Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Cher Adele,

Of course you will come to Paris one are young and Paris is waiting for you (and flights get cheaper all of the day!)

You dont have to be a Queen or King to stay here for a is (I think) the friendly City of the World. I am of the bias I guess cos I live here..but I dont want to go nowhere else. But I say to you that you will come here if you try.

God bless Adele and VIVRE L'AMERICA!! (Except that connard Lizzard! What an asshole!!)


Posted by Stephan  on  Wed Apr 29, 2009  at  03:35 PM
P.S Adele...My fave Doors song right now is "Who Scared You"..I never heard it before but I so love it!

Adieu Adele XX
Posted by Stephan  on  Wed Apr 29, 2009  at  03:42 PM
Hey Jim and Marsha I hope yall are doing well. Please give me a call. I emailed you of my new number. Thanks talk to you soon.
Posted by Shay  on  Wed Apr 29, 2009  at  09:21 PM

Do you have a myspace? Would love to chat.
Posted by no name  on  Wed Apr 29, 2009  at  11:07 PM
okay the ghost is eating icecream.....
Posted by Shay  on  Thu Apr 30, 2009  at  06:09 PM
One bright blue sunny night two dead boys got into a fight they drew their swords and shot. A deaf policeman heard the noise and ran to see the two dead boys. if you don't think this story is true ask the blind man he saw it too.
Posted by Shay  on  Fri May 01, 2009  at  06:17 PM
David Logan was Jim Morrison's best friend up in Oregon. I had the priviledge of talking to David tonight and I am very excited to say Logan is in process of creating a new website to document Jim Morrison discovered living in the pacific northwest. Please check out highmountainrogue website if you'd like to discover more to the truth that Jim Morrison is alive having faked his death in 1971.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun May 03, 2009  at  05:55 PM
Oh my God I just looked at that highmontainrogue site and thought it rediculous...that man who sposed to be Jim doesnot look nothing like him..He stands in poses like Jim in photos but its so crazy obvious that it isnot him..the eyebrow..shape of face etc..alo he is too young!

Maybe when young this fraudster looked a bit like Jim..but for sure not now...its not possible. I say before I dont know if Jim is alive or so on but that guy is funny to look at!..For my God sake why do these folk try to lie to people?..I read all the posts..people talk of Andreii but that Lizzard is worse cos he most obvious writes comments in different names!

Get a life huh?..enjoy the mucics

Posted by Stephan  on  Tue May 05, 2009  at  10:19 AM
The highmountainrogue site is so ridiculus--I had to laugh out loud. Why would anyone believe beautiful Jim is that ugly guy? Is Logan trying to make money off that site? He is disgusting. P.S. Stephen--my favorite "essential rarities" song is "I Will Never Be Untrue".
Posted by Adele  on  Tue May 05, 2009  at  12:43 PM
Oh my God Msr Lizzard! you have really screwed yourself this time..I have been looking at that site for the last two hour and it seems more insane each time!

God, put up or be quiet..most fans here accept that Jim Morrison is dead but the genius survives. Dont give us weird photos of a freaky looking guy who dont look nothing like Jim.

I notice that you insult everyone who dont agree with you..but I want to say that if you are hope'ing to make money of this scam..then you are crazy...a totally crazy man.

I'm a teen boy..and I dont like your type who makes a living out of should be ashamed and maybe get a real kind of job!!!


(PS Hi Adele!!)

Lizzard jerk!!
Posted by Stephan  on  Tue May 05, 2009  at  05:15 PM
Hi guys ,

My Bud Stephan first showed me this webpage. He hated being laughed at by a bunch of mountain type troglodytes.(my words).he spent two days in his bedroom after some asshole accused him of being a queer cos he had a Jim Morrison poster in his I hope you guys feel great about beating up on a kid in the first place.

Second The French are totally aware of the disdain that we Americans have for them (freedom fries, cheese eating surrender monkeys etc) Yet for some weird reason they still love us!

Asseholes like that money grubbing prick Lizzard doesn't have a single clue about the sensivity of a young French boy....Jim came to Paris cos he loved the place..he'd have loved Stephan too as I've never met a more spirit dude than him. He's in his room again refusing to go to school...He reads this site every night Lizzard.. so be nice for once and be objective and selective..AND TELL THE TRUTH!!!

