Return of the Jedi: New Ending

image Here's something that's causing serious Star Wars fans to roll their eyes in disgust. The rumor going around is that in the upcoming DVD release of the Star Wars series, George Lucas has altered the ending of Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) so that Hayden Christensen has replaced Sebastian Shaw in the final scene that shows the ghosts of Darth Vader, Yoda, and Obi wan Kenobi standing together. As some have pointed out, this doesn't make sense because why would Darth Vader's ghost be young, while the ghosts of Yoda and Obi wan are both old? Nevertheless, there's photographic evidence to back up the rumor, as well as a film clip hosted over at If it's a hoax, someone has put a bit of effort into manufacturing these altered scenes.


Posted on Tue Aug 03, 2004


🐛 you see Darth Vadar or the old Aniken, (Shaw) could not be the good spirit with Yoda and Obi because his spirit as Darth Vadar was always on the dark side thus he could not live forever in the spirit world. :roll: this may have been an after thought on the film creators behalf...after 4,5,6 however it all makes sence to have him young and the others old because they passed from this world to the spirit world as they were 'good' - young Aniken was his good spirit which was still within him!
Posted by JEDI FAN  on  Fri Jun 24, 2005  at  12:50 PM
Maybe that last was a little goofy, but OK
Posted by geek-o-holic  on  Fri Jun 24, 2005  at  06:13 PM
Muppet. Shaw wasn't always part of the dark side. Thats the whole point. Who Killed the emperor? Hayden Christensen? I don't think so. as Shaw, Vader earned his redemption. once again, I'm forced to point out that the young Anakin and the old Anakin are the same person. Difference being, the young anakin really isn't supposed to be on this timeline. All it is, Is George Lucas being the twat that he sadly so often is in recent times. There's no other significance implied. Anyone else care to be ignorant enough to argue?
Posted by Rickford  on  Sun Jun 26, 2005  at  08:13 AM
By the way "Jedi Fan" you're exposing your actual level of star wars knowledge, by repeatedly refering to Anakin as "Anaken" 😉
Posted by Rickford  on  Sun Jun 26, 2005  at  08:16 AM
Okay, so this a group of flamers now. We are all fans of Star Wars wether we can spell the names of the characters or not. Everybody is going to have their opinion on this and I don't think that going as low as attacking others does any good. Telling people they need to be slapped or getting spun up about something said here only shows a lack of maturity rarely seen outside of politics.
Posted by geek-o-holic  on  Sun Jun 26, 2005  at  09:43 AM
hey, just cause I'm right. Although on reflection a little more tact may have been prudent.
Posted by Rickford  on  Mon Jun 27, 2005  at  07:59 AM
You guys need to calm down a little. These movies have always been my favorite of all time. I like the new ending.. It a bridge of sorts between the new ones and ours. that is absolutly correct about Anakin. He should be young, that's when he turned to the dark side. So yes, thats the form he should assume, because thats when he technically died. So just get over it and enjoy it, because its here to stay no matter what we think or say!!! Still love them and will always love them, no matter what.
Posted by bob  on  Tue Jul 05, 2005  at  05:15 AM
Posted by Rickford.  on  Tue Jul 05, 2005  at  06:47 AM
I find this ending to be apporpiate. I watched the old movies combined with the new ones, and it makes alot of sense.

Lord Sidious had a master, Darth Plagueis who had the gift of immortality. He taught his apprentice this gift. When Anakin fell to the dark side, Sidious mentioned that he and Anakin have to discover the secret of immortality. He might of teached Vader this "gift" in between after Revenge of the Sith and before A New Hope. And Vader was just using Anakin's spirit to keep him alive.

But the bad part of this threoy is what if Sidious spoon fed Anakin this info.
Posted by Ioini  on  Tue Jul 05, 2005  at  10:25 PM
I actually like that new ending for some reason 😛 I know it kind of ruins the original "magic" if you will, but the final "new" version looks really good! I would actually prefer this ending to the old one. I'm so bad, I know. Lol 😉
Posted by Josh  on  Fri Nov 04, 2005  at  01:53 PM
"uh...... He is not a robot, he merely needs the life support suit to live. Remember, the name Darth Vader has nothing to do with the black suit he wears, he only wears that because he has to.

