Vampire Sites

Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book, The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.


Posted on Wed Oct 29, 2003


look guys i hate to let u all in on this but if u really want to find a real "vampire" just look where you would not think they would be for many yrs the holy mother church aka those god be damned catholics have used the "blood of Christ" and his flesh in their services and no one thought much of it but if u believe it with all sincerity by drinking and eating of this "holy?" commune u would slowly become a vampire of Christ but be that as it may i have met many who have shown me MORE than enough real hard proof that the immortal vampire is very much "alive" and thriving in this modern society because of the indifferences and foolish beliefs of the new human world that has sprung up and replaced what used to be a hard place for the true night walkers to live and thrive so before any of you out there in webworld disbelieve in something you have never looked into in the real world think to your self's "maybe i really shouldn't walk down this dark road alone" or you might just get bitten in your dumb arse so may they peace the night be with ALL you real members of my new wonderful family and may all you fools be wary of what might find you when you least suspect it to
Posted by drainsuslowly  on  Thu Apr 26, 2007  at  11:04 PM
Wow, that was mind-numbingly goofy.

Drinking blood doesn't make you a vampire. Try it for yourself if you doubt me, you can purchase animal blood if you really want to try it. And drinking wine that's representing blood* makes even less sense.

*Yes I know that the Catholic Churchs holds that the wine auto-magically transforms into the actual blood of Christ. But that's just silly, isn't it?
Posted by Charybdis  on  Fri Apr 27, 2007  at  08:59 AM
so i was "mind-numbingly goofy." huh? well just so you know i feel that if you are on a site such as this you should be prepared for any kind of comments that may be posted as for proof of other things "mind-numbingly goofy" just take a long inward look at who you claim to be "Charybdis in Hell " so tell us where is this supposed "hell" that you reside in? is it one of the many foolish american city's that tout that name or are you refering to the biblical hell or the norse hades ? or maybe your own private hell that must be the mind of a child that has no sense of logic,reasoning or common sense? sincerly the always "mind-numbingly goofy" drainsuslowly
Posted by drainsuslowly  on  Sat Apr 28, 2007  at  05:31 PM
Well, until you provide this proof that immortal vampires actually exist, I stand by my 'goofy' assertion.

As for my location being Hell, it's a joke. Though if I did happen to live somewhere such as Hell, Montana I'd be perfectly justified in stating so, regardless of your personal feelings in the matter.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Mon Apr 30, 2007  at  09:47 AM
I applaud you for exposing TOV for the money-grubbing sham that it is. I've often thought something similar about the Church of Satan--you know, non-conformist philosophy, but a $100 membership fee. On the other hand, are these organizations any worse than other religions and organizations that also prey on the foolish?
Posted by Atropos de Lutece  on  Sat May 05, 2007  at  10:05 AM
...Such as Christianity or Catholicism, etc...
Posted by Dario  on  Sun May 06, 2007  at  05:10 PM
Man you peeps, you disagree a lot, don't mind my spelling i can't. All most everything comes from a myth, pirates, zombies, warewolves, elves, gods, demons, ghosts, even humans probubly comes from some myths. I agree with all of whay yal say but some thing just seem mosterous! sort of speaking. Thanks for the link by the way. lol Hey do yal mind if i chat with ya eventhough i am not as umm what would you say a person with not as big a vocabulary as your selves. lol
Posted by Never in reality  on  Mon May 07, 2007  at  08:15 PM
look i know that many may not believe in the classical vampire or in the "new age" astral vamp but i mean come on these are the same ppl who dress their kids up for samhain and parade them around bumming candy from others im not saying that i never had a "trick or treating" but i sure as hell dont intend my child to partake of such a strange and rude practice as that and as for "proof" what do you wish for? a ripped out neck and a smiling Nosferatu leering with your own blood dripping off his chin? pllz! i could only wish such a thing on a person such as your self and as far as being a person who would be proud to state that they live in a place named as hell and would have no problem stating it i can only say bahhumbug sir you are why i would love to have the cash needed to leave america for good and trust me i would most certainly never come back it is the same guffawing that you have sown on a site such as this that proves to a person such as myself and many others that most Americans have no sense of humor at all much less anything that truly constitutes fauth thank you all for hearing my rant sincerely Drainsuslowly !!!
Posted by drainsuslowly  on  Thu May 10, 2007  at  09:33 AM
I've studied religion for over 30 years, many of them from the inside. I believe that a desire for supernatural mystery is a valid human hunger.

