Vampire Sites

Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book, The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.


Posted on Wed Oct 29, 2003


For Zeus- as a ToV member, you shouldn't need me to remind you that we don't evangelize or argue. Recognize these people for what they are, and leave them be. If someone belongs with us, they'll come to us. If they criticize us, they don't understand our position, and probably never will.
Posted by Leon  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:12 PM
...we don't evangelize...

Really? What do you call leaving Temple cards everywhere (if they still do that?) and having banners all over LTTD?

Remove your ToV banners off of your social networking sites and LTTD if you don't evangelize.

If someone belongs with us, they'll come to us.

There are many that do come and buy the Vampire Bible yet get no results and still leave? The Temple site claims if you buy the Bible and call them they WILL COME.

Wouldn't you feel "ripped off" if you bought the book and tried it and got no results according to the website claims.

I want my money back!

They should at least give you the first 3 months risk free so you can get your money back if your "only human".
Posted by Private  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  08:21 PM
if a vampire, or witch? duz a magical attack on you, they wont do it over your licence! thats ridiculous!!!!! if u quit the temple, you will not be be in any danger whatsoever... theres people joining the temple every other day. 1 leaves the temple and 2 more join rite after ect....
Posted by lonnie  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  06:25 PM
I read the tov and yes! i did see and notice strange happenings! i know it sounds crazy! you DO feel like a new person. More aware , more focused, and understanding most people almost seeing rite thru them. and the most beautiful thing about it that your image will change, people will look at you diffirent (in a good way), maybe more intrigued about u!! like they may look at you and a stranger may ask," who is that person", "thats some1 i would love to meet!!!" After reading the tov, these things began happening!!, i began to feel some what special or important to people, i mean... these so called humans!!!! cuz i began to feel maybe... unhuman?
Posted by lonnie  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  06:37 PM
In the tov book there are rituals that you have to follow to achieve these powers and magic! you just dnt recve sumthing by just reading. theres rituals and magic involved, its all mind, body, and ur spirit... test everything!!! for example any kind or type of dr. will heal you, its not only the meds...its also the rituals they preform, u dont see it, but they do! From a witch dr. chanting over you, to a preist chanting his blessing. its all rituals, sumthing that may help better than a pain killer!!! so, if you only read the book and failed to practice the rituals, than yes u deserve to feel nothing! so sorry... thats how magic works!
Posted by lonnie  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  06:58 PM
I read the tov and yes! i did see and notice strange happenings! i know it sounds crazy! you DO feel like a new person. More aware , more focused, and understanding most people almost seeing rite thru them. and the most beautiful thing about it that your image will change, people will look at you diffirent (in a good way), maybe more intrigued about u!! like they may look at you and a stranger may ask," who is that person", "thats some1 i would love to meet!!!" After reading the tov, these things began happening!!, i began to feel some what special or important to people, i mean... these so called humans!!!! cuz i began to feel maybe... unhuman?

Sorry yet that sounds too much like some Christian that got saved and talks to everyone about how the Lord changed their life and they saw Jesus on a piece of toast.

I think if you had some 'genuine' experiences then you would keep them 'secret' instead of advertising on here, wouldn't they.

Why is their such a strong need to try and defend the Temple or justify your experiences to others, especially, on here?

Do you have doubts?
Posted by Private  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  08:17 PM
At least for me, I invested in the Bible performed the rituals and got no results. I went into the whole thing with an open mind and still no results.

And if you get no results the only answer this cult will give you is that you "didn't try hard enough".

Ahh! What a CLEVER cult control tactic. Lol!
Posted by exmember  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  08:34 PM
"Really? What do you call leaving Temple cards everywhere (if they still do that?) and having banners all over LTTD?"

thats not a very fair assessment. evangelism is the practice of relaying information about a particular set of beliefs or religious principles to other who do not hold those beliefs.

linking banners to a website is not evangelism. if that were the case then someone providing a link to their favorite sports car would be considered evangelism. so that argument is sloppy.

"Remove your ToV banners off of your social networking sites and LTTD if you don't evangelize."

lol did you just tell them to remove something off of their own pages? that's pretty fucked up bro. how can you tell them what to do? are you their daddy? lol
Posted by hmph  on  Thu Jan 21, 2010  at  02:20 AM
I will not argue the evangelism thing with you anymore and I admit I was off on that argument.

STILL--I am sorry but the Temple cards still remind me of those annoying Christian flyers (litter) that Christians love leaving all over the place or annoying door hangers that companies leave on your door.

