Vampire Sites

Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book, The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.


Posted on Wed Oct 29, 2003


"Certainly every mom wants their son to grow up to be a satanist and a vampire, the "predator of humans."

Damn you anonymous, you made me spill my soda all over myself! That was too funny!
Posted by Sock Puppet 1138  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  01:13 PM
Predictable Twit writes:
No one using a name like "I beat kids" deserves a reply of any type. I don't care what anyone's position here is. I think we can all agree that is just wrong!

What an artful dodge, but my post was directed at The Count.
When it comes to picking names, we can't all be as clever as you huh, 'Blah'?

Clearly, I must be some kinda misguided miscreant.

Run, your ineptitude is showing.

You ToV kids are quite amusing.
Posted by I beat kids  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  01:49 PM
I've been keeping up with all the messages for months. I was wondering wish I should join first, the CoS or ToV; I've decided to join the ToV first.
I already purchased a Bible. Communion works, thank you! It was everything I was looking for!
I will join the CoS in a few months to stand in brotherhood with others who respect the deeds of Anton Szandor Lavey (the Red Card will also look cool in my wallet. 😉 )
The idiots like anonymous, ropert, and Sand don't understand that the more they attempt to tarnish the images of the ToV and CoS, the more that people will desire to look for the truth.
Thanks for helping me find the way to the truth.

Vampire J.
Posted by Vampire J  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  03:56 PM
Troll detected.
Posted by maow  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  04:20 PM
There is folk in the COS who want it to be all bland and atheistic. They want to stamp all the fun and magic out of it!

I am not aware of this conspiracy to discourage the use of Greater Magic in the CoS.

"Satanists do have experience of the super-normal in their practice of ritual or Greater Magic... The theory and practice for Greater Magic is to be found in The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals."

Also, Satanists have always been carnal and not mystical and spiritual and do not believe in a literal Satan. Maybe this isn't a popular idea for you yet Satanists are not theistic or spiritual believing in gods, devils, heavens or hells.

"As you can see, there are no elements of Devil worship in the Church of Satan. Such practices are looked upon as being Christian heresies; believing in the dualistic Christian world view of
Posted by Private  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  04:40 PM
@ Shaft

Nope - I did get the david styles doc off the RR forum though where they are also talking about old Lingua! Thought that might help with your "investigations" - what are you spokesperson for Cryonics R us??

Posted by anony moused  on  Mon Jan 31, 2011  at  04:54 PM
"The idiots like anonymous, ropert, and Sand don't understand that the more they attempt to tarnish the images of the ToV and CoS, the more that people will desire to look for the truth."

It's Rupert actually....

If you would have read this Weblog from the begining you would also know that you have forgot Mr. Private in your classification of "idiots", it's very important that you include everyone as we have worked hard to reach this level and deserve nothing less than full-mention!

I had a great time on the Lifeforce last night....If left unattended I would imagine that a mole could dig all the way to the other side of the Earth!
Posted by Rupert  on  Tue Feb 01, 2011  at  12:39 PM
Anonymous wrote,
"If you are suggesting that Anton LaVey was a Devil worshipper then you have got it all wrong. If you read Doctor LaVeys writings you will see there is no old or new ways like you believe.

No such thing is being suggested! You are trying to shove words down throats to prop up your lies!

"And just because there is little discussion about ritual doesn't mean that its practice is not allowed or frowned upon. Also, whether one uses ritual or not is a personal choice and is not required to be a CoS member."

I chuckle whenever anyone claiming to be a Satanist declares that she/he ignores roughly 1/2 of the Satanic Bible. No Greater Magic=not a Satanist. Just atheists who enjoy masquerading. You right, to be a COS member only $200 is necessary; being a Satanist is not required.

"Funny, you don't have to join the ToV to find or practice magic while being a member of the CoS. Lol!"

TOV can be seen as a SIG that specializes in magic. Many folk see it that way. You may not but many do. COS needs to add magic back to its formula or the TOV will keep on growing at an unprecedented rate.

"Any CoS member is welcome to use Greater Magic if it serves them."

COS now treats Greater Magic like an ugly stepchild.

"However, the CoS is not and never has been a SPIRITUAL religion."

