Return of the Jedi: New Ending

image Here's something that's causing serious Star Wars fans to roll their eyes in disgust. The rumor going around is that in the upcoming DVD release of the Star Wars series, George Lucas has altered the ending of Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) so that Hayden Christensen has replaced Sebastian Shaw in the final scene that shows the ghosts of Darth Vader, Yoda, and Obi wan Kenobi standing together. As some have pointed out, this doesn't make sense because why would Darth Vader's ghost be young, while the ghosts of Yoda and Obi wan are both old? Nevertheless, there's photographic evidence to back up the rumor, as well as a film clip hosted over at If it's a hoax, someone has put a bit of effort into manufacturing these altered scenes.


Posted on Tue Aug 03, 2004


3Dman, might I remind you that the whole point of this website, among other things, is to not trust a single person's declaration of fact, nor some examples of "evidence" that cannot be verified as being 100% accurate. While some screen shots can certainly lend credence to a claim, they don't make up an airtight case for this being a "fact." Additional screenshots won't hurt, but also won't ultimately "prove" this story as true, especially when they come from such a dubious place as an "XviD rip from a future retail version."

Personal convictions on whether you think the changes are warranted aside, I beleive this story needs more information from either side to label it either true or a hoax.

and being skeptical is hardly a negative trait
Posted by Lothar Ignatius  on  Wed Aug 04, 2004  at  03:53 PM
Andrew, you're right. I didn't see that 1997 date. Doh!

My gut feeling is that the new ending to ROTJ isn't a hoax. George Lucas is probably worried about someone in the future watching the movies from the beginning, who would be confused that Darth Vader suddenly looks different at the very end of the series. He seems to be underestimating the audience a bit, but that would be nothing new.

And yeah, I was a bit skeptical of an XviD rip as a source also.
Posted by The Curator  in  San Diego  on  Wed Aug 04, 2004  at  05:38 PM
Hey, guys, i didnt mean any offense, not by a long shot! 😊 Well, the thing is, Episode VI DVD has been "borroved" early and is circulating on The Net for some time now. Well, to be more precise, since july 23, 2004 (
But for definite confirmation i guess we have to wait till someone really buy real retail DVD in store. 😊

But there is more. Here some more information that i found, but can not confirm:

Episode IV: A New Hope DVD:

* Light Sabers changed for Vader versus Ben Kenobi Death Star duel.
* TractorBeam control now in Aurebesh.
* Han and Greedo scene slightly changed (everyone's seen this).
* Jabba the Hutt redone from Special Edition Jabba.
* Boba Fett still mugs camera.
* Han still steps on tail - "You're a wonderful human being" - still there.
(The scene is an improvement over the SE - however, still not great.)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

* Emperor replaced with Ian McDiarmid.
Dialogue in this scene has been slightly modified, indicating either that the Emperor knows it was Luke who nuked the Death Star, or that he is Vader's son. Maybe both. Otherwise, dialogue remains in tact. Emperor's theme from Jedi also added into the scene.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi:

* Hayden Christenson has replaced Sebastian Shaw only in the Force Ghost shot.

* Line about Leia remembering her mother while talking to Luke on the Ewok Village veranda has either been omitted, or modified.