And I really feel that the Temple should not use the CoS as a billboard for its advertisement, just my opinion. If they are rulers of the earth then they shouldn't have any problems or need to rely on the CoS.

how can you tell them what to do? are you their daddy? lol

Of course, I don't think I can tell anyone what to do yet I think it is a good suggestion, in my opinion, especially, if your a "secret society".

However, read back earlier postings on here and, at least, see what you think about what other ex-members have said about the Temple.

As far as me, I have tried to remain as honest and objective as possible and have not purposely made any lies up.

I just shared my thoughts, experiences and theories (and I have to say most of what I have said are theories) and it is the readers job to decide if what I say has any merit. I also feel most of what has been by other posters has been accurate with the exception of a few comments.

I just honestly feel the Temple is a Hoax and a mind control cult.

I also suggest you read up on mind control cults and then use your own judgement to see if you are being manipulated.

And I am not your "bro" unless you was biologically born my brother. 😜
Posted by Private  on  Thu Jan 21, 2010  at  07:48 PM
"STILL--I am sorry but the Temple cards still remind me of those annoying Christian flyers (litter) that Christians love leaving all over the place or annoying door hangers that companies leave on your door."

When that happens I just toss them in the garbage and carry on with my day. I suppose I dealt with enough crap to know a real problem to be upset about when I see one.

"And I really feel that the Temple should not use the CoS as a billboard for its advertisement, just my opinion. If they are rulers of the earth then they shouldn't have any problems or need to rely on the CoS."

The Church of Satan website has a shitload of other websites and societies not just the Temple. So should they remove those as well? After all who should use the CoS as a billboard right?

"And I am not your "bro" unless you was biologically born my brother"

How ironic you mention this right AFTER the "occult mind control" issue. Really would you have said such a thing if Magister Rose never mentioned it in one of his essays? I'm sorry to say but you wouldn't have bro. But you did so does that mean you were the victim of an occultic mind control system? No.
Posted by hmph  on  Sun Jan 24, 2010  at  03:38 AM
The Church of Satan website has a shitload of other websites and societies not just the Temple. So should they remove those as well? After all who should use the CoS as a billboard right?

I am talking about a CULT like those they warn about in their Satanic BUNCO sheet.

However, no matter what I say you will always be right anyway, right? *chuckles*

How ironic you mention this right AFTER the "occult mind control" issue. Really would you have said such a thing if Magister Rose never mentioned it in one of his essays?

Wow! Are we being nit-picky today! 😛 And you really like to argue and never be wrong, yes? 😉

Seriously, I guess all of us ex-ToV members are stupid and don't know anything we are talking about.

I guess the ToV and its members are never wrong... kind of like Christians believe they are always right and sinners are always stupid and wrong.

And, are you a ToV member like I was? If not then why are you on here running your mouth like you know what you are talking about?

Why are you defending an organization you have never even been a member of?

Unless... you are just an internet flamer arguing about something you haven't had any experience with. Now that is STUPID in my opinion.

And if you are a ToV member then why are you on here arguing and correcting *pfft* humans...

Don't Gods have better things like ruling the earth and screwing with their human slaves?

And shouldn't you ToV members be working on your carpenter skills so you can build little slave houses in your back yard for your human "pets"?

And members or ex-members, did the ToV ever tell you how you are going to rule the earth? I mean, if you are ruler, then you should at least know how to rule and what you will be ruling, right?

Ohh wait... just go out and read a few books on persuasion and you will be an instant RULER OF THE EARTH and can parade around like you are He-Man and the Masters of the Universe in the mall while making sucking noises at "humans".

Very impressive!
Posted by Private  on  Sun Jan 24, 2010  at  04:59 PM
Posted by LONNIE  on  Tue Jan 26, 2010  at  06:00 PM
Ah, idiocy. I think that just proved a lot of people's arguments. Thanks, Lonnie.
Posted by Sand  on  Wed Jan 27, 2010  at  12:05 AM
Actually if we look at The Satanic Bunco Sheet the Temple doesn't really qualify. Besides is The Satanic Bunco Sheet the gospel of Satanism or somehing?

The Satanic Bunco Sheet is for pseudo Satanic organizations. The Temple does not even claim to be a "Satanic" organization.

