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Catholic Church as The Matrix
image A Matrix-style poster depicting a Catholic priest as Neo isn't a spoof. The Catholic Church really is distributing these things. It's part of their new recruitment campaign:

The poster's creator, the Rev. Jonathan Meyer, 28, associate director of youth ministries for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, says pop culture is the key to attracting young men to an occupation that has gotten bad press.
"If we can get high-school youth to hang a picture of a priest in their room, that's huge in helping young men to answer the call to the priesthood," the cleric said. "Anyone who is a 'Matrix' guru looks at the picture and automatically gets it."
Crucifix in hand, Father Meyer posed for the poster, rated R for "restricted to those radically in love with Jesus Christ." Running time is "all eternity," and its title reads, "The Catholic priesthood: The answer is out there ... and it's calling you."

I'm wondering how far the Neo as Catholic priest analogy can be extended. In the second Matrix movie, Neo has sex with Trinity. So how are we supposed to interpret that? In one sense it seems appropriate (priests are dedicating themselves to God, or the Holy Trinity), but in another way it doesn't seem to be the message the Church intended. (via Notes From the Lounge)
Categories: Religion
Posted by Alex on Mon Aug 22, 2005
Comments (364)
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I don't know what the color is on my "planet"- are you a scientologist becuase that would explain how you are so screwed up.- Are you Tom Cruise? I hate your movies man, sorry I'm a little drunk. ALso (SORRY webpage manager person, please forgive me this is the last comment I will make that insults Cranky) Since you weren't raped by your mother I have another question for you - Did it hurt when your boyfriend ate your penis and then swallowed your balls and crapped them out and made you eat them?
Posted by James Andreson  on  Wed Feb 13, 2008  at  06:13 PM
I guess when you can't respond intelligently using facts to what someone else says, you are forced to resort to juvenile insults.

Just curious, James, is that how a Christian should act?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Thu Feb 14, 2008  at  12:56 AM
I knew you were going to say that but I have a question for you? When did I ever say I was a christian, you dumb sh*t? And you don't have facts they are just made up crap from bullsh*t websites- that's fine if you want to bash someone elses faith (it's your life, man)but at least have legitimate sites- and don't tell me your sites are legitimate, I don't want to be lied to by a 50 year old retarded person.
Posted by James Andreson  on  Fri Feb 15, 2008  at  02:14 PM
Let's see, so far you have accused me of being a Scientologist and a 50-year-old retarded person. But I'M the one who's making assumptions? Fascinating.

So, ARE you a Christian? Remember, if you are, it's a sin to lie. Jesus said there would be people who would deny knowing him.

So, James, you think my sources are all making up the news stories about priests who have sexually molested young children and the higher-ups in the Catholic Church who covered that up? Don't you wonder why the priests accused of such a horrible crime and the Church haven't sued for libel and slander? I certainly would if I was incorrectly accused of such a thing.

Sorry, James, those things DID happen, even though you desperately want to believe they didn't.

If you have any actual EVIDENCE that they didn't, you need to contact the police and/or the FBI as soon as possible.

Please stop covering up for sexual predators. There's been enough of that already.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Feb 16, 2008  at  12:42 AM
I think I will contact the FBI and tell them a moron is on this site by the name of "cranky mediaguy" spreading hate, trying to make himself look like a God figure and everyone else as bad and subordinate to him, and the most arrogant gay queer out there. Oh and I didn't deny that the molestation/sex abuse cases never happened I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciated how you always show us the biased gay a*s reprts made by ifiots like yourself. GET A JOB AND GET OFF THE COMPUTER. Just because no one likes you doesn't mean it will be any different on the internet (we hate you here too)
Posted by James Andreson  on  Sun Feb 17, 2008  at  05:15 PM
James, I guess you think that if you try to disguise it by using a lot of hyperbole, we won't realize that you have NO argument against what I've said at all.

