Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?

image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)

Health/Medicine Psychology

Posted on Thu Feb 10, 2005


I have cured myself of Morgellons or fiber disease, I found this site by typing in urine therapy morgellons, and found another person a few pages back who also cured themselves using uropathy.

Urine therapy killed Morgs need to google to read about it, and why urine is our most perfect medicine, not a waste product like we are taught.

I followed the instructions for using the mid stream moning urine, but also collected while I was having an attack, which started with hives...the results were immediate, within minutes the attack stopped. I did this about 3 or 4 days in a row, and took psyillium and benotite clay to scrub thenm out, and I had the mother of all die off's ....I had white beans in my urine and my stool was covered in white things that looked like egg embrios sort of.

the die off lasted about 4 days, I was very tired but that was only side effect.

Morgs is gone ....if symptoms ever appear again, iknow what to do....start googling urine therapy, and see for youself.
Posted by Karen  on  Sat Nov 03, 2007  at  08:35 PM
Ok so most of us that see thse bugs have done some meth does it let us see something thats not real or is it real on a whole nother level whatever it is the f-ing bugs that are in my fingers and toes are real now and I havnt done meth 4 2 yrs now and these bugs came a month ago and they stink
Posted by M  on  Thu Nov 15, 2007  at  02:30 PM
well ive had this filthy show for 5 years. I went from perfectly healthy to sick in about a week after i picked up the bug
its not a hoax
but rather than cater to the disinformation specialists who are contracted by the billion dollar antidepressant imdustry
(including lilly's website above morgellons watch)
why dont you look a little deeper and you might find the truth
morgellons is severe depression
chronic fatigue is severe depression
alstheimers is severe depression

depression is recognised by the medical world at last as a contagion
but its a mystery because these severe cases are ridiculed as mental disorders because there are actual specimens of the disease that can potentially used to find a cure.
If you are making billions in ongoing sympton treatment for a disease what would be your motivation to find a cure?
depression is a symptom of a mystery parasite
its like calling irritation a disease, its not its a symptom. Find out who's paying the advertising dollars to promote the concept that Depression is a legitimate illness
there is a giant hoax here dont fall for the smokescreen
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Thu Nov 29, 2007  at  06:01 AM
You people sound like you just want attention, how sad. I'll give you a hug, and continue to tell you that you're sick if you want.
Posted by Not crazy  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:28 AM
for any suffers who want to look, I've found DSP cream, all natural to really releive the stinging,crawling, biting sensation. Just search it any any engine, and they also have a healing protocol, but I haven't done that yet. I have found that if I have any skin injury whatever this is seems to attack it, making it worse. I am of the theory that this is some kind of mold/fungus, due my health history (long period on IV antibotic) and the fact that I an extreme reactive hypoglycemia. So when I eat to many carb or sugar source I pay for the next week of healing. One key I found to stop itching so you don't open those little bumps AND the dry up and go away, if not broken, is an old faithful skincare product called "SeaBreeze". Everyone sells it, and I get the senstive skin type so you don't over dry the skin. I noticed that if I am hot, sweating, or hormonal it all intensifies...tht's when I bring out the medicated Goldbond Powder. None of this is a cure but I no longer have lesion. Good Luck to all.
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:38 AM
come and give me a big hug not crazy
with pleasure
happy to share this plague with you
see how sane you are as you watch yourself mutate

To everyone else
---a message from hell---
this is contagious, plus
it is in your food
it is in your cosmetics
it is in your garden
it is in your clothes
the future has arrived
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  10:48 AM
By all means, Let's all give "NOT CRAZY" one big group hug! Oh yeah, why don't you come and stay for christmas! No need to pack anything I am sure I have something you can wear. You can have your own room even. Don't even need to bring money, since I am very wealthy and have plenty of room. Maybe I should mentioned I had stayed at my girlfriends house (and wore a pair of her PJ's), who was supposedly suffering from "skincancer" (NOT)-- a few days before I had my first appearance of these lovely little creatures. BUT fear not, since IT'S ALL IN MY MIND!

