The Tapeworm Diet

The Arizona Republic has raised an interesting question. Is it possible to use tapeworms as a diet aid? Won't the tape worm just sit in your stomach and consume all the extra food you eat, and after a while you can pull out the thing? The basic answer is no. This would not be a good idea. They go into some more details:

While a tapeworm might take in some of the food you do, it would at the same time be taking in a lot of vitamins and other nutrients you need to stay healthy. Do you know what ascites are? A big pool of fluid in your tummy caused by an immune response to something in your guts. Something like a tapeworm. It gives you a big potbelly, which runs kind of counter to the look you might be wishing for. And a tapeworm might not necessarily just set up camp in your innards. It can also cause cysts in your muscles, liver and eyes. Your eyes! So don't you think it might be easier instead to just eat a bit less and exercise a bit more?

Body Manipulation Food

Posted on Fri Apr 22, 2005


You all are dumb, I mean it. Your moralizing obesity. It is a medical affliction which WILL cause early death. People are desperate to avoid this, they will use speed, throw up, work out till they get a heart attack. Instead of embracing a 'not so perfect' solution, you want to tell people how dumb they are to want to try this. This can only come out of thin people's mouths, or people who have TEMPORARILY lost the weight. WAKE UP, if people could lose the wieght they would have. They don't want to die early, they don't want to be excluded from society, they don't want diabetes or joint problems.
What we should be saying is...ok there are some side effects, can we manage these? How do we manage these? Stop moralizing this problem as some sort of lack of will power. People spend thier lives in the gym and on a diet and get no where.
I used to be thin, but hurt myself and gained a lot wieght. I CANT work out like I used to especially not at my wieght. I would love to find a tapeworm, and if the doctors would stop looking at us as if we were winers and actually try to help us manage the side effects...genetically altered/attenuated worms....GOSH. You all are seeming to say that a worm is riskier then gastric bypass surgery, or any of a number of these horendous drugs. Remember Terry Shribo? Smell the coffee, people are DYING of this.
I heard that you can order them from mexico, but I am still looking, anyone know more. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by ran  on  Tue Mar 07, 2006  at  01:31 AM
I have bulimia, and I started about three months ago. The last time I threw up, though, I saw something that I thought was a tapeworm. It was long, pale, and had lines around it that were just a little darker than the rest in bands. Could this be? Could I have tapeworms in my stomach, not just my lower intestines? I'd really like to know, so I can get rid of it.

((Oh, and, just so you know, I hadn't eaten spaghetti or anything of that sort.))
Posted by Eryn  on  Wed Mar 29, 2006  at  04:07 PM
yo... seriously.. wtf.
check out the wikiepedia entry on tapeworms...
okay, u may not get to the worst extent. But an 80 foot tape worm in my stomach is more than enuf to turn me completely off even thinkin about this crazy idea. Good luck to any of u that have the insane idea to try it!
Posted by julian  on  Thu Apr 06, 2006  at  10:24 AM
If you're obese, you need to lose weight before your size comprimises your health to the point of no return. Diet and excersize are interchangeable -- each will make you lose weight individually, and together they work more effectively -- but there is no magic diet pill to make you lose weight without any effort - if you're looking for this, you're an idiot, and if you really have absoultely no self control than you can by all means ingest a tapeworm but don't think that you won't gain all of the weight back once you shit out your foot-long swollen worm. If you stuff your face and don't think of the consequences, YOU ARE GOING TO BE UNHEALTHY AND OVERWEIGHT. It is a fact. Last year I thought I was so brilliant when I, too, started having bulimic tendencies so that I could eat whatever I wanted and "lose weight." News flash: bulimia doesn't make you lose weight ... it just makes you feel miserable and constantly hungry, as well as hating yourself for having no self control. Make permanent changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. Don't ingest a fucking tapeworm. The thought of it makes me not want to eat ever again, jesus christ.
Posted by Lia  on  Mon May 15, 2006  at  05:05 PM
hay Ang,
Posted by hannes  on  Tue May 16, 2006  at  02:00 PM
:blank: well fokes i am 33 yrs old and very much over 14stone look out of shape tryedall types od diets atkins ect to no avail so i thought i would try tape worms can they kill you ? any help would be most greatfull leon from england
Posted by leon  on  Tue May 23, 2006  at  09:59 AM
>> Too much church, not enough school, that's what's wrong with America....

