Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Last but not least, I remember reading in one of the many slanderous web postings from Floyd Bocox that he was wanting a big journalist or news agency to contact him and help prove his accusations. Well guess what, Floyd? I
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:43 AM
Alan Graham once was married to Anna, Jim Morrison's sister. But he is NOT the son-in law anymore, but EX-brother-in-law of James Douglas Morrison. And it's funny how he claims that real family members don't exploit Jim Morrison or the family in any way. And he claims that only 'frauds' exploit Jim Morrison of the Doors. But this ex-brother-in-law is always doing some outlandish psychopathic scheme to exploit Jim Morrison AND the family in any way he can. or any way he finds convenient to himself, without regards to the family or the man that he is claiming to love so much.

It seems to me - and this is the opinion of one - well, no, I shouldn't say that - the truth would be many - that the schemes that the ex-brother-in-law of James Morrison actually does, is in every way he can, ALWAYS trying to make money off of Jim Morrison and the estate. But that's not all. He goes on to make money off of many dead rock n' roll stars, including actors, and has no regards for anyone but himself. He's the kind of person that wouldn't care if another person's baby was drowning in a river...but if there was money to be made, he would surely run for his life to save that child. Pretty quick to pull that trigger, aren't you, Alan Graham?


Now enough talking about people who haven't no better things to do than talk crap - and I mean PURE CRAP! about people that don't deserve anything but award for good deed which has nothing to do with the music or the concerts. But for what he does, for the many people Cliff Morrison meets, greets, and befriends with pure and honest intentions; only to build friendships worldwide and connect as many souls of the planet together - before, which Cliff thinks, the world's end. So if Cliff is guilty of anything, it's what he gets arrested for which is mostly drugs (and he does need help, unless he already helped himself).

Let me tell you about the man who claims to be the son of Jim Morrison of the rock band The Doors: Cliff Morrison.

But before I do that, let me tell you what I used to be. For one, I used to be a very rude and judgmental person. And it was very hard for anyone to convince me of anything supernatural, or anything or anybody related, without proof - including anything controversial - unless there was solid proof to be pulled and shown to me and put before me for me to investigate, myself. Let's just say that I was a blind man with perfect sight, that a certain young gentleman opened my eyes and took the clouds away so I can finally see.
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:45 AM
But still today, I still have the capabilities and the nerve as the journalist I am, to be as rude and ruthless and should I say, heartless as well as I used to be when I was the same as Alan Graham but in a more honest way. Without the scandals and marrying a sister of a rock n' roll star in order just to get close to a famous man and his family for reasons of money, fame, and fortune. Which I'm glad to inform, that Anna Morrison and the family caught on to Alan Graham's over pushy persona for all the reasons that I just explained. And Anna divorced Alan Graham in the mid to later 80's. More power to you, Anna!

And for any reason that any of the living family has anything to do with Graham, is only to keep tabs and make sure that he keeps from doing more stupid stuff to embarrass the family any further.

As a journalist, ruthless I was. And there was hardly no one on this earth - rock stars, actors, or high profile people...involved in court cases, or scandalous acts, bank robberies, etc. that I couldn't make cry after one of my articles released through any newspapers, magazines, etc. And how many times all the people I wrote about threatened to take ME to court and sue me for everything I own including the shirt on my back for the articles I wrote on them... which they were never able to accomplish that task cause a good writer always knows how to cover his ass. So I never really took threats seriously. But there was only one man I did take seriously who offered no threats at all. And that would be the man that the world loves to hate, (that I thought I hated as well!) Cliff Morrison.

First Encounter

The first time I heard the name Cliff Morrison was on the Howard Stern show, 1996. The second time I heard the name Cliff Morrison I was sitting at a dinner in Hell's Kitchen, New York. And the third time I heard the name Cliff Morrison, was at a business meeting at Rolling Stone magazine. And I said yes, I'll take that story. And it was the only story I never finished.
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:46 AM
I was handed a phone number by some executives from Rolling Stone, so I did a little bit of research. Well, quite a bit of research. And everyone knows that you shouldn't really believe everything that you read. So you have to learn to pick and choose what's real and what's not just the same as there will be people picking and choosing what's real and what's not from this post, that is truly fact. Even though I promised Cliff that I would never protect him in any way because he asked me not to, and I never really knew why... it kills me, it completely kills me, to see vicious greedy men tearing a man's reputation apart and lying about an individual that I know for a fact is innocent of all things these evil men rumor, about Cliff Morrison.

