Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Ok lets just say it is the Former JM, and IF he did come out, what would his life be like then ?

Endless Harassment, Criticism, Judgements, etc. - the exact same reason he came to his demise?

Maybe at one point, he Thought he was ready, but then thought twice, in a way.

What would be gained ?

More money ? - doubt he needs it

Fame - he doesnt want it

Harrassment - he wanted to live without it

Its really a shame since the world didnt appreciate what was... and the oddity that WE now seek it out.
Posted by Changeling  on  Sun Jun 07, 2009  at  09:44 PM
This seems like a good pragmatic assessment changeling. I would have to add that the criticisms and judgements come with the territory and in this case they would, as they are now, come from a strategically organized DOORS of 21st Century/Riders on the Storm camp. It would be the true Jim fans against these people and I think the good guys would ultimately win although now we are quite the underdog.
Justice would be gained. Jim would receive the rewards that were taken from him and he would be greatful. And everyone could use extra finances, especially when they are so deserving of them.
Jim couldn't come back as the rock star he was because he has changed so much in time and because music is not what it used to be. I think the many people would be fascinated by how Jim peceives reality, how he feels his work was publicized, the scope of his intellect and the care he has for his family and for his fellow man. Jim still writes and loves painting and this might be what is on the table if we are able to bring him out in a positive light.
Posted by JLizard  on  Tue Jun 09, 2009  at  02:43 PM

I believe everyone wants Jim to receive the rewards that were taken from him, without a doubt. He was raped..And he was the Slave...Its so funny when you think about really How hipocrisy works.

Im sure its a situation where none of here has exprienced having to walk away from everything, or run in this case... Its not a "us" or "fans"win. I think everyone wants JIm to win and get was he wholeheartedly deserves. I have not seen any I hate jim morrison clubs lately, have you ? (j/k)

No one expecting Jim to come back as a rock star,, Personally i wouldnt care if he was bald, fat, toothless, hillbilly, or sang off tune... whatever......The people want him to come back as the artist he was and what he represented . A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste.

But I will agree to disagree with you on this.. If he wholeharted wanted to come out, he would...the man was not dumb, although a good legal team would be a big help in this case . You nor pitts have the means or powers that be to do it, and do it correctly, you cannot force what doesnt want to be, and if he does want to come out, im sure he would.

And i know i see your name listed everywhere taking flack for all of this, and at times I think you do deserve the flack you get , I do think it was handled poorly, and poorly represented as a circus act. And yes the famous singing at the table bit, at first i was skeptical , but i do believe it was/is him, but it sounds to me that it was not recorded with his concent like he was caught off guard, and please dont tell me to go buy a video to hear the whole thing, hey, maybe you can use the money from the video and donate it to charity or the "coming out fund" for his attorneys.

And Ironically this man that you both try to "break out" wanted to be taken seriously artistically and again according to your clips and pictures more looks like a circus act.

And yes you can come back and say i dont know jack shit, and thats fine, but again Im the Unsilent Majority and im sure most would agree what I had said.

On another note, I hear that the name was finally acquired for the Estate.......hmmm........will be intersting to see what is posted on the site when it does get going.
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 09, 2009  at  09:12 PM
I just thought of a good means for evidence that should exist... Cowboy Jim should have some pictures somewhere of him in 1972, 1973, 1974, etc. I'd like to see what he looked like then. If he can't provide any, well, I'm sure he would say that he was trying to keep a low profile and wasn't exactly having publicity photos taken of him... but still, realistically, there should probably be some Polaroids he has from that time.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Wed Jun 10, 2009  at  12:49 AM
perhaps his wedding pic with Marsha from years ago?
Posted by Changeling  on  Wed Jun 10, 2009  at  07:06 PM
Hi all,

Actually this debate now seems to be heading the way I had always hoped that it would..subjective, concise and lucid.

For my part I have re-read ny prior comments and realise how agressive I have sounded. I'm sorry for this..its mainly cos i do my responses via my phone on the trot. I didnt mean to so I'm sorry.