Here's a thought, most folks on this board are up in arms about how the leadership of The Church of Satan is handling the Temple of the Vampire. Some even go so far as o say they are making a profit from it. Well refer to point number 6 of The Bunco Sheet, particularly: " To make their rationale work, they must somehow convince you that the author of The Satanic Bible wasn
Posted by Zelda  on  Wed Jan 27, 2010  at  05:00 PM
Anton Lavey could care less about the temple! the only reason the billboard of the temple of the vampire is only bc of its advertisement thats it, and thats all. whats a better place for it? i believe the temple and the church of satan are 2 diffirent things. (things, meaning religion)
Im sure lavey duz trust peter gilmore and peggy nadramia, only there running a totally diffirent show than lavey would. maybe promising a ceremony ritual like lavey would run, but not to his extreme.
Posted by lonnie  on  Wed Jan 27, 2010  at  05:27 PM
Im sure lavey duz trust peter gilmore and peggy nadramia...

Lol! And there is not much that he could do it about NOW.

The Satanic Bunco Sheet is for pseudo Satanic organizations.

I agree; however, if you read this document there are some strong similarities between what is being warned about from the more cult-like pseudo-Satanic organizations and the ToV. Unfortunately, you would only realize this if you were a ToV member AND a Satanist.

For example, it says " warned: there are unethical individuals out there who will prey upon you, claim to teach you how to become a Great Black Magician overnight, who will promise instructional fellowship and activities with
Posted by Private  on  Wed Jan 27, 2010  at  06:48 PM
BTW. Saying that the Temple doesn't evangelize is UTTER BS.

Nemo complains CONSTANTLY that the "Masters" and "Founders" of the Temple are pissed because there isn't enough recruiting going on.

He keeps threatening to close it down because the members of the Temple aren't gaining enough NEW "blood".

Fucking pun intended.

There is even an article in "Bloodlines" about it.

So don't feed us that bullshit because we aren't hungry.

Posted by EXCOSer  on  Thu Jan 28, 2010  at  08:39 AM
He keeps threatening to close it down because the members of the Temple aren't gaining enough NEW "blood".

I vaguely remember reading a comment in a post of his on the Lifeforce messageboard where he said that he wondered why he kept on still doing this (referring to keeping the Temple going).

Well, he should just quit and move on to something else in his life is my answer. Isn't that what he tells others that are not Satanists?

I think he should quit complaining and just shut it all down because this "experiment" has already made the CoS look bad enough.

And I am not referring to the contents of this MoH thread yet complaints and pejorative comments about the CoS/ToV association have been going on before this thread in other forums in other online forums too.

And, certainly, someone who is a ruler of the earth and has attained as much success as he has as a vampire could find another hobby.

Remember, that vampires control the corporations of the world so I am sure he could find some other projects to keep himself busy.

If he is a "ruler of the earth" then I am sure he has more money and success and power than Anton LaVey, Peter Gilmore or Blanche Barton, the President of the United States, Bill Gates of Microsoft or Donald Trump and shouldn't have any trouble finding other things to do.

I mean he is a GOD, right?
Posted by Private  on  Thu Jan 28, 2010  at  09:24 PM
1. EXCOSer states: "I have come across this thread and want to add something to it. I have come across some information and don't know what to make of it.

Someone who used to be in the inner-circles of the COS (i.e. not the public face) sent me some documents that make me scratch my head.

It seems that the inner circles hold MUCH different views than is placed on the website and in "public".

In it, the COS talks about Satan AS A REAL BEING."

Anton LaVey states: "To us
Posted by Thoughts  on  Thu Jan 28, 2010  at  10:04 PM

I already responded and sited the source for EXCOSer's article. It is the Grotto Master's Handbook written by Blanche Barton in the early 1990's. Scour around the alt.satanism archives and you may be able to find it.

No, it isn't a theistic document. It was written for those already fluent in Satanism's metaphorical speak, but it does go beyond the Satanism as skeptical atheism in drag tune (pushed more in its contemporary phase). Again -- those who like to keep materialism in a neat package close by and "spiritual" experiences in the garbage bin will get a kick out of the Handbook.

The ToV is entirely unrelated with the only association being cross-membership.

Posted by Fellow  on  Thu Jan 28, 2010  at  11:07 PM
EXCOSer claimed this was released from the "inner circle" of the CoS. Grotto Masters are NOT considered the "inner circle". In fact the entire Grotto system is phased out. From the CoS Affiliation page: "The Grotto System

Over the years, our
Posted by Thoughts  on  Thu Jan 28, 2010  at  11:54 PM
Don't know why you're getting your shorts all bunched up over this. Glad you can copy and paste from the website.