The first time I talked to Cliff Morrison on the phone, I didn't really know what to say to Cliff - except maybe the same thing Howard Stern wanted to say to him: What's your story, man??? Or maybe, Who the hell do you think you are? Well, I chose number two. And boy oh boy was that indeed the wrong approach! So I tried number one. And he told me a little bit of his story. And then I went back to number two. And I found again, it was still the wrong approach. And no matter how hard I tried, I found one person in my whole career as a journalist, that I could not break - and I mean NOT break! I got more mean and more vicious with Cliff Morrison than I have ever been with anyone that I have interviewed that I just didn't like. Then something dawned on me while I was being so mean to Cliff: Why the hell am I being so mean to Cliff? Then all of a sudden I think Cliff finally broke. Actually I think it was me that broke. I went from "Hell no I don't want to go to your show - this ain't no music interview" to "I think going to your show would be very nice".

So here I was a week later on a flight from New York to California, flying in to LAX. It was much easier to fly back then because 9/11 hadn't happened yet. Which I am so glad that I didn't have to go through that much stress considering that I was so stressed out waiting nearly 24 hours in a hotel room, waiting for Cliff's show to come. And wondering how this interview is going to take place. As a matter of fact, I couldn't even think at all. It was the most nerve-wracking anticipating interview that I have ever done. I found myself standing at the mirror in my hotel room practicing how I was going to talk to Cliff; and practicing the questions that I was going to ask Cliff, and wondering, Why the hell am I practicing?!! Because I had never done that before. Ever. In my entire life, except maybe my very first interview with a big artist, in 1973 - which was Elvis Presley. With Elvis, I was nervous, but I wasn't freaked like I was from the night before Cliff's show, all the way to the night of Cliff's show.
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:47 AM
The show was in San Juan Capistrano. I drove my rent-a-car down the most scenic routes on the way to Cliff's show, in order to settle myself down so in case I had to shake Cliff's hand, he wouldn't feel it sopping wet from sweat. And you know what they say - never let 'em see ya sweat. But that didn't work because I found out, hanging with Cliff Morrison, there's never a dull moment. So I didn't just sweat, I nearly shit my pants - in just the first minute of our meeting. So here it is.

I arrive at Cliff's show three hours before showtime. There are people all over the parking lot smoking marijuana, smoking heroin, smoking speed, smoking coke, and I think they were also smoking sugar cause some of that stuff smelt pretty damned bad. Drinking beer, drinking hard alcohol, drinking GHB which is a man-made amino acid that rumor says gets ya high as a kite. Huffing gasoline, huffing freon straight out of the automotive a/c...Let's just put it this way: These people waiting for the show were just trying to get high on anything they could get their hands on. And that day I found out that it doesn't cost nothing at all to get high, for some people, if you really put your mind to it. If you have a mind left, that is. But maybe they are just nervous to see Cliff too. Who knows? Cause I definitely ain't no stoner but I was almost willing to try something to slow my damn brain down after the conversation on the phone with Cliff a week before the show night...

But anyways. Considering that I got to the show early, I noticed that there were a lot of people already there waiting for the door to open. And there were also people hanging out in the back of the venue where the equipment gets loaded in from the trucks onto the stage. And in the midst of looking around, I heard a man say
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:49 AM
So while I was approaching Cliff and the girl he was speaking to, a man stopped me. He said
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:50 AM
I was gasping for air when I made it back, because Cliff took the girl five buildings away from the venue to talk to her. And I think it was about what was in the bag and what they were holding in their hands. But I wasn
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:54 AM
To make this long story short, from the time the police showed up in force to the time they left it was only about two hours long from beginning to end, including the interrogation which is the police asking questions to get all the facts on the crime that was committed - or what could have been the biggest tragedy that had ever taken place in the very small town of San Juan Capistrano. Which included the police, Cliff Morrison, the girl that Cliff stopped from blowing up twelve packs of military C-4 explosive, and Cliff
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:55 AM
Dear nonstop2nowhere,

How on earth can you say in almost your penultimate paragraph (after about 100), "to make this long story short?"...Man its going to take me a week to get through your stuff..interesting that it might be!