I've told the truth and backed it up with actual EVIDENCE. YOU have things you want desperately to believe and since you can't support them with FACTS, you have to resort to personal attacks.

"I didn't deny that the molestation/sex abuse cases never happened I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciated how you always show us the biased gay a*s reprts made by ifiots like yourself."

I guess you're referring to the NEWS "reprts" in reputable outlets like the Boston Globe. Yeah, it's just TERRIBLE that they tell the truth about how trusted authority figures like Catholic priests molested young boys. Why can't they just pretend they don't know about that?

OK, sarcasm off. If you're aware of any bias in the reporting of those crimes, why don't you tell us what it is, instead of making unsubstantiated accusations? What do you claim to know that the press didn't?

Has it occurred to you that, if you have actual information that might exonerate some of those priests, by not saying something, you're preventing justice from being done?

Of course, that would only be true IF you weren't just bitching for no reason.

Here's a shocking reality: not every news story you don't like is "biased."
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  01:03 AM
Posted by James Andreson  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  03:12 PM
Gee, and I thought you had nothing cogent to say.

Seriously, James, you have NO facts to back up the non-argument you have.

If you were intelligent (a BIG "if"), you would realize that and re-examine your position on child-molesting priests.

You aren't so you won't, though.

For the record, while you may THINK you're a good Christian, you aren't.

In all sincerity, I hope you never have children who find themselves in the sad position of being molested by an authority figure. It would be terrible for them to realize that, on top of having been abused, their parent made excuses for the person or persons who did it to them.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  05:44 PM
In all the years that I've slunk about the hallowed halls of MOH, I've never observed another poster say: "Go kill yourself, dickhead (sic)". That IS a cogent argument, tho, if you think about it... allow me to elucidate: If one thought that one was indeed within a "Matrix" of fabricated reality, wouldn't the shortest distance between two points be to end the virtual existance thru the quickest means, to progress, return, or default, if you will, to the true reality, devoid of artifice? One must assume, therefore, that Cranky Media Guy believes himself trapped with a Matrixical Mockup of Melodramatic Malaise, and is so distraught as to be willing to violently ascend to Enlightenment. I don't get that sense, and as for the Dickhead portion of Jovial James's Jumping Jesus Joust, well, a real Dickhead is rare, and one shouldn't jump to conclusions that one is a Dickhead, unless one is prone to claiming that being a Dickhead is integral to the process of Sepuku, or any other form of ritual suicide. I'm glad I was able to clear that up for you guys, carry on. _Ding Ding
Posted by Hairy Houdini  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  07:06 PM
WTF! What is the Vatican on? What persecution have you had when your Fama Fraturnitatis deal with the Freemason's is to get rid of any witnesses against you, because the Freemason's are all in the Police Force's in every country, and your real origine is from a Nazi global peadophile industry! And what is Your 'CONDEMNATION OF JEANNETTE', if it aint all about hiding the fact that the Catholic Church is really a half brain Nazi peadophile ring, using the Bible, like a Schitzo using a fake identity to cover up your child abuse's, and that's all you are! You have no Scapegoat to run to anymore, we'll just use an MRI scanner on every priest to know in less than 15 second's if your lying or not, because we all know how you squeeze your butt cheek's together when your on a lie detector, because your alway's fucking eachother up the arse 24/7, that's why you wear a skirt like a protitute, just a quick lift and bend over anywhere! How would you like to know the real Whore of Babylon Fuck's up your soul's when your asleep, just as much as you fuck our kid's, and that's JUSTICE!
Posted by Ka~Os  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  09:12 PM
Listen, I don't give a shit how many time's you refer to Jesus giving second chance's to catholic Priest's that persistently sexually abuse children, all the Catholic Chursh is a law onto themselve's, and running a peadophile industry to give every man a chance to fuck a kid and then claim a second chance out of a Hebrew Book that is reverse psychology Gealic Welsh! Well the fact is, the Bible is Not represented by any man made church on this Planet, no matter what you call it, and no matter what fake Nazi history you put behind it, your fake, and we all know you have no connection with any conscious god, other than your half brained super id!
Posted by Ka~Os  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  09:22 PM
Hey cranky I was just curious- Are you aware that the Catholic Church actually has LESS cases of pedophilia,sex abuse scandals,and molestation cases than any other religious organization in the world? You can check out the stats on CNN, FOX and BBC news sites on the web. And please don't tell me that is irrevelant to the discussion as this page is supposed to be devoted to "catholic church as the matrix" not an ant-catholic site.
Posted by Mafia  on  Sat Feb 23, 2008  at  01:15 AM
I'm sure that's a HUGE comfort to the children who were molested by priests, Mafia.