Posted by Fellow  on  Fri Jan 29, 2010  at  12:50 AM
Do you have an issue with me putting correct and accurate information on here? Why do you care if I copy/paste from the official Church of Satan website. Does it bother you so much that you have to be sarcastic about it? Just because the official website contradicts what you fucktards are saying. Go buy a bib you're slobbering again.
Posted by Thoughts  on  Fri Jan 29, 2010  at  01:16 AM
I didn't post those excerpts to start a theistic/non-theistic debate, but because it mentioned the symbolism of the Vampire.

Posted by EXCOSer  on  Fri Jan 29, 2010  at  06:47 AM

None of this matters. The Handbook was circulated to the Priesthood that did participate in the Grotto system. It wasn't written by an obscure Grotto master, it was written by Sharon Densley (Blanche Barton) during Lavey's lifetime.

Thanks EXCOSer. Your contribution was relevant.
Posted by Fellow  on  Fri Jan 29, 2010  at  09:13 AM
"None of this matters. The Handbook was circulated to the Priesthood that did participate in the Grotto system. It wasn't written by an obscure Grotto master, it was written by Sharon Densley (Blanche Barton) during Lavey's lifetime."

Prove it. Can you provide substantial evidence? If you say the evidence is there then show me it. The burden of proof is on YOU.
Posted by Thought  on  Fri Jan 29, 2010  at  10:49 AM
Read my previous post where I provide a link to it's release on the old usenet groups. If you're going to march in with a brazen demeanor at least do some legwork beforehand.

Posted by Fellow  on  Sat Jan 30, 2010  at  09:26 AM
I miss Boyd Rice...
Posted by The Sorcerer  on  Sat Jan 30, 2010  at  07:55 PM
"Read my previous post where I provide a link to it's release on the old usenet groups. If you're going to march in with a brazen demeanor at least do some legwork beforehand."

In other words you have no proof. It is not up to me to prove what YOU have said is true. Not a fan of faith! Again the burden of proof is on YOU.
Posted by Thoughts  on  Sun Jan 31, 2010  at  12:30 AM
"In other words you have no proof."

I want to make a comment on your butchering the concept of "proof." Proof works in degrees; it's not a straight-shot answer more than half the time. Considering the Grotto Master's Handbook is no longer in use by the CoS today don't expect a copy and paste answer.

In any case, here it is:
Posted by Fellow  on  Sun Jan 31, 2010  at  02:21 PM
"It is not up to me to prove what YOU have said is true. Not a fan of faith!"

Oh, and there's no connection between pulling yourself by your bootstraps and going out of your way a little to research something and having faith. Watch the generalizations.
Posted by Fellow  on  Sun Jan 31, 2010  at  02:26 PM
for quite some time i was a member of the Temple of the Vampire and followed their teachings.However in 1987,my father died and things were not the same.i Had very serious problems for several years and I had to take care of my aging mother and brother..but let me tell you this...strange things have happened and i have to tell people what they are.On 5/22/2009,my boyfriend of twelve years,committed suicide.I found his body on the grass at our home and he died in my arms.Weird things are happening.First of all,I came home from work only to find that the
water in the bathroom was on.But the biggest thing is that I have 3 statues of Merlin the Magician in the house.2 are on my computer.One is on the bureau that he brought me...well,guess what? When I came home......SOMEONE MOVED THE STATUE OF MERLIN ON MY BUREAU.........AND I TRIED TO PUT IT BACK...AND IT MOVED BY ITSELF..I SCREAMED AND IT STOPPED.....THEN I SAW A SHADOW OF TUFFY...TUFFY WAS THE CAT THAT WE HAD TO HAVE PUT TO SLEEP.SHE HAS CANCER AND SHE WAS SUFFERING.I SAW HER SHADOW ON THE WALL AND SHE WENT INTO THE BATHROOM AND VANISHED.....CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? I Read Twilight and i am having funny dreams of flying.I also having dreams of werewolves and ice.Please advise me...what is happening? I havent followed the rules of the temple since my father died..what is happening?
Posted by bridget  on  Mon Feb 01, 2010  at  08:06 AM

The Temple was founded in 1989. Nice try.
Posted by Fellow  on  Mon Feb 01, 2010  at  12:38 PM
I feel that lying or making up stories does not help anything at all.
Posted by Private  on  Mon Feb 01, 2010  at  04:15 PM
wut does the tov do with the copies of ur id or drivers liscence after u leave the tov?

do they ever get rid of it?

if someone was an ex member and they wanted to have the tov get rid of it, contacting and asking them to do it would only draw more attention to urself from them. what a mistake to give them your picture id!

what can u do about it?
Posted by 1dering  on  Tue Feb 02, 2010  at  10:33 PM
Drivers License Issue:

1. If your not comfortable giving them a copy of it then don't do it because, currently, according to my sources, it is not illegal for them to ask for it.