You're obviously a Cliff Morrison fan, and I like his music too!..Also I think that if Jim had a son then Cliff would be a likely candidate. It all boils down to proof doesn't it? In this day and age, a simple blood test would end all doubt to all of these mysteries. I suspect that most folk; including myself, don't really want this connundrum answered as it'd spoil the fun!

God bless all..sleep tight!

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  05:10 PM
Hi nonstop2nowhere,
Thank you for honoring all readers of this thread by providing us with insightfully prolific outtake on the amazing Cliff Morrison. Cliff gave me quick blip about the bomb thing but your writing converts a stick figure drawing into the elaborate impressionest painting that the event really was. Cliff later told me he hoped to meet with the woman after she served her sentence and got the mental help she needed.
Cliff asks me to stay away from managers and people causing him trouble so as not to confuse the pending litigation. A litigation which I concur with you is tragically inhibiting the talents of a great artist personally and professionally.
I think that it would be easiest if a big name rocker introduces Bill Loyer as Jim Morrison because people listen to them. But maybe even the biggest names are too tightly bound to contracts so they won't. It might take a journalist!
Posted by Jlizard  on  Sun Jul 19, 2009  at  08:37 AM
To be completely honest, I don't care at all about Cliff Morrison and anything about him is completely off-topic for this thread. Please post information about him somewhere else. The subject of this thread is "Is Jim Morrison Alive?"
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Sun Jul 19, 2009  at  03:23 PM
As I have said for a long time, the Cliff Morrison story is great in itself, but it also holds the key to unraveling the Jim story as I'm sure you will see. So, please be patient and open minded if you really are here to discover the truth.
Posted by JLizard  on  Mon Jul 20, 2009  at  04:22 AM
JLiz and Dennis,

I sort of agree with both of you...I can see Dennis' point of view that this site should be wholly dedicated to the question of the blog title; yet on the other hand I can see the mystique of seeing a real live son.

Several years ago a commemorative stone was laid by the decendants of Oscar Wilde and Bosie Douglas..bith of whom were under fourteen. I know there is no comparison between the Jim/Cliff point being that there is a facination over siblings etc.

I reserve judgement, and will wait and be patient as JLizard suggests. I hope that this doesn't mean that this site closes down, as i think its fun...I'm still trying to get through that vast inclusion, but keep falling asleep!

Night all!
Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Mon Jul 20, 2009  at  03:57 PM
Dennis wrote this...

"To be completely honest, I don't care at all about Cliff Morrison and anything about him is completely off-topic for this thread. Please post information about him somewhere else. The subject of this thread is "Is Jim Morrison Alive?" "

okay Dennis. it's time to get real. to say that you don't care at all about Cliff Morrison is saying that take one half of his blood and burn it, vaporize it, flush it to the sewer. take his soul and cast it away to nothingness. wondering if Jim is alive? is all you worry about... what about Jim living on in Cliff? oh yeah. you don't give a fuck. how would Jim feel about you taking a shit on his son? Cliff Morrison is being slandered at this time by two of the greediest people in the world, that care about nothing but themselves (and $money$). you're just one step away from being the exact same as them. if Jim was alive, the real Jim was alive, as he would be today, a lot older than 26-27 and a lot more responsible as a parent...and if he found out what you said about his son, about not caring at all as you say - he would kick your teeth out, buddy. so think twice about finding a man that would kick your teeth out when you find him!!! i'm sure there would be plenty of people happy to let him know what you said on here.
i'm just a person who knows Cliff very well and what you said here pissed me off so bad that i would like to do a lot more than kick your teeth out. remember back in the days of Vegas, the holes in the desert... think about it! reconsider your words and thoughts. cause when it comes to Jim Morrison, we are the true and honest people that love the man - whom you seem merely interested in trivia and gossip about, and profiting from the same. i hate it when people claim to be so interested in and love Jim Morrison, but completely disrespect the legacy of his bloodline. think twice about the anonymity of the internet because some people are truly committed to Jim's memory for real.
Posted by shadowboxer  on  Mon Jul 20, 2009  at  10:55 PM
Whaaa! Now we're way off topic. That's probably for the best since the other topic wasn't going anywhere. Let's start a new topic titled "Don't Mess With Cliff" or "Anonymity of the Internet: Does it Really Exist?"