By the way, the bumper sticker own my car says "Driving Miss Crazy". Crazy NOT stupid. Next time you want to post something, somewhere, anywhere...try to make it seem like you know something about the subject at hand, oh and have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  11:24 AM
forgot to mention, for all those out there, shopping, trying on clothes etc. NEVER wear a garment of any kind before washing it...don't know most the time where they are really made to completion or where they were stored. Don't need to travel to a 3rd world country or anywhere to bring home the unknown.
Posted by brain fogged and irritated  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  11:43 AM
you looking in the wrong part of the world brain fogged
they have it alright
but it was made right in the u.s.a.
and exported in the millions of millions of
millions etc
its called bio pesticide/herbicide
and other stuff besides
but thats not all it does
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 01, 2007  at  12:08 PM
Morgellons is real, as real as the person you see looking back at you in the mirror every morning.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger has proven where Morgellons is derived from. She is not out to make money, or profit in any way from this very real biotech condition. She merely wants to aknowlege and make aware this very real situation we have on our hands. Dr. Staninger is a professional who has dedicated her time and proffesional expertise in this area and is searching ((like myself)) for answers to all the questions. PLease read her literature, it will be very helpful to all those affected and to all those skeptics. please do not be ignorant to this very real situation. you will find that the cause is not only in the food you eat, but the clothes you wear, the air you breath. It is all around you, it is time Americans stand up and fight for what is right. The G M O'S used daily in the USA IS AFFECTING ALL AMERICANS especially the young.Start doing your homework people, start becoming aware((that's the first step)) education in the world around you helps those like "NOT CRAZY" grow a new set of balls and instead of making himself look incredibly vulnerable he could make himself useful in the catastrophy's of this political injustice ((FDA,MONSANTO,CDC,CONGRESS-TO NAME A FEW))all being paid off or making billions from the stupidity of the humanity in the USA.
wE ARE ALL SO GULLABLE AND NAIVE you must start reading between the lines.
GO TO :Dr. "Hildegarde Staninger" <[email protected]>

***Morgellons - A Nano 911 Foreign Invader - Full
Presentation By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger

NW RAGE <[email protected]>

"Union of Concerned Scientists Action Network" <[email protected]>

Posted by MEEMO IN MA  on  Sun Dec 02, 2007  at  07:00 AM
I have read up on Dr. Hildeguarde Staingers papers and have also spoke to her. She speaks with great knowledge and what she has to say makes a lot of sense. I have been doing some of her protocols; but not all of it because I am alone and I can't seem to do everything she is recommending.

Additionally, i have been using Q-Based products called DermaTechRx and the PuraCleenRx disinfectants. They are hospital strength, more competitively priced than the other places I have found disinfecants and i can honestly attest they work wonders for me.

I went from not being able to function on a daily basis, in a horrible brain fog and loosing my job & husband, to living my life as a normal person. I am able to take control of my morgellons symptoms and be around my family now. Although they still dont understand, they are able to deal with my symptoms and not shove me aside.

I use DermaTechRx Mitactin Spray and Mitactin Salve religiously. The rejuvenating Body wash is wonderful and the activity on my skin ceases immediatley. I can not live without my sulfinex and mud packs.

Believe me, if there is any message I leave with you, its disinfect your house daily. This is they key people! Qbased PuraCleenRx disinfectant are concentrated and ready to use formulas and they kill bacteria, virus and fungus. Somehow, there is a major impact with these parasites.

Go here if you have skin parasites and read what Q-Based has to say. The products they offer are down at the bottom of the website.

This is what Q-Based website has about the products and how they work.
Posted by Trevlyn  on  Sat Dec 08, 2007  at  11:07 AM
nice advertising
ive spent $1000 on dermatech
got everything they had
and i dont doubt they are good quality
yet im still sick
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sat Dec 08, 2007  at  05:51 PM
I wish all I was doing was advertising for these people. I too have spent a lot of money with anything and everything I could put my hands on. These products work the best for me. yes, I wish i was cured, but I am not.

Q-Based is allowing me to get my products from them at a discount now (not sure if they would appreciate me telling you this). I simply had reached the point that I had gone through my savings and was broke. I told them that I was not rich, broke, needed help and i asked to speak to the manager and they got the owner involved and thats how it happened for me.

If the products did any good for you, call them and ask to speak to someone in management.