How about not enough school, not enough church, and entirely too much Hollywood?
Posted by Lynn  on  Tue May 23, 2006  at  11:12 AM
I would like to point out to some of the people on this website that there are many people out their who can't just stop eating junk and exercise and miraculously lose the 20lbs they wanted to. I have been exercising regularly for about 3 years now and monitoring my food intake, I lost a good 30lbs, but I still have 20lbs more to go and my weight has only stayed the same for the past year. For me this is mainly due to genetics and hypothyroidism. Some people just can't lose weight easily, whether it is because of medical or genetic reasons.
I considered the tapeworm myself, but the more I read, the more stupid it does start to sound. Now they have so many surgeries you can take (gastric bypasses, tummy tucks, liposuction) I don't know how much the bypass is but the others are about $5000 where I am. I would rather spend $5000 and have a qualified licensed professional cut me open take out my fat and stitch me back up, then order a random pill (that could have anything in it) from Mexico, probably pay at least $100 for it, so it can give me a 10m long parasite that will eat my insides. Just a thought!
Posted by Sarah  on  Wed May 31, 2006  at  03:22 PM
Dear Chabrydis from Hell,
>>"It's staggering how VANITY can lead people to do such amazingly stupid things."<<
clearly the girls who are trying to diet with tapeworms have loss touch with rationality. They are likely suffering from an eating disorder which is a SERIOUS MEDICAL ILLNESS. they need professional help, not some ignoramus chiding them for having a DISEASE. Heroin addicts go on the black market to try to find cheap highs. Likewise, these girls are trying to find easy wt loss. I wouldn't be surprised if you girls are actually UNDERWEIGHT or normal weight, yet still feel the compulsive drive to lose more. Or, perhaps you feel *addicted* to bingeing (and perhaps, purging) and you see the tapeworm as a 'glorious' solution---you can binge all you want and not have to purge anymore and STILL maintain weight! nope, doesn't work that way.
So yes, Charbrydis from Hell, perhaps vanity can make one do stupid things. unfortunately, this is a moot point for this thread. why don't you try re-phrasing your insult into something quasi-credible . . . Try this instead: ADDICTION and MENTAL ILLNESS can make one do seemingly (to the rest of the world) IRRATIONAL things.

oh, and why i'm on this site? well, i'm a recovered anorexic and tried the tape worm thing once myself. i nearly died from a heart attack as the worm through off my already imbalance electrolytes and leached the sparse reserve of nutrients i had left in my body.

just wanted to save others from going through the same.

