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Is Jim Morrison Alive?
image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.
Categories: Celebrities, Death
Posted by Alex on Mon Jan 03, 2005
Comments (1944)
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TO ALL OF YOU!Well I am glad to see there is a whole 4 of us on here who actually give a **** if he is alive..Well I have an idea! What if we start a world wide petition to have jim dug up,every one could sign it...And I asked 100 people, 'fans" on myspace they all said yes!Could you all help me that will be the thing to solve this once and 4 all...People on the internet could print it out and mail it.We could put it in newspapers and have people clip it out and mail it back signed what do you think and we all will probably be on the news to,This guy in Oregon will be given a blood test here real soon through court,for one if he lying thats fraud,and if it is jim he could be charged for faking his death!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  05:15 AM
Jlizard, u didn't say ur not Shane Pitts?????????????
Posted by aries  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  10:28 AM
you all should just stop all this stupid comments and leave the man alone GEEZ!!!
Posted by 4ever young  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  10:40 AM
that is not jim! if you look at the pics that pitts has just put on his site the guy has a shit load of tatoos, funny as jim hated needles, further more the guy in those pics has brown eyes jim had blue
Posted by aries  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  12:44 PM
WOW!! you sure Jim well, HE HAD GRAY EYES!! :gulp:
Posted by 4ever young  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  01:15 PM
READ THIS THIS IS INTERESTING! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID......I am reading alot of unconvincing posts saying this is NOT Jim Morrison. I am a Medical Illustrator and advisor to Attornies at Law. I'm not saying it IS, but this deserves a closer look

The first GLARING fact that everyone is missing here is this RODEOWEST and website is flatly, no mistake about it, claiming this to be Jim Morrison of the band the DOORS. Son of Admiral G.S.Morrison, etc.

Listen people. Lawyers dont f**k around. So the estate of Jim Morrison should have shut this site down by now. This is a passive fact, but the lack of action against Rodeowest raises my eyebrows firstly.

Someone is saying the IRS would be after him. Bah. Anyone with millions can change their name, alter their face, change countries. Attorneys can arrange ANYTHING. Most don't know this because were not millionaires. People with money operate in a different world. His royalties could go to a trust, a laywer, several ways to trickle NEXT!

Another genius poster said it doesn't look like him. Well, I did a "quicky" in photoshop and overlayed the famous Lion photo with the Rodeowest photo. It matched medically. The width of the eyes match very-very close. The eyes would be a first starting point as the eyes fix early in years, and stay fixed as we grow old. I calculate Jim Morrison the singer for the DOORS would be 64 now. The face would elongate and the nose would expand, etc. No photo of a 27 Y.O. would not match said person at 64 exactly. I find the picture on Rodeowest actually remarkeably similiar to the Jim of 27 photo. There is a similiar asymetry of the left eye, which is a bit more closed than the right. The curve of the nose matches. The chin matches as does the DISTINCTIVE mandibular angle. Vertically, all of the classic "Da Vinci" proportions are in place. Eye to nose, nose to lips, lips to chin. As well horizontally. Square face and distinctive mandible to bite ratio.

Personally, looking into the eyes of the famous Door's photo, and the photo of the man on the Rodeowest site, there was a subtle connection.

The RODEOWEST agent says he has fingerprints of Jim Morrison now. So, that would be interesting to see side by side.

Again, I cannot say it is him, but there are quite a few interesting things going on here. I don't respect the loud mouths who just barf up negative comments without posting a few facts or connections. Thats lame, even if this is a fake.
If this guy is a FAKE and a CON, this is DAMN good. Very very good. It DOES medically look like a 62 year old Jim Morrison to me.

And if youre going to slam my post, go ahead, but do with FACTS and logic not more lame excretions.
Posted by keri raymer  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  02:30 PM
who's knockin ur post? every one has an opion bro,that's why we are all here. did u get my last email?
Posted by aries  on  Thu Aug 07, 2008  at  06:55 PM
Ok folks enough of the gay jokes! LOL KERI IS A BEAUTIFUL 135 pound WOMAN NOT A BRO! Yesrterday I got to speak to Jim's brother in law which lives down the street from Andy Jim's brother,I found out jim's dad is now 89 and he is dying,Also found out The guy in Oregan claiming to be Jim Morrison is saying he isn't and it was all because Mr Pitts wanted to do it. Also heard JIM has an order of pertection against Mr. Pitts....Interesting Shit!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  08:14 AM
And,I am going in circles to many storys who do you believe! Honestly I believe Mr. Pitts I do think that is Jim Morrison and the reason I do is because people would have done something about it he has had the tapes out for like 8 to 9 years now think about it! And it does match up pull out some pictures of your grandfather in his 20's and then see him in his 60's people completely change! (GOD WHAT AM I GONNA LOOK LIKE)LOL The noses do change..This guys eyes are blue not brown and he also has the jaw just like jim,Fricking Manzerek wrote a book and said jim wrote him after his death,I say we bombard all these people ty jim up take his blood and find out the truth,Also found out jim's family will not dig up the grave they want it to be over,
Posted by keri raymer  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  08:25 AM
please explain why you are doing this again is it because your title is Press for rodeo west???????????? ur phone # and everything is right there on Pitts site? whats up with that????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Posted by aries  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  04:34 PM
Thanks Keri and Aries for your kind words, but I confess that Jlizzards comments did a good thing...because firstly I contacted my Uncle who is still alive and resides just ousite of Paris...he is quite old but still very fit and health...I asked him to refer back to all those years ago..and his response to me might explain something to those who do not live in France.