I encourage it's exploration.


I've read all four books of the Temple of the Vampire and much of it is claptrap. They claim that Jesus died in battle in the First Century... kind of like the unsubstantiated claim that he showed up in the good old USA via Mormonism.

At first I was impressed with the author, until I realized the limited range of his vision. Most of this is rewarmed hermetics, psychology and pure schucketerism, without any real answers. Much of it is double speak.

For example, let's look at the section on summoning the undead (they seem pretty dead to me if you have to summon them from the ether): The author instructs, "Breathe in and out to summon the undead spirits." Then, later in the book we're told, ways to tell that the undead are present "include tingling in your extremities."

In Medical texts this is called hyperventilation, and tingling in the extremities is a common manifestation.

Also, it is a debate technique, by the way, to challenge people not to take you on faith, then feed them bullcrap. It undermines one's natural inclination to skepticism.

Hence the defenders who say, "We are challenged to test everything we are taught," while still promoting the idea that they can inhale other people's souls. Even their leader warns them that much of what he says "may be fact or fancy."

I suppose his lawyer told him to add this, in case one of his plastic fang wearing followers brings daddy's shotgun to school.

If you want to prove your claims of physical immortality then please produce a 500 year old undead person. If you cannot do that, then shut up.

I suppose the vampires found golden tablets in the woods. Unfortunately, they never explain how they know all of this stuff. In other words, Nemo, who I personally know to be trained in psychology and hypnotism makes it up as he goes along.

Defending this silly scam of a "vampire" religion by arguing that it is as valid as Christianity is ridiculous. Bram Stoker must be turning in his grave. Why would anyone with church experience want to be like a Christian, or hold this up as a good thing for the thinking person???

From my point of view the Pagans and Satanists have it right. There may be gods and goddesses... or maybe not. As for life on Earth, the only testable law is Tooth and Claw.

All else occurs in the twilight.
Posted by Mystic  on  Fri May 11, 2007  at  04:03 PM
Mystic first of all i have no problem at all with you expressing your views in fact i welcome it but to say such things as "I suppose his lawyer told him to add this, in case one of his plastic fang wearing followers brings daddy's shotgun to school.
" kinda gives the public the opinion that every "goth" kid out there role plays being a vampire to the point that they are a danger to the public not so!!! i am a solitary satanist and have been hated ,searched illegally ,harassed and in general socially abused my whole life for being in their own words "different" and to hear some one who agrees with the satanic view of life and faith yet be so foolish as to act Christian by making false statements such as that and grouping everyone who is a mature responsible adult with an alternative life style or faith as one of those stereotypes of person well...all i can say is may the powers of common sense lay hold of you so strongly that it breaks your neck for you are no better than the hick scum that i have had to deal with in my past as im sure many others have to also
drainsuslowly p.s next time you make a statement such as that pllz consult your own lawyer as to charges YOU may face for slanderous statements thnx
Posted by drainsuslowly  on  Sun May 13, 2007  at  12:37 PM
The TOV are a bunch greedy buggers exploiting people with mental illness.

I have read the Bible and it 'preaches' complete narcism and is against all groups and religions. They promote that members must keep their beliefs secret as its supposed to be something very personal to them. It encourages people isloating themsleves and outlines meditation practices to 'bring the undead gods into your room'.