Some of you guys crack me up.
Posted by Chris  on  Tue Jul 21, 2009  at  12:48 AM
No wait! What about this one for a topic? "How Do We Define an Overreaction and at What Point Does it Become a Hole in the Desert?"
Posted by Chris  on  Tue Jul 21, 2009  at  01:11 AM
I'm afraid that the only result that will come from "shadowboxers" remarks, are that an aweful lot of dentists are going to be making huge bucks for a while!

Honestly!! I despair at folk who threaten physical abuse online..its about as effective as being struck with a wet sock whilst wearing a crash helmet.

Shadowboxer; noone here would doubt your passion over Cliff Morrison (and no I'm not calling you a poofter before you think it), but all this tooth kicking is a bit silly dont you think?

Write sensibly..state your case without violence and maybe everyone here might take you seriously. Right now your comments sound like you were pissed off after a pub brawl and just wanted to let rip into someone.

Chill out Brother!

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Tue Jul 21, 2009  at  03:05 PM
Something I missed earlier.

Reading shadowboxers earlier makes me realise that there is obviously some kind of "messianic" cult going on with the Jim thing and his supposed offspring.
Like I said mind is way open over this issue and if I had proof it'd be as kewl a day as if a benign Alien space ship parked itself over Big Ben (maybe I shouldn't have said that as we'll be discussing ET's next!)

Shadowboxer..Jim was no Saint; a genius maybe or even a moderately talented guy with a pleasant voice. Complexed and enigmatic,sure; but neither he nor his "son" should be worshiped as Dieties...for sure Jim would have laughed at the absurdity of that notion!

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Tue Jul 21, 2009  at  03:18 PM
I do think Jim Morrison is a kind of saint and that is why I have been so eagerly pursuing this story for over 3 years. Jim aka Bill has done so much for American music and poetry and he was probably just as popular overseas. People still worship the DOORS in a culture where every band is out for themselves. Anyway, perhaps now we can put aside the arguing and get back to sharing facts.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Jul 22, 2009  at  04:15 AM
Do you worship the Doors?
Posted by Chris  on  Wed Jul 22, 2009  at  12:27 PM

I know what your commitment to Jim Morrison and his legacy is..we can all see it and applaud you for it. When I said that he wasn't a Saint I meant it!..he was totally human, with the weaknesses that many of us have...drink too much..nose candy etc etc.

I know better than to preach to the convinced, but I fail to see how a singer who died (or not as the case may be) can be regarded as a "Saint" because of a few charismatic songs. I'm sorry, but I cant see it. The definition of a Saint implies a peerless life doing good for others..or sitting in a cave or on top of a pillar or something.

I'm not trying to make light of this, as I now see that there is indeed some kind of quasi messianic thing going on here..which I never guessed before; so I'll have to tread carefully.

Cheers guys and girls; I dont know how I can contribute to this debate further, but I'll look in from time to time to see if someone as awesome as Shadowboxer has posted...bye the way, what in the bloody hell is a "hole in the desert?"..I'm bemused!

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed Jul 22, 2009  at  04:18 PM
Hey Andrew,
I don't want to go off into my religious beliefs and cloud this issue any more than it already is. I have had some wonderful synchronicity occur throughout my working on this project. Perhaps it all started when as a kid I heard on the radio that some rock star was believed dead and may have been hiding... I think that I used to pray that he would one day come out. Then I've heard from some poets and they just venerate the man. For whatever reason, I believe that some "portals" were opened up in Jim's mind and that he is an "enlightened" being. Reading through the lines of what Gerald Pitts told me, he is incredibly witty. I need to reread Kierkegaard's Difference Between a Genius and a Saint because as of now I believe that Jim Morrison is both. And when he seems less it is only because he is acting.
Posted by JLizard  on  Thu Jul 23, 2009  at  09:07 PM
A hole in the desert is where the mob would throw the bodies of people they killed in Las Vegas. So shadowboxer just threatened to kill me. What the hell?? Threatening to kill someone (or even kick in their teeth) because they don't want off-topic discussion on an internet forum?? Dude, what's the matter with you??? Seriously, I can't even begin to express how incredibly disturbing that is. Jim Morrison was all about killing people for no good reason, right? I don't think so. So are you honoring and respecting his legacy by threatening to kill me?? Think about it...