JLizzard, I wish all your entries were as lucid and insightful as they have been recently. I think all of us here would agree that that you have a depth of knowledge and a passion for the subject that is inspiring (at your best).

Listen..if in the VERY unlikely event that Morrison was still with us..I echo what Dennis and Changeling have alluded to. He could just say hi!...fooled you all and like Greta Garbo, I want to be alone!..Sure he'd have to suffer a period of press attention, but after a time, they'd get bored and give up.Most hero worshipers mainly think of a young guy..not a guy in his sixties..their adoration would soon wane.

In short, he would ultimately be left alone to rear horses or whatever he wanted to do, and revert to the obscurity from which ths "cowboy Jim" thing has plucked him.


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Thu Jun 11, 2009  at  04:22 PM
I was thinking the other day that if Cowboy Jim is the real thing (still a BIG "if", as far as I'm concerned, though I do consider it a possibility), then I don't know that he would really deserve any compensation. When you fake your death, people think... you're dead. The rights to your property go to other people who can do whatever they want with it. From the point that he declared himself alive, and from this point forward, yeah, he should get some compensation and royalties and all that, but not retroactively. And if he is the real thing and really wanted/needed the money, I think he would have made much more effort to prove that.

JLizard, on the highmountainrogue site they have this quote: "A fingerprint match has happened through F.B.I agent D.W.Jones. Laser point measure between pupils says yes. Voice comparison is an affirmative. Photograph comparisons match. Congratulations everybody Jim Morrison is back."

Well, that sounds good, but means absolutely nothing until we see any of it. I'm skeptical, but I'm addressing you knowing that you fuly believe it to be true, so I'm taking it from that viewpoint... Do you think any of this stuff will be made public, to the point that everybody can be satisfied with the evidence?

Also: "Jim Morrison didn't fake his death. It really happened as we who know and were there, part of the true grapevine. Mr. Morrison simply took advantage of a bad situation. A little help, He's outa there. There was no conspiracy outside of the US."

He didn't fake his death?? Obviously, if this whole thing is true, then his death was faked, and I have a hard time not thinking he was complicit in that somehow. What does that mean, though? Did the French government offer some kind of witness protection thing? How did they fool Pam and others who say they saw his body, or expect them to keep the story straight? The witnesses, few though they were, who say they saw his body at death, make this whole thing suspect for me.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  10:09 AM
If kids in the prime of their lives "trade their hours for a handful of dimes" to make a living these days, just think what people would do if they were offered a handful of $10,000 bills. Instead of $7/hr like $1000/hr. Wow! They would do anything and not trade it for anything in the world. Ever. This is what Ray, Robby and John have just for keeping it secret that Jim Morrison is alive. For them to honor the truth would mean an end to their lifestyle support system.
The DOORS seem to believe that at one time JM was an artist, and that they helped him get his art out to the world and that he got his share and that they are getting theirs.
JM was extremely difficult to work with. Unpredictable, unreliable, egotistic, and a druggie (and have any of you ever had to work with someone addicted to drugs- They're untidy, commanding, verbocious, they have friends who try to steal from you- it is torture). RRJ could only relate to JM's eccentric ways for so long, then it was nothing but nerve racking.
I think a lot of JM's angst was that he was trying to squeeze compassion out of RRJ but it was like trying to squeeze blood out of a rock. On several occasions he told them he was going to fake his own death- to me this seems like a cry for help- a longing to escape- but ultimately and ironically it was to escape FROM THEM.
I do not think that you can categorize JM's return to life like you would the wealthy lawyer who does the same to collect on insurance or to escape a fiesty wife. Jim Morrison had given to the world an art form it appreciated in his day and throughout history. . Jim's music still inspires the freedom seeking rebelious and instills fear into conventional fundamentalists.
Out of respect for Gerald Pitts' hard work, I tried to help him with his video and project but like everyone hear and even my closest personal friends say, "it just does not work". cowboy + rockstar + rodeos + Doors + Paris, France = le nausea or le bullshit, ha ha.
My way for the JM truth to come out if for a major rock and roll band to call Jim out on the stage or break it to the world that this is JM and he is their friend. But every rock and roll band out there, no matter how radical and independent they try to make themselves out to be, are bound by puppet strings as to how far they can go to express themselves. I have talked to Billy Idol's manager Carol personally (what drove Billy Idol to that crazy rendition of LA WOMAN I can only wonder), left messages for Alice Cooper, posted on Aerosmith's message board- no one wants to get booted off their record label. The "truth" has no place in their bread and butter sandwich. Or maybe they just don't respect Jim Morrison as a artist and that's up to them.
The Vacation Band out of Hollywood and Yakuza out of Chicago both traded me copies of their cds for Gerald's video, and I appreciate that. Cliff Morrison also called me to thank me for his copy.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  03:54 PM
OH geez, here we go...Jliz...see this is just what sets me off... the endless rattle of $hit