Anyways, I disagree with them reamking the ending with Hayden as the ghost of Anakin, ans here is why. Anakin does indeed "die" (not phyiscally) in Episode III when he turns to the dark side, and becomes the dreaded darth vader. However, Darth Vader dies (not physically) the moment he kills the Emperor and saves Luke's life. The man who dies next to Luke's X wing with his helmet is off is NOT Darth Vader, but Anakin Skywalker who had returned to the Skywalker. So when Anakin physically dies, it is not Vader who is dying, but Anakin dying. So for those saying "well it needs to be hayden so it reflects that its Anakian!" that really is not correct. Hayden Christianson merely portrays Anakin Skywalker when he is about 19 years old. But Anakin physically dies when he is about 40 (since eps 4-6 take place about 20 years after Episode 3) so obviously Anakin should be portrayed by someone who looks that aqe and looks like he could be Luke's father. He is supposed to luke the same as the scarred Anakin we see at the end of ROTJ right before he dies, except with no scarring, so its basically how he would look at that age had he not had fallen into the lava. So yeah, anyways it was an unecessary change, since, as I stated, the old Anakin (Sebastain Shaw) relects what Anakin looked like that age, and also reflects the Anakin Skywalker that killed the Emperor, saved luke, returned to the light side, and who ultimately brought balance to the force.

You could be partially correct, but I think you are incorrect. Yes at the end of RotJ Anakin comes back to the light side, but you said he would age. Well, I actually like this "good force spirit" being frozen in time theory. So when he comes back to the light, his true younger self is what was brought back. Since he was frozen in time he should have come back in the form his spirit was frozen in, so yes, it does make sense as to why he would look like that in ghost form in RotJ. 😊
Posted by Josh  on  Fri Nov 04, 2005  at  02:02 PM
I'll argue with you anytime, Rickford. You're wrong. Have you seen Revenge of the Sith, yet? The Emperor looked the way he did, because Mace Windu reflected his force lightening back at him with a lightsaber! Senator Palpatine had been a Sith for at least fifteen years (and probably much longer) at the time of Attack of the Clones and was aging normally. There is a huge difference between a seventy-eight year old and a forty-five year old in appearance! Sebastian Shaw was *completely* wrong as the spirit Anakin.

Obi-wan himself said that Anakin was dead, killed by Darth Vader! Mention was made several times that Anakin was "consumed by the dark side of the force," i.e. metaphysically dead. You may not like the changes and that is your right, but they are still the creation of George Lucas, and he strongly implied that this was the truth...and made the decision to put in Christiansen.

Now, I could have accepted them putting in a forty-five year old to play Anakin...or using makeup to age Christiansen. But I *never* liked Shaw as Anakin, even when the movie was first released in the eighties! So, for me the change works.
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Fri Nov 04, 2005  at  03:09 PM
I agree with you psi fi... but it is pointless to argue... die hard "old school" fans will fight to the death about this, even if it makes no scense to argue about it. George Lucas made this decision because he thought it was right...because it made more scense... he made the damn movies... what he says is right whether you stuborn fucks want to accept it or not. who are you to argue with GL anyway? the Hayden spirit was meant to be. just buy the OG version of star wars when they come out, and get back to your basement dwelling lives.
Posted by J-Mizzle  on  Sat Nov 05, 2005  at  12:21 AM
I am not arguing or taking sides. I am only being informative. So please do not flame me.

Rickford's post does have some truth in them. Many of my official star wars books state that Siths age quicker than Jedi, due to the ill nature of the dark side of the force, especially IF they are able to wield "Sith Lightning". This is because it drains the Sith warrior physically. This is the reason why the Emperor and Count Dooku appear older than they are. Also at the end of Episode 6, Vader is immersed in the Emperor's lightning. This explains why Vader appears to be old and cindered at the end, where Luke takes off his helmet. Not to mention we see Anakin flamed in Episode 3, so that doesn't help his appearance!