Look, if Jim had a son and Cliff is Jim's son, then that's terrific. I'm happy for him to carry on his father's legacy in music and life. What I should have said (and what I meant) is that I don't care about the Cliff question at all **as part of this discussion, unless it directly relates to this discussion**. I kept reading through that extensive story about Cliff and saw nothing that connects him to the question about whether Jim is still alive, though I may have missed it if there was. If there is any real evidence about that or any real connection between Cliff and determining if Jim is still alive, then that is what should be discussed here. Whether Cliff is Jim's son or not, and what he's all about, can be discussed on many other Doors sites. Once again, the subject here is: "Is Jim Morrison Alive?"
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Jul 24, 2009  at  11:06 AM
Please take off the horse blinders. Have you done any research whatsoever and do you know how much some of us have sacrificed? Cliff played in a band with Robby Krieger's son. Do you know who that is? Cliff was raised by the Jim Morrison's family- Jim's sister is his aunt and he plays with his nephews and neices. Cliff is a celebrity and has watched this very video we are discussing. Cliff, like Alan Graham, has been in contact with Bill Loyer. If Cliff Morrison can become more stable in his career he may very likely give a public statement on who Bill Loyer is. And a lot of people may hear it. And it may open a lot more doors to everyone finding out the truth then you're absurb attempts to snuff him out of the picture.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jul 24, 2009  at  05:45 PM
Absurd attempts to snuff him out of the picture?? What are you talking about?? If Cliff is really relevant to whether Jim Morrison is still alive, then that's what I want to hear about on this thread... but not the whatever it was about him that filled up page 52. You're right, though, that I was wrong to say that anything about him is off-topic for this thread... that certainly may not be the case, and I'm definitely open to hearing more about him here in that context.

But for crying out loud, why would anybody threaten to kill someone else (or even kick in their teeth) over something like I posted, insensitive though it may have been? I'm disappointed that there is not more outrage about that in response.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Sat Jul 25, 2009  at  02:10 PM
I'm back..and way before I thought that I would be. I'm back because I can see some nasty character assassination going on and I find it distasteful that someone with a point of view could be so badly mauled with potential criminal overtones. Shadowboxer, do you understand that you have commited a Criminal Offence by threatening a person online?

I suppose that it it'd be quite easy for the FBI to hone in on a complaint from someone who complained of a grevious bodily assault and threats of death. I have no problem reporting this. I am a European and dont care if the FBI are involved or not..I suspect "Shadowboxer" is however.

Dennis, dont worry about this moron..he cant get to you...there is no way on Gods Earth that he can! Just ignore him for the prick that he is....

JLiz a comment for another day OK?..bed time for me


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jul 25, 2009  at  04:08 PM
It sounds like you're finally starting to see the light about how Cliff Morrison might play an important part in breaking out this story. Maybe he's too caught up in personal affairs so he won't but maybe he will. About 3 years ago after I heard that RIDERS ON THE STORM scheduled but later renegged on a concert an hour away from where Bill was living in the rural rural mountains of Oregon, I posted a message on the DOORS website asking who is BILL LOYER and why were R/S planning on playing way up in the middle of nowhere.
It was on a Sunday afternoon. I was rather surprised when 15 mins later someone posted that I had posted something to this effect on Alan Graham's website, fans from there would not take too kindly to me. I checked again 15 mins later, then 1/2 hour later, then hour later then 2 hours later, then 4 hours later- and you know what. THE ENTIRE WEBSITE WAS SHUT DOWN (being updated).
I had a feeling that the "corrupt" DOORS did not want people to see my post. I wondered if I had gone too far, and yes, if someone was going to be sent to kill me.
A lot of money is at stake here. If the millions of dollars have been swindled out of fans hands over the course of the last 30 years then there are going to be some real hard feelings. I don't think white collar prison sentences are going to make up for the bullshit that has been propagated.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun Jul 26, 2009  at  10:40 AM
This Cliff Morrison matter is immaterial to the question of whether or not Jim Morrison is a still alive or not. It has been widely rumored that Jim may have had a son around 1969, but that is pure conjecture. And, of course, it is another of the fascinating enigmas surrounding Morrison; I bet that the man is having a good laugh at our expenses wherever he is. As to RIDERS ON THE STORM performing, while I do admire Ray Manazarek and Robby Krieger for perservering on through very trying circumstances, I think it is sacrilege for them to do so without Jim. They will never satisfactorily replace him, as I recall them trying with Iggy Pop and Kevin Coyne. And remember "Other Voices" and "Full Circle"? Jim was such an overpowering presence and therefore impossible to replace, but, as I stated in an earlier post, the Lizard King is dead; long live the king. Perhaps the monk has eaten lunch and the trip has begun, but, as a crucial caveat, when the music's over, turn out the lights.