Assuming that what you say is true, to me it's just one more argument against organized religion in general.

Hey, maybe the Vatican could use that as a slogan:

"27% fewer child molestations than any other major religion."

Actually, since you say these "stats" are on CNN, Fox and BBC, why don't you give us some links to them so we don't have to hunt all over?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Feb 23, 2008  at  04:51 AM
Didn't you read what I wrote you shit for brain's priest! The whole planet isnt oblivious to the fact and infalible evidance of the Vatican's connection's with the Mafia, Freemason's in the Police, and covering up your peadophile taxtict's in all the Public Record's to hide your Nazi Peadophile Industry, and even the BBC are involved in the underground medai that YOU Run!
It's obvious by your pathetic excuse at using Hebrew/Chaldea reverse Welsh Gaelic Bible Scripture's to cover your '2nd Chance for Nazi Peado Industry, that you are using this as a mean's of excuse for your ritual child abuse, just because of a Scripture regarding The Fire Of Chemosh, and putting your children throught he fire, ie; your Bohemian Grove play act that's suposed to be the art of Metempsychosis and killing off your stupid, pathetic immature childish selve's, you fucking bunch of wanking idiot half brained Pavlov's, becaus ethere's no where in the entire Bible does it state, 'Fuck your kid's is the Fire Of Chemosh', you fucking half brain, and that's because you onlyu have the capacity to use half a fucking brain, you incoherent dick fuck priest!!!! You have no concept of any form of Metempsychosi mentioned in the entire Bible, and I can't wait for you to claim publically to the whole public planet that you use the Prophet Mohammed's Text's as a Scapegoat for your underground Nazi Peado Industry, that You headed an International Ketamine Experiment via the Military Defence System's involved in Freemasonry in every country on this planet, and YOU think the whole planet dosn't know it!!! Here's the latest new's that you should tell your pathetic half brained Ratzinger, that Bedlam's in their own praverbial shit pit with Belldame, and you cartainly wont get an Orange out of me!
Posted by ka~Nut  on  Sat Feb 23, 2008  at  11:03 AM
I'm a parishoner of a church where Fr. Meyer resided for a few years and I want to weigh in on some of the conversation here with my own experiences.

#1) Father Meyer is a man that loves the Lord

#2) His purpose in making this poster was to take advantage of a popular icon in our culture and to establish interest in the youth to consider whether or not they are being called to a priestly vocation.

#3) He is a man who was deeply influenced by the teachings and example of John Paul II, who in my opinion is one of the most influential humanitarians of the modern era.

#4) I sense that many on this post have some pent-up angst against the Church. I don't know they are using the Church as a whipping post for their more general hatred of "organized religion" due to its membership totals (1 Billion worldwide) or if it's some other reason.