What a great way to suck money out vulnerable people with mental illness.
Posted by theantiVamp  on  Mon May 21, 2007  at  04:32 AM
Mystic, is your name Karl M. by any chance? How can I contact you by email?
Posted by Theoi  on  Wed May 23, 2007  at  05:52 PM
please, i want the five recommended vampire bible
Posted by celestine  on  Sun May 27, 2007  at  07:51 AM
please, i need the five recommended vampire bibles thanks
Posted by celestine  on  Sun May 27, 2007  at  08:00 AM
Hey, by all means I am not being mean, but I don't know who you all are really but you do not need to get vampire bibles for any reason. It is not worth it. If your a vampire, wanting to be a vampire or what ever you do not need a bloody bible to be it. It is just a way for people to get money. Some of you have been saying that and it is true. People just make the rules and follow them plus they are more like guide lines anyway. You all ready know them anyway, your instinks is what you follow not a bible. But that is just my oppinion.
Posted by no one  on  Fri Jun 01, 2007  at  08:44 PM
Oh, thanks for the link by the way.
Posted by no one  on  Fri Jun 01, 2007  at  08:45 PM's "Temple of the Vampire" calls itself ToV and is a rip-off of the latin priesthood of the "oriental" Temple of Vampires found in central America first revealed to the general public through through a 1950s radio play. will request that you buy their incomplete and plagiarised "Vampire Bible" to join and this will *then* tell you that you can not *really* know anything unless you join the inner temple of the priesthood of Ur. Of course to do this you must be an active subscribing member for a couple of years and purchase the vampire predator bible then pay for certification as a vampire predator, and only then buy the vampire priesthood bible and of course pay for certification as a vampire priest signing a contract never to speak out against the temple. At which point you will realise that you can not really achieve immortality unless one progresses to the level of Adept and buys the vampire sorcerer bible and pays for certification as a vampire sorcerer and then finally buy the vampire Adept bible and pay for certification as an Adept. If you have anymore questions for Magister Nemo (the Church of Satan rep who set the whole thing up) after this which he does not like (and invariably cannot answer competently) then he will always excommunicate you as he is also the ultimate executive. Look for the original Temple of Vampires instead.
Posted by Kazikli Bey  on  Sat Jun 16, 2007  at  02:20 PM
The Tov say they do not condone any activity that is illegal. Well, these people are saying untruths in their bible that vampires wrote the US Bill of Rights.

Perhaps it is debatable whether this is illegal, but it is certainly going against real historical facts and implying strongly that the US govt supports vampirism. Perhaps there are some legal 'sedition' considerations here.

And any 'religion' that promotes extreme narcism and that living alone and isolated is a good thing, and keeping this secret while members have to pay subscription fees to them is perhaps a form of exploitation and emotional abuse of the mentally ill, which may also have some illegal implications ?
Posted by anti vamp  on  Mon Aug 06, 2007  at  04:34 AM
And another thing : Vampires Suck !

What a boring existence ! Being alone in your room, sitting in a chair all day trying to summon undead gods. Paying subscription fees to the TOV, while they are laughing their way to the bank, probably holidaying in the Bahamas somewhere.

Now lets take a real Vampire (they arnt real buts lets assume they are for one minute), they cant enjoy the taste of food, they cant play any sport during the day, they cant do anything much other than go around sucking blood off people like you and I ! Being immortal, then I think you would get very bored of that after about 2 years, leaving you to a 'lifetime' of complete mental torment.

The concept is just ridiculous and a complete scam.
Posted by anti Vamp  on  Tue Aug 07, 2007  at  10:32 PM
Hi everyone,

I've gone all the way up to "adept status".

The rest of you get off drugs or clear your head.

Take care.

PS: Great book(s)
Posted by Some dude  on  Tue Aug 21, 2007  at  02:44 PM
Anyone proud of any status they have reached would have to be in a psychotic and manic state, or sadly just very lonely or someone from the 'religion' trying to promote in a bizarre way more business for themselves.

Why is it, unlike other religions, that in order to reach a certain 'status' you are forced to pay the religion money ? To participate at all there is a minimum amount you must pay. Other religions may ask for donations but that is flexible and not mandatory. Other religions also dont require you to keep your involvement secret, but to be very open about it. What have they got to hide ?
Posted by antiVamp  on  Wed Aug 22, 2007  at  11:56 PM
umm well for starters, i dont believe vampirism is a religion, tht ToV bullshit is just tht, bullshit, however there are people who have a need for either blood or pranic/astral/psi energy or they could A)die...B)become depressed...C)have a mental breakdown and do sumthing either stupid or dangerous or both
these people are not immortal, they eat normal food and it tastes good, they can walk in sunlight though they may easily sunburn or be blinded by the light or have their mood effected in some way
if a bat can be parasitic off other creature's blood, why could there be a condition where a human was also forced to be parasitic?
these "Vampires" for lack of a better word are completely normal and functioning members of society, they have jobs and go to school and have children just like everyone else, just once in a while they like their steak incredibly rare or raw
i believe everyone has a right to their own opinions and no one should have to pay to talk to people with a similar mindset or belief system
some of them choose to take blood from a consenting adult donor, but roleplayers and false religious groups really need to stop because its very annoying

