Vampire Sites

Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book, The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.


Posted on Wed Oct 29, 2003


"Now on to the Satanic sin. We, the members of the COS, complain because we ARE subjected to it on a daily basis. We see your fucking disclaimers and banners EVERYWHERE. On LTTD. On Myspace. On Undercroft. Frickin' TOV business cards fall out of library books for Christ's Sakes (again pun intended)."

What is with this "WE" shit? Satanism is a religion based upon the individual not the idiodic drivel of we-ism. You ooze with pretentiousness and speak on behalf of Satanists as if you have some sort of authority. Who the fuck made you High Priest of the Church of Satan? And another thing, any moron on this website can claim to be a member of ANY organization but that doesn't necessarily make it so. Just because you say you are the president doesn't make you the president!

If you do not like the way Magister Ventrue's message board is ran then here's a novel idea..DON'T GO THERE! But your compulsive stupidity won't allow you any self-control and you're liable to get banned eventually.

Posted by Dracula  on  Sat May 16, 2009  at  02:20 AM
"If you are not scared to do so (I don't know what image you all have been creating of big bad Nemo), and are open enough for the answer, you can always contact Nemo politely asking about his personal interactions with Anton Lavey, as Anton Lavey did know about the TOV and approved of it as a legitimate organization (which is why the two organizations have had a good relationship). I'm not sure if Nemo would be willing to recount his experiences with such an anonymous inquiry, but worth a try. The reason being that Anton LaVey's opinions really aren't relevant to the TOV."

Nemo does share his brief account in his book when he met Anton LaVey.
Posted by Z  on  Sat May 16, 2009  at  02:27 AM
Z said: "...Anton Lavey did know about the TOV and approved of it as a legitimate organization..."

Can you back up your statement that Anton LaVey approved of the Temple and where did you get this information?
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 16, 2009  at  06:38 PM
Ok. Let's Start with the inner workings of this organization. In this case, there need not be a samson who gets crushed as the temple falls. This has been a long time in the coming. Anyone who would like to read copies of all the books can follow the thread as I will be updating it very shortly.

This is one of those complex scams ought to just make you fucking puke. It all starts with a book. You order the book and accept lifetime membership. Then you are required to submit a photo identification or driver's license while nothing is submitted to you. So the TOV has access to all your personal information to see how lined the pockets are. They can send as many spies as they want into your life, but what can you do to them? Merely fall at their mercy?

Do you really fucking think this is about little bits of money from some gothic kid? That's just the icing. I hope you are ready for a big fucking slice of reality. What keeps the Temple in Business is Cryonics. Talking the aging into accepting a "chance" at being revived. What old lady who has aged beyond repair is going to want to be revived to exist in a body that cannot be reverse aged.

Everytime someone dies involved in cryonics, you better believe that a SELECT FEW, in the TOV, ARE, getting paid. That Money Goes into their pockets. You could look at it as a long term investment that when it pays out, pays out BIG. They have a long time to manipulate and fuck your mind up into leaving large donations to their organization.

Nothing, I repeat, Nothing in the TOV is in anyway original. It is a combination of Qi Gong, Psychology 101, and Good Old Fashioned Satanism. Not one person on that site can prove they are Vampiric. It is all just scare tactics and mind tricks. If you want to read about sensing and cultivating the Qi, avoid the TOV. They will Drain that right off all the while lulling you into believing it is a natural process to becoming one of them. With it, follows your vitality, your possessions, your money, your family, your friends, and finally YOUR LIFE! Do Your homework. This girl did.
Posted by Lisa Vision  on  Sat May 16, 2009  at  09:05 PM
Z said: "...Anton Lavey did know about the TOV and approved of it as a legitimate organization..."

Can you back up your statement that Anton LaVey approved of the Temple and where did you get this information?

You must not know how to read.