Im sorry but Everyone realizes again I state JM was raped and was the slave..we get that..

We understand since he is not JM legally...the suits/estate get the money,royalties etc........we get that.

We get RRJ and others wont say anything due to the big money train may go to a hault......

But there is other ways!

Why keep blaming RRJ and anyone else for them not stepping up to acknowledge ?????

HE can put a stop to it... He dont need them or anyone else to acknowledge, he has himself for chrips sake ! ! !

Hes a big boy he can Tell the truth..there are more ways than just worrying about a Few key people acknowledging him, ..even write a tell all book and make $$$$$$ himself without the rest of the crew.

"My way for the JM truth to come out if for a major rock and roll band to call Jim out on the stage or break it to the world that this is JM and he is their friend " <----- that will never happen, if it did it would be with the Doors even with all that has went on.

Then here you go and start thowing Cliff Whomever's name around just to plug him in there, and that just killed it for me.... You seem to jump from one person or another dont think you would be doing any of this out of the goodness of your heart, you are doing this for $$$$$ yourself, also a hypocrite....

When you repost back , can you please, since you are the Authority on the subject so to speak,or pitt's puppeteer say something that you have not already said 1000X.

the same tune, over and over and over again,............ its like a broken needle on a record player........
There are alot of cool people who post to this board, and i like to hear their rational options whether i agree or not,
.Im sorry but again but your on the wrong crusade then jlizard you seem to run to whichever truth is going to lead you to $.

Im sorry everyone i rattled on enough..but your intended twisted way ....twists me.
Posted by Changeling  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  09:56 PM
Dennis, i read your post above.. And those quote's are a little odd.

But..Dont forget his dad could of helped in all of this as well 😊

Im sure with careful planning it could of been accomplished no problem without a doubt.
Posted by Changeling  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  10:03 PM
Hi Guys,

Please focus on your points of view..somehow I yhink that we're getting close to the truth.

I say to all; please use paragraphs and punctuation..its not that I'm an English nerd, its just that it's really hard to read if you don't.

I suspect that some of these comments on this site are contributed by folk who have spent sme time in the "Pub" ..I would like rational discussion on this site for once; and as far as I can tell, Dennis is the guy to take this debate forward unless JLizzard has something fresh to contribute.

I almost take back my earlier praise of JLizzard; after his last rant.... but somehow I feel he's probably closer to the truth than any of us could ever get to.

I'm trying to look at this subjectively..I hope Morrison is alive..but I know in my heart that hee's dead. I dont give a damn about his lost fortune etc I hope the pathetic remaining Doors Fail as they deserve to


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jun 13, 2009  at  06:36 PM
I was watching "France 24" news channel today where they mentioned that they were going to open Jims grave/coffin on 24th June..I wonder if anyone knows about this?!

It sounds very much like what that French kid Stephan was talking about a while back before various folk shut him up.

Is Jim in there? ..well we'll see! least we'll have some kind of conclusion. I heard that Andy Morrison will be at the exhumation.