Obi-Wan tells Luke that Anakin is dead for two reasons.
No1. Anakin is consumed by the Dark side, but no entirely, I will say why later *.
No2. Obi-Wan doesn't want to scare Luke that the Opposition (Imperial Empire) he is fighting is controlled (not headed, that
Posted by Just a Fan  on  Sun Jan 01, 2006  at  12:54 PM
I'm sorry, but no. I can't agree.

First, Vader *never* wields Force lightning, so that can't be why he aged. According to the prequels, even if Sith age faster than Jedi, it can't be much faster. Palpatine, who *does* wield Force lightning, proves it. As a public figure, he *had* to age normally to avoid suspicion.

So, even if Vader was aging fast, he wasn't aging nearly *twice* as fast as normal. Vader was thirty three years younger than Shaw! He looked scarred in RotJ because of his injuries from Mustafar and he hadn't seen sunlight in twenty years.

Obi-wan told Luke Anakin was dead, because he feared Luke would refuse to kill his father. He honestly believed Anakin was completely consumed by the Dark Side and was beyond any redemption.

Yes, a small part of Anakin always existed, which allowed him to be redeemed. He knew Luke was stronger in the Force than he was. He also believed going to the Dark Side would make Luke even stronger and we know that *isn't* true.

Yes, as in Episode 3, the Emperor wanted to trade an older apprentice for a younger or simply stronger one. Vader doesn't have to be an old man for that to make sense. A twenty year old is stronger, yet easier to control, than a forty five year old. The Emperor knew if Luke didn't kill Vader, but went to the Dark Side, that the father and son would kill *him!* In fact, Vader says the Emperor *foresaw* Luke killing him or as it turns out causing his death.

"Vader senses (Episode 4-6) Luke can crush the Imperial Empire and maybe be able to redeem Vader from Palpatine" Not true. Vader knows Luke has the power to kill the *Emperor,* but states flat out that it's too late for Vader. He denies that completely, right until he has to finally choose between serving evil and saving his son's life.

*Vader* is not accepted by the Light. Anakin defeats Vader, effectively destroying him, and dies. I could accept his appearing his actual age, since he was alive in the Light at the end. But, given that he *did* come back to the Light, why would his spirit reflect the ravages of the Dark Side??

It was *Vader* who experienced those ravages, not Anakin. And, as shown by the prequel trilogy, the premature aging wasn't that extreme! He might have looked fifty or fifty five, ten years older than his true age. But *seventy-eight!!* No way. Not even.

Plus, I think the argument that his spirit *has* to reflect how he looked when he died is weak. By those rules, he should have been bald and scarred! That's the way he was when he died, whether Vader or Anakin! If the Force was going to restore him physically, why not take him back to the last time in his life that he was truly himself?

I did watch all six movies in order starting with TPM.

Sorry, but if you want an older Anakin, then Shaw should be replaced by someone about forty-five to fifty-five. A seventy eight year old is just wrong!
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Tue Jan 10, 2006  at  10:44 PM
I just watched episode 6 and they have swtiched the old vader for Hayden christensen
Posted by abby  on  Thu Jan 26, 2006  at  12:06 AM
I liked the new ending. It ties the movies together. Plus it makes sense for Anakin's spirit to look like it did before he crossed to the Dark Side since when he died he had turned good again.
Posted by bertjo  on  Mon Jan 30, 2006  at  06:08 PM
who cares about all the "what is should be" and "it doesnt work out" Hayden Christensen is who was anniken skywalker and plus he looks way hotter than that other old bloke!! hayden rocks!!
Posted by Emma Jones  on  Mon Apr 03, 2006  at  01:53 AM
LET ME TELL YOU; MY STOMACH WAS TURNED INSIDE OUT WHEN I SAW A YOUNG ANAKIN SKYWALKER STANDING THERE... IT should have been the old man damn it,,,,....... and i decided that i would watch the version of 2004 over again..

this isnt about him being young there, he died old, HE WAS REDEEMED, so he should have appeared old there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what i missed was qui gon, he should have been there to placing a hand on the shoulder of obi wan, and standing next to him anakin skywalker, and next to him yoda, and next to yoda, MACE WINDU!!!!!
Posted by yugyugy  on  Thu Aug 31, 2006  at  07:45 AM
Ah, but he didn't die old. He died middle aged. Forty-five is not old!