much love,
Posted by eli  on  Tue Jun 20, 2006  at  10:20 AM
I refuse to accept the label 'ignoramous' from someone who can't capitalize or spell properly, and who admits to having tried something as suicidally dangerous (and STUPID) as the tapeworm diet. 😉
Posted by Charybdis  on  Tue Jun 20, 2006  at  12:30 PM
Im Ashley Smith. I am doing a study of live
tapeworms and tapeworm
for my school. It is my assignmnt to find live
tapeworms or tapeworm
from infected aniimals. If you recieve an infected
animal with
tapeworms or
even better live tapeworm eggs would it be possible if
you can save
them and
send them to me?
Much appreciated,
Posted by Ashley Smith  on  Mon Jun 26, 2006  at  07:16 PM
Posted by Amanda Robinson  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  07:21 AM
Posted by YOU GUYS ARE STUPID AS HELL  on  Mon Jul 10, 2006  at  08:34 PM
Im a college student doing a project on silly hoaxes like these and im trying to find people who have tried these things or have friends that tried this and i want to interview them and know what happened and if they still have the tapeworm segments or fleas that have tapeworms in them. THis would be awsome for my presentation in class. If you dont knw of anyone who has a tapworm or bought pills or has a pet even with a tapeworm that has fleas that would be awsome but if you dont then please leave me alone STUPID AS HELL.
Posted by Ashley Smith  on  Wed Jul 12, 2006  at  05:04 PM
I agree with eli, because over eating is like being addicted to any drug. The only(and major) difference being that you need food to live so you can never really give it up. I know what this is like but you have to ask yourself: What if this doesnt work and die younger than I would have and still be overweight? The only memory of you would be a fat parasite infected corpse. The search for acceptance and beauty can lead people to do stupid things. I can understand the want for a quick way out but its not because we are lazy, its because we feel that this problem is beyond our control and in a way it is. While it looks like an easy way out its not, the side effects are more unhealthy than being overweight. I am not telling any one to do anything but just ask yourself what is more important: Your appearence or your health?

Don't be such a dick
Posted by no side guy  on  Sat Jul 29, 2006  at  07:43 AM
I am so glad I found this website! I was searching for the pills but seeing the side effects scared me off.You would think with all the advances we have made that there would be a relatively safe miracle pill that would work!
Posted by Lisa  on  Fri Aug 18, 2006  at  05:27 PM
Several posters mentioned that tapeworms are nutrient depleting. This is so broad an assertion as to be useless and normally I wouldn't even address it except I know where this misunderstanding comes from. One tapeworm, the fish tapeworm, does compete for vitamin B-12 because of where it attaches in the human intestine. The beef tapeworm binds lower and as a result does not deplete this "nutrient". Furthermore, calories are a nutrient and we have this board because some people want to deplete this very "nutrient". An interesting aside, to demonstrate how sophisticated these organisms are, the tapeworm does not cause weight loss by directly competing for calories with it's human host. The tapeworm can increase and decrease the speed (transit time) of the human digestive tract, thus allowing the worm to optimize its interaction with the digested material. This creates an inefficiency in the host digestive system that causes the host to extract fewer calories from their food. And it is why someone who loses twenty pounds from a tapeworm infection doesn't have twenty pounds of tapeworm in them.
When I write about tapeworms I tend to ignore the 'ick' factor. The idea that worms are gross is a normal reaction, but one I find unconstructive to a fruitful discussion of the topic. If you are one of the majority that finds the idea of taking a tapeworm repulsive I'll try to save you some time and energy. This isn't for you, I get it. But for the rest of us I want to consider that the vast majority of life on this planet is parasitic some good and some bad. In fact, our intestines, right now, are already teeming with parasites. We don't typically think of it this way but bacteria and viruses are parasites. And without intestinal parasites we'd all be dead in a few days... Hope this makes things a little clearer.
Posted by garin  on  Tue Oct 17, 2006  at  08:25 AM
Wow, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation in these posts so I'll try to clear some of it up. First of all, there are many different types of tapeworms. The species that are important to this discussion are the tapeworms that most commonly infect humans; cow, pig and fish. Some of these are dangerous to humans and one is not. The tapeworms of the pig and the fish can treat the human body as an intermediate host which means the larvae can migratite throughout the body and become cysts. This condition is called cysticercosis and can be life-threatening. However, the cow tapeworm cannot do this as humans are the primary or definitive host. This tapeworm, Taneia saginatta, is the worm I think most people would be interested in using for weight loss. The cow tapeworm is a hermaphrodite which means when it becomes sexually mature, at about three months, it's tail end swings up and mates with the younger male segments near the head. These now fertilized segments then migrate out the anus (unpleasant but hardly a medical emergency). The segments called proglottids contain thousands of eggs which are not infectious to humans. So, despite what some posters have suggested contaminated feces is only infectious to cows. Human infection can only result from eating the viable cysts found in raw beef. There are no tapeworm pills that contain the eggs of tapeworms and even if there were the eggs are only infectious to cattle.
Now it would be possible to put some cysts in a capsule and ingest those, but the cysts are temperature sensitive and can only last a few days outside a living cow. So the likelihood of getting anything living from Mexico is completely improbable. Your best bet is to travel to a country that is still endemic with beef tapeworm and get the cysts yourself from a slaughterhouse. The problem here is that the life cycle of the beef tapeworm in very easy to disrupt so there are very few places on the planet left with lots of beef tapeworm. At this point a pretty clear picture should be emerging for anyone familiar with the basic principles of economics. Very rare = very expensive.
I saw one poster put the price at $100.00 dollars a pill. The bad news that's not even in the ballpark. But, the good news the worms do help you lose weight. And it's good, sustainable weight lose at about one to two pounds a week. Bad news, there is a rebound effect. When the worm becomes sexually mature you should kill it. There are several reasons for this: 1) the segments are motile and can wiggle themselves into places they shouldn't be e.g. the appendix or the pancreatic duct 2.)creepy crawlies migrating out your butt can be really gross. Good news is it only takes a single dose of praziquantel to kill your visitor and then you can always take another worm. Over the course of a year that adds up to substantial weight loss.
Posted by garin  on  Tue Oct 17, 2006  at  08:32 AM
To any who who agrees with ingesting a worm,