I wonder what cowboy Jim will do if there is a legitimate skeleton..Oh well, we'll see


Posted by Andrew  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  05:04 PM
Jim Morrison may have to be exhumed and moved from Paris, says 'Rolling Stone' magazine, on or around the 6th July 2001... This date is when the 30-year lease on his grave expires. The 'Guvnor' at P
Posted by Jlizard  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  05:45 PM
Funny how it co-insides with the Calif Film festival ending on the 24th 😊
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  08:45 PM
funny how it co-insides with the Calif Film festival ending on the 24th --- sorry meaning their final screening on the 24th
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  08:49 PM
Ok seriously this has gone on long enough. Jim Morrison is dead and gone. Now as sad as that is to say, because I am completly in love with him, it is true. Do you honestly believe he would sell out and live in Oregan on some farm wearing wranglers and stuff, with some woman that is not Pamela?? Come on!!! He loved Pamela, as disfunctional as their relationship was, they were totally meant to be together, and he would never, ever leave her like that.. I'm sure the only reason he died is because he knew she would end up being with him soon anyway!! Its not just a coincidence that she followed him not far after he left this place you know.. And as much as Jim spoke out against conformity do you really think he would magically turn into some cowboy and raise horses in the midwest?? No says I, not all the LSD in the world would turn that perfect souled man into a mainstreamer. Geez I dont know what kind of sick high Jlizard is getting out of trying to convince everyone that my love is alive and a f***ing cowboy, but he should seriously stop. I went to that bullsh*t site and I wanted to throw my lap top across the room.. If that man is Jim Morrison I am Janis Joplin.. Next thing I am going to hear is Jimi Hendrix is living in Georgia somewhere, on a peach farm raising goats.. Jlizard go load a fat bowl and toast, or take a hit of some high grade acid and take a trip to talk to the real Jim above us!! Let Mojo's fans worship him they want to remember him, the real way he was, and stop trying to force this imposter onto them.. Let Jim rest in peace man!
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  01:26 AM
and another thing JLiz please explain to me how the thirty year lease of his grave site going to expire around July 6th 2009?? Hmmm lets see Jim died July 3, 1971, he was placed in the ground not far after.. So lets add 30 years to 1971 shall we?? Anyone know the answer?? Hmm well that would be the year 2001!! And if I am not mistaken this is the year 2009. So please explain that one to me.. I mean I know I am just a 23 year old and have not had that much info on grave sites and such, but I havent heard of a grave site having a "thirty year lease" and why would Jim put himself there for a measly thirty years anyway? Seeing as how he will be dead for eternity I would think James Douglas Morrison was a tad bit smarter than that and probably got some kind of permenant resting place (afterall I do believe he was tested on genius IQ levels).

Mrs. Mojo Risin
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  01:42 AM
This is absolute b.s. Jim isn't alive anymore and it's an inevitable truth. A great poet and influence was lost. No matter how many drugs you're on, that picture shows no resemblance. Even on peyote or mescaline, for the guy below me.
Posted by The Lizard King  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  08:17 AM
Mrs Mojo! I had a serious lol at your comments..well done. I'm not entirely sure about the "ins and outs" of grave leasing in Paris, but I understand that Pere Lachaise does indeed rent the space which relatives need to keep contributing to...rather like a lease let on an apartment.

From whan I can glean from the stuff that I've read, is that the only time this status changes is when the deceased become a National monument (ie Wilde,Piaf etc etc) at which time the authorities take over the care and preservation of the grave site.I dont know if Jims site has reached this status or not.

Personally I've visited Jims grave site many times..going back to 1976, and it truly is a toilet..graffiti, old syringes and half smoked reefers etc. I did hear that it has been cleaned up a bit..I hope so.

The only comment I can make is that the French are very different about the care of their dead than the Yanks or Brits...they think nothing of pulling them them up and shoving them back in again. I've seen this happen twice in Pere Lachaise..maybe this is whats going to happen later this month.