well there is my 5:33 AM after being up all night philosophy
if anyone has any questions my AIM is chicoine666,
and for more information about real vampires, visit
Posted by Mike  on  Sun Sep 23, 2007  at  04:32 AM
Dear Lord, Mike, grow up. I hate be rude, but these things simply are not true. There are no such thing as a vampires- only fools acting ridiculous because they think people will pay more attention to them if they behave like undead freaks.
Posted by Nick  on  Sun Oct 07, 2007  at  06:13 PM
like i sed, they arent undead
their body doesnt produce enough hemoglobin to sustain their lives
ever hear of hemophilia?
or anaemia for tht matter?
Posted by mike  on  Sun Oct 14, 2007  at  02:10 PM
oh ok get this bullshit, ok first off i have a life, a job a house a cat and dog, i told this nemo mother fucker that i got paid under the table for my job and he said i was involed in the black market, i'm here to tell you that, i'm on ssi and can only make up to $60.00 bucks or i loose my ssi check. so i had to break it down for him that i clean houses and offlices as my job and that i don't get paid on there time sheets and that the time that i do work goes onto my gfs time sheet and she gets the money and gives it to me for the time that i've worked, ya well this nemo's not very smart by the looks of things if he can just fly off the handle as he does without finding all the facts first, what a dumb fucker he is. i can sue his happy ass right now for slander. pisses me off, fuck him and his fake ass shit to the lowest bowls of hell. so he suppend my account at TOV for his fuck up, wow thats really smart you dumb bastard. you not smarter then me and you just go pissed off cuz you were wrong, grow up nemo and get some real balls, you childish motherfucker. maby i am a bit childish too but i still get my work done and done right, i can live with that, hell i've had a gf for 10 years and she loves me to death after all this time, so i must be doing something right. plus i took collage psyc 101 when i was 16, so i know all the little mind games people try to pull so i can tell you right now that he is full of himself, self deluted fucktard. that small enough for your tiny brain nemo the dumb ass fish, loser.
Posted by mick  on  Fri Oct 26, 2007  at  05:53 PM
and here's the email he sent me for the post above this one.

You posted in part: "...getting paid under the table for starters and
if thats what it takes for me to live then so be it."

Your complete post is reproduced below my signature.

This is against Temple Law as it advocates criminal activity.

It is illegal to participate in the black market.

I am suspending your membership as of now.

You will need to convince this Temple that you have abandoned this
line of thought to have your membership restored.

This is not an issue of debate.



You will have to totally abandon this line of thinking and action to
remain in the Temple.
Internet Administrator
Temple of the Vampire

still struggling, not in the least. i've had a girlfrend for 10 years
we have our own house, i pay all of my bills on time. My gf helped me
get a job and her boss says i do a better job then 3 girls combind,
i'm not lazy others just hold me back from doing what i love and i
would do anything even die as a mortal for them but i'd rather become
a vampire and thats what i'm working on, sucking lifeforce from my cat
and dog, my gfs dad and my gf. As far as the SSI thing goes, theres no
way out of it. but as in everthing there is an easy way to do things
as in getting money, like getting paid under the table for starters
and if thats what it takes for me to live then so be it. Now that
i've held a job for about 2 months, now i could not be happier. so as
you can see, if it takes ten bucks and a buttload of practice on the
nightside, it will be done. thats just too easy. if you have anymore
questions i'll be gald to get back to you on them. getting to know me
as a person is best before any kind of comments about me and my
personal life are made please and thank you its best left in the dark
for now, sence you are the system it will be no feat at all to find
out about me. i have no fear about becoming a vampire, i'm now making
it my lifes work. i will in time learn to feed off of humans, its just
a matter of time, cuz thats all i have left in this world. the rest of
my lifes work is now so easy its not even funny. i'm just as smart as
HP tech support and much easier to understand, i've studied collage
phyc 101 when i was 16 and the other teachers couldn't understand what
i was talking about and yet they let me pick what i wanted to learn
about and then grade me accordingly. So i know i the little mind games
that people that i've met before this try to do to me and they get mad
cuz they can't pull the wool over my eyes. which i has to hold my
toung and just laugh at them in my head, lol. so sence this is a
public thing i'll just have to let you get to know me. Smile your prey
is learing.