However many of you seem to be unwilling to be rational about your criticism by conflating the priestly sex abuse scandal with a parish priests attempt to do his vocation, which is to call all of God's people to fulfill their vocation (be it marriage or religious).
Posted by Matt  on  Sun Feb 24, 2008  at  07:34 PM
Cranky, I was wondering, so correct me if I am wrong: So you were a Catholic and then decided to leave the faith due to sex abuse scandals, then had kids and vowed to never go near a priest, clearly paraniod every priest in the world is a child molestor, basically stereotyping 1.3 billion people, then communicating with other paranoid people via the internet,along the way getting really arrogant and believing that everything YOU believe is right and 1.3 billion Catholics are wrong because some priests decided to fall from God's grace and molest a couple boys, then decided to be naive and think only Catholics had this problem, and now you are contaminating websites like this with your poisionous rumors(and yes I do think that there has been a problem w/priests molesting boys, but let's not forget there ARE other religious organizations with this exact same problem)thus creating INSANE people like KAOS, and along the way possibly becoming the most sarcastic (again correct me if I am wrong) atheist the world has ever seen. That about right Cranky?
Posted by Mike  on  Thu Feb 28, 2008  at  08:17 PM
No, Mike, that is NOT about right. Thanks for playing, though. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Next time, try responding to what I've actually said instead of making up a bunch of nonsense about me. I've never said any of the things you're trying to put in my mouth.

Here's the funny thing: mischaracterizing my position will NOT change the fact that there HAVE been a number of priests who DID molest young boys and whose crimes were covered up by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. You can't make that go away by distorting what I've said. Why don't you spend your time more productively by actually helping the victims? I think that's called "Christian charity."
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Fri Feb 29, 2008  at  12:56 AM
You said "Here's the funny thing: mischaracterizing my position will NOT change the fact that there HAVE been a number of priests who DID molest young boys and whose crimes were covered up by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. : I said "yes I do think that there has been a problem w/priests molesting boys, but let's not forget there ARE other religious organizations with this exact same problem)" I'm not talking about MY "position" on this issue I'm simply stating that You "along the way getting really arrogant and believing that everything YOU believe is right and 1.3 billion Catholics are wrong because some priests decided to fall from God's grace and molest a couple boys, then decided to be naive and think only Catholics had this problem", is wrong.And thanks by the way for validating my claim that: "you were a Catholic and then decided to leave the faith due to sex abuse scandals, then had kids and vowed to never go near a priest, clearly paraniod every priest in the world is a child molestor, basically stereotyping 1.3 billion people, then communicating with other paranoid people via the internet,along the way getting really arrogant and believing that everything YOU believe is right" and, "along the way possibly becoming the most sarcastic (again correct me if I am wrong) atheist the world has ever seen." So yeah I'm pretty sure I WAS right.
Posted by Mike  on  Fri Feb 29, 2008  at  05:42 PM
Mike said:

"So yeah I'm pretty sure I WAS right."

Oh, I'm certain you think you're right. Funny thing, though, you're NOT. Don't let that get in the way of your belief, though.

"I'm simply stating that You "along the way getting really arrogant and believing that everything YOU believe is right and 1.3 billion Catholics are wrong because some priests decided to fall from God's grace and molest a couple boys, then decided to be naive and think only Catholics had this problem", is wrong."

Please show me where I've ever said anything like that. OR you can apologize for attempting to put such ridiculous words in my mouth. I won't hold my breath waiting for THAT to happen, of course.

You can't disprove the things I've said so you mischaracterize them by wildly exaggerating them and then attacking the things I've never said.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Mar 01, 2008  at  12:26 AM
Here's a link to an article about molesting priests and discussion about them:

Here's a paragraph from the middle of the article:

"And here is the result of this fabulous example of self-policing: If we're talking about protecting the Church from scandal, defrocking was good for the Church, generating some positive publicity and making the Church appear to be taking action. However, it was disastrous for everyone else's children, as no one seems to know where Sicoli is now. Because the Church never turned him into the authorities, he's not in jail, he's not on any Megan's Law list, and he's free to continue his predatory ways."