Magic is super-normal not super-natural. Just because something is not comprehended fully does not make it spiritual. I did not mention spiritual. Magic does not = spiritual. I did not call the COS spiritual. Learn to read before being so quick to post a retort.
Im trying to protect the COS. Bring it back to what it was. If not, TOV will be the authentic COS and the COS will just be a door to the TOV for the intelligent.
Posted by Bushman  on  Tue Feb 01, 2011  at  02:05 PM
I hate to say it but the bushman is right on the money. Damn, do I miss the good ol' vampire free CoS.
Posted by Don  on  Tue Feb 01, 2011  at  11:01 PM
where is the promised essay on the Seven Laws of Magic mentioned a few pages back?
Posted by J K  on  Tue Feb 01, 2011  at  11:29 PM
Dear Sirs,
i have been practicing LaVeyan Satanism for six months without hesitation. I am now ready for the real power. Please advise.
In Satan's Embrace,
Posted by Patel  on  Wed Feb 02, 2011  at  07:44 AM
Vampires and vampirism, while not considered real by mainstream science may, or may not, actually exist. The old Shakespearian adage "There is more to heaven and Earth" applies here. We know there are some animals that exist entirely on blood. Amongst these are the all too well known creatures such as Mosquitoes and Ticks, but then you also have rather intelligent mammals like the vampire bat. It could very well be that they do, in fact, exist in a human form as well. However, while there have been genetic disorders that have mimicked the vampiric condition and deviants like Elizabeth Bathory, whom, by the way, was used along with Prince Vladimir Drakula as his models for the very famous Dracula novels. This, then, along with the romanticizing of the vampire in popular movies and books, makes the entire "human turned vampire" subculture popular in itself. But my question becomes, are there real vampires like what is portrayed in books and movies? There might possibly be. Secrecy would be utterly vital to these individuals not only to avoid those that would want to do them harm for what they are, but from idiot "fanboys" who would be going to them begging to BE the "next Lestat" or the new set of "Lost boys". Also, unity in numbers would also be essential if such people DO exist. You cannot, as well, discount the legends of vampirism, with almost all forms looking the same, that appears in every single culture around the world. After all, do not all myths and legends have grains of truth in which to sprout from? As for me? I honestly DO believe they exist and I would enjoy meeting a vampire. But I am also not going to hold my breath, as it were. There is no proof, as of yet, of the existence of the vampires as viewed by popular myth, but that does not mean there will not be in the future. Keep the mind, always, open to new possibilities.
Posted by Lady B Ravenwolf  on  Wed Feb 02, 2011  at  10:11 AM
Lady B Ravenwolf,

As SockPupeeteer extraordinare of this thread, I must call you out; that is the MOST BORING and wordy piece of crap ever posted on this thread. I almost died of boredom attempting to read it.
Are you Paolo Sette from
Sheesh! The nerve of some people!!
Posted by Sock Puppet 1138  on  Wed Feb 02, 2011  at  10:43 AM
That's the NINE laws of magic.

It was posted but then soon deleted as it contained copyrighted shit.
Posted by Broccolo  on  Wed Feb 02, 2011  at  11:29 AM
Not true Brocco, my boy!
I check this board every few hours..You NEVER posted the nine or seven laws of magic thing. The whole "it was removed" line is BS on your part.
Posted by Sock Puppet 1138  on  Wed Feb 02, 2011  at  02:59 PM
"I check this board every few hours"

Really? You wake up every couple hours at night to check this site? Yeah that sounds like something a religious nut vampire would do. Waste your life defending your gods like a good cult member.

"TOV will be the authentic COS and the COS will just be a door to the TOV for the intelligent"

There isnt a single intelligent ToV member. Not one. The ToV doesnt even want to be another CoS. It wants to be a cult for mentally challenged goth christians, and thats all it will ever be. You all waste your lives trying to live forever. Youll die having done nothing but given your cash to a scam artist and your life to spiritual pipe dreams. You deserve what you get. Fools.
Posted by none  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  12:56 AM
Lol, idiot. I didn't post it, it was someone else.
Posted by Broccolo  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  01:29 AM
I missed that post. Could someone post it again? If not, can someone summarize what the 9 laws of magic are?
Posted by Rastaman  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  09:23 AM
"There isnt a single intelligent ToV member. Not one."

Agreed, after stepping through a few of their circles I came to realise this quite quickly. Most if not all of the ToV members are pure dumb shits. They wouldn't know critical thinking if it hit them in the face.
The Cos on the other hand... have some of the most intelligent atheists out there in their group. I recall meeting a high ranking CoS member a while back who was a respected professor at his university, and even told me of more higher educated people inside the CoS.

It is also interesting to note that the 'educated' or 'critical thinkers' in the CoS are very Anti-ToV.