Qui-gon...maybe. I can understand putting him in, though that would have confused poor Luke. However, Mace Windu? Not a chance. His whole attitude in RotS stank. Why would he show up to see Anakin's son? He didn't even want Anakin trained and definitely wouldn't have supported Luke! It was a supportive moment of friend's reunited. Windu was hostile toward Anakin.
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Tue Sep 05, 2006  at  12:42 PM
The original should not have been edited!!!!!
Posted by jenny francis  on  Thu Sep 21, 2006  at  11:08 AM
Blasphemy!!!...haha I think it is meant to be more of a spiritual thing, Anakin has returned to that last image he had of himself as Anakin...kind of like Matrix body image. Here is the real question for the new Generation why not put Qui Gon Jin into the scene since Yoda refers to him teaching Obi Wan how to do the blue shimmery ghost thing in the first place (at the end of SW3) and it would be a logical chronological order of the Jedi Masters that influenced Luke.
Posted by Tyson  on  Wed Feb 28, 2007  at  12:33 AM
It's simple. Yoda and Obi-Wan appear as they looked when they died. If you want to get technical, Anakin died when he turned to the dark side, and became Vader. Thats why he should appear as he was before the turned. Some argue that he turned back at the end of Ep6 when he killed the Emperor and saved Luke, thus he should have stayed as the old man. I don't agree. As its stated many times in the series, once you turn to the dark side, you can't come back. The moment Vader killed the Emperor, he was no longer acting as Darth Vader, he was no longer under the control of the Emperor. The "good" on him won out over the "evil". At that moment, the "old man" that was Vader died! He was now acting as Anakin, before he turned to the dark side. So he died as THAT Anakin, and should appear THAT way. I think George Lucas did a great job on the edits. It binds the series together. Everyone seems to forget. There is not supposed to be an old and new Star Wars. All six moves are telling ONE story. Now that the technology existed for Lucas to realize the vision he had of his creation, he did well by going back and updating everything he did so he could tell his story they way he always intended it to be told. We cant think of Ep4-6 and Ep1-3 a2 different sets or stories. They are not, they are one set, one story, that is at last, complete.

Posted by Strider  on  Sat Jun 02, 2007  at  07:08 AM
all i can say is that I am thankful that I have the original Special Edition VCD box set for prosterity and not this new "re-engineered rubbish"
Posted by David  on  Wed Jun 06, 2007  at  01:40 PM
It really doesen't matter. Hayden only exists in a newer release, and will never be considered the original. Man , i liked shaw, he looks more kind hearted in Jedi. But man it's just like taking the cigarette out of the Beatles Abbey Road cover, trying to just erase history! there are way more copies of original and Special edition jedi out there that this will just be a little blip.
Posted by Marc  on  Mon Jun 18, 2007  at  11:44 AM
Nobody seems to point this out, so I'll do it for you guys. At the end of the real return of the Jedi, the first scene showing Anakin was Hayden Christensen , however. After Leia enters, the second scene WASN'T Hayden Christensen , he looked ten of fifteen years older, and I'm ashamed at alot of star wars fans for not noticing it, and for the ones who have. 😉 Oh and, Sebastian Shaw can go to hell. Picture that fatass weilding a Lightsaber. Sebby doesn't make a good Anakin AT ALL.
Posted by Asukte Arofo  on  Thu Jul 05, 2007  at  03:26 AM
Also, remember. This is for the new generation Star Wars fans, if you wanna see Sebastian Shaw, buy the original video box set. That is all, Arofo OUT!
Posted by Asukte Arfo  on  Thu Jul 05, 2007  at  03:29 AM
I'm surprised nobody has brought this up (or maybe I just misunderstood this aspect of the movies), but it seems that there was a thread throughout the first 3 episodes, that becoming a ghost is not something that just happens automatically when a jedi dies.

Qui Gon was the first to master this technique, and used the ghost form to teach Yoda and Obi Wan the technique while they were in exile.

