the lack of action against Rodeowest raises my eyebrows firstly.

Someone is saying the IRS would be after him. Bah. Anyone with millions can change their name, alter their face, change countries. Attorneys can arrange ANYTHING. Most don't know this because were not millionaires. People with money operate in a different world. His royalties could go to a trust, a laywer, several ways to trickle NEXT!

Another genius poster said it doesn't look like him. Well, I did a "quicky" in photoshop and overlayed the famous Lion photo with the Rodeowest photo. It matched medically. The width of the eyes match very-very close. The eyes would be a first starting point as the eyes fix early in years, and stay fixed as we grow old. I calculate Jim Morrison the singer for the DOORS would be 62 now. The face would elongate and the nose would expand, etc. No photo of a 27 Y.O. would not match said person at 62 exactly. I find the picture on Rodeowest actually remarkeably similiar to the Jim of 27 photo. There is a similiar asymetry of the left eye, which is a bit more closed than the right. The curve of the nose matches. The chin matches as does the DISTINCTIVE mandibular angle. Vertically, all of the classic "Da Vinci" proportions are in place. Eye to nose, nose to lips, lips to chin. As well horizontally. Square face and distinctive mandible to bite ratio.

Personally, looking into the eyes of the famous Door's photo, and the photo of the man on the Rodeowest site, there was a subtle connection.

The RODEOWEST agent says he has fingerprints of Jim Morrison now. So, that would be interesting to see side by side.

Again, I cannot say it is him, but there are quite a few interesting things going on here. I don't respect the loud mouths who just barf up negative comments without posting a few facts or connections. Thats lame, even if this is a fake.
If this guy is a FAKE and a CON, this is DAMN good. Very very good. It DOES medically look like a 62 year old Jim Morrison to me.

And if youre going to slam my post, go ahead, but do with FACTS and logic not more lame excretions.

Posted by Dave in Montana on Thu Dec 07, 2006
Posted by JLizard  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  03:37 PM
JLizard, I know this is an old post from Dave Logan, but I feel it deserves an answer. The only reason I'm answering is to correct Dave's misinformation. I have no doubt that James Douglas Morrison is dead and has been since 1971.

Dave, you're forgetting the brow ridge, which is competely different. Your work on matching Jim to Bill in Photoshop means nothing. I can make Beyonce look like Jim with Photoshop's tools.

Back in the 1990's, Danny Sugerman--long time friend and manager of the Doors--had an expert in Medical Illustration and Forensics at UCLA examine the pictures. The conclusion was that it was not Jim. There was no match.

The attorneys.

Danny told me that the Doors' attorneys decided that there were bigger matters that required The Doors' attention. This was such a ridiculous and provably false claim, that it wasn't worth the time and effort it would take to shut down such small potatoes and the Rodeowest efforts wouldn't make any money anyway, because it was so obviously an attempt to cash in on a very dead James Douglas Morrison.

The attorney for the family told me that the Admiral didn't want to dignify the false claims about his son by addressing the matter. The Admiral was convinced his son was dead and that was enough for him.

The Rodeowest/Bill Loyer claims were simply not important, just like all the fake paternity claims and other phony "I am Jim Morrison" claimants who crawled out of the wood work after Jim died.

Years ago a couple of fellow reporters asked me to see if a couple of the Jim Morrison claimants could identify me. Those claimants flunked the test. I know Bill Loyers would flunk that test as badly as the other fakes did.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  05:02 PM
Salli's being modest by identifying herself simply as a reporter, because her interview with Jim Morrison--published in two parts in Circus Magazine in late 1970 and early 1971--was Jim's favorite, and they went on to become good friends.

She was also a close friend of the late Danny Sugerman. Danny was only 16 when Jim left for Paris in March of 1971, and Jim told Salli he believed Danny had potential as a writer and asked her to mentor the kid. (Read Danny's WONDERLAND AVENUE for a more accurate portrait of Jim Morrison than you'll find in most of the so-called "biographies," including Jerry Hopkins' wretched NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE.)

Finally, Salli acted as (Doors drummer) John Densmore's publicist in the early 80s, when John was appearing in a one-man theatrical piece he'd written.
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  06:09 PM
I am very much still a skeptic about all of this... I really do feel it's likely to be a scam, or just some kook that happens to look like Jim might now, and some honest but misled people trying to promote that. But I do think this person looks a lot like what he might look like now. I think the whole idea is preposterous, but I do see the possibility of it being the same person when I see those pictures and imagine the many years added on. Same with the voice, from what little I've heard...