1)coffin was nailed shut AFTER being identified by friends.(it was over 40C in Paris that year) Uncle said that every body (corpse starts decomposing after about four hours in that heat...Keri is this true?..I'm not a medical person.

2)It was Madame Roche who notified the my Uncle and NOT friends or family of Jim Morrison...due to a leaking within her ceiling.

3) France is very different to the USA with regards to the treatment of open casket is acceptable but not without is only usual in the winter. or cool months.

I leave you with this thought...and I'm leavin for Paris tomorrow because I'm so excited about this...My Uncle was as is a total beurocrat and has told me he took photos of every corpse that he had to associate with...He did not know that Jim Morrison were a celebrity..he was just a summer body like hundreds...noone ever asked him..noone except me..despite all the history..fame etc..I dont hold my thumbs just now (fingers crossed you say I think)..just imagine if the photos are of Jim...well RIP..if not? Hmm

I'd like to say more but space doesn't allow


Jlizzarrd...I hope to say Hmmm and what
Posted by Andreii Charpentier  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  04:39 PM
his eyes r brown that's why the sunglasses and the pictures are today r fuzzy compared to last year also Jim hated needles and this new jim has tatoos also why in some pictures they have been animated out, but one? also there was a clip of the video tape and when pitts jim sings along he gets the words wrong on moon light drive, his own lyrics they are hiding something and that is NOT JIM MORRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Aries  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  04:44 PM
I only posted my mail about 20 minutes ago and already Jlizzard slighted me although I sort of agreed with him just now...Jlizzard...stop being rude to people who are trying to be serious about a subject!

I have no idea if Jim Morrison is alive or deads...but if you purporte to be him..and if you are him (which I dont believe you are for a single moments).but if I believed you were him.then I will rip up every poem that you ever wtote (I felt to me when I was a young boy)...I will smash every record in my collection (I only have two)...Jims poetry meant so much to if you're alive...and especially if you're Jlizzard then you are a beast...and better off dead...lets see what my Uncle has to offer!

I suspect that you are a nasty gentleman with nothing good to say about anyone...let alone about yourself...You most certainly not my hero...

Posted by andreii  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  05:13 PM
Please excuse me Llizzard...I guess it wasn't you...I've had about 200 contacts on my mail in the last 30 minutes...most saying they are you...I'm not a fool so dont worry..



(ps I'm sad that I got into this debate)
Posted by Andreii  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  05:49 PM
Ok I am nobody but a regular person who ran across that site,he sent me 2 video's one which he claims has never been seen before which I got today,...He trust me and being I know alot of people,I will name a few,Bret Micheals,All the guys from Cheap Trick,All the guys from Great White,Alice Cooper himself,Jason from Metallica,and alot more I could keep going,I also know a guy that wrote a top of the shelf book about JIM and it's in every store,I just spoke to Jim's brother in law today around 4.Now heres the deal I am no reporter for Rodeo West I am on there for anyone to call who wants information about it,and I am gaining more each day,For one he has'nt seen this JIM M guy in 2 years also THIS JIM M GUY put a order of pertection against him and JIM MORRISON"S brother in law spoke to the JIM M Guy affiliated with Pitts and he told him this stuff,I am not in CAHOOTS with Pitts, I am out for the truth just like you guys are and further more us going back and forth fighting won't work! WHO IS JLIZARD I see these messages he is being mean and rude,whats up with that?
Posted by keri raymer  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  07:18 PM
Andreii,That is really cool do you know you would be solving a 30 year mistery wow,I hope he has it but I bet he don't because I don't think he dead but ya never know,Ask him if he thought is was unusual the coffin was nailed shut so fast,
Posted by keri raymer  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  07:21 PM
Posted by keri raymer  on  Fri Aug 08, 2008  at  07:22 PM
Near the heart of Paris is the cemetery of Pere Lachaise. It is named after a priest who was Confessor to the King. His house and garden were once on this land. Frenchman or tourist, you must visit this cemetery. It has its own grandeur, and its secrets.
Not only the French are buried here. One striking tomb is that of Oscar Wilde. There are always a few fresh flowers. But there are so many celebrities, you can buy a special 'map' at the gate. It includes a list of poets, painters, singers, actors and well known courtesians. Schools often bring their classes here.
When Jim first took me there in 1968, he walked through the gates with an exuberant air. "Thanks you," he flapped his map in an attendant's face. "I've already got one!"
"How long have you had it?" I asked.
"Almost two years," he said.
He gave me a frown. "I have a propelling pencil!"
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun Aug 10, 2008  at  03:53 PM
Hi all,