Who taught Anakin how to become a ghost? Did Vader and the Emperor discover the immortality technique that they were looking for? If so, it doesn't make sense that he should appear as he was before the dark side corrupted him, since he learned the technique later, from the dark side.

I think what would make the most sense, though, is if Anakin did not appear in the ending. As far as I can tell, nobody ever taught him the technique. Furthermore, you see Luke burn Vader's corpse at the end of the movie. I seem to recall that all of the other jedis that became ghosts actually disappeared when they died, but not Anakin.

As for whether he would appear old or young, it really depends on how ghosts work in the Star Wars universe. Do ghosts have all of the same machine parts, clothing, wounds, and aging that they had when they were alive? Can spirits take on a form of their choosing? If so, what form would Anakin choose for such an occasion?
Posted by Who Knows  on  Sun Jul 29, 2007  at  08:22 PM
It's not about the older star wars fans. It's about the newer star wars fans. You people have to get over yourselves.. if you want to see Shaw playing Anakin.. then buy the box VHS set. Otherwise.. suck a ####.
Posted by Asukte  on  Tue Aug 28, 2007  at  02:59 AM
it coz when he was young he was burned and only alive threw machines so his souls ghost thing of he last natural form
Posted by dan  on  Wed Dec 05, 2007  at  06:06 AM
I just watched the "new and improved" Return of the Jedi and I didn't mind the new celebration scenes and such, but I hated just hated that they put Hayden Christianson as a spirit.

It doesn't even make sense. Obi Wan didn't all of a sudden become young again in his ghost, so why did Anikin? They should have kept the original scene. That was so stupid.
Posted by Kathy  on  Sun Apr 13, 2008  at  09:15 PM
I don't really find the change to be that big of a deal. Honestly if the Jedi can make their spirits into blue see though "ghosts" then why couldn't they make themselves look like their image of themselves? If you want to argue that Obi Wan and Yoda would then make themselves look younger then you are quite honestly just thinking about it way too much. It's Star Wars for pete's sake you can put too much thought into trying to find every little flaw in a sci-fi movie.
Posted by Washington Irving  on  Sun Apr 13, 2008  at  09:29 PM
I just saw the ending of "Return of the Jedi" and saw the new young Anakin in the last scene instead of the old guy. I was sooooooooooo upset. I was so upset I basically renounced Star Wars as my favorite movie, except it was much more then a movie to me. Much much more.

Darth Vadar basically changed the outcome, he is responsible for ending the evil by throwing the emperor over and destroying him. He took the pain of the energy from the emperor for Luke. This LAST extremely powerful act of good to me changed him back to good, and thus a Jedi. This means his image of his older self like the origional older scene was right.

Also it's good to have a fitting father image look at you, a kind and gentle face finally happy to be out of a suit and at peace with his friends. The last image luke saw was an older man when he lifted the mask off, i'm sure luke would want to feel comforted by that man he rescued not a 20 year old kid who looks like he should be in a boy band.

To me, you don't change a movie especially if there is not thought put into the change. Movies are supposed to be made, and then ended. Not made and changed constantly, as those changed make it a new movie, and the old movie you liked no longer exists. The new generations will see the new movies and never understand how good the origionals were. I guess in the future we will see all our old movies remade or edited to suit the need for companies making money.
Posted by John  on  Sun Apr 13, 2008  at  10:26 PM
I watched it on Spike TV last weekend and the ending was changed, I didn't think that was needed, because the new Star Wars episodes showed us who Darth Vader was. They shouldn't have changed the ending. It didn't make sense.
Posted by Cherice  on  Thu Apr 17, 2008  at  01:04 PM
If they want to add "originally deleted" scenes or create additional new ones that mesh with the story line, so be it. BUT NEVER, EVER change an original scene. Period. When I saw the end of Jedi, my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.
Posted by wingsfan  on  Thu Apr 17, 2008  at  09:42 PM
The new ending for Return Of The Jedi sucks for these reasons-

1. A young, boyish-looking Anakin (Christenson) replaces the more appropriate, older looking one (Shaw) in the Jedi ghost shot
2. Shots of other cities like Theed and Coruscant are added. These shots are totally out of context and take the focus away from the rebel team on Endor
3. Most egregious change: the Ewok victory song is removed!