And to play Devil's Advocate, I have to take issue with anyone, even someone who knew Jim really well way back in the day, presuming that he "couldn't" or "wouldn't" do this or that... he wouldn't be a brick layer... he wouldn't get tattoos... I believe you have to take the premise at face value to criticize it, and based on the premise, that this was a very famous and very sick (drugs & alcohol) person who stepped completely out of the public eye by choice, then you just can't presume what direction that person's life would have taken after that point, especially going on DECADES later. My life is very, very different than it was just 12-13 years ago. Different directions, different choices, different lifestyle, different people.

Though I definitely do not necessarily believe that Bill Loyer is JDM, I also do not believe JLizard and David Logan are active con artists. They genuinely seem to believe what they do and I am certain they are not making any money from this.

Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  07:14 PM
Looking at those pictures on rodeowest Billy Loyer looks to short to be Jim Morrison. Bill Loyer appears to be the same size as his wife.
Posted by The Lizard Queen C  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  07:35 PM
If you don't want to know the truth, please do not click on this link!
Posted by JLizard  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  07:39 PM
Page 68 and 69.Even though his identity is only known as iq149,Obviosly there is someone one represents James Douglas Morrison,Admiral and Clara,Cliff Morrison ,Morrison estate, The Doors. TheIq149 made us aware that there IS someone present watching out that things don't get too far. I think everyone should take time to read those pages.
Posted by horses memory  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  08:03 PM
Denny Cranes' back. Hang in there Denny. While beat and bloody we have some more pictures to submit. We have brought on some new friends.
Posted by David Logan  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  08:14 PM
Jim Morrison was never 6 ft.1" I say that was part of the urban legend. 5 ft. 11" is what he claimed to be. Most of that was with his rock boots on. OOoh Yeaa
Posted by David Logan  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  08:26 PM
Some big guns coming out to play.Talk about height till you run out of breath.Can he Just give us a Big Morrison smile!or are you going to say he got false teeth now.
Posted by horses smile  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  08:58 PM
When Jim was measured in 1970, he proved to be 5'11" plus. He was barefoot at the time.

The medical report for his death measured him at approximately 6'1".
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  09:06 PM
Dear Salli, first of all I'm not the Dave from Montana in that quote.
With all due respect. Marsha called Danny Sugerman in 1997. First out on their own. Presenting her plaintive situation of identity perhaps reaching out. He said Jim was dead and hung up. Summer of 98 a story breaks about Morrison on the hill. I believe the few comparison pictures were in Dannys hands in 1999. God rest his soul.
Posted by David Logan  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  09:20 PM
I am not the Medical Illustrator. Dave from Montana. Thank you Dave that was quite interesting. None of my photo's match nor was there any photoshop.
Photo's set as opposites because they so match.
I think.
Posted by David Logan  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  09:42 PM
Horses Ears you baffle me. This is really fun.
Want some hay nice little Horsey?
Posted by David Logan  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  10:05 PM
Marsha Loyers should have listened to Danny Sugerman.

I know for a fact that James Douglas Morrison died on July 3,1971 in Paris, France. I have three sources who saw James Douglas Morrison's dead body that day in the apartment where he and Pamela were staying.

I've had to debunk phony Jim Morrisons over the years and I've managed to out every single one of them. There is no way your friend is James Douglas Morrison.

Bill Loyers should be ashamed of himself for promoting such a hurtful, injurious, nasty, fame seeking, financially self serving lie.

Loyers should just crawl back under the rock he crawled out from under.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  10:24 PM
Dave, I just read the following which you posted on page 71.

"Forensics expert Dr. Jim Hales has met Jim. Dr. Hales has worked on hundreds of cases. One of the nations respected leading experts. Hales had to work on the Dallas flight that went down in the 80's. Lost the whole flight. Fire. The signature matches right out of the raw. Not one detail is missing. Dr. Hales believe's Jim. Nobody's holding back anythig. For the fans there will be more pictures and information for you to decide analitically. Or from your gut. Please not hysterical conjecture. Hey guess what it's free. Bye
Posted by David Logan in Helena, Montana on Wed Dec 30, 2009 at 11:27 AM

Yes I am speaking for Dr. Hales. A gentleman and friend. He has x-rayed Jim's face and mouth. Talked with him. Analized comparison photo's. Almost instant signature comparison's. Voice comparison tapes were taken.I said he believes Jim. That's where we are.
Posted by David Logan in Helena, Montana on Wed Dec 30, 2009 at 08:29 PM."