I guess this debate will continue whatever happens..and I'm glad of it..I love reading the comments and contributing to them..especially when I'm sober!

Cheers all

Posted by Andrew  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  03:26 PM
Well thanks Andrew. Thank you for learning me about the Pere Lachaise! Its good to know the REAL facts about that stuff. I understand I may be a little nieve in this aspect. If Jim's site is not a National Monument it should be!!! It will be quite amusing to see what all of these conspiacy theorists say when Jim's bones are excavated!!
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  04:06 PM
I have not herd any thing about this on france24. There is a site
Nothing about a Morrison dig-up.

May I inquire where you have herd this.

thank you.
Posted by Anon  on  Fri Jun 19, 2009  at  01:46 AM
>>Do you honestly believe he would sell out and live in Oregan on some farm wearing wranglers and stuff, with some woman that is not Pamela??

As I've stated several times, I still believe Cowboy Jim is likely a scam, as striking as some of the pictures are, but I think your above statement is incredibly naive. If it is true that he faked his death and escaped (still a big IF for me), then you cannot expect he would have the same type of life as before. He was probably tired of being the mystical famous poet rock star. I think quietly living on a ranch somewhere raising horses is absolutely within the realm of possibility for him at this point.

And his relationship with Pam was so on-again off-again, from what I've read... we can't presume to know what the state of that really was... that was entirely personal between them. I'm sure, if he did escape, it was an extremely difficult decision, and leaving Pam behind was one of the things he would have had to accept.

The thing is, people sometimes change in a big way... My life is almost drastically different than it was about 12 years ago (I'm a recovering addict), and at that time when I got clean I had to make some big changes and essentially stop hanging out with certain people who had previously been a big part of my life and who I still love very much. But there's a point when self-preservation has to trump everything else. Jim was clearly sick and in danger of death (whether that actually happened or not) with all of his coughing up blood (which has been witnessed to by those who were with him in Paris), so he may have come to a point where he said that it's now or never as far as making a decision to duck out of being "Jim Morrison" and become "Bill Loyer" (or whoever). I would presume he checked immediately into some kind of rehab hospital for quite a while to get in better shape, and then who knows...

But in essence, you're still seeing or wanting to see the Jim Morrison of 1967, not the one who may have been up against a life or death wall in 1971 and definitely not the one who would have lived thereafter (if that's true). There's actually something that rings true for me about Jim raising horses on a ranch out in the woods that seems to fit what might be expected of him if he really did escape his former life.

Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Jun 19, 2009  at  10:58 AM
I correct myself--it is

DC you could be right.Anything is possible. No autopsy, no one knows where he was was being kept during the days before he was buried.

I do not believe Ronays story how it all came about.I do not believe he is in that grave.The french will never exhume that grave.Only his family have that ability to make such a decision.

If he died we all have a right to know where and how.If he chose to fake his death then his privacy is his right.I cannot say if that photograph is Jim as there are some striking resemblences.

Question! if Jim did live would he not receive money from The Doors royalties today.Could not that have been set up by his attorney or thru a third party?
Posted by Anon  on  Fri Jun 19, 2009  at  11:50 AM
Oh my God... I can't see any of the matureness you guys talk about. If Jim Morrison was actually alive ant if it had been proved, then it would have been a mass phenomenon, the new Evangelium lol. But he isn't and it obviusly has not been proved. On the mountain rogue shit website they say some scientific test have been done, that must be a lie, because had they proved anything we would all know it with full certainty. It would be bigger than Jesus' resurrection, of course. Today we have T.V and internet, remember?
Posted by Deep Revolver  on  Tue Jun 23, 2009  at  10:19 PM
I think that it is a national phenomena and have about a quarter million hits on the youtube videos that I have posted. It is a phenomena that it is in a cutthroat competition for phenomena- could you imagine: We interrupt this episode of American Idol to bring you a news flash: JIM MORRISON IS ALIVE!- AI spends millions to make their viewers think they are getting a glimpse of heaven. As does every individual rock group out there- Alice Cooper, Billy Idol, John Mellencamp wants you to worship only them. It's in their contract. It's why Jim got out and is very careful about getting back in.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Jun 24, 2009  at  04:15 PM
Well i havent visited in days, and still nothing new, once again..........sigh
Posted by Changeling  on  Wed Jun 24, 2009  at  08:56 PM
Right you are.Nada here.