Since the defenders of the Catholic Church hierarchy which continues to cover up for priests who force themselves sexually on young boys have NO way to respond to this with FACTS, I predict that I am about to be attacked irrationally. Let the personal attacks begin!
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Mar 01, 2008  at  01:43 AM
Thank you for your questions. First of all, , you know it is fairly easy to express your views and opinions.....and it can be very difficult to give a response to these views. It would demand research and providing solid evidence as to WHY your (wild?) accusations are false, and without solid foundation. WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE FOR YOUR ACCUSATION, YOUR OPINION?? WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS MAKING A GENERAL ACCUSATION. These GENERAL accusations are NEVER TRUE, as such. They are too general. Thus to say that the Bishops of the Catholic Hierarchy COVERED UP the crimes of pedophiles....this is simply not true. Perhaps some few bishops did, in a way, cover up these crimes by not reporting them to the police. But, not every bishops did this. Also, even though some few bishops did not inform the police of the crime of a priest against a child, that doesn't mean that the guilty priest was not punished severly. Take, for example, the statement of that person who dislikes the Catholic Church about Cardinal Law: "some priests molest boys, sometimes many boys, and sometimes over a period of many years. Church officials, including Cardinal Law, knew about this but did NOTHING to stop it or turn the priests into the police." Now, from what I have told you here, you can see that such an accusation against "church officials"(WHO ARE THESE??? AND ON WHAT BASIS, FOR WHAT REASONS, DOES HE BASE THIS ACCUSATION???) and when he mentions Cardinal Law...WHAT ARE HIS REASONS, WHAT ARE HIS PROOFS, FOR THIS ACCUSATION AGAINST CARDINAL LAW??? As I said, ANYONE can make accusations against ANYONE, about ANYTHING. But, if that persons has not solid proof, has no clear reasons, for his accusations, then he is doing evil, he is spreading falsehoods, he is acting unjustly. The only practical advice I can give you is to LISTEN respectfully to the person who is making unfounded accusations, and to notice that he/she is doing so out of hatred or dislike, and simply to respond by saying: "WHAT EVIDENCE, WHAT PROOF, DO YOU HAVE OF THE ACCUSATIONS YOU ARE MAKING???" Or, HOW CAN YOU MAKE SUCH VAGUE GENERALIZATIONS?? What basis do you have for your general statemens or accusations. I hope these reflections are helpful. By the way, I am not trying to imply here that there were not some bishops who did wrong by not taking quicker and more immediate action to bring any and all persons who abuse children to justice. Nor am I trying to excuse ANYONE, even priests, who do wrong, and especially who abuse children...sexually, or any other way. If they are guilty, they deserve to be punished according to the seriousness of their crimes. But, I do say again, wild, general, and UNFOUNDED accusations are always wrong.
Posted by Mike  on  Mon Mar 03, 2008  at  03:14 PM
Mike, since I never said that ALL Catholic Bishops covered up for child molesting priests, your criticism of me for that is incorrect and irrelevant.

As for the PROOF of what I've said, just go back a few pages in this thread and you'll see where I linked to several news stories about it.