So Dr. Jim Hales took xrays of Bill's face and mouth. The point is Dr. Hales DIDN'T take xrays of James Douglas Morrison's face and mouth.

Furthermore, the only Doctor Jim or James Hales I could find listed under various lists of forensics experts is a dentist in Grants Pass, Oregon. Dr. Hales may be an expert in Dentistry Orthodontics, but without James Douglas Morrison's xrays, Dr. Hales can't compare anything.

So much for your expert, Dave.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Thu Jan 14, 2010  at  10:58 PM
Yes good point. That would be Dr. Hales. Just illustrating the intimacy of Dr. Hales knowledge. Forensic dental expert just the same. He has the credentials. Out of Dallas, Tx. At this point we believe...
Posted by David Logan  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  04:01 AM
I understand and have read that there was a very linited few who saw them take big Jim away. I believe he was nearing the end of his comatose state. Why did Pamela admit publicly on three different occasions that Jim was alive? Also her stories around the beginning of these episodes don't correlate at all. I am saying it was a cover-up.
Posted by David Logan  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  04:32 AM
There's The Jim Morrison Death Story,on you tube that's quite fascinating.Also Pearl Courson has a short clip about her daughters state of mind after he died.I'm saying that for those of you that need to grasp onto something with their eyes, when they can't believe things anonymous people like myself have to say.Faith is sure to be difficult for some to have. Heroin and especially acid, can make you think and see and say things. In her grief, she couldn't except that he was gone.She 'waited for him to come back' should be taken on the spiritual level of soul mates.When one loses the other the overwhelming sense, feeling and thoughts are on a totaly different level than the normal everyday mind.Unfortunatly through the years many have used those few words she said to take advantage of the situation.
Posted by horses visions  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  07:36 AM
I have baffled many a' men and women.And will continue to do like many conquerers of old.Care to join me for a toast? Glasses everyone.A toast to The Morrisons,for without we would not be here enjoying eachothers company...
Posted by horses greatness  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  07:49 AM
Tis it all in a state of mind that has a silver lining..
Posted by horses ears  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  07:58 AM
Tho,in shamanism,faith is not needed.I will take you there.
Posted by horses spirit  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  08:24 AM
A huge toast.
Posted by David Logan  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  11:18 AM
I raise my attractive and compelling you are!
Posted by know it all  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  12:25 PM
Through close and careful observation of Pamela's behavior during and after the Paris incident I don't believe she was delusional. The Paris incident managed to wrangle out at least 3 stories. She was no 007. Neither did they get along perfectly. After the dust settled somewhat and over a period of 3 years, she made these statements. I come to her defense and resented the fact that the popular world came against her. She was still a human. In the day most of us leaned toward the facts presented us. Personal conspiracy.
I missed him because he fell. He could write and he sang like a man. Not lollipop diddly dop. Check out my birthdate on the Mayan graph, it is the jaguar and the shaman. 5/22/52. I don't hold much to it. Like the Chinese cat dog. Spiritualism is a vast realm. The higher you go the more relevent the truth becomes. Not some mild feeling or guesswork. Things begin to happen that are out of your control that are clear indicators toward your qwest. Peace, love, joy, compassion, sadness, anger and mercy are all properties of a higher grasp. The lower thought trains become muddled in fragments or worst case completely deceived power.
From stepping over the horses pile he left behind. All I see is rump. My nostrils are burning at the vision. Hey rump that's like RWMP. (Rodeoswest Motion Pictures.) Tee Hee
Gee I ought to write a book.
Posted by David Logan  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  12:34 PM
"David Logan" or whatever your name is, it's offensive and disgusting, the way you ramble on and on about people you never knew, based on something you "think" you heard or read.

So here's an account by someone who knew Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson as well as anyone, that gives the lie to your nonsense:

"Pam and I were very dear friends. She sat on this sofa night after night and she'd cry, with the DEEPEST grief, over the loss of Jim. Night after night. It became a mania for her. She eventually gave up her life because of her love for Jim. ...Let me tell you, Jim Morrison is DEAD."

(Doors' producer Paul Rothchild, quoted in BAM magazine, July 3rd, 1981)

Finally, if your friend Loyer wants to prove he's really Jim Morrison, why does he not go to Los Angeles and look up some of Jim's old friends/associates ?