Fuck all this money grabbing horseshit. Anyone that's dumb enough to fall for this shit and keep paying for it doesn't deserve to live in the first place. Spend your money on something more worth while like a hooker or a new mountain bike.

Live life and fuck worrying about death, it happens to everyone...
Thinking it won't happen to you, has to be the most arrogant and dopiest shit I've ever heard.

Wake the fuck up you dumb cunts.
Posted by John  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  03:44 PM
I chuckle every time I see someone take a position that implies that there are different types of Satanists in the Cos and in the ToV. This is a product of flawed thinking. The same Satanists that are in the CoS are the Satanists in the ToV. Granted, there are those within the ToV who are not Satanists and there those within the CoS who are not Vampires. But those who are Satanists and are Vampires are no different than any other Satanists. You efforts to divide us are futile and pathetic. Your argument betrays an intellectual defficiency that is evident to the learned who read messages here.
Posted by Knivel  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  07:25 PM
Hello there.
I am looking for an experienced Vampire Master to teach me the proper methods of Authentic Vampirism. I enjoy toys and wax. I also like a little pain.
I am willing to join the Church Of Satan, if that is a requirement to be accepted into your activities.
Blessed Be!
Posted by Hard Hat Matt  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  07:59 PM
Everything you've just said is an oxymoron.
You even read the Satanic Bible? Or did you skim through it while sucking Nemo's cock?
Posted by lol vampires  on  Thu Feb 03, 2011  at  09:12 PM
Nemo doesn
Posted by Bangorara  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  12:51 AM
"Blessed Be" ???

Gtfo with your wiccan shyte. Most Satanists are quite hostile towards weakkins. Myself included...

And what Knivel said... there are people posting ITT that have it in for CoS and ToV as well as cryonics. I'm guessing activist xtian types.

Posted by The Count  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  03:08 AM
"Gtfo with your wiccan shyte. Most Satanists are quite hostile towards weakkins. Myself included...

And what Knivel said... there are people posting ITT that have it in for CoS and ToV as well as cryonics. I'm guessing activist xtian types.


Good job throwing a wobbler over a trolling post.

It's funny, though. I've mentioned Wicca before and I didn't get such a load of bile from the satanists participating in this discussion at that time. It seems you have an issue with wiccans, which is odd, as they don't seem to bother people in general.

I think you are not so much in control of your emotions as you should be.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  03:17 PM
I am a REAL vampire and a Wiccan High Priestess. All of you satanic vampires are just a bunch of losers. You best be careful as all the bad works that you do will return to you three-fold.
I am also a Reiki Master and know that the vampires are stealing Reiki and dressing it up as lifeforce to make it satanic.
But we know truth is. If you are a real vampire, where is your coven? If Father does not know you then you aint a real vampire.
Youre lucky I came by to post here one time only, satanist scum.
Posted by Princess Winddragon Moonstar  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  03:30 PM
I also noticed a significant use of labeling from the ToV rants. "weakkins", "xtian", "jeezoid". Not only here, but on ToV boards as well.

Taken from the first post at:

"and b) to have become a Randroid."

Except for the first, the labels signify members of a percieved opposition. What is interesting in this context is, that a method to strengthen a community is to designate one or more groups as enemies. This is made easier by using labels for reference. With enough use you create an "us against them" mentality, binding the group closer together against a percieved common enemy.

It is a strategy commonly used in cults.

The use of the term "weakkins" probably just stems from intolerance against wiccans and should be viewed as yet another example of bigotry.

And just to clear away yet another baseless accusation: No, c(o)unt. I'm not a christian. Do christians advice people to seek out the Sanguinarium? Do christians recommend the readings of Bonewitz or Belanger? Do christians recommend delving into necromancy or call satanism "interesting"?

Of course they don't, and calling me a christian makes you look like an idiot.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:01 PM
"we are not Satanists. We do not kill babies or harm animals..."

- any wiccan authored book...

Crack one open and see for yourself.
Posted by The Count  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:20 PM
Sand, you have no dog in this fight. Why continue this? The sole rational answer is that you are a troll, who thrills to a self created vision of Satanists fighting amongst themselves. It won't happen, so tough luck!
Posted by Vampire J  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:22 PM
I recall a video of Bonewits involved in a Satanic ritual to cure his impotence... apparently it did not work. Now he's mad...

Belanger is running an actual cult with her pal Don Henri. Enjoy your S&M coprofagia. So escapees have said...