Humans are my prey and i will feed from there blood.

Have a good feeding.
Posted by mick  on  Fri Oct 26, 2007  at  06:06 PM
well i've sent him 2 letters and he's ignoring me, wow does he treat his family like that, beatting his wife or GF for that matter, hell i wouldn't put it past this guy thats into satan and stole the COS's guidlines and changed a few of the words around, but if you read the church of satan's site you'll see that its nothing more than the mirror affect. change this and that and beat my wife with a wiffel ball bat, to that end, sturring his pot of visions, while telling lies to the people that have weak wills and have nothing better to do. well i'm dropping out of the religion thing all togather, i have to get back to a real life with people that love me just for who and what i am, not to brain wash you into thinging other wise. They are real friends and not people out for a quick buck, speaking of which i think nemo's really pissed off cuz he found out i was on ssi and didn't think i can get him 10 bucks right when he wanted it, fuck that dude in the ear for all i care, they say that if you want to sell something lie your ass off to sell it. then the dead fish that he is makes a book, then sells it too, god's are for small minded people that have nothing to hold on to in this world so they just make it up as they go along, they always loose there followings sooner or later, its just a matter of time before he pisses of the wrong person, history shows us that all too well i might add. well peace the fuck out ya'll, hehe
Posted by mick  on  Sun Oct 28, 2007  at  08:32 AM
Finally, a posting devoted to naming this organization as a HOAX.

It's a well-orchestrated hoax, dare I say brilliant, but a hoax nonetheless. It
Posted by Watching Your Wallet  on  Sun Dec 09, 2007  at  08:44 PM
Oh boy, lookie what I found on a google search for "temple of the vampire" and it even comes up in the top ten. How auspicious!

Where, oh where, is the almighty, immortal vampire Nemo to set the record straight here regarding the Temple of the Vampire? One of his ambiguous replies would be absolutely perfect just about now.

Come, tell the world how your organization is not a complete and utter hoax. Tell us how you think you are all elite and above the rest of humanity. Tell us how you're going to physically live forever, though I've heard you're getting older by the day, just like everyone else. Only human, isn't that right?

Most important of all, please tell us how many members of your organization are actually over the age of say... I dunno... how about 400 years old. That would qualify as someone who has succeeded in physical immortality to some degree, or at the very least, outlived his fellow man. This request implies living, breathing candidates only please, who are also subscribing members to your website.

You don't have to even give any names. Just a number, a statistic will do. Even one person? Anyone? I'll bet the majority of your members are under the age of 35, no?

Is it true there are no real immortals amongst your membership ranks? Even someone over the age of 150 years old might stir up some vague curiosity and a sense of credibility on your behalf.

Tell us, is Lucas Martel an immortal vampire? Isn't he the gentleman that signs all the membership title contracts which you then revoke at your nearest convenience?

Are all the immortals so feeble they cannot type words on a keyboard? Come on! I want to meet an immortal vampire!!!!!

Hey, if you're really watching as you say, I'd have already met you, but alas, I have not. If you all were really watching, you'd stop me from typing these words. You're not watching at all. See, I'm still typing!!!!!

Your motto is "Test everything, believe nothing" but isn't it true that anyone who doesn't do exactly as they are ordered is forced out of the group? What happens when you test everything and discover it's just a bunch of bullshit?

We want answers!!!!! Tell us it isn't really just a money-making hoax, Nemo. Please!!!!!