There are children in less fortunate countries suffering because worms are eating them alive. They are being robbed of the little nutrient they do have. Get YO FAT ASS UP AND MOVE !! Stop trying to make people feel soory for you.
Posted by auri  on  Mon Oct 30, 2006  at  02:40 AM
I just want to make it clear before I say another word. I am not in support of people ingesting parasites. Formalities out of the way...

I must say that all of you making such insensitive comments about obese people, you are only pushing them further towards harmful "treatments" such as ingesting worms. Take one look at psychology and you will realize this. Calling someone fat, telling them to "get off their fat asses" or saying that they are going to die from obesity only accomplished one thing > it makes people MORE self conscious about themselves. This decrease in self-esteem leads to desparation which leads to people trying anything to lose weight.

If people honestly want to lose weight, here is my best advice. Stay away from parasites. Stay away from dangerous black-market treatments and illegal drugs. If somebody wants to lose weight I really suggest that they go and see their doctor. Your doctor can help you. There are medications such as Meridia (sibutramine) and other types of amphetamine (legal, safe ones) class medications that control your apetite. There are medications such as Xenical to limit absorbtion of fats. Only your doctor can refer you for the tests for conditions such as hypothyroidism and other endocrinological conditions, and only your doctor can offer treatment. Your doctor can help you on a plan, including diet, exercise, and medication to help you. Now this may be the Canadian way of thinking because of public healthcare, but only your doctor can help you in these cases.

As a last resort, attempt to get a gastric bypass, stomach staple, or Lap-Band surgery to help you lose weight.

Remember DEED...Doctor, Effort, Exercise, and Diet. The best way to lose weight is to do the DEED.

Good luck, and stay safe.
Posted by Josh Thomson  on  Thu Nov 30, 2006  at  03:35 AM
I just want to make it clear before I say another word. I SUPPORT people who want to take beef tapeworms to lose weight. With that out of the way let me clear up some more mis-information being disseminated by people with both good and bad intentions...

The term parasitic is used to describe a relationship whereby the host is affected negatively by an infecting organism. However, in this case, the infecting organism is providing a service to its host by creating an inefficiency in the digestive system. Since this ineffeciency results in the desirable net loss of weight the correct term is symbiotic (and I haven't even began to touch on the immunoregulating effect of the intestinal helminths).

Furthermore, the message of proper diet, exercise and medical supervision is one that has been popularly offered for the last thirty years. It is a good, safe, public health message that without a doubt has been a complete failure. In the thirty years we have been preaching the benefits of DEED there has been an absolute pandemic of global obesity and diabetes or as it is more commonly called diobesity. According to WHO there are now more people on the planet who are overweight than there are people starving.