What I said was that Magister Nemo does share his personal experience meeting Anton LaVey in his book Fire From Within.
Posted by Z  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  12:31 AM
As long as these organizations are making money who cares about stopping them. As long as theres some women out there to believe in vampires, theres an endless supply of pussy for me to exploit. You guys forget the fantasy to become real.
Posted by The Count  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  09:10 AM
Wow. What a bunch of uptight intellectual drama. The TOV is relatively small and not dangerous. It attracts bad teens and disturbed individuals. It promotes individuality and personal power while selling you fantasy and lies carefully entitled, "Discriminate with Care". The point is, no one can prove or disprove your claims so the testing process is one of self evaluation, much like the christian concept of becoming saved and going to heaven, (which when you break it down is pretty much what this is, in a more expensive form). Along the way, you have to entertain a bunch of people you probably wouldn't want to associate with in real-life and feed their egos as well.

Vampires, if they did exist, certainly would not be gathering around some "temple" in hopes of achieving immortality. They would already have that immortality and wouldn't be seeking some social club to belong to and coddle them.
Posted by Thee Vampire Lestat  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  09:29 AM
I wouldn't call a concern for the integrity of the organization that some of us have in common (CoS) as "compulsive stupidity". Trying to refortify the structure before it crumbles at the hands of shame is more of what the goal seems to be. I don't believe that one who follow's blindly the doctrine of a cult such as the ToV can lecture about "self-control", your position means nothing here, your anger fueled rants are just a true portrait of your lack of "self-control" and/or any trace of personal identity. Lttd is a joke full of sycophantic jumble, I personally have enough fuel to burn my inner-fire, you can keep your LttD to help you with your imaginary relm while I live in the real world and do more than just play charades with the herd.
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon May 18, 2009  at  10:57 AM
Lisa Vision, I look forward to your future postings!
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon May 18, 2009  at  11:03 AM
I don't think that many here are worried about the ToV as an entity that harms people as much as they are concerned with ToV's relationship with the CoS. Most Satanists could care less about sniveling goth runaways who join vampire cults and give away all thier material possessions to undead gods! Some so called "Satanists" who really don't live by the words of the Satanic Bible and can't seem to let go of the idea that there is no afterlife and/or supreme being(s) but don't have the balls to admit it, they are afraid of the Svengali, Hagen, Bickley Satanists who represent the words of AZL to the utmost. These same closet-heretics leach onto the CoS as if it were a symbiotic partnership, in reality it's nothing more than a money grabbing scam.
Posted by Money H. Getmore  on  Mon May 18, 2009  at  03:54 PM
This'll probably be my last post here. I just wanted to encourage you guys to keep getting information out so that people can make an informed decision about the TOV. Keep posting testimonials of your experiences with the organization, keep getting information out and keep talking!

Hail Satan!
Posted by Dracula777  on  Mon May 18, 2009  at  04:48 PM
Dracula777 it's been a pleasure, you have brought alot of informative material to the table, I personally appreciate it.
Posted by Rupert  on  Tue May 19, 2009  at  01:54 PM
I just thought of something interesting, that Anton LaVey couldn't be a Temple member because he was 'arrested' for his pet lion's Togare's public disturbances. Therefore, Anton LaVey has broken Temple law and could not be a Temple member.

Is what I say true? Yes, if you go and watch the movie Satanis--The Devil's Mass which can be found on YouTube.

Furthermore, I am not saying this to make a personal attack (ad hominem) against Anton LaVey and I feel the aforementioned does not invalidate the religion of Satanism in any way shape or form.

Today, there is so many intrusive laws (too many) and too much government intervention that it has become challenging to not break a law.

Furthermore, I am not suggesting that Anton LaVey or I promote illegal activity in any way because that is contrary to the dogma of Satanism if one researches the religion without prejudice.

I am just saying that anyone (including Anton LaVey in this particular situation) can make mistakes because they are human and I am not going to be all self-righteous and sanctimonious and judge or condemn him for this.

He was his own god and who am I to play god and judge him because I have made mistakes too?

Back to topic, I also don't have a problem with the Temple as a religion and with being a 'separate' organization (not aligned with the CoS) as long as they keep it too themselves.

Yet I feel that the main issue here that concerns Satanists in this thread is that Satanists here feel that the Temple is a 'hoax' and are offended that the CoS actively promotes (see LTTD CoS member banners and read Nemo's shameless plugs) a mind control cult to CoS members.

I also find it hypocritical that members of the Temple of Set were ousted because of believing in Set yet the CoS supports a religion that calls upon Undead Gods?