PS transvestite football player much? Egad

PPS mad about ad hominems? Scant perusal of your posts here will find you very quick to make them Sand.

captcha: showed
Posted by The Count  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:28 PM
Princess Winddragon Moonstar... I lol'd
Posted by The Count  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:30 PM
"There is nothing wrong with being interested in cryonics while having a fascination with vampires.
FYI, from an enlightened perspective, cryonics and vampirism are the SAME thing."

That is quite the revision of the definition of vampirism.

The big problem here is this:

"FYI, from an enlightened perspective"

Enlightened perspective is obviously only obtained through ToV teachings. That means any argument from an external source will be invalid from a member's perspectibe, effectively blocking a paradigm shift.

"Some just prefer one word over the other.
Eventually, the entire transhumanist movement will understand that the vampire is the archetype of all their specific dreams and desires."

The use of archetypes is understandable, though the vampire might not be an ideal choice. Originally the vampire was a rather repugnant creature in its many guises from all over the world. It is only recently it has become an icon of immortality, empowerment and sexuality, sparkling gaily in the sunlight.

If the vampire is chosen as an archetype for its recent manifestation, the temple's claim of constructing religions to mask its existence seem very unlikely, as the vampire as seen today is no older than Hollywood.

"There are those who have reported NDEs after being pronounced medically dead(by current medical standards) for just several minutes. Imagine the NDEs that are possible while being held in cryonic suspension (also dead by current medical standards which we do not believe correct). People awakening from twenty or fifty year suspensions could have incredible NDEs to tell us about. Where would they visit? What would they have discovered? This is the true beauty of the vampire."

And this is just daydreaming. Maybe you should read up on NDE. Non-ToV litterature, mind you.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:33 PM
""we are not Satanists. We do not kill babies or harm animals..."

- any wiccan authored book...

Crack one open and see for yourself."

I have several and none have your quote.

If you have been confronted with such a quote in a Wiccan context, then it only shows their desperate attempt to distance themselves from satanism.

Then we can ask "Why does satanism have an image like that, and is it an image the satanist wishes to maintain?".

Frankly, associating with "vampires" doesn't help.

"I recall a video of Bonewits involved in a Satanic ritual to cure his impotence... apparently it did not work. Now he's mad..."

Yes, Bonewitz was a satanist at one point. And he passed away recently. It seems you're yet again talking about things without posessing the proper knowledge. Impotence? Where do you hear dribble like that?

"Belanger is running an actual cult with her pal Don Henri. Enjoy your S&M coprofagia. So escapees have said..."

Source? I guess you have none.

PS transvestite football player much? Egad

Again, source?

PPS mad about ad hominems? Scant perusal of your posts here will find you very quick to make them Sand.

Actually, you and many other ToV members continue to prove my points. Keep posting.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  04:56 PM
"Sand, you have no dog in this fight. Why continue this?"

A courtesey to another poster. That and a reaction to the flood of spam, sockpuppetry and epeen swinging. Then the personal attacks start and I get malicious.

"The sole rational answer is that you are a troll, who thrills to a self created vision of Satanists fighting amongst themselves. It won't happen, so tough luck!"

This accusation again? It got old long time ago.

There's no reason for me to do so. I never brought satanism into the discussion in the first place. Someone from the CoS did.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  05:16 PM
I won't have access to my home computer for several weeks so I'm posting via iPhone. There are (serious) articles about Belanger and Henri on ED with relevant links.
Posted by The Count  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  07:40 PM
Sure there are. Probably as serious as your statement saying:

"- any wiccan authored book..."

Which seem to be false.

You will have to do better than that.
Posted by Sand  on  Fri Feb 04, 2011  at  11:49 PM
Well why dont you see for yourself Sand? Maybe that statement might not be word for word but that is in general what is said in most introductions in these books. Now I know you are a Literalist ( you take things literally) so I suggest getting an adult to help you understand the ED articles since most of is what we call "satire". However there are links in these articles that lead to statements made by others too numerous to brush off that House Kheferu is a lil S&M cult.

Now Sand perhaps you'll explain to us what your stake in all this is and where you're coming from because I tire of this nonsense and will write you off as a netk00k if you don't.
Posted by The Count  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  01:25 AM
Any other discussion on the ToV here or is this thread denigrating into just petty fighting over everything LHP (Left Hand Path)?

Also, it seems to be turning into a bash The Church of Satan and psychotic David Styles fatal obsession thread.