For Satan's sake, please tell us.
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Tue Dec 18, 2007  at  10:02 PM
u ppl got it all wrong. when i was a kid my tooth fell out and i put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy took it and left me a dollar and santa claus used to leave me presence under the x-mas tree every year until i stopped believing in them both. the undead gods are like that too. don't ever stop believing in them or they won't come anymore. if u make them mad they put curses on u like it says on the website somewhere. u can't prove they're not real just like u can't prove crop circles, ufos, and the easter bunny are not real either.
Posted by bob  on  Wed Dec 19, 2007  at  11:15 AM
i forgot to mention that undead gods are real scary too and feed on dead ppl who are lost and trying to get to heaven. i hope they don't feed on my mommy and daddy, but if i make it to adept before that i can become an undead god too and tell them no don't eat my mommy and daddy when they die because they should go to heaven.
Posted by bob  on  Wed Dec 19, 2007  at  07:59 PM
Being a vampire enthusiast, it was only natural that I would join TOV to further explore the world of vampirism. Unfortunately most of those people are kooks and what you discover after you join is that they have very little to do with actual vampires at all. It's mostly all new age gobbledygook cloaked in vampire trappings. Anyone interested in actual vampires will most likely find themselves disappointed, as it is more like a cult than anything else, and ironically these people who are so in tune with the failings of others cannot see past their own delusions or lack of critical thinking when it comes to their own religion. All TOV really cares about is getting your money. I really objected to how they claim to be an ancient religion when in fact they are only as ancient as the late 1980's. Anyone who believes in all the crap they are selling really needs to either re-evaluate their conclusions or get their heads examined. It's mostly fancy and very little fact, and certainly not worth paying a monthly fee to be involved with. There are much better resources available to anyone seeking knowledge about vampires. Don't believe everything they say, because they are making lots of money off your ignorance and spiritual bondage.
Posted by Not Your Friend  on  Sat Dec 22, 2007  at  03:48 PM
One of those tov people friend requested me at myspace with this on his page:

"I expect all those asking to be my friend and on my friends list to be responsible, adult members of society. I will not accept members to my friends list who condone acts which are illegal in this country or the country in which that potential "friend" resides. I do not and will never condone illegal, irresponsible behavior such as using illegal drugs, committing acts of unjustified violence, drinking blood, participating in cannibalism, or anything of that nature. Please note this before asking me to be your "friend." And if you are denied by me, this is likely the reason why I have done so. Thank you."

I was like, uhhh.. no thanks.

Does being a responsible adult entail pretending to be a vampire, too? If they don't take part in those activities listed, then why mention them at all? Why would I want to be friends with a person that appears to be fighting against these strange behavioral impulses?
Posted by David  on  Wed Jan 02, 2008  at  09:16 PM
The mentally deranged need love too!
Posted by Not Your Friend  on  Sun Jan 06, 2008  at  10:09 PM
They don't need love.. they need a dose of reality! There simply aren't any REAL vampires. Trust me!

Hey.. where is Nemo? Somebody find Nemo, for Satan's sake.
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Sat Jan 12, 2008  at  05:08 PM
Within lies fact and fancy, truth and metaphor. Discriminate with care, about 9 posts above this one, did nemo discriminate with care, no for you people that are kinda slow upstairs. It was rude to ignore someone that was simply trying to explain his case to this nemo the dream master fake fucker, that took it wrong, by the look of detail put into the posts, hopefully more TOV members will come forth and expose this nemo person thats been with COS and then made the spin off to COS as TOV. One ex-member has shown proof of his lies. so we all know there 100's more out there, spread the word to protect your friends and loved ones from this person. but you mick were right to state your case, he would't last 5 mins in a court of law, fuck you nemo. you spolied prick. see your ass in court.