The concentrated disinfectant makes up to 64 gallons of disinfectant and I paid about $40 for the gallon. Disinfecting is the key for me.

email me and i will be happy to share more with you direct.
Posted by Trevlyn  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  01:44 PM
ok man sorry, i thought you were advetising
this is a hoax site afterall

but ive tried everything possible

every idea,however stupid and nothing will kill it
lots of stuff helps but nothing will kill it
its genetic
get a test and see if im right
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  03:09 PM
How come everyone's helping this hoax along?
Posted by jupiter  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  05:36 PM
maybe its not a hoax
Posted by the itchtshow man  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  06:35 PM
I have told you before, but nobody would take notice.They think I am not normal.. It is something supernational....
This things are with me for nearly 3 years and I have all the symptons from Morgellons....
but they are not in my body..
I find this things in the house and it is the same things what is coming out of the peoples
body.. I can't even talk to my family of it...
It is all unreal and I do not believe it myself if I would not have the experiance...
I tryed to resolve it with spirituel people and all what they want is money..but no result..
Now I try to keep it in place by talking to it and it does help me....
You will not believe it, but I am normal!!!
Lets hope there is a solution somewhere. Till now Everyone is only guessing
Merry Christmas
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  07:18 PM
Well hello all skeptics and false advertisers,Morgellons is real and currently there is nothing on the market to cure this new epidemic. So please , any one that has Morgs do not fall prey to all these get rich schemers out there
My personal investigation leads me to believe that your body chemistry is creating or should I say manufacturing this from the inside out and until the government get's it's head out of it's ass and puts some funding behind this very real scary enviromental plaque we will continue to endure this problem. All of you affected with THIS MORG/FIBER EPIDEMIC need to contact your state representitive asap. Keep writing and become active politically and most of all do not give up. Go to your local news station let your voices be heard.Very important*get a DNA test performed to find out if you have any foreign invaders((plant genetics)) inhabiting your blood/chemistry makeup. Do it now-don't hesitate!!!
One study I have researched showed patients of Morgs to have a mutated plant gene in them, this is not bullshit, it's very real........
Posted by MEEMO  on  Tue Dec 11, 2007  at  09:51 PM
Merry Chritmas Charlotte.
Posted by Bryan aka Fighorfly  on  Tue Dec 25, 2007  at  04:02 AM
I too have been the target for these pests and I am saddened to see others dealing with this too. I have been noticing the different stages of these bugs and I can see how they all work together. I do see how some may feel that it is a government conspiracy, but I do not think so. I do believe however that they are FULLY AWARE that there is something, but they can not contain it. I think it is so deep in our every day life that there is no way they can do anything about it. I was so happy when I finally found, on the top of this article, the NPA was researching for CDC, and then when I found that I fit ALL the symptoms I felt YAY someone is trying to fix it! WRONG, they have cancelled that report, and are no longer excepting reports. I am just up the road from them (CDC), maybe I should go in and shake my hair on the front get their attention ..If I can make it past the fron gate..J.J. . . I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy!(
Posted by Lyn Miller  on  Fri Dec 28, 2007  at  08:54 AM
The worst thing is, you can not talk to anyone about it,not even the Family..
So we are all alone to fight that critters, what I call them..
Sometimes I think wether it is worth to stay alive...
But we are all still soldjering along..
If they can not help us or understand us..
they should not say...
It is all in our mind!...
Happy New Year... Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Fri Dec 28, 2007  at  09:04 PM
I have things happening to me and they are not coming from my mind...
It is going on for 35 years and that was the time when I did start to take notice..
I have it all written down. It does happen in front of my Family and even by my Family Docktor...
But I think they are frightend to confront it...
I made photo's of it, but no one will look at it..
Beside: it is not only hair and house dust..
I still collect the things, but give it to someone to inspect, it is useless...
I did spit out insects with my saliva and had to press the Docktor to send it away to be inspected.