It DID happen and it WAS covered up by Bishops and others in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. That is an unfortunate fact. Those people should be in prison for obstructing justice. If politicians weren't afraid of "offending" the largest Christian denomination in America, it's possible that the Catholic Church could be prosecuted for RICO (Racketeering in a Corrupt Organization).
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Mar 03, 2008  at  04:00 PM
I find it really humorous that you critique people for changing their arguments all over this site and then you change little arguments of yours. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. You ARE making generalizations,or in other words stereotypes of Catholic clergyman.Yes your links do have things on it about some bishops covering up for child molestors but allow me to quote myself:"I am not trying to imply here that there were not some bishops who did wrong by not taking quicker and more immediate action to bring any and all persons who abuse children to justice. Nor am I trying to excuse ANYONE, even priests, who do wrong, and especially who abuse children...sexually, or any other way. If they are guilty, they deserve to be punished according to the seriousness of their crimes. But, I do say again, wild, general, and UNFOUNDED accusations are always wrong." And allow me to quote myself again since you seem to have missed this point: "Take, for example, the statement of that person who dislikes the Catholic Church about Cardinal Law: "some priests molest boys, sometimes many boys, and sometimes over a period of many years. Church officials, including Cardinal Law, knew about this but did NOTHING to stop it or turn the priests into the police." Now, from what I have told you here, you can see that such an accusation against "church officials"(WHO ARE THESE??? AND ON WHAT BASIS, FOR WHAT REASONS, DOES HE BASE THIS ACCUSATION???) and when he mentions Cardinal Law...WHAT ARE HIS REASONS, WHAT ARE HIS PROOFS, FOR THIS ACCUSATION AGAINST CARDINAL LAW??? As I said, ANYONE can make accusations against ANYONE, about ANYTHING. But, if that persons has not solid proof, has no clear reasons, for his accusations, then he is doing evil, he is spreading falsehoods, he is acting unjustly." There my point has been made.
Posted by Mike  on  Mon Mar 03, 2008  at  08:18 PM
Mike, instead of quoting yourself repeatedly, how about if you see if you can find where I said that ALL Catholic Bishops or ALL of the Catholic Church hierarchy are guilty of concealing the crimes of the child molesting priests.

Mind you, it won't be easy, BECAUSE I NEVER SAID IT. You seem intent on arguing with me about something I never said. Why?

As for what my proof of the fact that SOME Catholic Bishops DID cover up the molestations is, all you need do is go back a few pages and follow the links I've provided. I've suggested this previously but you seem to prefer to argue against things I've never said. Why do you refuse to simply take a look at the links? Are you afraid that it might destroy whatever point you're trying to make?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Tue Mar 04, 2008  at  02:10 AM
The only point I am trying to make is that you seem intent on lying to everyone that reads these comments.Some Catholic Bishops were not as quick as others in having these priests prosecuted but just because they were not as quick as you would like then to have been does not mean they were "covering up" for anyone.And no you do not literally say "all catholic bishops covered up for these priests crimes" but you did say "some priests molest boys, sometimes many boys, and sometimes over a period of many years. Church officials, including Cardinal Law, knew about this but did NOTHING to stop it or turn the priests into the police." When you say "Church officials" you are not excluding any "officials" whomever they are, and so it may have been an error on your part but you ARE saying intentionally or not that ALL catholic "officials" covered up for these crimes.P.S.- I have looked at your links but all they state is that priests/one nun has molested/raped children. It does not say anything about "officials" as you call them covering up for these clergyman, just how the "officials" were slow in having these guilty clergy prosecuted.
Posted by Mike  on  Tue Mar 04, 2008  at  04:42 PM
Mike said:

"Some Catholic Bishops were not as quick as others in having these priests prosecuted but just because they were not as quick as you would like then to have been does not mean they were "covering up" for anyone."

"I have looked at your links but all they state is that priests/one nun has molested/raped children. It does not say anything about "officials" as you call them covering up for these clergyman, just how the "officials" were slow in having these guilty clergy prosecuted."

No, Mike, that is NOT all the news stories say. If you look at the Boston Globe articles in particular, you'll see that they name specific people in the Catholic Church who covered up for the child molesting priests.

Yes, Mike, SOME Catholic Bishops DID know about the sexual molestation of young boys by some priests and, rather than report them to the police AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW, moved them to other parishes to protect them. Sad but true.

If you know of even one child molesting priest who was reported to the initially (before the family of the victim reported the crime, in other words) by a Catholic Bishop, please give us the name of the priest and Bishop in question. I won't hold my breath.