I have just returned from my familys home near Paris and I retrieved three photographs which my Uncle took of what he thoughted was a middle aged American guy in that summer.

I must say that he is totally amazed about the fuss and bother about one has ever asked him about it though he was one of the first there; no writer ...nothing..I'm afraid I have something that might upset many people.

I have three polaroid photos of a person who looks very much like Jim on left side of on right side..and one of whole person covered with what looks like a curtain or cover of some kind...In no way do I say it is him..but by God it looks like him.

I desribe for you what he looks like (you understand that firstly I must send these photos to his family and so on for their consideration, before I release to the Uncle insisted this.

The photos show a guy...rather plump with a (flannel?) in his hand with what looks like a bit of blood on it..His eyes are semi shut and his face does not smile like I read before somewhere but looks..hmmm pained? he'd had a fright or something.

His face is dead white but his hands and feet appear dark in these pictures..they're pretty good quality for their age.

As I said before I must send these photos to the family before releasing them publicly...I am not a huge fan as I said before..just a connexion within my family..his poetry moves me more than the music...I'm sorry because I think I'm about to spoil some dreams and wishes...I too wish he was still alive and writing that beautiful poetry;

I'm sorry but when you see these three photos you'll (probably) manage to believe

Best as ever

Posted by Andreii  on  Sun Aug 10, 2008  at  04:26 PM
Hi Keri,

I am so sorry that i posted my comments before I read yours...I was too excited to write what I found at my Uncles.

To answer your question, I know from my own experiences what it is to die in France...Grandfather..Grandmother and so on.

The custom (usually) is to have a coffine opened fo the family to say goodbye before burial...not many here are crematione

My understanding from what my Uncle said yestersay was that as it was a holidey, there was no morticians who could embalm his body..with fluid instead of blood...instead they packed the body with ice to delay...hmm decomposure?

This is not unusual in France...though it might seem strange to Americans....the family look after the dead before the State gets involved. I hope I dont sound arrogent because I write these things with Anglo/French dictionary

Best regards Keri

Posted by Andreii  on  Sun Aug 10, 2008  at  05:01 PM
Once again I agree with JLizarrd...Pere Lachaise is indeed a subliminal kind of place and any visitor to Paris must go there! It is a city of the dead...a beautiful and peaceful place...not exactly near the center as JLizard describes..but close enough.

As a young boy, we were removed there with teachers and so on to look apon the tombs of Wilde and other poets etc..we were never allowed to go near Jim Morrisons grave because there were too many hazzards,,,needles..syringes etc. Later I visited it and have done so many times since.

I love poetry...Rimbaud especially...but I dont find Jims resting place very peaceful at is a disturbed place...Rimbauds tomb in Charleville (N/E France) has a different vibe...not the same at all...All Americans should visit both!..Paris is the most amazing city in the world...and Charleville the strangest.

I keep reading this site and it occurs to me...and to quote Rimbaud.."only I hold the key to this wild parade"...I hope I help you all and bring some conclusion to this question.

Posted by andreii  on  Sun Aug 10, 2008  at  05:57 PM
Andreii,please email me your regular email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) I will then give you a
phone number to reach jim's family!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Sun Aug 10, 2008  at  06:42 PM
I am even more confused now then ever before,I heard yesterday there is a man that claims to be Jim's son and no one will do DNA,thats the big problem people can run around and say they are morrisons and no one will give them DNA,Well my real name is Elizabeth Morrison my mother and Jim had an affair back in 1969 and I was concieved.So I am Jim's daughter I guess it's that easy!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  05:56 AM
Elizabeth-where is your DNA? I believe JM has no offspring.
Posted by Adele  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  04:06 PM
Hi Keri,

I have today given instructions to my Family lawyers to handle thes matters (they are way too big for me)...and way to big for my family!

I started writing this cos of family rumours and so on...and sow something very incredible (amazing?) has happened which even I didnt expect.It seems to me absurd that it has taken me one week to obtain evedence that no one in thirty five(?) years could find even tho some are still alive..all they had to do was wonder there is such a conspiricy theory.