But all what I was told when it came back...
I tryed the medication for it, but nothing has worked...
I am on no medication.. I had the head cold just a few days ago and did not even take coldtablets and it went away on its own...
I think I was lucky to spit out the insects otherwise they would have developed in my body and come out thrue the skin...
All I will say...
It is not in our mind, otherwise if we can produce this things in our mind, we don't have to go shopping anymore, as the mind will put everything on the table..
The one who knows it all and tells us it is in our mind should try this!
Good luck Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Fri Dec 28, 2007  at  09:43 PM
Yea, I saw pictures of it here:
Posted by Tom  on  Wed Jan 16, 2008  at  06:31 PM
It comes from a plant that was genetically altered to contain human genes. The plants are spreading, people eat them and become infected. It is probably from a tuberous plant like a carrot or potato.
Posted by PonyGirl  on  Thu Jan 17, 2008  at  12:00 PM
to anyone suffering from any of the various, insidious, horrendous aspects of Morgellons--don't waste energy trying to convince doubters. Save your strength for finding treatment and getting better. I suffered horribly for some 5 months, as did my roommate. There ARE bugs involved. Many different kinds I have come to believe. I think the skin becomes a fertile environment for bug infestation and bacteria and fungi also play a part. I had worms, cocoons, spores, all kinds of objects come out of my body in every imaginable way. If nothing seems to work, move to a different place-house apartment,whatever. That is what finally healed me. I'll help anyone with my experience if I can.
Posted by robert  on  Fri Jan 18, 2008  at  03:05 PM
Posted by MEEMO  on  Sat Jan 26, 2008  at  05:14 PM
Sarcastikas...Oh, how right you are. The studies are mostly in San Francisco now but more and more people are complaining about this problem. Sure there are some that may imagine seeing parasites for one but it would be a terrible human injustice if there really is a problem as these people have been saying. Stronger lenses in microscopes would really help.
Also there are not any health checks done on the millions of people that have come to our country. Many reports of skin problems and internal problems have begun to pop up here from what I have heard.
To those of you that think this is a bunch of hog wash, so to speak..maybe you should do some research and educate yourselves on some of the excellent websites out there concerning the problem. It is much easier to deny anything not understood. But what if you are wrong? This saddens me. The CDC is now doing research on this problem as there are enough claims that warrent the funding of testing done. Check out their website. So........until you have the facts to back up your opinions then I suggest you use an open mind until all the testing has been completed and all the results are in. 😊 D
Posted by Skeptical  on  Wed Feb 13, 2008  at  09:04 PM
Iv had morgellons for about a jittle over six, years it started on my armes,then my legs,then my face .
then it went away for a year .now it has returned iv had it for a little over 3 years .Has any one ever gotten it to clear up just for it to return whamphascat
Posted by whamphascat  on  Sat Feb 16, 2008  at  05:35 AM
I and my family are suffering with this parasite. WE are trying to move. Please tell me what you did specifically to heal yourself. Ihave a four month old, 2 month old 6yr and 16 yr old that have this. It is so difficult to watch them go through it. Any help would be appreciated
Posted by Tamara Miles  on  Wed Apr 02, 2008  at  09:13 AM
My boyfriend has Morgellons and I have to say, it's insane. He's constantly pulling fibers and little grains and fuzz out from under his skin. Whenever a fiber is about to come out, he gets a painful little shock and a biting feeling...He's starting to give up hope.
He's found some temporary relief from Morgellons by taking salt baths and using anti fungal cremes all over his body; he's even gone as far as spraying himself all over with perfume because he says it makes more fibers come out.
So we're looking for relief...if anyone has any doctors who believe this actually exists, please please PLEASE let us know.
And even if there's a doctor who doesn't quite know about it but would be willing to learn, my boyfriend's done more than enough research (almost 13 hours a day), that information would be useful as well.
Posted by tabitha  on  Sun Apr 13, 2008  at  12:27 PM
This is becoming more prevalent. These parasites attack people with weakened immune systems most time, which is a product of our society, fast food toxins, pollutants. they think we are dying or near death so they do their job.