Please stop making excuses for authority figures who deliberately took advantage of children and hurt them and those who covered up for those criminals.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Mar 05, 2008  at  01:23 AM
To do it Cranky style-Cranky said "Please stop making excuses for authority figures who deliberately took advantage of children and hurt them and those who covered up for those criminals."
Let me ask you a question Cranky Media Guy- While yes, I do admit "authority figures" did take advantage of children, and so thus they should be punished, how do you automatically come to the conclusion that lots of Bishops in the Catholic Church covered up for them? I agree with Mike when he states that maybe some Bishops were slow in having the priests prosecuted but that it doesn't mean they covered up for them. And please do NOT point to the Boston Globe again as a good source of evidence. That is ONE Cardinal who covered up for one or two priests (I forget how many)That was one real situation where a Cardinal covered up for a priest so he wouldn't be prosecuted for a while and in case you didn't know Cardinal Law is no longer a Cardinal.If all you have to show for your argument that Catholic officials have been covering up for molestors is one webiste talking abut ONE Cardinal covering up for a priest or two, I'd say you had a crap argument there Crank Media Guy.
Posted by William  on  Fri Mar 07, 2008  at  09:39 PM
Also everyone these are the sites Cranky listed for his onfo on how Catholics have been covering up for molestors :Here are some links you may find interesting:
Now let's talk about these shall we?

1. I hardly believe that a good source of evidence from you should be from asye called "SKEPTIC FORUM" WRITTEN BY PEOPLE LIKE YOU.
2.Harpers lists a series of Catholic events from the year 2001 to like 20003 and contains one paragraph saying how a couple of ex-catholic priest were prosecuted.
3. And finally toledoblade talks about an EX-PRIEST that was fired from his diocese and banned from working in all other ones and basically stalked a high school nearby. That has absolutely nothing tot do with current not-fired priests being covered up for.
Posted by William  on  Fri Mar 07, 2008  at  09:48 PM
William said:

"1. I hardly believe that a good source of evidence from you should be from asye called "SKEPTIC FORUM" WRITTEN BY PEOPLE LIKE YOU."

What does "people like you" mean in this context? People who aren't willing to overlook the fact that officials of the Catholic Church deliberately protected child molesters?

"2.Harpers lists a series of Catholic events from the year 2001 to like 20003 and contains one paragraph saying how a couple of ex-catholic priest were prosecuted."

Does it say antyhing about them being prosecuted because members of the Catholic Church "management" reported their crimes to the police? It doesn't, does it? That would be because THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

"3. And finally toledoblade talks about an EX-PRIEST that was fired from his diocese and banned from working in all other ones and basically stalked a high school nearby. That has absolutely nothing tot do with current not-fired priests being covered up for."

I notice you left out the Boston Globe articles which have been linked to. Hmmm, why would that be, I wonder.

You also don't deal with the fact that the priest who was apparently the worst offender was quietly transferred to the Vatican where, of course, he is away from American law enforcement.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Mar 08, 2008  at  12:00 AM
William said:

"[H]ow do you automatically come to the conclusion that lots of Bishops in the Catholic Church covered up for them? I agree with Mike when he states that maybe some Bishops were slow in having the priests prosecuted but that it doesn't mean they covered up for them."

What does "slow" mean here? I've asked you before to give me the name of even ONE Bishop who reported the sexual abuse of a child by a priest to the authorities. Please do so.

The Bishops had to deal with the situation AFTER the families or the victims themselves reported it, but to my knowledge, NO Bishop EVER reported any of the crimes to the police, AS THE LAW REQUIRES. Dealing with it after the fact DOES NOT count as "reporting" it.

They were not "slow," they were criminally negligent.

"And please do NOT point to the Boston Globe again as a good source of evidence."

Why? Don't you think that if the Globe was incorrect or inaccurate in its reporting, the Church would have sued for libel and/or slander?

Even if you feel that the Globe only points to ONE incident, it's still evidence than YOU'VE provided us with.

Name ONE Bishop or other person in the hierarchy of the Church who did what the law requires them to do and turned in a child molesting priset to the authorities.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Mar 08, 2008  at  12:06 AM
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