ToV, anyone???
Posted by Back on topic  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  02:49 AM
"Well why dont you see for yourself Sand? Maybe that statement might not be word for word but that is in general what is said in most introductions in these books."

And again, I have several books about Wicca, and none accuse satanists of anything. Maybe you should give us a few titles?

"Now I know you are a Literalist ( you take things literally) so I suggest getting an adult to help you understand the ED articles since most of is what we call "satire". However there are links in these articles that lead to statements made by others too numerous to brush off that House Kheferu is a lil S&M cult."

Ah. So now your "serious" articles are called satire, and "any" becomes "most". It is remarkable how you backpedal once your claims are not taken for granted. Maybe it's because you are not in your controlled environment, where everyone has the same opinions.

I also noticed you were quick to attack both Belanger and Bonewitz. Belanger I can understand, since the ToV is constantly trying to discredit the other vampire communities. You probably have that reaction on your backbone by now. Your claim that Bonewitz was impotent is unfounded and oddly motivated, and accusing him of using a satanic ritual only shows your inability to think out of the box. I guess you're stuck following ToV dogma, and that suits me just fine.

You provide links and we'll see for sure what you take as the truth.

"Now Sand perhaps you'll explain to us what your stake in all this is and where you're coming from because I tire of this nonsense and will write you off as a netk00k if you don't."

Perhaps if you read a few posts higher you would notice I said:

"A courtesey to another poster. That and a reaction to the flood of spam, sockpuppetry and epeen swinging. Then the personal attacks start and I get malicious."

I guess you are the one with comprehension difficulties.

Right now I'm poking an ant to my amusement, and the more you act like an idiot, the more I'll poke.

Much earlier in this thread I also said, that I like to make people think and reflect. Those able to do that will realize the limits and faults of ToV teachings. Those unable to do so will keep Nemo fat and happy. I don't care if you write me off. That just increases the chance of you being the butt of the joke for years and years. Now I know how Master Therion felt.
Posted by Sand  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  02:50 AM
And again, I have several books about Wicca, and none accuse satanists of anything. Maybe you should give us a few titles?

I have noticed that some judgmental, self-righteous, and holier-than-thou Wiccans and other occult types do like to say something along the lines of, "Hi, I am witch (or insert occult title here) and practice magic yet we DON'T worship the Devil and are NOT SATANISTS."

Some wimpy Wiccans have been known to say this to make themselves look like "good guys" to mainstream society while perpetuating (knowingly or ignorantly) the lies and stereotypes against Satanists by making Satanists look like "bad guys" by saying we are not ONE OF THEM.
Posted by Private  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  06:44 AM
There will always be some judgmental, self-righteous, and holier-than-thou individuals in any religion. They are often people seeking a purpose or identity, and they will also be the most vocal. That and the wish of the neo-pagan communities to gain general acceptance does result in the loud minority trying to distance themselves from the stereotypes. There is no use denying that and I apologize if I was unclear on this matter.

However, the case here is whether or not the distancing oneself from the stereotype is done at the cost of the satanic issue in wiccan litterature. As the case is, I have several such books where that is not the case. In fact, such slander is entirely absent in the books in my possession. Furthermore, the count first claims that "any" wiccan author is tarnishing the image of satanism to distance themselves from it. That was then changed to "most". Maybe a less verifiable amount, like "many" or "some" would have been more prudent to use.
Posted by Sand  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  11:00 AM
Sand, why are U here?
According to your statements,
You are not and were never a ToV member.
You are not and were never a CoS member.
You are not even a Satanist.
Why do you want to instigate rifts between Satanists?
Why are you involving yourself in the business of Satanists?
You have had no personal involvement with any party discussed here. You have no experiences to draw upon to present an informed opinion here.
Why are you here?
I think you should GTFO or that all the anti-ToV CoS people should ignore you since your interests are not parallel to theirs.
You are a loser college age idiot IMO with no girlfriend or boyfriend and too much time on his hands.
CoS people, please remember that Sand is not your buddy. If he seems to be "on your side", it should be clear to you that he is not. He is a troll and is enjoying his attempts to stir things up. Do not feed the troll!
Posted by Manifestus  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  12:22 PM
Sand is a fluffy bunny wiccan who is into michelle belangers garbage. He hates the CoS and is just badmouthing the ToV to affect the CoS. Ignore his goddess sucking butt!
Posted by Geisha  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  12:25 PM
The same questions again and again, despite I've already answered them and far-fetched conclusions. Name-calling, accusations, labeling, insults and ridicule. How typical.