Many people have this illness disquised as excema etc... It is different for diffent people. They are cutaneous larva migrans and other worms and insects attracted to them. Use borax to wash clothes. move out of your home if you can afford. depending on how long he's had them he can get rid of it. he needs a whole lifestyle change. tell him to stop eating sugar, eat whole foods, organic, vegatable that are bitter, lots of pineapple, papaya, do liver flushes, kidney flushes, metal flushes ie. detoxify and visit humaworm, you can google that for deworming.

also a guy named paul schmidt has a website out there at psfresearch. he beat this thing, but his protocol cost 120 dollars. I and my family have so called "morgellons". I don't have half as much trouble as some because of diet. They are parasites that have been around forever. People and pets carry them with no rx if healthy. He may have CFS, lyme or just be stressed or eating badly.

Diet change is 80% of cure. google barefoot herbalist, cure manual, psf research, dr hulda clark,be healthy forever. He MUST detox properly. This thing is contagious. Be careful. The lint is caccoon and threads are worms in fillarial stage is actually threadstage for the worm.

Dont go to the doctor with this stuff, just tell him you think you have worms. He may have you do a test for parasites which may come back negative, usually does. But definitely ask for western blot test. Good luck, E-mail back if you have questions.
Posted by tamara  on  Mon Apr 14, 2008  at  08:59 AM
This clinic, Dr. Overman's Clinic, might help you with this "parasites and internal mites" problem:

Good luck!
Posted by elai  on  Wed Apr 16, 2008  at  02:10 PM
My wife and I have most all the symptons describe by others. Havings the same responces from most Doctors as the rest of the infected. We found a Doctor who knows the truth. He has dianosed us eas having Morgellons. He has gone to great leangths, trying to get help for us. I have extream swelling in both feet and ankles Makes walking almost impossible. Can't wear shoes. I beleave my legs are loaded with small white worms and toxins given off by the worms. We've tried all the run of the mill herps, zappers, etc. I beleave the worms are manny, and they are slow at dying.
Posted by Robert Hastings  on  Tue Apr 29, 2008  at  02:34 AM
please go to this site, I belive she is the only one who knows the truth behind MORGELLONS

I am amazed that not more people realize how real this is
I am even more amazed how naive most people are
My sister has this awful disease/affliction.
It happenned to her over 5 years ago
Strange and ironic is this -over 6 years ago she decided to start eating healthy and was consuming oatmeal,rice, fresh veggies (ex. potatoes, tomatoes) and fruits on a daily basis.
Now listen to this...........
I know another woman-a friend of mine _ who has the same thing
I brought the two of them together to find out what they have in common (( besides going to over 12 doctors, that be 24 between the 2 of them ,not a one knowing what it was))I can give you a list of what all these uneducated doctors revealed.
Ring a bell to any of you "MORGIES"..........
Posted by HADENOUGHALREADY  on  Tue Apr 29, 2008  at  07:14 AM
I would like you to answer one simple question!
Does anyone of you feel a slimy substance in the throught???
If the answer is yes... please let me know.....
Warm greetings Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Wed May 07, 2008  at  02:54 AM
Yes. its the main worm-Cutaneous Larva Migran reproducing. It causes you to swallow so it can start its life cycle all over again in the intestinal tract, its auto-infectious. So many people will be affected by this because of the food we eat and the clothing we wear (cotton. Its everywhere, but the shape of your immune system decides whether you get it or not.

Relax, sleep try not to stress and change your diet to whole foods. No sugar, fast food or carbs for at least three months use food grade oil of oregano, excercise, get and use a good wormer, detoxify, cleanse, braggs apple cider vinegar daily in water, for bath or ingestion. For bathing combine with epsom salts. Move if possible your entire environment is crawling with them. use tea tree oil, oregano oil (careful you must only use a drop or two), lemon oil in a carrier oil for skin. burn insense daily in every room. gargle with salt water, sometimes swallow it. see an infectious disease specialist for specific test such as ELISA and others. some of these things have to be done in a specific order so you dont cancel each other out.

please contact me for further info. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) I have this parasite and am beating it. its a process, not a quick fix. The trick is to make your body unwelcoming to these things.
Posted by tamara  on  Wed May 07, 2008  at  07:00 AM
I do spit the sticky substance out and had in the beginning insects in the saliva... I was told by some body to spit it in a container and put bleach in it...
The Docktor did not even wanted to have a look at it... I do that now for 3 years. I also get a thick jellow something out of my throat and I call it blob...
I have nothing in my body... I did study it and I have it all written down...
I found in the beginning when I did not spit it out all the black and fussy things I saw in the pictures here,coming out of the body from the people! It was outside my body..I can feel when I have the sticky substance coming up in my throat and I never swallow it...
Try this one out, it doeas not cost anything...
I have no medication and take one tablet be 12 a day and Spirulina...
Best wishes Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Wed May 07, 2008  at  08:35 AM
Morgellon comes from the silicone self replicating nanotech microscopic size machines. The strands can be either red or black and hair size width. Definitely escaped from a lab! Or worse sprayed on victims deliberately for sick government experiments. The cure would be dig them out and look at them under your own microscope. Do your own research! Don't bother going to doctors unless they are alternative for sure. Since they are going to call everyone crazy or say that they have Schizophrenia! All since there be no PROOF of the silicon machine sort since nanotech WILL NOT ALLOW OR PROMOTE the truth for there to be proof yet for doctors training. But as you all dig these out with tweezers please do not dig that far unless your sure these will be removable and are not attached to a blood sac. I think a doctor will attempt removal if these can be shown to be attache to blood sac sucking your life out as many have proven to be found doing. Whereas they might not get involved over the grain of rice size ones; even if they itch like crazy. But then again if able to be without repercussions and are with great pain take a scalpel [if shallow] and fetch the item out like any sane parasite removal process. Stock up on giant tweezers for removal of these sob's as I think were going to have a epidemic of these sooner than later.