Who started that rumour that Jim was going to be dug up on the 24th here?? I knew that was not true.

July 3 is near and this board will see action again Im sure.
Posted by Anon  on  Wed Jun 24, 2009  at  09:40 PM
u all know jim was arrested more than once so that means his finger prints where takeing so all 1 would have 2 do is compare knowing prints of jim an the guy who says he jim an thats that we know the lizard king is alive or dead or still hiden in africa lol
Posted by back door man  on  Fri Jun 26, 2009  at  11:18 PM
I think door man has a very good point. If this loser living in Oregon is the real Jim why doesnt he just submit some fingerprints?? No more bullshit of imposing the old dudes face over Jims. My 12 year old brother could impose a pic of a dolphin over an elephant and make it look right.. SO Jliz please do explain that one for me, since you seem to have an excuse for everything in your sick excuse of trying to pull a few bucks in.
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Sat Jun 27, 2009  at  10:27 AM
JLizard...dont knock Alice Cooper! I think he's awesome and has been all his career! least he's still alive and didn't drop dead like Jimmy did!

Has anyone checked out "Mystery man" on YouTube?..I wont say his name but "blue suede shoes" should give you a clue...If this guy isn't the real thing, then I'm JM's Mum!

Have a look anyway..I guaranee its more convincing than this scrawney dildo who proffeses to be Jim least this guy denies being the man in question!


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jun 27, 2009  at  04:45 PM
Switz Anon,
How would I have a clue what was going to happen in Pere Lachaise? I only saw a brief report on France 24 a while ago...did it happen? I dont know, nor do I care much!

It seems to me that you cant post on this site without the forensic scrutiny of the half informed...anyone called anon should just belt up!..what possible contribution can they make to a forum that is already tainted.

I can express a view or opinion if I want to! and I've never lied in my comments, on any I'm damned if I'll be lectured to by an Anon Switz..a silly superflous Country if there ever was one. At least have the courage to let me know your name, and recognise that your foul country harbours Nazis and bankrolls criminals!..The Swiss are a non-race of folk anyway..their opinions are as void as their species.
Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed Jul 01, 2009  at  07:11 PM
Sorry if you feel I have lectured you Andrew. I simply asked who said it. How many rumour have we heard about Jackson being buried at NeverLand then we find out he's not. I apologise to you friend.

I have lived in Switz. and am a USA resident by birth. If you ever came to Switzerland you would find the people friendly. Im not so crazy about their government. Im concerned about how our government may turn to socialism.
So there you have it, my name is Steve!

And I want to give my respects this day of
July 3rd to Jim Morrison wherever he may or not not be.

May he never be forgotten.
Posted by Anon (Steve K)  on  Fri Jul 03, 2009  at  01:25 AM
Hi Steve Switz,

I really didnt have a beef with you at only problem is folk who post as're not annon're Swiss sounds way better than Switz anything.

I apolgise for my rude remarks to you a while back, but the truth is I still dont know if Jims grave has been cleaned up...theres a spooky silence in this respect.

My problem is that all this mystery perpetuates JLizzards comments,,I dont have a problem with JLizzard;I think that he is an extraordinarily eloquent guy.

I'd rather suspect that he's Jim Morrison, rather than that cowboy. I'm not sayin that he is!! as I believe Jim Morrison is dead in his grave..but if anyone was Jim I guess it'd be JLizzard..There I've said it..Are you Jim Lizzard?