I've always loved those Nietzsche references.
Posted by Will Trame in Lawrenceburg IN  on  Mon Jul 27, 2009  at  12:11 PM
Mr. Gary James is one of the most celebrated interviewers of the last quarter century. Over 1300 interviews since 1978. Donny Osmond to Ozzy Osbourne, from Henry Mancini to Kiss.
He has also interviewed actors, authors, dancers, politicians and entrepreneurs. A couple of days ago I received an email from him and he asked that it be posted on all sites pertaining to this Gerald Pitts story. The site you have to see is and if you scroll towards the bottom of the page you will find a BELIEVE IT OR NOT section. It contains Gary James' ever so recent interview with Gerald Pitts.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Jul 29, 2009  at  07:18 PM
Here's the direct link to the Gary James interview with Gerald Pitts:
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Wed Jul 29, 2009  at  10:53 PM

Zack Kopp, a very well known investigative writer and book reviewer from Denver, CO, took the time to review the books Journalist/Author Adriana Rubio wrote on Jim Morrison.


Posted by ARTS Publications  on  Fri Jul 31, 2009  at  05:29 PM
Thanks for the link Dennis. I don't think we should write Adriana Rubio as a pussy because she got into a cat fight with Gerald Pitts and ran up the tree of oblivian. Adriana was doing this story when everyone else was afraid to "go there". She has a right to do it her way, just like Alan Graham, Gerald Pitts, Gary James (bites the heal of his palm because Gary james is a stud) or JLizard.
As for this ARTS thing, you'd think they would like to have solid footing to walk on before elaborating on half concocted fantasy. But I guess that is why it's called ARTS instead of Ssssciiiieeeennnncccceeee or Tttrrrruuuutttthhhh. Here's where that fella who interviewed Cliff could help- not to stir up the dust again, but Cliff has a remarkably hypnotic voice or way about him or something. Jim Morrison is an artist and he is Catholic.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jul 31, 2009  at  09:13 PM
Well, the idea of Jim faking his death by taking a coma drug and ending up in Oregon is one thing... I can see some possible plausibility in that, and the pictures and voice recording are very compelling, so I am stretching my mind to allow for that possibility. But I really start to tune out with the whole "Jim was a secret agent" stuff... Sorry, but all credibility behind breaking the "Jim Morrison is still alive" story, if that much is even true at all, will be lost if people try to promote ideas like that.

However, I'm guessing that post by ARTS means the "Manual Case" book might finally be coming out soon. I am very eager to learn more about what Adriana experienced and what her conclusion is about who the Bill Loyer guy she was in contact with really is.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Sat Aug 01, 2009  at  12:15 AM
This is utter nonsense yet again!

This thing is going around in circles all of the time..There is no proof that Jim Morrison is alive; and until I see proof that he is alive, then I'll assume that he's dead.

Personally I Believe Andre story rather than Gerald least it sounds vaguely cridible as opposed to all the other stuff we hear time after time.


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Aug 01, 2009  at  05:54 PM
A secret agent? That's intriguing but definitely way off the boil, IMHO. I remember back around 1974 (or 1975) Jim was reported to be living his life as a mild-mannered Louisiana banker. Again, rumor, although the applicable book was a bit hilarious to say the least. It is hard picturing Jim as a cowboy or a spy (in the house of love, perhaps?); I still believe that the man is dead. On a rather bizarre note, I have read that Jim's ghost haunts Pere La Chaise. Ah, the sweet mysteries of life.
Posted by Will Trame in Lawrenceburg IN  on  Sun Aug 02, 2009  at  11:23 AM
I am David Logan. I have lived with Jim 3 years out of 10. Gerald Pitts is acurate and so is Jlizard. We have looked at this for a long time. Jim's word is enough. He wants to help the little children. No trickery here. Photo's are untouched. Teeth match as well as the eyes, the build, the spiral break in the leg from earlier years. I have played music with him and have talked indepth. He overdosed and woke up in the morgue. He asks "Who would want to be Jim Morrison?" "Prove that I am not"
Posted by Highmountainrogue  on  Wed Aug 05, 2009  at  02:12 PM
Dear David Logan,