I am not against the CoS yet I feel that support of the ToV is a poor decision and don't understand why they continue to tolerate this organization.

Maybe I will figure this out someday?
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 23, 2009  at  12:51 PM
Z said: "...Anton Lavey did know about the TOV and approved of it as a legitimate organization..."

Can you back up your statement that Anton LaVey approved of the Temple and where did you get this information?

You must not know how to read.

Really, I don't know how to read? So what did you mean when you said, "and approved of it as a legitimate organization..."

What I said was that Magister Nemo does share his personal experience meeting Anton LaVey in his book Fire From Within.

Yes, you are correct in what you say here because I have this book too.

And I trust you also understand that Nemo never mentioned that Anton LaVey 'approved' of the ToV in his book.

Also, not forgetting Nemo's lucritive agenda, then just because he says LaVey approved of it doesn't mean I should take his word for it.

If Anton LaVey did approve of the ToV then I would prefer to hear it from his own mouth with supportive reasons rather than just ToV Satanist propaganda, hearsay or 'popular opinion'.

I trust it would be exciting for a ToV member to 'believe' this yet, according to my understanding, Temple members claim to test everything and believe nothing--or do they?

I agree that being a member of the ToV is a personal decision that I respect yet I can't accept the CoS marketing this religion to its own members.

Anton LaVey was offended that people thought he was ripping everyone off so why do the very thing that offended him AND to your members of your own organization?

Any help in understanding this would be appreciated and sorry if I am coming off the wrong way towards the CoS because it is not my intention to do so.

I am not against the CoS, I just don't understand why they continue to support this and I am seeking clarification.
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 23, 2009  at  01:14 PM
I realize this is a bit off topic, yet I feel that ex-Satanists or other types of Satanists who use ad hominem attacks against LaVey claiming that he lied about his past as a way to discredit Satanism is hypocritical, self-righteous and sanctimonious and entirely irrelevant.

These types just don't understand or get that there is no good or evil or right or wrong in Satanism. If lies is what worked for Anton LaVey then I say more power to him and I think it would be great if it was true that he lied. Whether others think his methods were right or wrong just look at the results all around you today.

If it was not for Anton LaVey and his decision to go forward with his vision then their would be no ex-Satanists or other Satanic groups today because he was the first to bring this religion above ground.

As a matter of opinion, I feel that if he did lie about some things then more power to him and look where it got him.

Also, I find it hypocritical and funny that some disapproving Satanists or self-righteous detractor types have a problem with him lying, especially, so-called Satanists.

In my opinion, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and if something works then it is RIGHT.

I think the Temple is a great idea for Nemo and I see nothing wrong with him wanting to make money.

However, like I have said, I just don't feel that it belongs inside the Church of Satan.

Yet I feel that any Satanist who joins the ToV is not a Satanist if they see the Temple for what it is and do not leave it, in my opinion.

I am also willing to remain objective and open to other points of view and I may even agree with them if one could convince me with strong reasoning in a 'civil' and mature manner.
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 23, 2009  at  01:41 PM
Wow. What a bunch of uptight intellectual drama. The TOV is relatively small and not dangerous. It attracts bad teens and disturbed individuals. It promotes individuality and personal power while selling you fantasy and lies carefully entitled, "Discriminate with Care". The point is, no one can prove or disprove your claims so the testing process is one of self evaluation, much like the christian concept of becoming saved and going to heaven, (which when you break it down is pretty much what this is, in a more expensive form). Along the way, you have to entertain a bunch of people you probably wouldn't want to associate with in real-life and feed their egos as well.

Vampires, if they did exist, certainly would not be gathering around some "temple" in hopes of achieving immortality. They would already have that immortality and wouldn't be seeking some social club to belong to and coddle them.

These are the very reasons why this religion is not compatible with Satanism and I feel is a poor decision to support under the banner of the Church of Satan.

Maybe the ToV will realize they are not Satanists and have enough integrity to realize this and disassociate themselves from the CoS someday.

They are what they...
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 23, 2009  at  01:53 PM
"The TOV is relatively small and not dangerous."