I'm going now, I have a bottle of Bearne Rose in front of me..the Isle de Cite is lit up and Paris looks awesome..Stephan is safe in his bed and I hope he gets to school tomorrow.

Night Guys

Posted by Petie (Peter)  on  Wed May 06, 2009  at  04:46 PM
Hi Stephan, The man claiming too be JM is so ridiculous. It is beyond ridiculous! I can't think of any thing to say because it is so ridiculous! That is not like me to be speechless! Oh, Stephan, Please don't let the words of some anonymous person get you down! Enjoy yourself! Have fun, so when you are my age you can look back and laugh! That is what by sister and I do, Right Adele:) Here's to never growing up! Peace to all, MM
Posted by MaryMichelle  on  Thu May 07, 2009  at  01:03 PM
Dear Stephan,

I am sick to my stomach knowing that JLizard has upset you. He is a HICK who knows nothing. Please pay no attention to him--consider the source--he's just a moneygrabbing ass.

My sister is right. Have fun and don't worry about assholes like Lizard(or whatever his stupid name is).

Posted by Adele  on  Thu May 07, 2009  at  01:46 PM
Are you a Star Trek fan Petie?
Posted by jm  on  Thu May 07, 2009  at  11:34 PM
Why wouldn't Jim Morrison fake his own death. As far as we know nobody saw the body, nobody knows where or when exactly he died. The doctor who signed his death certificate never commented. The French cemetery his gravestone is in is designated for French citizens only and he's the only foreigner supposedly buried there. This all seems suspicious, but the proof is in the comparisons of the his young and old pictures. Yeah, they look alike, so do alot of people, but look at the bridge of his nose. The guy who claims to be Jim has the same crooked bridge of his nose that Jim does. The same exact indent on one side and bump on the other. Compare the left side of the nose. The plane is at the exact same angle and is almost the same size. This is bone it doesn't change. A nose is like a fingerprint, these similarites have to be one in billion. Look closely. And come on folks it's Jim Morrison, why so surprised? Do you really think it's unlike Jim Morrison to fake his own death. Personally I find him being dead just as surprising as him being alive.
Posted by Chris  on  Fri May 15, 2009  at  05:46 PM
[cap='']Image credit: ME[/cap]
Posted by Chris  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  05:12 PM
I've been watching this site for a while without commenting and it seems to me that "Chris" sounds like and has the same style as JLizzard trying to promote his nonsense.

I suggest to the webmaster of this site to enforce disclosure of email addy's prior to comment, otherwise you're going to have repeat comments from the same source time after time.

In my opinion the only two genuine contributers recently are Stephan and Peter, the rest of you dont ring true somehow.
Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  06:40 PM
Hey Andrew Carpenter (if that is your real name:) I haven't kept up with this post and only recently heard of this man claiming to be Morrison. I don't know who Jlizard is and I haven't read but one of his comments on the previous page. It has always been known that there are many inconsistencies surrounding Jim Morrison's death. I'm not sure what you think doesn't ring true. I'm not promoting anything. If I was that would mean I would have something to gain and I don't. I'm merely presenting the information that I have found and my thoughts on the situation. I think about these things and try to determine what the truth is from the circumstances surrounding the person and event and from the evidence I've seen and read. That is called critical thinking. Every post that I've read disregards this as a hoax on account that "it's ridiculous" or "it's just some money grubbing redneck." That is not the way to debunk a hoax. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I never said this is Jim Morrison. I'm only showing people, who I thought would be happy to see good evidence of the possibility of Jim being alive, but people don't want him to be alive. They can't accept it. The tragic hero dies in the end and that's the formula. Don't worry Andrew the hero is dead no matter if he is still walking on Earth or is buried in a Paris cemetery. The character of Jim Morrison was killed off. The question is, is the man who played Jim Morrison still alive. I want to debunk it as much I want to prove it, but doing either of them takes thought and investigation. Immediately rejecting the claim as nonsense is incredibly bias, close minded and even arrogant. You obviously don't think it's nonsense since you have been keeping up with this thing for a while now. Check out my picture on flickr. I think it shows a very revealing comparison between the two men that you might not have previously noticed. I provided a link below. I'm a visual artist and I have drawn and painted many faces. I don't know what you're experience in portraiture is, but to draw a face is to look very closely and see what is beyond the surface layer of thick skin and flesh. Look closely Andrew Carpenter. Use your (open) mind and look closely. Tell me if you find that the bone of a man's face somehow rings true.