I dont think that there is any way that you would convince anyone on the strength of your attestation. The onus of proof is always on the idividual trying to prove something and cant simply say "if I'm not him..then prove me wrong"

I might as well say I'm Bart Simpson (I am actually)...I know that he's a yellow cartoon boy but if you set out to prove legally that I wasn't him and I contested your'd be in a whole lot of expensive lawyer muck that could go on for years while I just sat back and laughed at you at no cost to me.

I've said it before and I'll say it again..if cowboy Jim is in fact Jim Morison I'll open a bottle and celebrate, I would be delighted to be proven wrong in this case....But there's the rub!...I need, undeniable proof and then I'll believe you. Until then; all this is just conjecture and rumour, and I'm still Bart Simpson!!

Come on! have to do better than your last effort to convince (I suspect) 99.9 percent of the folk on this site!


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed Aug 05, 2009  at  05:31 PM
Hi David, thanks for posting. And I believe that this really is David Logan per our conversations on the phone and David's willingness to break out this story for the sake of getting out the truth.
For you who don't know this, David Logan was Jim's best friend in the mountains of OR. David helped fall a timber in front of Jim's house that most lumberjacks wouldn't undertake due to the risk involved. David has always been a DOORS fan so he was able to bridge a gap which Gerald Pitts couldn't even begin to understand. Logan was Jim's drinking buddy- like cases of beer I suppose. Like any cool person would probably just go crazy if they could have one beer with the lizard king. David's father was best friends with American icon Paul Harvy. This site is very fortunate to have DL here. For now we will truly know... the rest of the story.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Aug 05, 2009  at  10:42 PM
Hey thanks guys Andrew and all. Jlizard has met Jim. Jim is one the nicest persons you will ever want to meet. A total gentleman and honest. When you sit across the TABLE FROM THIS MAN,you will know. Hazel eyes, strong features. We are not trying to fool anybody. The beginning of the story is quite phenomenal. As it should be normally. Led to disclose his identity for the ones he loves. Pam was trying to protect him and keep him alive July of 71. He was in a deep coma. Police arrive and find a man who had been in ice water. Blue, cold. A death certificate was written upon finding no pulse. I am certian the attempt was short lived. He told me he woke up in the morgue.
Posted by Highmoountainrogue  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  01:04 AM
These are pictures of Jim Morrison. and the cowboy RodeosWest site. There is only one person trying to make a buck so far and maybe rightly so, gerald.
Some of the facts are not straight... but mostly are. The real story of who discovered him. What really happened after Jim revealed himself. Why this won't take fully. What's in store.
Posted by Highmountainrogue  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  03:42 AM
i must say i agree with Bart Simpson lol (Andrew)
Posted by 4ever young  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  11:46 AM
AND just in case he is alive, i just wanted him to know that i thank God for him to be alive,sadly i live in Honduras and i dont have enough money to go to OR but lets hope we get to meet "Someday Soon"
Posted by 4ever young  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  11:48 AM
In the period between 1971 and 74 Pamela Courson stated in the news at least 3 different times that Jim was alive. Why would she do that? The media and the masses tried to claim she was on drugs and delerious. The man that Jlizard and I talk about is real. And an impressive fellow at that. Clear and big as life. I can't say enough about him.
Posted by Highmountainrogue  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  02:35 PM
I am thoroughly convinced that Jim is alive. So much so that I will call him tomorrow and see if he will talk.
Posted by Jagged  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  09:42 PM
Hi David!
Would you mind if I gave you a call tomorrow as well?? I am a writer, but I guarantee that everything will remain confidential if you so desire.
Posted by Jagged  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  09:48 PM
It seems as though things continually hit dead ends for everyone involved in seeking and revealing the truth. I will do the best I can to reveal the truth for everyone. Following my proposed conversations with Jim and David, I will strictly comply with their requests for any matters that they wish to remain confidential. I think a middle ground can be met without the invasion of Jims current life and I would like to help make that happen. Everyone including Jim deserves it.
Posted by Jagged  on  Thu Aug 06, 2009  at  10:04 PM
David, I've been to your site and though I've been skeptically optimistic about this for a while now and remain so, I'll take your word and JLizard's and Gerald's at face value for now...