I was stunned when I realized the Ewok song was edited out. It was a great song. It was upbeat and it had an exciting crescendo that segued perfectly into the Star Wars fanfare that singles the end of the movie and the beginning of the credits. The new melody is nowhere near as exciting.

Posted by Apex  on  Sat Apr 26, 2008  at  12:45 AM
oops i meant signals not singles. heh.
Posted by Apex  on  Sat Apr 26, 2008  at  12:47 AM
I think it it is wonderful that they chose to bring Anakin back as he was before he became Darth Veda. I just wish the would have chosen to add Padme as well into the mix. She is afterall the sole reason why Anakin became Darth Veda and I think it would have brought a happy ending to their love that was taken away from them and give all of 'fans" a happy ever after.
Posted by S  on  Thu May 01, 2008  at  03:27 PM
George Lucas = $ellout.

Not a good director.

Posted by eric g  on  Mon Jul 07, 2008  at  11:02 PM
but...but...they replaced the classic image with the "new" anakin...sorry but sebastian shaw will always be my image of the "good" darth vader
Posted by Jared  on  Sat Aug 30, 2008  at  09:32 AM
This was so stupid. Anakin turned back to the light side at the end, for cripes' sake! If this is supposed to be the "good Anakin" that "died" when he became Darth Vader, then where the heck was he earlier? No matter how you cut it, Anakin and Darth Vader are the same person at different points in the same lifetime. They do not have two seperate souls, because that makes no sense. George Lucas was just feeling like an idiot so he decided he needed to inject Hayden Christensen into the original trilogy to try and sew things together with the prequels better. And he failed.
Posted by Timstuff  on  Tue Sep 02, 2008  at  08:41 PM
I can't beleive I'm writing this. My brother is a Star Wars fanatic (normal/but he gets emotional)--he has the 1983 VHS original store bought tape of Return of the Jedi and has shown me it and it has Hayden Christianson in the ending. I did not believe my brother until he sat me down and showed me the VHS he bought over twenty years ago, and, he has the recent DVD set and they both have the same ending. My question, was Hayden born back then, was he three years old? How is this possible. My brother is freaking me out and I'm not even into Star Wars, but now I need someone to see the ORIGINAL VHS tape and Hayden is in it--someone please explain to me how this is done or how was it done??? Help! Hasn't anyone else noticed this? So what's going ON?!
Posted by Morgan-Eve  on  Wed Sep 17, 2008  at  09:51 AM
It sounds like someone has done an elaborate prank of some sort. It's possible that someone took the full-frame edition of the DVD and ripped the shot of Christensen onto the VHS tape as a less-than-funny practical joke. It's a shame that they had to deface an original ROTJ VHS just for a cheap laugh!
Posted by Timsuff  on  Wed Sep 17, 2008  at  09:59 AM
I think some of the changes were good in this release and some were bad. I love how the everything fits so well even though the trilogies were made so many years apart.

The only 2 real problems/questions that there were for me were these, but I have also solved/answered them and am satisfied:

1. Obiwan kept saying that Yoda trianed him. I agree with the person above that he was trained as a youngling by Yoda. I also think that even though Obiwan was pretty much ready to become a Jedi Master after Qui-Gon was killed he still needed some further training and got it from Yoda since Qui-Gon prematurley died. He was edgy when he was younger and probably especially edgy and rambunctious since he saw his master die, and had some problems controlling his feelings and whatnot for a while. Also at the end of Episode III didn't Yoda say he needed to train Obiwan to speak be able to speak to the dead and his old master Qui-Gon while he gaurded the boy (luke). I know that Obiwan in Episode V sounded like he was talking about his early training but still.

2. Leia talking about how she remembered her mother. The way she talks seems to me like she's describing the force. Not that she actually remembers her mother, but that she remembers her through the force, can feel her through the force.