2. And even without a driver's license you can get information through some services to get background information on someone. However, this information is public record anyway.

3. And most places are now starting to require a social security number before running a background check on you. So, I wonder what they could really do with your drivers licenses because most licenses in most states do not have your social on them like they did in the past.

4. I would suggest calling your local or state police departments with your questions and call your local driving licensing place in the state you reside in. I would also suggest calling out o f state to other police departments if your local police are rude to you or don't answer your questions.

5. Last, get legal advice from a lawyer.

I spoke with local law enforcement and they told me that it didn't make any sense as to why they would be asking for a copy or scan of your license.

And my local police department said it would make more sense to have someone get a background check through their local government (Court of Justice) for about $25.00 and mail in the results to the club (I used the word 'club' to avoid mentioning the ToV or CoS for my own protection) instead of giving them a copy of your photo I.D. to verify if you have an unacceptable criminal background or not.

And if you are worried that they may use it to do something bad to you then it would not be very likely because using your license like that would be illegal activity.

And do you really think you are that IMPORTANT that they would waste their time on you, especially, if you left just because you didn't agree with their religion.

Its my guess they would shred or throw your file away to make space for new members. As we both know, there is always a big turnover in occult groups like this.

I have also read many past complaints on the internet from disgruntled CoS/ToV members and not one has mentioned anything bad happening to them as a result of providing these organizations with a copy or scan of one's I.D. And some of these past members were real assholes and really did wrong by the CoS, in my opinion.

I wouldn't worry to much because I doubt they are worrying about you unless you slept with the High Priest's wife or something. 😛
Posted by Private  on  Wed Feb 03, 2010  at  01:01 PM
My guess is they do it simply to stop underage folks from lying about their age to get in.

If they would lie, and give Nemo a false license, HE wouldn't get in trouble, the member would.

It's a CYA thing.

Posted by ExCoser  on  Thu Feb 04, 2010  at  06:54 AM
My guess is they do it simply to stop underage folks from lying about their age to get in.

Ahh! I didn't think about that. Good thought. 😊

I imagine the photo and the birth date on the license would help verify if they are a minor or not.

However, I can understand why some may have concerns about this yet further discussion about this only detracts from topic and purpose of this thread.

Also, arguments about the CoS and LaVey take away from this thread too unless it is about the CoS/ToV associations. I ask others to please consider this before making posts.
Posted by Private  on  Thu Feb 04, 2010  at  11:42 AM
So the CoS supports an organization that supports so-called undead gods that transport themselves via the Astral or literally into your bedroom, as I stated earlier? And the source of claim can be found in the ToV literature and their public website.

Maybe I could go ask Rex Church since he knows Ford so well on how he feels about the embrace of a "serpent's kiss", astral ghosts and Dark Doctrines. 😉

"Peter H. Gilmore: My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in The Devil or God, they are abdicating reason. If they really believe they are in communication with some sort of interventionist know, somebody can be a deist and think that maybe there was some sort of force that launched everything and now has nothing to do with it. That's not anything you can prove. It's also not a matter of faith. It's a matter of making a choice between whether there was something or there wasn't. I think maybe that is the most rational decision. I think science makes it look otherwise, but I don't think somebody like that is mad. But anybody who believes in some kind of existence in deity or spirits or anything that intervenes in their life is not somebody I hold in any kind of esteem."

So does believing in "undead gods" make one insane and should you tell ToV members to take a hike?

Really, where does he actually stand on magic and the supernormal? I read one thing yet see another... Sorry.
Posted by Private  on  Sun Feb 07, 2010  at  03:01 PM
TO seekr

to ex members of tov:

hopefuly ppl who know wut they r talking about can answer.

how long does the tov hold on to the copy of ur picture id/drivers liscense after u leave the tov?

do they use the id copy as a link for feeding or for magical attacks on ppl who's id's they have?

do they have that kind of power?

what can you do to protect urself from them doing something like this to u or from even doing something smaller like looking up ur financial info?