* Naboo has been added to the final planetary celebration montage at the end of the movie. It is a shot very similar to the helicopter shot of Theed in TPM when AATs are moving up the street towards the palace.
Posted by 3Dman  on  Thu Aug 05, 2004  at  04:12 AM
also theres an age difference with Anakin and Obi in episodeII but in the original ending of Return of the JEdi it made it look as Anakin is older than Obi one.
Posted by greg  on  Sat Sep 25, 2004  at  10:48 AM
I watched my dvds of the original series and they did replace him. LOL You were right, 3Dman. I think it's pretty gutsy of them, considering fans usually don't like it when classics are tampered with. In this case, however, I think it was necessary for continuity. Like greg said, the age difference seemed very wrong in Jedi, based on what we know from the prequels. I guess, they just went with "young Anakin" as opposed to finding a new "older Anakin."
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Wed Oct 06, 2004  at  11:13 PM
My husband found this when he got the new DVD set. He was a little pissed a first, but then I guess he got over it, or I stopped listening...whichever happened first.
Posted by Maegan  on  Sun Jan 09, 2005  at  09:51 AM
Well personally I think if he's going to go around making such changes in order to preserve continuity then he should go ahead and make the last three episodes. He let everyone know that this story is actually made up of nine total episodes... goes back and makes the prequels... and has made it VERY clear in recent interviews and such that episodes 7,8,& 9 will never be made. When asked about it further he also stated that he wouldn't allow anyone else to do them either... up to and including his son. This interview w/ Mr. Lucas was on PBS locally just a mere 2 weeks ago. BUMMER!!!
Posted by Mark-n-Jen  on  Wed Jan 19, 2005  at  01:59 PM
I agree with "someone" as well... they said the good in Anakin died when he became Vader, so there would be no reason to show the old Anakin since there really was no such person on the good side of the force. And obi-wan and Yoda were old because they have always been on the good side of the force. But I really think they should have added the original unaltered versions of the movies as an option on the DVD
Posted by J-Mizzle  on  Sun Apr 03, 2005  at  12:31 AM
Holy Nerd Alert, Batman!!

And dedicated be that nerd, for the last comment was three months ago.
Posted by Rod  on  Sun Apr 03, 2005  at  12:49 AM
thanks for noticing eagle eye. the reason i posted now is becuase i just watched the new dvd version of ROTJ for the first time. and i liked the new ending.
Posted by J-Mizzle  on  Sun Apr 03, 2005  at  12:53 AM
I'm pissed of about that ending. I don't think Lucas should have put the younger Anakin in there. Why mess with an incredible movie we all know and love. If I bought a vintage Mustang I certainly wouldn't want to find a Chevy engine in it. I liken Lucas's actions to those same A holes that run the record companies. When you buy your favorite bands greatest hits CD expecting to listen the the songs you have known since you were a kid and you end up with some "re-mastered" P.O.S. which sounds nothing like what you were expecting. It is a huge let down. I think it stinks.
Posted by mad as hell  on  Mon Apr 18, 2005  at  08:40 PM
I agree with GL replacing Sebastian Shaw, especially since the movies were obviously modified to fit in with Episode I II and III. As someone said before the real Anakin died years ago and was replaced by Darth Vader, he lost his soul in a way. Once Vader died his soul was set free which would explain why the ghost appears young. Both Ben and Yoda were the same consistently, so when they died, they died. Anakin in a way was trapped in a shell, and was finally let go. Yes, I can see why OT fans would be mad, but it accomodates much better. I am sure if Lucas would have though of the original trilogy back then he would have had a younger actor play Anakin's ghost.
Posted by Joel  on  Tue Apr 26, 2005  at  07:47 PM
i know its not going to happen, but everyone should respect GL's decision, this is the way the movie was meant to be seen in his eyes. although change has always been a fear of man kind.
Posted by J-mizzle  on  Wed Apr 27, 2005  at  06:33 PM
At first i was like...whoa! WTF!? But after i thought about it for a while...i kinda liked the idea.
Posted by Matt Arnold  on  Thu May 05, 2005  at  06:17 PM
like other people, at first i was whoa-- that doesn't seem like the old ending or the one i watched before. But i liked it and it made sense. the good man that luke was referring to as his father was the YOUNG anakin skywalker BEFORE he "died" and became darth vader as obi wan kenobi said. anakin kinda pops through at the end when he wants to see his son for the last time with his own eyes. did you also notice added scenes of Naboo, and other planets partying?
Posted by leafy  on  Fri May 13, 2005  at  10:40 PM
I just want to know how he's gonna explain Anakin having an American accent before he bacame darth vader and then a clipped British accent when Luke takes off his helmet...