False. At ten thousand members plus, paying the ten dollars a month dues, this does not come out to chump change profit.
Posted by Tooth  on  Tue May 26, 2009  at  03:50 AM
True....That's not chump-change but that doesn't make them dangerous.

"I am also willing to remain objective and open to other points of view and I may even agree with them if one could convince me with strong reasoning in a 'civil' and mature manner."

I left myself open to this once or twice on this board but to no avail, please, come steal my life-force or whatever it is that you do. I say this with all-do-respect. Here is my Email again .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Posted by Rupert  on  Tue May 26, 2009  at  10:43 AM
What does this mean? Final Harvest, sounds biblical like revelations. It has a Jesus tone to it!

"The explosion of Temple membership growth and the increasing use of the internet for communications resulted in many more books, articles, essays, and projects as we approach the Final Harvest."

So buying a "ritual pendant" assists in summoning the "Undead Gods"....WTF....How is that not a Spirtitual Pipedream?

"An important aid to Ritual Communion, the Ritual Pendant is also a direct way to declare your affiliation when summoning the Undead Gods."

Yet another gimmick Pipedream!?!? Some of you should be ashamed to look at yourselves in the mirror.

"An important aid to Ritual Communion, the Temple Ring is also a direct way to declare your affiliation when summoning the Undead Gods."

****I guess if I was getting a cut of this whole scham then I wouldn't be too upset. All of this marketing is focused on CoS members and/or visitors to LttD, then it becomes word of mouth. This isn't marketed anywhere else.
Posted by Rupert  on  Thu May 28, 2009  at  03:40 PM
I suggest going to this site because they write an excellent overview of the ToV showing the similarities between the ToV and right hand path (christian-like beliefs).

the link is...

I agree with 90% of what that author wrote.

However, keep in mind, that the Temple has been changing things like its website and has changed its pricing structure since that essay was wrote.

And I know that when this kooky cult continues to make the CoS look bad, they will, cut off association with them now.
Posted by Private  on  Thu May 28, 2009  at  07:10 PM
Z Said: You must not know how to read.

Really, I don't know how to read? So what did you mean when you said, "and approved of it as a legitimate organization..."

Posted by Z  on  Thu May 28, 2009  at  09:44 PM
About that survey don't forget that there is a big change. And that is that you are now REQUIRED to have a cryonics contract in order to be a member of the priesthood so you can add a couple more thousand to the total lol.

And if you die they get a LOT (ie tens of thousands of dollars) of money.

Don't forget that.

Posted by Count Dorkula  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  06:34 AM
"About that survey don't forget that there is a big change. And that is that you are now REQUIRED to have a cryonics contract in order to be a member of the priesthood so you can add a couple more thousand to the total lol.

And if you die they get a LOT (ie tens of thousands of dollars) of money."

And if you live?
Posted by questions  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  01:08 PM
Roho I have always had much admiration for you in that you seem to be from a place in which common sense and intellect are of no shortage. You have always been an excellent communicator of true Satanic Philosophy and/or lifestyle. I can easily attribute much of my life, the basic things like health, wealth, and intellect to common sense thus reading TSB was like a reflection into a mirror. A fortification of what I already was, a definition if you will. I can truly say that if I didn't have this in place the basic "common-senses" if you will I would have had a hard time with Satanism. That comes first, my question is for someone like you, did you really need the ToV to help point out such basic life fundamentals if you were truly born a Satanist? Truthfully, other than your interest in the occult,I can't think of one thing that you could have attained from ToV that you already didn't have.
Posted by Rupert  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  04:52 PM
What does one really bring to the table that can't figure out that processed foods and/or Sugar as an additive isn't something that is in the best interest of "the great indulgence" life itself. Some need to have compulsion defined for them and indulgence taught to them by somebody who had the wherewithall to charge for it. ToV is this somebody, I do see it as an exploitation of sorts. Anybody can join anything which means that there are going to be plenty that can be exploited. I can see ToV as a method of spoon-feeding but at a price.
Posted by Rupert  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  05:06 PM
If you live then they STILL get at least a couple thousand dollars from you.