It absolutely boggles my mind that someone would suggest trying amphetamines (not safe and addictive) or surgery (we have a little problem here in the states with MRSA) before a harmless worm that has coevolved with humans for at least a million years. But anyone who mentions seeing a doctor no less than six times in a single post has obviously been brainwashed by the orthodoxy. It has been my experience corresponding with people who are interested in hosting tapeworms that they have all seen multiple doctors including specialist and the treatments have failed. Even the most radical of surgical procedures have significant failure rates.

So instead of parroting the same bankrupt message we've all heard over and over I'll offer my own cute acronym....WEED. Worm, effort, exercise, diet. If you want a beautiful garden you gotta weed.
Posted by Garin  on  Thu Nov 30, 2006  at  12:03 PM
oh my god u people need help go 2 the gym or something...
Posted by roxxy  on  Tue Jan 09, 2007  at  03:20 AM
Could someone please let me know where I can actually buy or in any other way obtain these tapeworm eggs?

Posted by Caroline  on  Tue Jan 23, 2007  at  07:35 PM

I have an auto-immune disease which is being treated with high doses of steroids (and had been for way too long). After a recent discussion with my doctor about alternative treatments one which seems promising is getting a mild dose of parasites, either a dozen hook worms or a tape worm fora few months. Although they raise the body's IgE level something they secrete seems to block the allergic response.

I find the whole idea of some worm living inside me disgusting, however given how severe my condition can be I think it's justifable to do a trial. I have just contacted Nottingham University who seem to be in the forefront of hookworms and asthma for advice.

In the meantime can anyone tell me where I can get a trustworthy sterile (beef) tapeworm infection ?

I will follow this up if anyone is intested - please let me know
Posted by Darren  on  Sat Feb 24, 2007  at  04:41 PM
THIS is disgusting. I would NEVER want a worm living inside my body on accident, much less on purpose. Change your eating habits and exercise, and you'll lose weight, it's that simple.
Posted by Tammy  on  Fri Mar 02, 2007  at  03:42 PM
My request for a tape worm wasn't about losing weight or fitness, as I am ok on those fronts. This was about getting the worm to block part of my bodies immune response. There is evidence to suggest that one reason such a large percentage of the population has allergies is because lack of parasites, check out the research by David Pritchard at the University of Nottingham for example. The theory is that the immune system is looking for parasites, not finding them and ratching up the sensitivity. Parasites also block the immune response. As yet a treatment is not available... due to the severity of my illness I am willing to try getting a tape worm... as disgusting as that concept is to me. They have evolved to live in humans with very few side effects (we are the primary host)and it doesn't help they are easy to remove. I think it's something for me to try given that the large doses of steroids I need to take definately are going to cause considerable long term damage... thinking about it logically I can overcome the revoltion. Now I just need to find a safe source of beef tape worm. Please someone let me know where to obtain one. I am UK based. Any follow up details I'll post.
Posted by Darren  on  Sat Mar 03, 2007  at  02:36 PM
its up to the indivual if they want to try a tapeworm to lose weight sometimes its so so hard for people telling them just to eat healthy and exercise can be so hard for an overweight person and if you have been in that postion you would know only to well
mellisa when you find out let me no!
Posted by tam  on  Sun Mar 04, 2007  at  07:07 AM
Once again I'll remind everyone to try to keep them from lodging in your brain. It's rather icky looking.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Mon Mar 05, 2007  at  08:21 AM
was the question not where can i get a tapeworm and not can people please hurl abuse at me for wanting to try this
Posted by tam  on  Tue Mar 13, 2007  at  03:12 AM
I didn't hurl abuse, I'm simply presenting you with information you can use to make an intelligent decision.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Tue Mar 13, 2007  at  08:31 AM
Beef tapeworms only live in the intestines in Humans, we are the primary host.
Posted by Darren  on  Wed Mar 14, 2007  at  12:40 AM
It's not a question of "too much church" -- it is all brain washing, so any amount is detrimental -- if that goes against your grain it is just because the brainwashing program inside you is kicking in again.
Posted by fburns bn  on  Mon Apr 16, 2007  at  12:35 PM
why wont any of you answer the question where to get the tapeworm from i dont need it but some people are very insicure about the they look and i for one would rather someone swallow a worm than commit suicide over their weight and i bet most of you are skinny so u dont understand how it feels been over weight.
Posted by d welham  on  Wed Apr 25, 2007  at  12:35 PM
It's not being answered because this is the Museum of Hoaxes, not a dodgy weight loss website.
Posted by Boo  on  Wed Apr 25, 2007  at  08:43 PM
tape worm is a dangerous parasite that shares what you eat and leaves behind a line of disease. Im sure it helps you withing your social life too. most people will throw up knowing you have a parasite living in you
Posted by Mr. scientist man  on  Mon Apr 30, 2007  at  03:05 AM
That sort of uninformed comment is a good example of why the world thinks that americans are dumb, loud, self righteous @rseholes. Can't you even comprehend the points raised ? or do you just want to shoot your mouth off to try and boost your own self image by having a pop at others you smug moron.
Posted by Darren  on  Mon Apr 30, 2007  at  12:10 PM
I hear the crack cocaine diet works wonders!
Posted by Justin  on  Wed May 02, 2007  at  09:15 AM
i have to agree with darren your just a bunch of yankee losers who try to look big by making thick
Posted by d.welham  on  Thu May 03, 2007  at  03:18 PM
omg you people are crazy, i suspected i had tapeworms and i bought the pills and now it recurring, imso scared and depressed.Trust me they are not a pleasant parasite.