Posted by Chris  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  07:52 PM
Posted by JM  on  Sun May 17, 2009  at  09:07 PM
Dear Chris,

Thanks for your very persuasive argument of the other day, I read it with huge interest but if you forgive me I still cant see what your point is.

I really dont want to sound elitist of faux on this site, and I most definately dont want to cause offence but I must maintain that the level of hysteria on this site is absurd!..Everyone trying to out-do each other..slagging eachother off etc.

Chris I'm sorry if I accused you wrongly..if I did then I will be the first to wring my hat in shame; but I confess that I dont believe that the cowbow is Jim Morrison...and I'll tell you why.

Firstly I want to give you my point of view that he died roughly as was reported..of a drug overdose as was suspected. I lived in NY CTY for about three years in the early 80's and lived with a good friend of Jims..I mean a REALLY good friend he was at University with him). He told me Pams side of things also.

I believe that Jim Morrison is dead and I also believe that the guy posted is a total fraud..all he needs to do is stand up in front of the "Doors" and sing his tits off, then maybe we'll believe it...btw I would insist on DNA proof as well.

Chris, could you put a few paragraphs in your next post? I liked what you wrote but it was hard to read.

Chris my name is Andrew Carpenter...why would I lie about such a mundane name?

Best Regards

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed May 20, 2009  at  06:09 PM
Hey Andrew,

No offense taken, I was just wondering why you chose to pick me out of the crowd.

My "if that is your real name" comment was a joke responding to your hilarious suspicion of my authenticity and your implication that I am promoting this for somebody. I just think it's funny.

No need to be remorseful. This is a discussion things are expected to get a little heated.

You didn't tell me what you thought of the picture.

Thanks for your interest.

-Chris in San Diego
Posted by Chris  on  Fri May 22, 2009  at  05:31 PM
I've posted this same essential thing before, many pages back, but anyway... I don't care who's trying to make some money from this, but I won't buy the DVD, because best I can tell it doesn't add much to what's already been seen/heard/known about "Cowboy Jim", and the idea is still very much in the realm of "preposterous" to me. I'm certain it must be a scam. However... I have some interest in the premise being absolutely proven true or false because the pictures and sound are surprisingly convincing to me. I posted this video a while back with some more comparisons: Like Chris, I keep looking at that nose curve and thinking, "whoa". Did someone happen to find a guy who looks exactly like Jim might 30+ years later, with the exact same nose curve and face shape and eye positions, etc., and build a scam around him? Possibly. But another possible answer, until we can absolutely prove otherwise, is that it really is Jim Morrison. My rational self says "no way", but I'm keeping an open mind based on the pictures.

Andrew, you say you'll believe it if he stands up in front of the Doors and sings, but would that really prove anything if you're inclined not to believe it's him to begin with? If you can't look at the picture comparisons and at least say "well, maaaaaybe", then you're probably not likely to recognize the real Jim at this point even if he was right in front of you. Remember, it's been 38 years! Cowboy Jim's singing on the rodeoswest YouTube video is pretty darn convincing to me when I consider Jim Morrison + 38 years + lots of smoking and drinking (whether he continued to do that after his "death" or not).

Anyway, I would really like to be absolutely convinced, one way or the other, and I'm perfectly happy to accept that he is dead, for sure, if that can be verified. I don't care what the answer is... I mean, it would be a great story and great for Jim's sake if he has been alive this whole time... but you know, whatever the truth is, I'm interested in that.

Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Sat May 23, 2009  at  08:27 AM
Hi Chris & Dennis,

I've looked at both your comparisons and must say its a bit spooky. I also concede that if JM was still around, it'd be hard to recognise him.

If he did fake his death he did an awesome job of it as he completely fooled those who were closest to him...the friend of his and Pams that I know in NYC, is 100% convinced of it.