I repeat..the photos I have may not be him..but they look like him very much..including some moles on neck which seem to be important in the question.

Keri, My lawyers will contact you soon; but as I hope that you understand ..they want to do this in the correct manner. They have told me that they intend to try to reopen the police report and perhaps demand an exhumation in Pere lachaise. They have already heard that an exhmation may already have happened a few years ago..but I know nothing about this.

I hope you understand that for me to release these photos would be a terrribe thing to his family, and I dont want to join the rumour circus..I was shocked when I saw them..but my Uncle insists that I do this correctly.

Bear with me for a short time Keri..I promise you if your credentials are correct you will be one of the first.


Posted by Andreii  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  04:23 PM

I read what I said before and realise it sounds a bit rude..{harsh?)..I dont mean that at all because reading your previous comments on this site makes me think that you are a sensitive person who cares for the Jim...and you have always been polite and kind to me despite what you may personally feel.

I dont want to be the guy that destroys myths..I think its almost as bad to Americans as the guy..Wilkes Booth? who shot Lincloln.

I dont think that we Europeans ever doubted that he was dead..that he was an astounding poet and died for whatever cause..the problem for Americans (and I have many American family) ..and that they somehow believe that to die abroad is not quite correct!

Keri..I will do this quietly and respect my I respect you and Jim Morrisons family. I think you will understand this.

Gods to you Keri


(PS please excuse the English..I had to write this quickly

Posted by andreii  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  04:44 PM
I spoke to a member of the Morrison family yesturday they do not want to see your pictures I have no reason to lie.To them Jim is dead and they do not want nothing to do with anything,I found out that guy in Oregan could knock on there door with a needle and say I need to do DNA and they won't.They will not speak to you and they do not want to see them period..The way they act is weird but being there is 4 guys on u-tube claiming to be him can you blame them,They think doing a DNA test is rediculous they know there son is dead,Well to me they must know he is alive and they are keeping quiet because a man stands up and says I am your son lets do a DNA test that is kind of suspicous! I am doing an investigation and here soon I am going to have the doors and the Morrison's all in one big court room! They are hiding something BIG TIME!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  05:08 PM
Yeah his son Cliff can't even get DNA and he really looks and sounds like JIM, I think the Doors and the Morrison's don't want to give away any money,Oh well thats to bad there all going to die sooner or later they are all up in there late 60's now.GREED!PATHETIC UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT!
Posted by keri raymer  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  05:12 PM
To me the greed is the way Keri and Andreii say "Hey, give my your DNA sample you lug", and "Hey I got pictures of your hero decomposing in ice". DNA is the very essence of who one is and it is the most personal information about a person possible. And how about the petition to open the casket? Andreii's country will lose so much revenue and tradition if this were to happen. Jim is really alive. For those who love him, believe it. The greatest lesson we learned by him faking his death is the ruthlessness of the press.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Aug 13, 2008  at  05:07 AM
It is so funny how someone always has something to say,Now I am working for Pitts,or I am evil because I choose to do this investigation,I have nothing to do with GERALD PITTS,I speak to him occasionally I don't care about his video tapes,this is beyond them tapes he made,the fact is no one went there to stop him not the doors not the police and not the FBI,This is JIM MORRISON were talking about here,a legend,yet there are 3 other guys claiming to be him,He was offered 25 million dollars to sing at a rodeo from the big dogs in LA so they could record it and have a story he refused it,Now if this guy was not Jim don't you think he would of said yeah sure why not he has nothing just think about that for a minute,Also Gerald asked Jim to do a DNA test with his brother,the Morrison's will not and I found that out myself from the Morrison's.They know this is Jim,Regardless what you think,You look at pictures of Jim when he was young thats all you know...You really have to compare the 2.Jim has no money to go and reconstruct his whole jaw and chin and his eyes are blue,I have multiple pictures of the 2 and more on the way,more than what you have seen on that web site of Gerald Pitts.I am serious about this and it takes alot to make me get into something this much,besides loving Jim all my life his words voice and music,I believe this is Jim,Go to my myspace account and take a peek! .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) OR TheOfficialJimMorrisonsite,and you will see how much heart I have for JIM MORRISON,Probably more than anybody you know,I am not going to stop until I know the truth and Jim in Oregan knows this!If I found out that he is not Jim he better go in hiding for the rest of his life because if I found him I would remove his vocal cord so he could never say I am the LIZARD KING I CAN DO ANYTHING AGAIN! I don't play around this is my time I am using! Also Gerald asked me to be a distributor for his tapes,I said NOOOOOOO
Posted by keri raymer  on  Wed Aug 13, 2008  at  08:41 AM
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