I'll tell you why not: because he knows he'd be run out of town on a rail, that's why--except I think most of Jim's surviving friends would be laughing too hard at this silly little wannabe to do him any real damage.
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  03:19 PM
Author Patricia Butler wrote quite reverently about the life of Pamela Courson (Angels Dance and Angels Die: The Tragic Romance of Pamela and Jim Morrison. Schirmer Books, 2000. ISBN 978-0-825-67153-1). It brings to light much of the serious side of Pam including her owning a boutique and her familiarity with the complex personal, legal and business relationships that Jim had.
Butler's work was inspired after a trip to Pere LaChaise and upon hearing her in 1990 at a book signing in 1990 I acquired a strong feeling that something was very fishy about Jim's death. Pam was not buried in Pere LaChaise next to her husband.
Butler's book was written on interviews she conducted with Courson's family and DOORS members over a decade after Pam's death. She sticks to the Manzarek Commission's Report as to how Jim died. And lived.

Butler lambasts posts on other sites about the possibility that Jim may have faked his death and expounds that Pam was delusional about Jim's demise and therefore claimed him alive. Butler rather enjoys horseback rideing with Patricia Kennealy. Butler eludes mention much less stressing the significance of Pam's friendship with the royalty of Europe.

The royal connections may have been the real driving force of Jim's trading the United States where he was to be put on a trial to ridicule him for France. Pam befriended the dukes and princesses and gained a respectable home for our beloved artist.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  03:39 PM
Putting my self there.If I lost my beloved,I would not say my beloved was alive and expect it be be taken literaly.I would be overcome with the deepest grief also,and would also give up on life.To have that kind of intrinsical bond with someone just can't be B r o k e n.if you have ever felt it then it could lead u to a better understanding. If I knew different,I wouldn't be able to be kept from my beloved.Death would not be an option then.
Posted by horses half  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  04:34 PM
A god believes that when its all over what matters most is what they've done.Isn't it a lovely thing to live with great courage and die with an everlasting fame.
Posted by horses god  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  04:51 PM
JLizard wrote: "Butler's book was written on interviews she conducted with Courson's family and DOORS members over a decade after Pam's death. She sticks to the Manzarek Commission's Report as to how Jim died. And lived."

WRONG. Patricia Bulter NEVER interviewed anyone in the Courson family.

The attorney for the Morrison's answered some written questions she submitted to him. At no time did Butler interview either family.

Much of the information Butler relied on in her book was taken from an unpublished transcript written by Attorney Max Fink's widow Margaret, who lied about the relationship her husband had with James Douglas Morrison, so she could make a buck. It didn't sell. The publishers Margaret submitted her fairy tale to didn't believe her and they were right not to.

Butler unfortunately took to the transcript like a duck to water and as a result, much of what Butler has written is highly questionable, if not outright fiction.

Jlizard wrote: "The royal connections may have been the real driving force of Jim's trading the United States where he was to be put on a trial to ridicule him for France. Pam befriended the dukes and princesses and gained a respectable home for our beloved artist."

Jim wasn't interested in any royal connections. His reasons for going to France were much more down to earth than that. Pamela did not befriend royalty, except for her dealer. Where are you getting this crap?

I suppose next you'll start quoting the equally reliable Linda Ashcroft?
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  05:28 PM
"Yes good point. That would be Dr. Hales. Just illustrating the intimacy of Dr. Hales knowledge. Forensic dental expert just the same. He has the credentials. Out of Dallas, Tx. At this point we believe...
Posted by David Logan in Helena, Mt. on Fri Jan 15, 2010 at 03:01 AM "

Without xrays from James Douglas Morrison's skull, teeth, etc. to compare with those of Bill Loyer, Hales may have the credentials, but Hales doesn't have any proof that Loyer is James Douglas Morrison, because there is nothing to compare Loyer's xrays to.

Your claims and those of Loyer are pure bunk.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  05:33 PM
Salli Stevenson,
Thanks for the info on Patricia Butler. I don't have my copy here so I couldn't review it before I posted, but I just wanted to mention someone from the DOORS camp (and thank you, who never interviewed the Coursons) who claims to be the expert on Pam. Actually, it must have been more like 1999 when I met her- maybe Angels Dance came out 25 years after Pam's death.
You seem smart enough so you don't have be so brash. David and I are doing are best with what we know and your mud smearing just hints that you are constipated. By the time you wrote your quips, Dr. Marsha, MD. probably read a medical journal.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Fri Jan 15, 2010  at  07:35 PM
We'll see...Thank You for the help.
God this is a beautiful story. You girls are so passionate. You've about got me convinced. Ya ha
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  01:35 AM
No Really I feel totally blessed to have someone on here who is part of the ones. Who has a solid grasp on things. Now for the fun part.