Personally I dont know what to'd be great if it were true if only to wipe that smug grin off Ray Manzareks face.

Chris, I mistakenly picked you out from the crowd..I just looked back and realised that I meant to type in a different once again...apologies.

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Wed May 27, 2009  at  07:11 AM
49 pages long and everyone is still dancing the same dance.

are you all dizzy yet ?

What really is there to prove?

He, The man (if alive) does not to prove anything to anyone, he is who he is.

Thats the funny part about all of this.
Posted by Changeling  on  Thu May 28, 2009  at  09:31 PM
Hi guys, Just look above and see why I'm a sceptic..J Lizzard came out with these re-hashed versions of "Celebration" and "American Prayer"...

I can do it too "Vaunted haunts depleted the rights of Dion..Dyoneseus haunted the sage in shabby rags though he was declared King !the King! in all but name!

My point although I may sound critical, is that " Changeling" should publish his poetry and give us his real name, because I thought his short verse absolutely awesome!! saw the crap that I wrote on the other hand had amazing impact in a short space of time,,,well done you!!

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  04:40 PM
Thanks for your kind comment Andrew, im actually flattered (blush) and im a she, not a he, and certainly i am not jliz. 😉
Posted by Changeling  on  Fri May 29, 2009  at  09:45 PM
Hey Chris,
I have never been one to say that cowboy Jim looks like Jim Morrison but I have heard from an objective artist and a forensic scientist (from Museum of Hoaxes site) that there is striking resemblance between the two faces. When I first clicked on ?v=0
I was really impressed with the similarity in the slanted nose. To me that gets a wow.
I am 100% certain that this is Jim, after some 3 years of research including talking to his wife, a retired medical doctor who has absolutely nothing to gain from all this. And also from Jim's neighbors in Oregon. People like David Logan who is working on his own tribute website to Jim. Gerald Pitts, who has put in 10 years time on this only for Manzarek to mock him. You know, when someone sincerely works on something for 10 frickin' years and asks for help and only keeps getting insulted I think the situation is downright inhumane.
Finally, I agree with Jim in not doing the DNA test. Why would he provide this information to appease the sado masochists demanding it? Just isn't right. Just isn't the way Jim Morrison does things.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Fri Jun 05, 2009  at  09:48 PM
Dear JLizard,

I can think of several reasons why cowboy Jim should take a DNA test; the first being a way of stopping this debate in its tracks by saying that this guy is definately Jim Morrison, or not. If the DNA proves to be different to that of the Morrison family genome, then its the end of the debate.

Your endless support of this man is highly questionable..yes I can see the potential for a match up with Chris's photo comparrison..Yes his mole,nose shape etc etc does match...I suspect that they would match aspects of my face too.

A simple test would sort it all out for once and for all..if that guy is Jim Morrison then what has he got to fear? He could stop those horrible "Doors" concerts in their tracks...Ian Asterfuck could just piss off and stop being a Jim "lookey likey"

Jim could also do a tour and raise $100,000,OOO as easily as "kiss my hand"!...Of course he's not Jim Morrison!. we all want him to be!.if he were, then the whole World would be after him!

JLizard give us proof....not endless rhetoric and slander!..Give us want us to believe you..give us something to believe in!...we are all ready for it. Enough of the negativity..prove it to us and we'll be in your debt forever.

Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jun 06, 2009  at  06:59 PM
My debt forever is only to Jesus Christ.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sat Jun 06, 2009  at  08:03 PM
I'm going to agree with Andrew on this and say that Cowboy Jim really should do a DNA test. If he's really Jim Morrison, and he wasn't willing to go to all necessary lengths to prove it, then why even emerge at all? I understand he probably wouldn't want the same kind of attention anymore and has no desire to sing again or anything, and everyone would certainly be clamoring for that, but then why emerge at all? I suppose just to have a laugh and create some controversy, and honestly, that may be the extent of it.

Has anybody read any of the stuff Adriana Rubio has released? Is her new book out yet? She apparently has been investigating the whole thing for a while now...

I'm driving right through that area of Oregon on my way to California this week. I wonder if I might bump into him at the gas station.

Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Sun Jun 07, 2009  at  05:00 PM
Ok lets just say it is the Former JM, and IF he did come out, what would his life be like then ?

Endless Harassment, Criticism, Judgements, etc. - the exact same reason he came to his demise?

Maybe at one point, he Thought he was ready, but then thought twice, in a way.

What would be gained ?

More money ? - doubt he needs it

Fame - he doesnt want it

Harrassment - he wanted to live without it

Its really a shame since the world didnt appreciate what was... and the oddity that WE now seek it out.
Posted by Changeling  on  Sun Jun 07, 2009  at  09:44 PM
This seems like a good pragmatic assessment changeling. I would have to add that the criticisms and judgements come with the territory and in this case they would, as they are now, come from a strategically organized DOORS of 21st Century/Riders on the Storm camp. It would be the true Jim fans against these people and I think the good guys would ultimately win although now we are quite the underdog.
Justice would be gained. Jim would receive the rewards that were taken from him and he would be greatful. And everyone could use extra finances, especially when they are so deserving of them.
Jim couldn't come back as the rock star he was because he has changed so much in time and because music is not what it used to be. I think the many people would be fascinated by how Jim peceives reality, how he feels his work was publicized, the scope of his intellect and the care he has for his family and for his fellow man. Jim still writes and loves painting and this might be what is on the table if we are able to bring him out in a positive light.
Posted by JLizard  on  Tue Jun 09, 2009  at  02:43 PM

I believe everyone wants Jim to receive the rewards that were taken from him, without a doubt. He was raped..And he was the Slave...Its so funny when you think about really How hipocrisy works.

Im sure its a situation where none of here has exprienced having to walk away from everything, or run in this case... Its not a "us" or "fans"win. I think everyone wants JIm to win and get was he wholeheartedly deserves. I have not seen any I hate jim morrison clubs lately, have you ? (j/k)

No one expecting Jim to come back as a rock star,, Personally i wouldnt care if he was bald, fat, toothless, hillbilly, or sang off tune... whatever......The people want him to come back as the artist he was and what he represented . A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste.

But I will agree to disagree with you on this.. If he wholeharted wanted to come out, he would...the man was not dumb, although a good legal team would be a big help in this case . You nor pitts have the means or powers that be to do it, and do it correctly, you cannot force what doesnt want to be, and if he does want to come out, im sure he would.

And i know i see your name listed everywhere taking flack for all of this, and at times I think you do deserve the flack you get , I do think it was handled poorly, and poorly represented as a circus act. And yes the famous singing at the table bit, at first i was skeptical , but i do believe it was/is him, but it sounds to me that it was not recorded with his concent like he was caught off guard, and please dont tell me to go buy a video to hear the whole thing, hey, maybe you can use the money from the video and donate it to charity or the "coming out fund" for his attorneys.

And Ironically this man that you both try to "break out" wanted to be taken seriously artistically and again according to your clips and pictures more looks like a circus act.

And yes you can come back and say i dont know jack shit, and thats fine, but again Im the Unsilent Majority and im sure most would agree what I had said.

On another note, I hear that the name was finally acquired for the Estate.......hmmm........will be intersting to see what is posted on the site when it does get going.
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 09, 2009  at  09:12 PM
I just thought of a good means for evidence that should exist... Cowboy Jim should have some pictures somewhere of him in 1972, 1973, 1974, etc. I'd like to see what he looked like then. If he can't provide any, well, I'm sure he would say that he was trying to keep a low profile and wasn't exactly having publicity photos taken of him... but still, realistically, there should probably be some Polaroids he has from that time.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Wed Jun 10, 2009  at  12:49 AM
perhaps his wedding pic with Marsha from years ago?
Posted by Changeling  on  Wed Jun 10, 2009  at  07:06 PM
Hi all,

Actually this debate now seems to be heading the way I had always hoped that it would..subjective, concise and lucid.

For my part I have re-read ny prior comments and realise how agressive I have sounded. I'm sorry for this..its mainly cos i do my responses via my phone on the trot. I didnt mean to so I'm sorry.

JLizzard, I wish all your entries were as lucid and insightful as they have been recently. I think all of us here would agree that that you have a depth of knowledge and a passion for the subject that is inspiring (at your best).