I think these tiny silicon machine need a warm host to host distribution rather than dryer or fresher food. I would avoid all popular fast food businesses like burgers and also the soy industry as the soy and burgers equally all be genetically modified. And baked bread gets dry quick, everyone could fry own bread of quinoa flour and avoid the extra dose of GM or GE from all the grains angle of promoting. I think these tiny silicon machines come more from deliberate administered spray then genetically modified foods however I'm sure a sane being would seek to avoid all genetically modified foods to be on the safe side so they eat primitive and ancient crops thereby reducing all disease potential from Monsanto etc. messed with one.

This tiny silicon nanotech machine under the skin irritation does not seem to be a communicable disease [cough droplet distributed] currently, but later who the h*ll knows. But if doctors do not take this seriously then forget them all who don't. We must learn to become our own doctor. There are some books mentioning Morgellons and the source basis presented was nanobots. I urge listening to a "world band" radio as that's the ONLY truth news now. I Listen to Genesis Communication radio and they have DR. Deagle, MD. who understands the nature of some of this subject. Dr. Deagle be available at the nutrimedical report. There's also Alex Jones and the Power Hour with David and Joyce and many more. I like the other world band stations for trucker news and also the interviews on WRVA and sometimes china or India. brightest blessings.
Posted by anotsosimpletruth  on  Wed May 07, 2008  at  10:05 PM
to rod!!

you are an idiot!! I have self diagnosed myself with morgellons. I have hurt everyday for 3 years with no help from doctors. Victoria Moore I would really like to spead with you. I got your doctors name from your blog but I would really like to speak with you atleast on the phone. I have two sons I worry may have or will get what I have.

Posted by Robbin Grantham  on  Tue Aug 12, 2008  at  07:06 AM
I have a symptom similar to the one described in a posting in this thread. Please can you connect me with the person who posted the following?

You never know; every so often there will be one real case in the midst of the mental patients. I recall hearing of a woman convinced she had some kind of insect in her throat, and it turned out, that she did; some bizarre throat worm thingy.....

Posted by cvirtue on Fri Feb 11, 2005 at 05:26 AM

Posted by Worthy  on  Fri Aug 15, 2008  at  08:20 AM
I had insects in my saliva.....
I still have this things with me, I was lucky that I have seen it when it showed itself to me...
Accidantly or not, it is all unreal...
I have it now for over 3 years...
The Doctor I wnet to was our family Doctor for 30 years...
He told me to come back when I need medication and did not want anything to do with it...
Luckily till today I am free of it...
But it takes a lot of strengs to go on alone this lonely road...
But with the time I did learn a lot about it..
Have been reading books went on the Internet...
But no one will have anything to do with it...
So I learned to live with it...
I am glad it does behave and I feel it behaves like a child.. So when I get mad at it I feel sorry... Strange but true... I would not believe it myself if it did not happen to me...
So I do not blame anyone who thinks I am mad..
They have to have the experience themself...
Warm greetings Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sat Aug 16, 2008  at  12:11 AM
Someone please help me.

I have these symptoms.. currently being treated with permithin for scabies.
Also, bitten and tested positive for Lyme about 6 weeks ago. Taking Augmentin for that.

My doctor barely knows what to do for those conditions never mind this.. (symptoms are the same, permithin creme not working.. white and black specks, especially after a hot bath)

WHAT & Where should I go? Im in NJ.
Posted by Desparate  on  Tue Aug 19, 2008  at  08:16 PM
This is a phase one report funded by Morgellons Research Foundation as follows:

Morgellons Research Foundation
PO Box 357
Guilderland, NY 12084-0357

August 2008 Newsletter

1. Microbiologist's report
2. NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program update
3. The Doctors show

To MRF Registrants:

Microbiologist's Report:

A microbiologist whose work was funded through a grant from the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) has issued a phase one report. The microbiologist was clear that the information provided to the MRF in this report was absolutely preliminary and not conclusive in any way. The microbiologist has submitted a request to the MRF for an additional two phases of this study which we hope to be able to fund in the future. The microbiologist's name has been omitted at their request since they do not wish to be contacted by patients and the media and wish only to do their work. You can read this phase one report here: Phase One Report

NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program:

Unfortunately, according to an official at the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program, a decision has been made at the NIH that patients with Morgellons disease will not be accepted into this program. We sincerely apologize for this situation, especially for those of you whose physicians already submitted your information to this program. The CDC is continuing to investigate Morgellons disease and will release their findings when they are ready.