Start the anit-cos&tov;movement today right now!
Posted by Mick  on  Sun Jan 13, 2008  at  02:12 AM
actually, you cant sue him, u paid for a book and membership to a forum, not immortality. therefore if you got the book when you paid for it and acess to their forum when you paid for it you have no grounds for a lawsuit, and i have no idea what you have against the COS, they dont hurt anyone and actually fight for the taxation of all religiously affiliated organizations
Posted by bob  on  Sun Jan 13, 2008  at  02:45 PM
If only the COS would open it's eyes to the parasite sucking on it's own jugular, otherwise known as TOV, making otherwise intelligent folk appear foolish or otherwise naive (thanks for the word Linguasomething) for believing in vampiric fairy tales of imagined power and immortality.

Grow up already.

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now, though I am still waiting for the eternally "watching" vampires to intervene here and shed some of their ignorance on the discussion at hand. Where are the undead when you need them the most? I thought they were supposed to come when you summoned them.

ps. bob.. don't I know you from somewhere? Your soul seems awfully familiar to me.
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Sun Jan 13, 2008  at  10:46 PM
pss. I did buy the Vampire Bible from the TOV. I'm calling and calling, but only my cat seems interested. No undead gods present. Just me, but that's all that really matters. Just go through all the TOV circles and pay all that money and you'll see that it's only you in the mirror after all.
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Sun Jan 13, 2008  at  11:05 PM
the undead gods only come if u send nemo the money. that is part of the deal they have with him, tho i don't why they would need money if they are gods. maybe the money is for when they come back to rule over the ppl. as long as they don't eat my parents ghosts when they die and feed on their souls, i will welcome them and pay nemo every month so i can make it to adept and become a super vampire like him. he's my hero after all. if you just send him the money or do it thru paypal, the undead will come when you call. it's like a prepaid cell phone. if you don't pay first, you don't get any service. if you send the money, they come into your bedroom or shower and feed on you so you can become a vampire god like nemo, my hero. and no, satan, i don't think we've met unless you are undead like the undead gods who i worship and who will someday give me super powers cause i am very special and born to rise above other ppl. u can make fun all u want, but u can't prove i'm wrong. vampires are reeeeal.
Posted by bob  on  Thu Jan 24, 2008  at  10:05 PM
undead is not of the phyical realm, there for they are beyond the need for money. as told in there vampire bible. there nothing but energy drinkers. there more of the wrath then vampire. as told buy the human liers. i'm human this i know and i reject it, but still live it. invest your time in the study of dark matter. oh thats to ahead of your time. you want to fly dark matter is the key to flight. not being a vampire, duh!!! just like george carlin said, gods are all powerful and all knowing, yet some how they just can't handle money. its bullshit, its a scam, its a lie, enjoy rotting in the ground. its better to face ones desteny then to cower form it, your human and no modifacation of your body will change that, down to your dna you are human, get over it and end this pointless converation.
Posted by mike  on  Thu Jan 24, 2008  at  10:24 PM
hey Satan, i think u were talking to me not bob, i rarely go by my real name cuz its the internet and u nvr know, and i live in massachusetts, so unless u mean have i met Satan, no i havent met u, but i probably will meet Satan, im sure him and i will be great buddies
Posted by mike  on  Mon Jan 28, 2008  at  06:13 PM
Satan is the best buddy you could ever have. Better than any so-called vampire god aka hallucination.
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Mon Jan 28, 2008  at  07:29 PM
Perhaps imaginary friend is a better term for undead god. LOL!
Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Mon Jan 28, 2008  at  07:31 PM
Come on!!!!! Where is Nemo????? I want you to tell us you aren't really ripping off Church of Satan Members with all of your bullshit!!! Tell us it isn't true!!! Tell us you are not using your COS affiliation and your buddies' credibility to dupe Church of Satan Members into joining your organization and believing in all of your un-Satanic lies!!!!! Tell us how much you really care!!! Tell us, damn it!!!!! Set the record straight, Nemo!!!!!

Hello????? Earth to Nemo. Come in, Nemo.