I guess that shows quite well how you handle discussions where you can't bully opponents into submission.
Posted by Sand  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  01:03 PM
It is most startling that people here are discussing certain people, who just happen proficient in the Dark Arts, behind their backs.
Regardless of your chosen identification with Wicca or Satanism, it is obvious to all that messing with people who are experts in casting spells is not a good idea. I am sure that many of those who have posted negative comments here have experienced unfortunate consequences which have left them dumbfounded. You may be one of them yourself. It is not a mystery to many in the know. To disrespectfully post unwarranted opinions about those who have mastered the Dark Arts is to incur their wraith. It is said that powerful magicians have astral defenses that have the capacity to reduce an insolent meddler's life to rubble. We have already seen this occur several times on this lengthy response thread. One person lost his relationship and his property vanished, and another had an emotional breakdown.
It is clear that there are countless others.
This is no surprise.
Do not be in such a haste to join their ranks.
It not a wise thing to do.
Posted by Odin  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  02:15 PM
You are correct Odin. I read through the dozens of pages of response thread and read of these incidences. I guess many do not understand the dangers of Black Magic. Sometimes it is better to hold one's tongue. I am interested in being more successful in my life, achieving real financial freedom, and exploring the possibility that Lifeforce may be real. I will go examine with an open mind.
Posted by Gerald  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  02:21 PM
Odin: These people don't have any more special powers than a Catholic. You're being absolutely ridiculous and incredibly gullible.

These immature cretins that still call themselves "Vampire" well into their 40's can no more curse me than they can guess my legal name, e-mail and then contact me and say "You shall now be cursed."

Seriously, grow up.

There is no magic. There is psychodrama and then there is delusion.
Posted by Ahh  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  03:05 PM
For anyone saying that there isn't a rift between "Satanists" and "Vampires," believe you me there very much is.

As close as P&P are with NEMO they will eventually have to come to terms with the fact that he is undoing a lot of the work that HP Gilmore is doing.

We go through a lot of trouble insisting that we are Atheists with a very different take on things. ToV members tarnish that image.

I will remain unnamed for the time being but I am calling on all of you Church of Satan members who have sincere problems with this situation to begin to rise up and make yourselves heard. It is the only way this will ever change.

Ask other Satanists their opinions in private, begin to form networks, organize. Then when there are enough of you, formally state your grievances to the Church of Satan hierarchy.

If they do not rectify this obviously incorrect guilty-by-association situation then schism. Schism with everything you have. Don't do any of the things that let them say "Oh, well they're just pseudo-Satanists anyway!" No, come at Satanism harder than has been done since the 80s and lead by example.

If they are not willing to fix the problem then they are no longer fit to represent your religion on an official basis.

This religion is part of your Earthly legacy. Do not let it be hijacked. If you don't have a vested interest in the proper organization and representation of Satanism then you should have never joined the Church of Satan to begin with. Ditch your redcard because obviously it means nothing to you if you "couldn't care less."

Don't bullshit yourselves. You care. I know many of you are my friends and I know you're reading this because you talk to me about it.

Some of you know who I am. I know who some of you are by writing style alone, if not more. You already know what I would say to you. Start working on a solution or shut up and take it.

Time to stop talking are start doing.

Give 'em the boot.
Posted by Anon  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  03:22 PM
"You are correct Odin. I read through the dozens of pages of response thread and read of these incidences. I guess many do not understand the dangers of Black Magic. Sometimes it is better to hold one's tongue. I am interested in being more successful in my life, achieving real financial freedom, and exploring the possibility that Lifeforce may be real. I will go examine with an open mind."

you sound like a bad 1980s PSA. 'gee your right its a bad idea to mess with them dark forces, oprah. i better not mess with these powerful wizards. ill go check out the real deal at their official website and report these drug dealers to the proper authorities.

how obvious can a plant get? odin are you really an antivampire mocking them? or just the same vampire who puppets all the same 'i like this thread i will now go study vampires becanse i am teroras' bullshit?

you people are pathetic! so friggin pathetic! every vamp post on this board reads like it was written by a mentally deranged pagan cult lackey.


get out of the CoS where atheists and only atheists are welcome.
Posted by stating  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  08:58 PM
Vampires are athiests, in case you haven't been following along. Just not athiest materialists same with plenty of Satanists. The athiestic materialist Satanists need to check the Book of Belial, the Book of Leviathan and The Satanic Rituals.
Posted by The Count  on  Sat Feb 05, 2011  at  10:07 PM
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