Great if you were..Nighty night

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Fri Jul 03, 2009  at  07:01 PM
Hello Andrew,

We all become very passionate about Jim on this board. I am familiarising myself with the posts here a little at a time. I have read a few from JLizard and am very intrigued by what he says.

I looked at the youtube of the comparison between the cowboy Jim and young Jim. Everything lines up, even the jaw.

I thought about Jim today and celebrated his music, despite the loss and sadness at the sudden loss of Michael Jackson.

And to all the folks on here, I wish you a Happy 4th of July!! USA--the greatest country in the world.

Steve K.
Posted by Steve K  on  Sat Jul 04, 2009  at  01:16 AM
Is it Jim or is it Not? Bank of America of Louisiana by Jim Morrison published by WILLIAM CASTLEBURY (William as in William Loyer)
by Ken Wasky (Thunder Bay, Canada)

To me this book fully explained why Jim might have faked his death. The constant harrassment from the authorities made his life unbearable as it would any of us. His life became split into two realities. The one which the media made him out to be and his own: deep, creative, exploring. Two Jims, two personalities, intertwined yet separate. One very happy and one very very sad. Reading this book made me understand that he had to disappear. But, is Jim dead or not? Well, we do know there is much mystery about it. This book put my spirit at ease with any of the many possibilities. Mind expanding so to speak! I highly recommend you get this book for it may be the best you ever read.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Sat Jul 04, 2009  at  11:03 AM
I dont want to say anything negative about your last post, as I haven't read it yet ..I will a.s.a.p

Now I want to say something without you going off on one ok? I'm not trying to patronise you..nor am I trying to pick you up on anything. Despite your sometimes outlandish remarks; I believe that you have a peerless knowledge knowledge about Jim Morrison.

Here's my problem.

Like many of us on this site, I went back to post one..with the many to's and fro's of some patently disturbed folk who contributed. If not disturbed; then manipulating and decietful. Some were blatant liars..and some (like me) reported snippets of things they heard, as I believe any forum should do.

JLizard, you baldly stated much earlier, that you walked with Jim in Pere lachaise during his so called last days, and swapped poetry and insights with him. All of this is possible of course..but do you remember Chris King who was in Paris at the same time as you say that you were there?, who knew Jim fairly well at the Alliance de Francaise?

I know that Jlizzard is a "nom de plume" but I now think that you should come clean.

This debate has moved on from the days of Keri and you beasting eachother...why not debate what we read and see here and there...if its outlandish?..lets argue, but dont let us get weird. I believe Jims dead. Thats my position..I'd love it if he were alive..thats my other statement!

I'll still yell LA Woman when I'm drunk, whether he's dead or alive..and I dont regret the days and hours hunting down Doors records all over England when it was hard to do it.

Peace guys!!..the old hippy maxim which is lacking on this site...peace to you all

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sun Jul 05, 2009  at  05:07 PM
Hey Andrew,
It was during a drunk stuper and I was just trying to be literary. Keri asked me to tell Jim that she greatly admired him and while speaking to his wife I did. I emailed Keri of this great favor I did for her and months later still haven't heard from her. I didn't know Jim before... he faked his death when I was only 4.
Posted by JLizard  on  Mon Jul 06, 2009  at  04:54 PM
Ok Jlizarrd..whats next? you'd never give up so easily. Its possible I suppose, that everything that you've commented on all of these months is mere fictioon or hyperbole. I suspect that Keri wore more than one guise; as I suspect did you.

The fact is that Chris King is a very old friend of mine; I've kown him since 1982 and I've been holding him back as a kind of trump card. he was in Paris and lived about four blocks from Jim at the time he died..not only that, he was in the movie production company that Jim was in within the UCLA complex.