That bit just makes no sense...
Posted by Nico  on  Sun May 15, 2005  at  06:17 PM
british? moron!
Posted by J-Mizzle  on  Sun May 15, 2005  at  07:59 PM
I was shocked to see the different Anakin ghost as well but after a little consideration I couldnt care less. The thing that pissed me of was that George changed the Ewok's victory "Yowah" song. That song ruled, it was the way the triliogy ended for me. A tribal up-beat ditty that I absolutely loved. I watched it with my girlfriend (first time she had ever seen it) last night and sadly whimpered "they changed it..." I couldnt have been more upset. But who knows to make many more millions of dollars Lucas will probably release another set of dvds where you can chose what new stuff is added and what old stuff is changed. Because like a sucker I would buy it.
Posted by Romanmeal98  on  Thu May 19, 2005  at  01:38 PM
yup, it's true, I know it is old news, but I still wanted to post it
I just saw ROTJ on Fox latinamerica, and yeah, young Anakin is there
Posted by carlos  on  Fri May 20, 2005  at  01:25 AM
Just fished watching all 6 episodes in a row!

Had to go to the theatre to see Episode III, but it actually "somewhat" justifies switching the actor.

At first I thought it was super cool... but then I started thinking, wait a sec... I remember him being really old. Then I searched the net and found this page.

I actually liked the overall feeling it gave. It was quite clear that the Anakin as a Jedi not a Sith was being represented I thought.

However I didn't realize how much other stuff had been changed, as is posted above. Most of them do seem to have changed if memory serves, but interesting choices. There are still some remaining flaws (as should be expected - I mean come on guys, perfection?) but strange that he would cover up some and still leave glaring ones. Most notable is the Leigha remembering her mother.

Of course all of this can be explained if you extend your reasoning far enough. I think in some ways its a shame Lucas felt he had to modify things, however it did give an overall nice feeling when watching the whole set. I actually liked the extra screenshots of planets from the first three episodes right at the end of Jedi.

Anyhow, just my opinion.
Posted by Bayner  on  Sat May 21, 2005  at  02:15 PM
I actually don't mind so much that Lucas changed the ending "ghost" scene of ROTJ, if that is the way he sees it then so be it. However, why the heck couldn't he actually release the DVDs with both versions on them. Many, many other movies release DVDs with "the original theatrical version" and "the director's cut" on them, why not these? I have a feeling the uber-greed of Lucas has gotten the better of us and you will find the originals eventually released, just like how PM widescreen came out on video b4 the DVDs. You gotta admit the guy knows how to squeeze every last buck out of the fans.
Posted by JAR  on  Sat May 21, 2005  at  10:59 PM
finally people get the reason lucas did this...
i imagine if hayden was 20 something in 83 and he knew hayden would be in the prequels then he would have used him then too. i honestly think the actor he used for anakin in the OG ROTJ was a stupid idea anyway.

BTW: EP3 ownes.
Posted by J-Mizzle  on  Sun May 22, 2005  at  06:10 AM
i think that obi wan, like most of the other jedi, was trained by yoda as a youngling in a clan and when he reached the right age he became qui gons apprentice. so actually he was trained by both. check this nerd out
Posted by james  on  Sun May 22, 2005  at  03:00 PM
i dont get it.. i thought there were only 3 star wars movies out but whys everyone talking about episode 6???
Posted by jar  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  11:37 AM

There was episodes 4-6 (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) between 1979 and 1986.

Recently, there have been episodes 1-3.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:08 PM
oh, are they going to remake them?
Posted by jar  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:20 PM
The rumor going around is that in the upcoming DVD release of the Star Wars series, George Lucas has altered the ending of Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) so that Hayden Christensen has replaced Sebastian Shaw in the final scene that shows the ghosts of Darth Vader, Yoda, and Obi wan Kenobi standing together

From the original entry.
So it's just the DVD release. I assume that this is when they release the whole lot as a set.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:22 PM
so the old movies are gonna carry on from the new ones? wouldnt that look wrong?
Posted by jar  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:33 PM
Um, I'm not sure if I get what you mean.
If it's that the older ones are set later in the Star Wars universe, yes.
The more recent three are prequels.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:36 PM
well like if the old movies filmed 20 years ago are carrying on from these new ones wont it look odd.. all the characters wil be different and the effects wont be near as good..
Posted by jar  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:50 PM
In what way different? There's quite a time gap between where episode three finishes and episode four starts, remember. People who were children are now adults, people who were young (I'm thinking of Obi Wan here) will be old...