Listen..if in the VERY unlikely event that Morrison was still with us..I echo what Dennis and Changeling have alluded to. He could just say hi!...fooled you all and like Greta Garbo, I want to be alone!..Sure he'd have to suffer a period of press attention, but after a time, they'd get bored and give up.Most hero worshipers mainly think of a young guy..not a guy in his sixties..their adoration would soon wane.

In short, he would ultimately be left alone to rear horses or whatever he wanted to do, and revert to the obscurity from which ths "cowboy Jim" thing has plucked him.


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Thu Jun 11, 2009  at  04:22 PM
I was thinking the other day that if Cowboy Jim is the real thing (still a BIG "if", as far as I'm concerned, though I do consider it a possibility), then I don't know that he would really deserve any compensation. When you fake your death, people think... you're dead. The rights to your property go to other people who can do whatever they want with it. From the point that he declared himself alive, and from this point forward, yeah, he should get some compensation and royalties and all that, but not retroactively. And if he is the real thing and really wanted/needed the money, I think he would have made much more effort to prove that.

JLizard, on the highmountainrogue site they have this quote: "A fingerprint match has happened through F.B.I agent D.W.Jones. Laser point measure between pupils says yes. Voice comparison is an affirmative. Photograph comparisons match. Congratulations everybody Jim Morrison is back."

Well, that sounds good, but means absolutely nothing until we see any of it. I'm skeptical, but I'm addressing you knowing that you fuly believe it to be true, so I'm taking it from that viewpoint... Do you think any of this stuff will be made public, to the point that everybody can be satisfied with the evidence?

Also: "Jim Morrison didn't fake his death. It really happened as we who know and were there, part of the true grapevine. Mr. Morrison simply took advantage of a bad situation. A little help, He's outa there. There was no conspiracy outside of the US."

He didn't fake his death?? Obviously, if this whole thing is true, then his death was faked, and I have a hard time not thinking he was complicit in that somehow. What does that mean, though? Did the French government offer some kind of witness protection thing? How did they fool Pam and others who say they saw his body, or expect them to keep the story straight? The witnesses, few though they were, who say they saw his body at death, make this whole thing suspect for me.
Posted by Dennis Crane  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  10:09 AM
If kids in the prime of their lives "trade their hours for a handful of dimes" to make a living these days, just think what people would do if they were offered a handful of $10,000 bills. Instead of $7/hr like $1000/hr. Wow! They would do anything and not trade it for anything in the world. Ever. This is what Ray, Robby and John have just for keeping it secret that Jim Morrison is alive. For them to honor the truth would mean an end to their lifestyle support system.
The DOORS seem to believe that at one time JM was an artist, and that they helped him get his art out to the world and that he got his share and that they are getting theirs.
JM was extremely difficult to work with. Unpredictable, unreliable, egotistic, and a druggie (and have any of you ever had to work with someone addicted to drugs- They're untidy, commanding, verbocious, they have friends who try to steal from you- it is torture). RRJ could only relate to JM's eccentric ways for so long, then it was nothing but nerve racking.
I think a lot of JM's angst was that he was trying to squeeze compassion out of RRJ but it was like trying to squeeze blood out of a rock. On several occasions he told them he was going to fake his own death- to me this seems like a cry for help- a longing to escape- but ultimately and ironically it was to escape FROM THEM.
I do not think that you can categorize JM's return to life like you would the wealthy lawyer who does the same to collect on insurance or to escape a fiesty wife. Jim Morrison had given to the world an art form it appreciated in his day and throughout history. . Jim's music still inspires the freedom seeking rebelious and instills fear into conventional fundamentalists.
Out of respect for Gerald Pitts' hard work, I tried to help him with his video and project but like everyone hear and even my closest personal friends say, "it just does not work". cowboy + rockstar + rodeos + Doors + Paris, France = le nausea or le bullshit, ha ha.
My way for the JM truth to come out if for a major rock and roll band to call Jim out on the stage or break it to the world that this is JM and he is their friend. But every rock and roll band out there, no matter how radical and independent they try to make themselves out to be, are bound by puppet strings as to how far they can go to express themselves. I have talked to Billy Idol's manager Carol personally (what drove Billy Idol to that crazy rendition of LA WOMAN I can only wonder), left messages for Alice Cooper, posted on Aerosmith's message board- no one wants to get booted off their record label. The "truth" has no place in their bread and butter sandwich. Or maybe they just don't respect Jim Morrison as a artist and that's up to them.
The Vacation Band out of Hollywood and Yakuza out of Chicago both traded me copies of their cds for Gerald's video, and I appreciate that. Cliff Morrison also called me to thank me for his copy.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  03:54 PM
OH geez, here we go...Jliz...see this is just what sets me off... the endless rattle of $hit