I hope these "answers" satisfy some people.
Posted by *WARS  on  Sun Oct 26, 2008  at  06:22 PM
Posted by Doesn't Matter  on  Sun Nov 09, 2008  at  10:55 AM
If ghosting is a technique, why would Darth Vader confuse his son and appear in his younger form? Luke doesn't know him as anything but aged-- that's the man that saved him, that's the man he had touching words with before he died, that's all he knows. Being younger, wouldn't Luke be like 'huh?' he doesn't have the same knowledge we the audience have.

To me, another poor afterthought on Lucas' part. It's obvious to me he keeps changing his mind as he goes along. He made Darth aged for a reason, had he thought out the fact that Darth would be 40, then he would have gotten a younger actor. Obviously he hadn't thought that through yet. Remember, he also cast Shaw for a reason, and that's because originally he was going for the fact that being scarred and evil made you look... not great. Old and decrepit like. It's been hinted as much in the other official publications.

As for the reasons that Anakin's soul is frozen in time, and he appears as he was at that time, I think is invalid. He physically looked old, and he actually doesn't go back to his old self but turns good -again- while old --, and looking the way he does. Lets not forget that 'young' (Hayden Christensen) Anakin is never *truly* good nor evil for a long time. His transition to the dark side started *before* he gets rolled over in lava and all of that and put in the suit. When he killed 'younglings' was he more good or more evil? He was not Darth Vader yet, either. Therefore, when was his soul frozen to the time where he was 'good'? It makes no sense. Lucas changed it but never seriously thought it through. He turns good, at the end, redeemed by his son, and it makes sense that the man he looks like then (even if unnaturally aged), should carry on to the vision Luke sees. Simply because Lucas is a) insane and b) wishy washy with his own creations doesn't mean we should take his word as law. 'Because he intended it like that' is not true, he had the means to cast a younger actor, but didn't. So he just changed his mind. Had Da Vinci changed his mind and painted a pink beret on the Mona Lisa's head suddenly, would everyone say 'well he made her so it's not ruined, he wanted it that way?' psh.

Anyway, I think anyone who liked Episode III probably likes the changes, and anyone who doesn't, probably doesn't. I'm of the latter persuasion, so I hate them. Especially the Ewok song. And I'm only in my 20s, so I'm not an old fuddy duddy. In my opinion, 'The Greatest Page In the Universe' has the best review on Episode 3 up, ever.
Posted by Dee  on  Sat May 16, 2009  at  11:36 AM
When I saw this new ending I was a little disheartened, because I could swear I saw Obi-wan holding a Session Lager in the original. Fortunately, I always keep VHS copies of all my favorite movies fastforwarded to the ending and sure enough, if you look in the left hand corner of the screen just as the Ewok is drumming the stormtrooper helmets, you'll actually see a crinkly old man hand using a light sabre to open a beer.

Also, they removed the Ewok song "Chub-chub chubbity chub" which is just a travesty. The Ewok happen to be a very rich and culturally diverse culture.

But seriously, that ending was fucking awkward. I mean they totally removed the part where Han and Lando were bouncing up and down and hugging. Great movies just have to have gay and boisterous hugging, take for example LOTR. So what the hell?

Lastly I would like to say, that replacing the old Anakin with the young Anakin makes as much sense as spanking a tiger with a crucible, you just don't do it!
Posted by Johnny Tremens  on  Sat Jul 04, 2009  at  11:10 PM
I think about the way other great movies have ended, and think changing the Anakins was like changing Rick or Louis at the end of 'Casablanca.' You would cheapen the whole thing. With 'Return of the Jedi,' they did just that.
Posted by John Vincent  on  Sun Jul 05, 2009  at  05:31 PM
"I Was pleasantly suprised to see the new ending
to Return of the Jedi. Hayden looks great
in that roll, and Whatever George wants with
his screenplay is Etched in stone. I look foreward to more characters and movies from the
great one, "George Lucas,"
Posted by Jason Jack  on  Thu Aug 13, 2009  at  01:14 AM
He did this because he has way too much time on his hands trying to recycle his old stuff to make more $$$ and is addicted to making unnecessary changes to compensate for his huge reduction in creative ability compared to when he was younger. For a more detailed analysis of this, see south park, season 12 episode 8, "The China Probrem".
Posted by Kirkr  on  Wed Sep 09, 2009  at  11:54 AM
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