Could you kind of nuture us out of this? My psychi is having a real problem. I mean it's not quite right. It's kinda lika muscle cramp in my biggest muscle. My brain.
Really really serious when I say I am glad to be able to talk to Janet, S.Stevenson. and I'm sure Jliz mostly as well. I want ta talk to the Horse.
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  02:31 AM
Mr. Horse? Mrs? Just on the poetic side You say "If I knew different, I wouldn't be able to be kept..." You are saying you know different, you are stronger than that. You are the horse. 😊 Parts and more.
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  02:44 AM
A nation whose media innocently enough feeds on truama or hardship or deception can hardly be taken for the Gospel all the time. More has been written than will be read. More has been said than lived in some instances. More living has been done than can be said about. I'm still open.
Bill Loyer is James Douglas Morrison.
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  03:05 AM
Nice Toast. We even had Know it all.
Please bare with us while we nose through this. You like that Horse?
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  03:18 AM
To all Salli, Janet and those who new pre Bill loyer Jim. Mr. Logan stated that Billy/Jim was native american. I have read that Jim had a great affinty with native american but never any blood. Mr. Logan ask Mr. Loyer where the Blue Lady is. The Shelby mustang forum is searching for this car.
Posted by neutral party  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  06:06 AM
Ah!intriged? Actually I mean exactly that.If I knew different.I cannot speak for Pamela herself,but I can speak for me.I AM ONE that is STRONG as can be,I also refuse the blinders.Yet,Mr.logan I feel my sensitivity towards humanity makes me easy to pet.I am dissapointed that there was not more involved in my toast. Sarcastic or not I may be,but for the love of MORRISON(S), I do raise my glass.
Posted by horses strength  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  06:48 AM
Hm.I have been so unsettled on the title of my book.I think I've got it.
Posted by horses writing  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  06:53 AM
Mr. Logan,I believe you step on dangerous ground with the statement you made above regarding James Douglas Morrison,don't ya think?are you testing for mines?
Posted by horses ears  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  06:58 AM
Neutral party, even if the real Jim were still alive I doubt he'd know the answer to that question. The best guess is that The Blue Lady got junked a long time ago.

You're correct that Jim had no Indian blood (native people are going back to calling themselves Indians, the thinking being that anyone born in this country is a native American).

He was mostly Celtic (Scots-Irish) with a bit of Anglo-Saxon (English) thrown in, and looked it.

By the way, most Mexicans are at least part Indian (that's what "Mestizo" means) since the Spanish conquistadores intermarried with the native population to an enormous extent, but I'm assuming that Logan meant Loyer's an American Indian. In any case it's another huge problem for the imposter.

Since THE JIM MORRISON SCRAPBOOK is widely available (Amazon now has it for $15.60, less than half its list price of $40.00) I recommend that anyone who's still thinking this Loyer jerk might really be Jim Morrison should buy it, peruse it, and THEN see if you still think the legendary Jim Morrison of the Doors faked his death and is now a heavily tattooed retired bricklayer of American Indian descent. 😜

Since the Scrapbook was put together by Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame curator James Henke with the full cooperation of the Morrison family you can be sure this information is trustworthy, and not the work of a fantasist/loon like Patricia Kennealy or Linda Ashcroft, or a jealous hack like Jerry Hopkins or Stephen Davis. The enclosed CD of Salli Stevenson's interview with Jim is just the icing on the cake, to my way of thinking. :lol:
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  01:47 PM
Sweat. Dear Neutral, I never mentioned anything about a native heritage. Someone else. I'm afraid the Shelby is long gone or someone would have heard.
We will perform when the axe drops. If not sooner.

Horses ears what a pleasure to have you along. Seeing how adamant Janet and Salli are I had to think. J.Erwin ridin up my back side hard with Salli taking the lead on the outside. The track is wet and the mud's just a flyin.
No my Horse friend I am convinced. Somebody else can work out the details if and when that became necessary. Remember Jim/Bill Loyer tried to talk to Danny. Also calling Ray in Grants Pass. That I know for sure. Ray has seen all the pictures and signature. He is not screaming Hoax. I wish my best to everyone. I also wish that this wasn't disconcerting. Yours, David Logan
Posted by David Logan  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  02:20 PM
No. Marsha tried to talk to Danny; Bill didn't. You're right. Ray isn't screaming hoax. Ray said very clearly and in a well modulated tone that Loyer is a hoax in a radio interview and in print in more than one interview.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Sat Jan 16, 2010  at  03:48 PM
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