True, the effects are more old-fashioned, but George Lucas always intended to make episodes 4-6 first, then go back to the prequels. Plus there's areas where they have updated the originals with more high-tech computer effects.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  12:57 PM
oh ok cool,
thanks then :>
Posted by jar  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  02:26 PM
No problem.
Posted by Boo  on  Tue May 24, 2005  at  02:59 PM
well if u guyz watch EP III when anakin turned into the robot he was still young, if u think about it ROBOTS don't agE!!! so therefore he looks the same!!!,

for the scene where he takes off his mask it makes sense coz he face probably melted and stuff so meh
Posted by dude  on  Sat May 28, 2005  at  12:11 AM
i thought there was an uncanny resemblance between Hayden and the Anakin at the end of return of the jedi. I have been amazed for days but thanks for explaining it. i don't know which i would prefer sebastian or hayden. Its a great ending still though,if a bit wierd ages wise. It make sense and carries on well from the prequels. It seems a shame to edit he old ones though. Perhaps they should have been left as they were, sorry to sound so cheesy but now the originals have been lost forever. Shame really, maybe they should bring out an unedited version. i dunno, they could have at least explained the trilogy had been edited, to be honest i never noticed,being 7yrs since i last saw them but it was a bit wierd. I dunno. i better shut up. It will take me a week to make up my mind. Ad they could have changed the credits at the end to hayden christensen but maybe leave sebastians name too. it made me confused.
Posted by Deirdre  on  Sun May 29, 2005  at  07:02 AM
I think it is a tribute to the orginal anakin either that or they were too lazy to edit the end credits
Posted by Darth Sion  on  Mon May 30, 2005  at  06:47 AM
well if u guyz watch EP III when anakin turned into the robot he was still young, if u think about it ROBOTS don't agE!!! so therefore he looks the same!!!

uh...... He is not a robot, he merely needs the life support suit to live. Remember, the name Darth Vader has nothing to do with the black suit he wears, he only wears that because he has to.

Anyways, I disagree with them reamking the ending with Hayden as the ghost of Anakin, ans here is why. Anakin does indeed "die" (not phyiscally) in Episode III when he turns to the dark side, and becomes the dreaded darth vader. However, Darth Vader dies (not physically) the moment he kills the Emperor and saves Luke's life. The man who dies next to Luke's X wing with his helmet is off is NOT Darth Vader, but Anakin Skywalker who had returned to the Skywalker. So when Anakin physically dies, it is not Vader who is dying, but Anakin dying. So for those saying "well it needs to be hayden so it reflects that its Anakian!" that really is not correct. Hayden Christianson merely portrays Anakin Skywalker when he is about 19 years old. But Anakin physically dies when he is about 40 (since eps 4-6 take place about 20 years after Episode 3) so obviously Anakin should be portrayed by someone who looks that aqe and looks like he could be Luke's father. He is supposed to luke the same as the scarred Anakin we see at the end of ROTJ right before he dies, except with no scarring, so its basically how he would look at that age had he not had fallen into the lava. So yeah, anyways it was an unecessary change, since, as I stated, the old Anakin (Sebastain Shaw) relects what Anakin looked like that age, and also reflects the Anakin Skywalker that killed the Emperor, saved luke, returned to the light side, and who ultimately brought balance to the force.
Posted by Ryan  on  Mon May 30, 2005  at  02:16 PM
blah lol sorry about some of the typo's in my message I typed it pretty fast..... so i'll repost it.

well if u guyz watch EP III when anakin turned into the robot he was still young, if u think about it ROBOTS don't agE!!! so therefore he looks the same!!!