The Doctors:

We would like to thank a patient with Morgellons disease for her participation in a segment of THE DOCTORS, a new, one-hour syndicated daytime talk show which will premiere in September on CBS. . We will give you additional information about the date this segment will air when the information becomes available to us. As always, we will update you as quickly as possible when any new information becomes available to us.

Best wishes,
William T. Harvey, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., Chairman
Mary M. Leitao, Executive Director
Douglas Buckner, Ph.D., Associate Director
Janelle Fossen, Secretary
Dale Cowher, CPA, Treasurer
Roy Houchins
Board of Directors
Morgellons Research Foundation

The Morgellons Research Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Morgellons Research Foundation Website
Posted by elai  on  Sat Aug 30, 2008  at  10:31 AM
To Victoria Moore in Charlotte, NC RE: Morgellons
My name is Lara and I live in Huntersville,NC. I have been exhibiting symptoms similar to Morgellons for the last 4 months and would love to know the physician that you are seeing. I am soon to separate from my husband(not because of the Morgellons, but it's not helping). He thinks I'm crazy of course and that it's all in my head. I have two small children, have several other chronic illnesses and am very scared, not to mention in misery due to all of the symptoms of everything associated with Morgellons.
I am so glad you found someone one to help you through this. I'm sure it helps!
PLEASE E-mail me back with your DR's name and # if you can, ASAP. I am having a major flare and am feeling very hopeless.
Thank you so much! Best wishes!
Posted by it's2much  on  Tue Sep 16, 2008  at  02:46 PM
Dear Lara,

Please contact Randy at

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She knows doctors who care for Morgellon's skin infection.


Posted by elai  on  Wed Sep 17, 2008  at  05:15 PM
I'm seventeen. I've recently been experiencing many of these symptoms reported by "Morgellons" sufferers. Black specks, black, red, blue and white fibers- and let me tell you, these are NOT normal fabric fibers or whatever- if you find a thread from your shirt on your finger, it is easily rubbed or blown off. These aren't. They stick to me, they burrow into my skin. When I try to pull the loose end of one of these off me, it's like pulling a hair. I've been sweating a lot more recently. I've been to three doctors so far and have had all treatments for any "normal" type of skin parasite- some of it worked, if only for a few hours or days. It keeps coming back. Lesions are now starting to crop up.

I have no idea what kind of disease, or skin disorder, or even psychological issue this could be. All I know is, it's driving me nuts.
Posted by Allegra  on  Mon Sep 22, 2008  at  07:17 AM
I too think I have Morgellons, I am in Charlotte,NC and sorry I know this is my second post in hopes to find someone who knows of a physician that treats it in the area. Please let me know ASAP if yo do!!!!!!!
One more thing, I know this sounds insane, but does anyone else with symptoms notice weird things happen when they touch food or clothing? If you do you will know what I mean by this. I will sound too crazy if I go into detail.
Actually I have heard of "Springtails" and Morgellons being combined in the body at the same time. It's like something jumps from my skin to whatever food item I pick up and then there is a white thing in it's place. I know, I promise I am lucide, though I wish I wasn't most of the time due to this horror.
Posted by it's2much  on  Tue Sep 23, 2008  at  01:35 PM
Try to get an Aloe vera plant,cut the yelly out and rub it in to the sore...
I have my cut out jelly in the freezer and
whenever I am getting the itchyness I just rub
it over with the frozen jelly..
It is good for your face too...
good luck Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Thu Sep 25, 2008  at  11:51 PM
Here is a Site I did find interesting...
Go to google and type in:
Entities Parasite of the Body of Energy
Than scroll a bit down for more Information to:
Entities: Astral parasites Possesion, clearing.
It made me thinking...
Posted by Charlotte  on  Tue Oct 14, 2008  at  06:13 AM
Please view this website for information regarding Morgellon's skin parasite disease:
Posted by elai  on  Sat Oct 18, 2008  at  03:23 PM
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