In some cases of 1/100000 chances these tapeworms can evolve inside your body in some way. As the smaller the creatures are, the faster the evolution, you people should know by now how bacterias (single celled organism) evolves?, These tapeworms can casue cysts in your eyes/brain/muscles and livers. Try google/taenia solium and or look for images of the little worms crowl out of the kid's mouth at night.
Posted by Dog_buns  on  Sat May 12, 2007  at  08:19 AM
was the question not where can i get a tapeworm and not can people please hurl abuse at me for wanting to try this
Posted by tam in scotland on Tue Mar 13, 2007 at 01:12 AM
Dear Tams and everyone else who want to try tapeworms, don't be sad or even feels alittle bit intimidated by whatthey said, only people who concerns about you would make such comments. Please don't try such unhealthy way to lose weights, i have a few effective tips for you allto lose weights.

What to eat.
Try to eat sour fruits, they contain fruit acids that can lower your body fats (i found this out by myself after i lost a kilo from over eating sour red plums, drink alot of waters and try to eat rices (rice have a pleasent sweet taste that is no more no less than vegetables), people also says that if you eat the original chocolates (chocolates that is not sweets), it can prevent you from feeling hunger (try abit of them before eating can stop you from over eating).

Don't exercise too much, just do alot of walking or dodging/running, running can excercise your external as well as internal body like heart and livers, try to take longer path because you always endup going home latefor dinner etc. Watch comedy movies and laugh alot will make you lose alot of weights. Try the electronic device thingy on your stomatch because i find it too hard to excercise there, try to dodge or run slowly towards places in your house instead of walking. Try not to eat oily foods or foods like cheese etc. Doing these you not only strengthen your immune systems to fight agaisnt diseases, you also live longer and look younger, healthier.
Try to take more naps than sleeping, or sit down and thinks about things you like, sit down and relax your body and read a book or talk to a friend you like. I taught my girlfriend all these activities and now you know how beautiful she is?, she is 20 but looked more like a 16 year old mature girl. good luck with your life and live healthy =D
Posted by Dog-buns  on  Sat May 12, 2007  at  08:39 AM
I want to try one to sort out my immune problems, it seems far less risky than the immuno-suppressors I am currently taking.