Im sorry but Everyone realizes again I state JM was raped and was the slave..we get that..

We understand since he is not JM legally...the suits/estate get the money,royalties etc........we get that.

We get RRJ and others wont say anything due to the big money train may go to a hault......

But there is other ways!

Why keep blaming RRJ and anyone else for them not stepping up to acknowledge ?????

HE can put a stop to it... He dont need them or anyone else to acknowledge, he has himself for chrips sake ! ! !

Hes a big boy he can Tell the truth..there are more ways than just worrying about a Few key people acknowledging him, ..even write a tell all book and make $$$$$$ himself without the rest of the crew.

"My way for the JM truth to come out if for a major rock and roll band to call Jim out on the stage or break it to the world that this is JM and he is their friend " <----- that will never happen, if it did it would be with the Doors even with all that has went on.

Then here you go and start thowing Cliff Whomever's name around just to plug him in there, and that just killed it for me.... You seem to jump from one person or another dont think you would be doing any of this out of the goodness of your heart, you are doing this for $$$$$ yourself, also a hypocrite....

When you repost back , can you please, since you are the Authority on the subject so to speak,or pitt's puppeteer say something that you have not already said 1000X.

the same tune, over and over and over again,............ its like a broken needle on a record player........
There are alot of cool people who post to this board, and i like to hear their rational options whether i agree or not,
.Im sorry but again but your on the wrong crusade then jlizard you seem to run to whichever truth is going to lead you to $.

Im sorry everyone i rattled on enough..but your intended twisted way ....twists me.
Posted by Changeling  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  09:56 PM
Dennis, i read your post above.. And those quote's are a little odd.

But..Dont forget his dad could of helped in all of this as well 😊

Im sure with careful planning it could of been accomplished no problem without a doubt.
Posted by Changeling  on  Fri Jun 12, 2009  at  10:03 PM
Hi Guys,

Please focus on your points of view..somehow I yhink that we're getting close to the truth.

I say to all; please use paragraphs and punctuation..its not that I'm an English nerd, its just that it's really hard to read if you don't.

I suspect that some of these comments on this site are contributed by folk who have spent sme time in the "Pub" ..I would like rational discussion on this site for once; and as far as I can tell, Dennis is the guy to take this debate forward unless JLizzard has something fresh to contribute.

I almost take back my earlier praise of JLizzard; after his last rant.... but somehow I feel he's probably closer to the truth than any of us could ever get to.

I'm trying to look at this subjectively..I hope Morrison is alive..but I know in my heart that hee's dead. I dont give a damn about his lost fortune etc I hope the pathetic remaining Doors Fail as they deserve to


Posted by Andrew Carpenter  on  Sat Jun 13, 2009  at  06:36 PM
I was watching "France 24" news channel today where they mentioned that they were going to open Jims grave/coffin on 24th June..I wonder if anyone knows about this?!

It sounds very much like what that French kid Stephan was talking about a while back before various folk shut him up.

Is Jim in there? ..well we'll see! least we'll have some kind of conclusion. I heard that Andy Morrison will be at the exhumation.