My question is, what is the next step? Because as Andrew states, talking about evidence doesn't mean a thing. The pictures are quite compelling to me, especially some of the ones at your site. But we're still a long way from knowing with a surety, and in some ways it still seems like a screwy story with some contradictions (intentional coma drug for six weeks as Gerald just said, or overdose waking up in the morgue as you say now??).

I'd be happy to help generate more interest in the story (I posted one of the overlay videos on YouTube a while back showing the striking nose comparisons and could certainly do more of that kind of thing), but I'd need to be convinced more about this supposed evidence that is mentioned on your site before I'd be willing to put much more effort into it. "A fingerprint match has happened through F.B.I agent D.W.Jones. Laser point measure between pupils says yes. Voice comparison is an affirmative. Photograph comparisons match. Congratulations everybody Jim Morrison is back." That all sounds good but means nothing until the public can see any of it. Can we really expect any more movement on this beyond a couple of people asserting it to be true? How long can we drag this out? I understand if it ever was confirmed and broke out as a major story, that could change things again for Jim in a way that he may not want anymore, in terms of the attention. But then again, why did he allow himself to be pictured and hook up with you and Gerald if he wasn't willing to deal with that? If true, there are really so many questions...
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Aug 07, 2009  at  12:29 AM
David, can you please provide a higher resolution picture of the Cowboy Jim depicted in this image:

When zooming in on that picture, it appears there may have been some Photoshopping or something done in the part where the nose curves off and elsewhere on the face (a line seems to run across the nose and down the right side of his cheek). However, it's possible that is a naturally occuring photo anomaly... a similar kind of thing happened on a picture of me last fall, where it looked sort of like I had a big bulging blood vessel across the side of my face... so I don't want to call foul play or anything until I can get a better look. But as it is, it does look very suspicious, so a higher resolution picture would be much better to work with to be more sure about whether it has been touched up or not.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Aug 07, 2009  at  01:01 AM
I have been encouraged to join this site by Jlizard man. I have scanned the middle and read the front and the back a ways. I really appreciate your encouragement. Some of scans on my site are the poorer of the matierial at hand. For reasons. One guy who had all the answers and handprints sent to his expert, and is now avoiding me. A producer in Dallas. Too trusting. Many of my pictures are in the hands of one of the nation's leading forensic experts. Jim went cooperatively, took x-rays of his mouth and said "Good luck Doctor" on a voice comparison tape of about 4.
My site was thrown together.
Notice the coffee spill on the right hand corner Dennis? I keep telling myself to get with it and build a good site. I can give you a better scan. And will.
Just for the sake of realism Jagged, put your # up here and I will give you a call. Be glad to.
The new site will have some new video strictly of Jim. I will pull some comparisons together and you people do what you want with them. Hopefully this keeps moving forward and we can produce something. I would consider it a joy to talk to some of you. Dennis?
Posted by Highmountainrogue  on  Fri Aug 07, 2009  at  05:11 AM
>>The new site will have some new video strictly of Jim. I will pull some comparisons together and you people do what you want with them. Hopefully this keeps moving forward and we can produce something. I would consider it a joy to talk to some of you. Dennis?

That would be terrific, as well as a new scan of that picture if you have one available (or any other pictures). My e-mail address is dennycrane1414 (at) yahoo (dot) com Please understand that I'm not saying that picture is a fake, only that there is something unusual about it that will prevent it from being taken seriously if touch-up cannot be ruled out. You can't go into battle with broken swords, if you know what I mean...

I actually pass through that area of Oregon now and then and was hoping to meet up with you or Gerald at some point to look at whatever evidence you have on hand and discuss what I might do to help. Of course, I'd love to meet Cowboy Jim, too, but I understand if that's not possible.

Anyway, it's great to have you hear. More input from those who have had direct contact with Cowboy Jim (whether he's the real thing or not) can only be a good thing for this discussion!
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Aug 07, 2009  at  08:56 AM
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