Posted by Count Dorkula  on  Sat May 30, 2009  at  01:35 PM
<i>"Yet you bash the Church of Satan
Posted by Private  on  Sat May 30, 2009  at  09:21 PM
Are you saying that any CoS member who disagrees with the CoS for supporting the ToV is 'attacking' the CoS or against the CoS?

"WOW! what a surprise! You have missed the boat entirely!"

"I am stating that you are publicly bashing the Church of Satan's Administration decision for supporting the Temple of the Vampire. Obviously High Priest Gilmore know what he is doing, he was appointed by Magus LaVey, I am sure we agree on this issue I mean you ARE a member of the CoS right?. Then it would follow that Magus Gilmore would know what is BEST for the CoS! Not you, not me, and most certainly not any moron on this board! I doubt you are even a member of the CoS because a Satanist is FAR more capable of using the components of logic than you have displayed here."

Yes, I will have to agree to disagree with them on this one particular issue as do other members in the CoS. And I don't feel that agreeing to disagree with the CoS on support of the ToV or voicing one's opinion about it makes one against them or not a Satanist as you are trying to suggest.

"You and any other member of the CoS can disagree with the Administration's decision all you want. When you begin to go public with your cries and whines it becomes embarrassing and completely undignified. Any REAL Satanist would find much more productive things to do with their own time instead of bitching and moaning about the Temple!"

And when you imply such things you are wagging your self-righteous finger in other Satanists face who dislike and are concerned about the CoS's support of the Temple too.

"The finger I am wagging isn't my pointing finger I can tell you that much."

Also, after reading your previous antagonistic posts, I think you just want to make personal attacks and argue here. These are the traits of a cad.

"I am making coherent statements that are backed up by logical explanation, if you can't handle that then call me a cad."

By the way--and who are YOU? Are you someone special that I should listen too?

"You are not required to listen to me anymore than I am required to listen to you. Of course you are the one who claimed to be open minded enough for logical explanations. You are the one who stated you are open for other perspectives. You are the one who came onto THIS website bitching and moaning...demanding answers. Well how are you going to get any answers HERE? DO you honestly think that anyone here can provide you explanations as to why the CoS supports the ToV? Everyone here save for a few are against it. So are you really here for answers? I doubt you are!"

keep your Goodguy badge to your self.

"SO now I have a Good guy badge just because I support the CoS! This is the last little cry of anyone who has no idea of what they are talking about. Go and curl up in your corner and cry about the Temple and call me a good guy...go on scat now!"
Posted by Z  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  08:58 AM
If you live then they STILL get at least a couple thousand dollars from you.


Then would not a couple thousand of dollars be worth immortality? Or is it better to keep a couple thousand of dollars that will last maybe a month or two and go to the grave?
Posted by Questions  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  09:44 AM
"What does one really bring to the table that can't figure out that processed foods and/or Sugar as an additive isn't something that is in the best interest of "the great indulgence" life itself. Some need to have compulsion defined for them and indulgence taught to them by somebody who had the wherewithall to charge for it. ToV is this somebody, I do see it as an exploitation of sorts. Anybody can join anything which means that there are going to be plenty that can be exploited. I can see ToV as a method of spoon-feeding but at a price."

And are you speaking from personal experience or opinion?
Posted by Questions  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  09:45 AM

If you are such a big shot know-it-all Satanist with other 'important' things to do then why are YOU wasting YOUR time on here? 😉

Don't you have a 'people skills' class to attend to?


_rolls eyes and laughs_

Does anyone else have something to 'contribute'?
Posted by Private  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  10:28 AM
If you are such a big shot know-it-all Satanist with other 'important' things to do then why are YOU wasting YOUR time on here? wink

"That is not a bad question but irrelevant to the discussion."

Don't you have a 'people skills' class to attend to?

"I am under NO obligation to show anyone here mutual courtesy/respect. Again, this is irrelevant to the discussion. Attacking my character has NO connection with my previous post."


_rolls eyes and laughs_

Does anyone else have something else to contribute?

"And by contribute he mean bitch and moan about the Temple."
Posted by Z  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  11:06 AM
Lots of babbling. No substance. Sorry - lame forum folks.
Posted by Fhucyahawl  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  02:37 PM
"And are you speaking from personal experience or opinion?"