They have no power over you other than what you give them. The fuckheads probably keep the ID, which they shouldn't. If they start that shit, sue them. I'd love to see that shit.
Posted by Forgotten One  on  Mon Feb 08, 2010  at  03:59 AM
Throughout this thread the one thing that I have not noticed, or I missed, is that no one can truly prove their beliefs are "real". The manuscripts are often hundreds or thousands of years old, often translated in different languages and biased perspectives. Any person that condemns one persons belief and espouses his own is a hypocryte. If a person had true faith in what they claim to be "The Way" then they would sit back enjoy their life, answer questions and wait for the end. All of us will find out if we are right or if we are wrong. In the end only one group will have the right to say "I told you so".
Posted by William  on  Mon Feb 08, 2010  at  05:45 PM
"One person emailed me to say the Necronomicon must be real because it has names of Sumerian and Babylonian mythological figures in it. I suppose Wonder Woman comics are real because they mention Greek mythological figures too? Is Harry Potter real because it mentions London? Just because writers insert names of real places or idols doesn't make it real."
Posted by Private  on  Tue Feb 09, 2010  at  01:37 PM
diabolus rex listed on alt.satanism by jantsang as cofounder temple of the vampire real name lucas martel can anyone comfirm?
Posted by -  on  Tue Feb 09, 2010  at  10:52 PM
"One person emailed me to say the Necronomicon must be real because it has names of Sumerian and Babylonian mythological figures in it. I suppose Wonder Woman comics are real because they mention Greek mythological figures too? Is Harry Potter real because it mentions London? Just because writers insert names of real places or idols doesn't make it real."

I didn't realize this was from a 'Christian' site, yet the writer made a good point in this paragraph. Lol!

I should have just came out and said it; yet, if you find a document on the internet called "Shades of Algol" by Michael W. Ford (google it) you will find that Rex Church is mentioned in the dedication section as a 'friend'. I found this by complete accident (or is it an accident) while researching Ford's perspective on Luciferianism.

Furthermore, I find that many of the Temple's teachings are in these Luciferian works of Fords too.
Posted by Private  on  Wed Feb 10, 2010  at  12:24 PM
If I recall correctly Ford used to be a member of the TOV in days past. I think, but my be wrong, that he was also in the TOS at one time.

Posted by EXCoser  on  Thu Feb 11, 2010  at  06:34 AM
Here is a link where you can read an ex-ToV members view on the Temple.

Click on the top link and then read from first to last usenet names.

Interesting and it backs up some of what I and others have said here in this forum and Vampire Jesus is even mentioned.

Really, we can't all be liars when ex-members are saying the same things. 😉
Posted by Private  on  Sat Feb 13, 2010  at  04:41 PM
Note: In the aforementioned Google Groups old usenet thread be sure to click in the upper right or lower right where it says "Newer >" to continue reading more of the thread--important. Also, you can click on "expand all" to expand all of the names to save to your disk or print.

And now enjoy another find I found by accident.

I imagine there are more gems out there on the usenet so please post your links as you find them.
Posted by Private  on  Sat Feb 13, 2010  at  05:05 PM
"For me, the decision not to suicide was not a matter of courrage, but of patence and trust that the universe held no kindness or cruelty
reserved for me. But my identity was distroyed."

And didn't I say earlier in this thread that thoughts of suicide could occur with ex-ToV members.
Posted by Private  on  Sat Feb 13, 2010  at  05:15 PM
I don't know why my previous post did not post right yet the previous quote was from another ex-ToV member in that usenet thread.
Posted by Private  on  Sat Feb 13, 2010  at  05:19 PM
Here is a link proving there Vampire Jesus teachings ("Dracula of Nazareth"):

View profile
More options Sep 9 1994, 3:12 pm
In article <[email protected]>, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Sean
L. Connell) writes:
> Many are called. Few are chosen. Fewer, still, enter.

Many will plagerize, but few will actually give credit where credit is
Fewer still will get away with it.
What, you think we're all illiterate and can't recognize someone else's
quote when we see it?
--------- The Source of the quote, Yeshua de G'Nezarath (Jesus the Zealot
or Terrorist) is found in, of course, the Christian Bible (which we value
as an excellent instrument of control). The details behind this
successful effort are summarzed in the somewhat amusing though insightful
"Dracula of Nazareth" paper for members of the Temple. No disrespect
intended but Those who created your religions have some insights therein.
-Lucas Martel
Priesthood of UR "

I also realized that the claim made by an older poster on here stating that they believe undead gods to be spirits of dead human vampires who don't need bodies anymore is backed up in my previous usenet link.

I realize this doesn't prove anything a 100% yet it shows how some in this thread are not BS the readers about the ToV's teachings.
Posted by Private  on  Sun Feb 14, 2010  at  04:58 AM
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