Posted by SATAN!!!!!  on  Thu Feb 07, 2008  at  07:15 PM
So this may be dumb to post on the net but i reallllllllly would not mind becoming a vampire, it may sound silly to some people like the rantings of a child but i have read, and reread many articals, books, etc. regarding the subject and though i have never met a vampire (that i am aware of) i find that if people can believe in god, (which i do not i am agnostic) then i can believe in supernatrual beings. i don't know how anyone could be afraid of vampires, to think they need us to survive is almost a comfort, though i'm sure if confronted with a hungery (or thirsty if you look at it that way) Vampire i would be singing a different song...crap i don't know what i think any longer...
Posted by Sarah  on  Mon Feb 18, 2008  at  07:24 PM
Sarah, their need for you, real or imagined, makes them weak and pathetic. They are not much different than a welfare bum who is leeching off the system. Parasites. I've met several so-called real vampires, and they were all either deluded fools or con-artists. Many believe they are part of some elite species. Obviously, they are lacking in several critical areas. They are not above humanity. They are beneath us.
Posted by Blade  on  Thu Feb 21, 2008  at  10:25 AM
yes Blade, i guess YOU could think that their need makes them weak. but im afraid that such an outlook on those diffrent from ourselfs is an epiedmic that has plaged mankind since the begining of time. and comman sense tells us that no one is going to out themselves as a vampire if they really are one. i really am sorry to disagree with you!! but to tell the truth i don't think that vampires are real. just a myith to explain the unknown.
Posted by Sarah  on  Mon Feb 25, 2008  at  04:02 PM
Funny thing.. we DO agree after all. In the end, there are no vampires. There are only people who think they are vampires. They, however, are very real, as fake as their worlds may be. Congratulations though, you have realized what I hoped you would!
Posted by Blade  on  Wed Feb 27, 2008  at  09:35 PM
Yeah. I also joined the TOV. It was really worth it. Here's why.

That ring kicks so much ass on an aesthetic level, and it serves as a wonderful reminder of how much the carnival has not only stayed alive, full and well to this day, but how much it has also spread out in to new avenues of "sucka-tree" That means, the hunt for suckers.

Well, the TOV, not sorry to say, is any different than Falwell slapping someone with a 10 pound book as some healing remedy for gout, and to boot, the CoS has become no better than the ToV or Falwell again.

Listen to them both for your own sake, then call me a liar. Because I'll tell you what, I am a big fat fucking liar, and I love it. Why? Because I'm better at it than any of those carny bastards, and I've even told on my self, and I still won't ever get caught in a lie. lol.

Falwell, Gilmore, Nemo, all sound or write exactly the same.

How is that you wonder, with Falwell's aggression aside, his style just happens to match that of Nemo and Gilmore. Why? Because after Anton bit it, as we all will, they became more aggressive themselves. They became what they were afraid of, and now that their reason for not being afraid is fucking dead, they have no where else to turn, except backward, which is exactly where I said they would be years ago.

Anton was the only CoS member, and remains to be the last. As for Satanists, well, just ask anyone!

I'm not even that good. Yeah sure, he has "been debunked". But never while he was alive. And that is the key. Make sure all of the monkeys can ONLY talk behind your back, it is you pulling the trigger for them even after death. Amusing no?

Reinventing the wheel, and in the shittiest lazy fucking ways imaginable.

Why then are they able to sucker so many in?

That movie V for Vendetta. "If you're looking for the guilty, you need only look in a mirror."

If that makes no sense, I'll assume you are potential ToV and CoS material, because the "Not like Most" are becoming just like them all, and so it is real easy to find like minds, now in-it?

Nemo has a hard time scabbing because he's a portly little wafer with delusions of being Barnibus Collins with his nifty little walking stick, which if unnecessary is only there as a kick stand to keep his fat arse from becoming beached. He's not immortal, any more than Cpt. Crunch is Coronal Akula's Daddy.

But at least when he reads this, he can laugh me off and say to himself, in his computer ROOM, "insert typical Nemo jargon here and there through out....the jokes on you pal, because I'm a member of the CoS. I knew Anton, I have a cane, and I know how to wobble with it. So there pion!"

Am I bitter with ToV? No. I got what I wanted out of them. Nifty and semi-gracious craftsmanship on a silver ring.

CoS? I love the stupid bastards. Why? Well simply put, if it weren't for them, no one else would have been kept in business all these years (Since 1966)
Posted by Nemo literally means NOTHING  on  Sun Mar 02, 2008  at  03:38 PM
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