Experience through observation is how I would classify it.

"And by contribute he mean bitch and moan about the Temple."

There will be many more contributions even if it means bitching and moaning, that's a guarantee.

"Lots of babbling. No substance. Sorry - lame forum folks."

The substance here maybe incomprehensible to you but I can assure you babbling or not it exists, and for a reason.

Magister Vampire Adept nemo asks that we put any like or Dislike of actual ToV members Aside and focus on the real mission of the temple........
Posted by Rupert  on  Sun May 31, 2009  at  06:19 PM
And are you speaking from personal experience or opinion?

"Experience through observation is how I would classify it."

And do you speak for 'Private' or are you 'Private' as well?

Have your observations ever been wrong or are you spot on correct 100% of the time?
Posted by Questions  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  10:41 AM
"And do you speak for 'Private' or are you 'Private' as well?"

To answer this question; no and no.

"Have your observations ever been wrong or are you spot on correct 100% of the time?"

I would say that I am pretty well versed at forming conclusions based on observation but to say that I have never been wrong would be asinine.
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  02:15 PM
"To answer this question; no and no."

I am pretty sure I directed my question towards 'Private.'

"I would say that I am pretty well versed at forming conclusions based on observation but to say that I have never been wrong would be asinine."

I do not know you so I therefor have no reason to trust that you are "very well verses in forming conclusions based upon observation" as you say. Or do you suggest I believe what you are telling me?

And because you admit it is possible to be wrong and make errors I have no reason to think you are always right in everything you have said on this board, right?
Posted by Questions  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  04:29 PM
"To answer this question; no and no."

"I am pretty sure I directed my question towards 'Private.'"

Whatever the case may be, you quoted me, asked me a question, and I responded....minor details perhaps.

Here is what I suggest, as I have done using this medium of communication, form your own opinions/come to your own conclusions/make your own observations, and post them. Believe what you want, research what you can, go from there.

Am I right.....that's up to you to decide, am I going to caste doubt upon my own observations, not a chance. This is Geneva, neutral grounds, we can have constructive debate and/or conversation or we can let fists fly, it's all fair game.
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  05:05 PM
Part 1 of 2

My posts have been my own and Rupert's his or her own. And I will not send any emails to any requests in this forum because of the possibility of phishing attempts.

Magister Vampire Adept nemo asks that we put any like or Dislike of actual ToV members Aside and focus on the real mission of the temple........

Why would he think that a non-member or ex-member would care about the "real mission of the temple"?

I would also suggest that if he is concerned with what is being said in this forum then he should speak for his self here rather than email Rupert (if that is how you [Rupert] received this message).

Also, I do understand and agree with Nemo that personal attacks and name calling as some demonstrated towards me and Rupert is not necessary.
Posted by Private  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  06:13 PM
2 of 2

My main contention with the CoS's support of the ToV is, that to me, it is the same as the CoS supporting Christianity. If one will honestly read my previous postings one could see why I have come to my conclusions.

So, I ask the Satanic reader, how would you feel if the CoS supported a RHP-like religion? And if Peter Gilmore said Wiccans were Satanists would you act like sheep and go along with it and not question and think for yourselves?

I would also like to say, in general, that I find that drawing attention to my misunderstandings is fine yet I find it immature for one Satanist to say to another that they are not a Satanist because they didn't quite understand something. And whether one is a Satanist or not is between the Satanist and the CoS unless it is something obvious like worshiping the Devil or something else silly. 😜

Instead, I find it easier to try and explain myself to another who doesn't understand my points rather than attacking their intelligence and calling them names. I do not feel one is 'entirely' stupid or not a Satanist if they are having trouble understanding another's point as another Satanist thinks they 'should'. All Satanists are on different levels and Satanists should take care to remember Magus Gilmore's new 'House Rule'.

Just because you are a Satanist doesn't mean you have to be a know-it-all asshole like auto-contrary Devil worshipers and 'perfect' like a Christian tries to act or project onto others.

I, like Rupert, admit that maybe I could be off on something and I have never tried to make up lies or be dishonest with my ideas.

For the most part, I honestly feel the Temple is a scam that should be marketed to non-Satanists yet NOT members of the CoS.