I wonder what cowboy Jim will do if there is a legitimate skeleton..Oh well, we'll see


Posted by Andrew  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  05:04 PM
Jim Morrison may have to be exhumed and moved from Paris, says 'Rolling Stone' magazine, on or around the 6th July 2001... This date is when the 30-year lease on his grave expires. The 'Guvnor' at P
Posted by Jlizard  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  05:45 PM
Funny how it co-insides with the Calif Film festival ending on the 24th 😊
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  08:45 PM
funny how it co-insides with the Calif Film festival ending on the 24th --- sorry meaning their final screening on the 24th
Posted by Changeling  on  Tue Jun 16, 2009  at  08:49 PM
Ok seriously this has gone on long enough. Jim Morrison is dead and gone. Now as sad as that is to say, because I am completly in love with him, it is true. Do you honestly believe he would sell out and live in Oregan on some farm wearing wranglers and stuff, with some woman that is not Pamela?? Come on!!! He loved Pamela, as disfunctional as their relationship was, they were totally meant to be together, and he would never, ever leave her like that.. I'm sure the only reason he died is because he knew she would end up being with him soon anyway!! Its not just a coincidence that she followed him not far after he left this place you know.. And as much as Jim spoke out against conformity do you really think he would magically turn into some cowboy and raise horses in the midwest?? No says I, not all the LSD in the world would turn that perfect souled man into a mainstreamer. Geez I dont know what kind of sick high Jlizard is getting out of trying to convince everyone that my love is alive and a f***ing cowboy, but he should seriously stop. I went to that bullsh*t site and I wanted to throw my lap top across the room.. If that man is Jim Morrison I am Janis Joplin.. Next thing I am going to hear is Jimi Hendrix is living in Georgia somewhere, on a peach farm raising goats.. Jlizard go load a fat bowl and toast, or take a hit of some high grade acid and take a trip to talk to the real Jim above us!! Let Mojo's fans worship him they want to remember him, the real way he was, and stop trying to force this imposter onto them.. Let Jim rest in peace man!
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  01:26 AM
and another thing JLiz please explain to me how the thirty year lease of his grave site going to expire around July 6th 2009?? Hmmm lets see Jim died July 3, 1971, he was placed in the ground not far after.. So lets add 30 years to 1971 shall we?? Anyone know the answer?? Hmm well that would be the year 2001!! And if I am not mistaken this is the year 2009. So please explain that one to me.. I mean I know I am just a 23 year old and have not had that much info on grave sites and such, but I havent heard of a grave site having a "thirty year lease" and why would Jim put himself there for a measly thirty years anyway? Seeing as how he will be dead for eternity I would think James Douglas Morrison was a tad bit smarter than that and probably got some kind of permenant resting place (afterall I do believe he was tested on genius IQ levels).

Mrs. Mojo Risin
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  01:42 AM
This is absolute b.s. Jim isn't alive anymore and it's an inevitable truth. A great poet and influence was lost. No matter how many drugs you're on, that picture shows no resemblance. Even on peyote or mescaline, for the guy below me.
Posted by The Lizard King  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  08:17 AM
Mrs Mojo! I had a serious lol at your comments..well done. I'm not entirely sure about the "ins and outs" of grave leasing in Paris, but I understand that Pere Lachaise does indeed rent the space which relatives need to keep contributing to...rather like a lease let on an apartment.

From whan I can glean from the stuff that I've read, is that the only time this status changes is when the deceased become a National monument (ie Wilde,Piaf etc etc) at which time the authorities take over the care and preservation of the grave site.I dont know if Jims site has reached this status or not.

Personally I've visited Jims grave site many times..going back to 1976, and it truly is a toilet..graffiti, old syringes and half smoked reefers etc. I did hear that it has been cleaned up a bit..I hope so.

The only comment I can make is that the French are very different about the care of their dead than the Yanks or Brits...they think nothing of pulling them them up and shoving them back in again. I've seen this happen twice in Pere Lachaise..maybe this is whats going to happen later this month.

I guess this debate will continue whatever happens..and I'm glad of it..I love reading the comments and contributing to them..especially when I'm sober!

Cheers all

Posted by Andrew  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  03:26 PM
Well thanks Andrew. Thank you for learning me about the Pere Lachaise! Its good to know the REAL facts about that stuff. I understand I may be a little nieve in this aspect. If Jim's site is not a National Monument it should be!!! It will be quite amusing to see what all of these conspiacy theorists say when Jim's bones are excavated!!
Posted by Mrs. Mojo Risin  on  Wed Jun 17, 2009  at  04:06 PM
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