Now, this is a fact..Chris doesn't know for sure that Jim is dead..and this is what annoys me..he saw that horrible coyboy Jim clip and said it could possibly be him. He said to me this evening that he sounded very similar to how Jim sounded "off scene"

What do I know anymore?..I give up!..My trump card says that cowboy Jim could be...well Jim..I guess I'll go and shoot myself now..


oops I missed

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed Jul 08, 2009  at  05:50 PM
Gone horribly silent all of a sudden
Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Fri Jul 10, 2009  at  06:08 PM
Hi Andrew,
I didn't write with more than one guise, just good ol' jlizard. If I should be impressed that you know Chris King, than I am : ). This week I had the honor of speaking with Bill Loyer aka Jim Morrison's best friend David Logan. David is working on a website highmountainrogue which is to include more pictures of Bill and in time a video.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jul 10, 2009  at  10:08 PM
Yeah, that site's been up for a while now, but of course I'd like to see more... Here's the link:
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Jul 10, 2009  at  10:22 PM
Hi J.Lizard,

Thanks for your reply..actually I was worried abot you as you hadn't posted for a while.

I grant you that you are the JLizard that we've all come to love on this site; but allow me some kind of allowance about comments under different guises or names here.

JLizard I think it would be one of the most awesome events in my life if I knew that Morrison was still alive..I dont expect him to jump on the stage and say "Hi!..kidded you twits for three decades"..I believe that everyone would respect his wish for obscurity.

Well I wait to be convinced; but in the meantime; you take care of youself,,eat more and drink less. I'm not a psycic particularly but I have a sense about you.


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jul 11, 2009  at  03:13 PM
Jim Morrison was such a frustrating, impenetrable enigma during his life that it is only fitting the controversy continues after death. Myself, I believe that he is deceased. I concur with Ray Manzarek that manager Bill Siddons should have demanded to have the sealed coffin opened in order to view Morrison's body back in 1971. So, now we have rumors and innuendos, something that Morrison undoubtedly would have loved. 38 years on, and the mystery, debates and hoaxes still persist. When all else fails, we can whip the horses' eyes....and make them sleep....and cry...
Posted by Will Trame  on  Tue Jul 14, 2009  at  11:59 AM
Will Trame,

A good response, one that I agree with and most elegently put. I also think that Jim is dead and to be trueful, I'd hate for him to be alive in the Cowboy Jim guise.

I've been listening to his material recently, and there is absolutely no way that Cowboy Jim is the same guy as Jim on the soundstage recordingds. I know that years and years have passed, but I still think that mystery Man is more likely to be Elvis alive than that Jim guy. enigma wrapped in a mystery etc..well it keeps this site going doesn't it?

Farewell truth seekers

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Tue Jul 14, 2009  at  05:11 PM
Hi all,
Long time eh? first off on that rougue site, i think pitts is now just passing the buck onto someone else, (jmo), and yes jliz will still be the cheerleader, but the only thread that keeps me going is the voice, if you listen to past interviews the speech pattern is the same, just a older voice. Again who knows. Its like beating a dead horse, nothing new, just same old 360. but its a shame he is not brought back to LA
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jul 14, 2009  at  09:53 PM
Well I see there
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:37 AM
Everything Floyd has said about Cliff so far is a complete lie. Anyone that knows Cliff personally knows Cliff is NOTHING like what Floyd claims. Everything that is remotely on YouTube, MySpace, and any other websites that you might see or read on Cliff that is insulting and degrading and pointed towards Cliff to hurt him in every way that you could see that you would be hurt, was written by nobody but Floyd using different names and domains. So evey bad thing that you read was written by one man and only one man - or a couple people that work with that one man. Floyd Bocox. Floyd Bocox is the one that is writing EVERYTHING bad on Cliff. Any and all people - old, young, uneducated - can tell by the way Floyd writes. It
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:38 AM
To prove a point, that Floyd is the only one because of greed that is going after Cliff to destroy his self image...take a look at the
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:39 AM
I spoke to the parole agency to see if I can find out how Cliff is doing and to see if I could get ahold of him, and the parole department was very protective of Cliff Morrison. They were WAY protective and they explained why. There have been many false allegations called in on Cliff by Cliff
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:40 AM
Posted by nonstop2nowhere  on  Sat Jul 18, 2009  at  02:40 AM
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