No I don't know how beautiful your girlfriend is but if you care to email a few coice photos of her with as few clothes on as possible so I can check her out thoroughly now that would be appreciated 😉

Oh hang on she looks 16... 16 !!! erm... is that something to be pleased about :S - now if she looked 20 😊
Posted by Darren  on  Sat May 12, 2007  at  04:15 PM
I have tapeworms. I've hosted them for four years now. They help you lose weight and for some people can help regulate the immune system. 90% of what is said on this board is incorrect. They are very expensive.
Posted by garin  on  Sun May 13, 2007  at  04:40 PM
I love worms and they made skinny for me. I love the wiggle skinny they have for my body and now i even can get into close that i never before.

i am taperworm lover. my sex man love me more and i got the worm from mexico. just call them and ask for skinny worm they no what youtalk about, no problem.

skinny ispretty and all my life better when i skinny.

-note: This board is awesome and now I've spent my whole lunch reading it, damn. Now there's no time to order my very own tapeworm-
Posted by Tape worm haver  on  Wed May 23, 2007  at  03:00 PM
can someone clear this up for me? Okay when pets get tapworm its treatable and then they get healthy like nothing even happened right? well why isnt it the same for humans? why cant we just get tapeworm, lose weight, and be healthy again just like our pets do???
Posted by s  on  Thu May 24, 2007  at  07:11 PM
why use a tapeworm to lose weight when you can just uh stop eating. more effective and has less nasty side effects such as cysts and seizers and all that jazz. ha i am amused at yous that want them knowing what they are and what they do. fasting can be healthy and is done for detoxification of the body. making sure of coarse to be getting some form of vitamins and minerals to stay alive. he he. i'm happy healthy and skinny yay!
Posted by person  on  Wed Jun 06, 2007  at  10:28 PM
if u r looking for tapeworms thats no problem i have access to them however i am not about to waste my time wiv time wasters if u r genuine and willing to emburst me i can promice u there would be no problem in getting the desired item.
Posted by warlock  on  Sat Jun 30, 2007  at  03:26 PM
It's a shame that there are crooks everywhere in this world trying to rip off people with a genuine need. I don't know how they can live with themselves.

Don't fall for this heartless conman, a decent person would try to help people not talk about "embursment"

No timewasters, last minute, hurry, hurry.... send money now !!! What a piece of sh1t this person is.
Posted by Darren  on  Sat Jun 30, 2007  at  05:40 PM
if u wanna stay fat u can im selling tapeworms as im the only one who as acctually got them and yes these days everything costs but u see results not like taking diet pills that cost u hundreds if anyone wants help with these worms email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or if u want to listen to people on here then stay sad and unhealthy.
Posted by alliester  on  Sun Jul 01, 2007  at  03:38 PM
What a compassionate and careing soul...
Posted by Darren  on  Sun Jul 01, 2007  at  03:50 PM
HAHAHAHA!!!!! You are saying that having a TAPEWORM in you is healthy????? What are you smoking!? haha! Did you ever stop to think that you can be slightly overweight and still be healthy? Much more healthy than having a tapeworm in you eating your insides!!
People never realize that just because you have more fat on you than what hollywood says you should, doesn't make you unhealthy! I know a few people who exercise daily and eat healthy foods and get all their daily veggies, carbs, dairy, and meats and still are considered overweight. But they are way more healthy than skinny people who smoke, drink and eat crappy foods!
Plus there are tons of people who are overweight and still happy! Just because you don't fit societies image of perfect doesn't mean you have to be misserable.
These people don't need tapeworms, they need to learn to love themselves despite how they look! You should be ashamed of yourself feeding on peoples low-self esteem and insecurities to sell a damaging and even deadly product!
Posted by Sarah  on  Sun Jul 01, 2007  at  04:19 PM
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