Also (even has others in this forum have said), I have had to use this forum to voice my opinions because LTTD (CoS unofficial message board) will not allow discussion of this matter and I would be ruthlessly attacked for doing so there. Some of the more immature and antagonistic types would turn it around on me to say I was against the CoS like it was tried on me in this forum earlier.

If I had my own board I would allow healthy debate on this matter and let 'stratification' decide whether CoS members feel this cult should be inwardly promoted by the CoS.

Finally, I have said all I can say about this organization unless something else comes up for me to say.

Maybe my thoughts offend some yet I honestly feel that what I am saying is reasonably accurate according to my own subjective perceptions.
Posted by Private  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  06:42 PM
That was very well stated. Thank you for your ongoing professionalism! Also for the record, I have yet to be contacted via email from anyone.
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon Jun 01, 2009  at  08:33 PM
"Here is what I suggest, as I have done using this medium of communication, form your own opinions/come to your own conclusions/make your own observations, and post them. Believe what you want, research what you can, go from there."

That is fine but some have a better grasp on things than others here. Here is what I suggest:
1. Visit the direct source of anything you are looking into. In this case that would be the official ToV website,

2. Read all of the information on the website. Make a decision if you want to pursue further by ordering The Vampire Bible.

3. If you feel it is for you then proceed. If not hen don't.

I would look into it for myself and not take someones word for it. In essence you dispel the need to believe through gathering sufficient evidence for yourself.

Am I right.....that's up to you to decide, am I going to caste doubt upon my own observations, not a chance. This is Geneva, neutral grounds, we can have constructive debate and/or conversation or we can let fists fly, it's all fair game.

Is this really a "neutral" website? I have seen nothing but distaste, hatred, and even attacks against Nemo and members of the ToV.

The Temple exists and if people find it is worth their while then who cares what others may think?

If I told you I could help you earn a million dollars and you did, would it matter what anyone else said/thought?

You have made your decision about the Temple and that is okay. Now allow others to make their own. I am not a member of the Temple.
Posted by Questions  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  11:08 AM
"My main contention with the CoS's support of the ToV is, that to me, it is the same as the CoS supporting Christianity."

How could a non-member or an outsider prove this? How could you, being a non-member of the ToV prove that it is just like Christianity?
Posted by Questions  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  11:13 AM
I just noticed something I bet Nemo did on purpose.

It's the Temple of the Vampire, NOT the VampireS.

There is only 1 Vampire. 😉
Posted by Notice!  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  05:14 PM
"How could a non-member or an outsider prove this? How could you, being a non-member of the ToV prove that it is just like Christianity?"

As I thought I have stated here in previous postings, I am a former ToV member. 😊

If I may ask, have you read through all of the postings here? If not, I think it would help one avoid any misunderstandings and help cut back on redundancy in this forum.
Posted by Private  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  06:27 PM
"I just noticed something I bet Nemo did on purpose.

It's the Temple of the Vampire, NOT the VampireS.

There is only 1 Vampire."

That was a very amusing observation that you have made! Lol!

If it wasn't on purpose then it must have been an Freudian slip. 😛
Posted by Private  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  06:34 PM
"As I thought I have stated here in previous postings, I am a former ToV member."

Perhaps you were. Then it would appear it would be YOU who has the agenda and not the Temple.
Posted by Questions  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  08:42 PM
Maybe "Private" does have an agenda but that agenda doesn't necessarily have to be one similar to a disgruntled employee. Perhaps "Private" has an agenda that includes exposing inconsistencies and/or falsehoods. Everybody has an Agenda including you "Questions", even I have an Agenda.
Posted by Rupert  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  08:51 PM
"Maybe "Private" does have an agenda but that agenda doesn't necessarily have to be one similar to a disgruntled employee. Perhaps "Private" has an agenda that includes exposing inconsistencies and/or falsehoods. Everybody has an Agenda including you "Questions", even I have an Agenda."

So do you not only speak for but you also defend 'Private'? I think you two are one in the same.
Posted by Questions  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  10:48 PM
Well....quite simply, I will take that as a compliment!
Posted by Rupert  on  Wed Jun 03, 2009  at  12:22 AM
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