Uh...... he is not a robot, he merely needs the life support suit to live. Remember, the name Darth Vader has nothing to do with the black suit he wears, he only wears that because he has to. And he DOES indeed age and get older, we just don't see it (untill the end of ROTJ, of course) because he has the suit on, thus we cannot see what he looks like underneath. ...... but honestly, how could anyone think he doesnt age ? Of course he still ages, he may look like a machine on the outside, but he is still a human being.

Anyways, I disagree with them remaking the ending with Hayden as the ghost of Anakin, and here is why. Anakin does indeed "die" (not physically) in Episode III when he turns to the dark side, and becomes the dreaded Darth Vader. However, Darth Vader dies (not physically) the moment he kills the Emperor and saves Luke's life. The man who dies next to Luke's X wing with his helmet off is NOT Darth Vader, but Anakin Skywalker who had returned to the light side. So when Anakin physically dies, it is not Vader who is dying, but Anakin dying. So for those saying "well it needs to be hayden so it reflects that it's Anakin!" that really is not correct. Hayden Christensen merely portrays Anakin Skywalker when he is about 19 years old. But Anakin physically dies when he is about 40 (since eps 4-6 take place about 20 years after Episode 3) so obviously Anakin should be portrayed by someone who looks that age and looks like he could be Luke's father. He is supposed to look the same as the scarred Anakin we see at the end of ROTJ right before he dies, except with no scarring, so its basically how he would look at that age had he not fallen into the lava. So yeah, anyways it was an unecessary change, since, as I stated, the old Anakin (Shaw) relects what Anakin looked like at that age, and also reflects the Anakin Skywalker that killed the Emperor, saved Luke, returned to the light side, and who ultimately brought balance to the force.
Posted by Ryan_1416  on  Mon May 30, 2005  at  02:41 PM
get over it already, bitching wont change a damn thing.
GL dosent give a fuck what you all think.

Posted by darth ballz  on  Mon May 30, 2005  at  03:06 PM
Wow what a intelligent post..... not. Anyways, I know that what we say doesn't change anything. That doesn't mean we can't discuss the subject and give our opinions, and present logical reasons for our opinions.
Posted by Ryan_1416  on  Mon May 30, 2005  at  03:21 PM
Let's put thefacts down on the table hear. In ROTS (Ep. III) you see that anakin is burned alive right? Of course he is. The main reason why Lucas changed the ending is to show how Anakin was before. Here is the facts. When a jedi die or in Anakins case turns to the dark side, only the knowledge of the jedi is being controlled not the SPIRIT. These are the spirits of who they were once before. The changes aren't so bad but the alternate ending is perfect for ending the bi-trilogy. The ending shows how Anakin was before. That there can be the reason for the ending.
Posted by Anakin  on  Tue May 31, 2005  at  12:03 AM
There's only one problem, Ryan. Sebastian Shaw was *seventy-eight* at the time of ROTJ, according to the Internet Movie Database. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, according to the official Star Wars timeline, was only forty-five! To me, leaving in Sebastian Shaw just made no sense. Okay, for sentimental reasons, I can understand wanting the original preserved. But, Christiansen wasn't in the SE that was put out on video. There are plenty of copies of the original with Shaw. I guess to be absolutely sure of continuity he could have found a forty something actor...or dyed Christiansen's hair gray. Personally, I like the metaphysical explanation, even if it doesn't quite fit.

I also agree that the original Ewok song in the original movie was better.
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Tue May 31, 2005  at  10:33 PM
Personally i'm glad that they have changed it. I'm only 15, just finished watching the original version for the second time and i got confused at the end, i couldnt tell if the ghost was meant to be Darth Vader. You have to bear in mind that these DVD's have been released for my generation who might not have seen the films before, and that for us it is much less confusing to show us the Anakin that we know.
Posted by confused  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  08:00 AM
I was ok with the new Anakin. But - I have a question. If Lucas was going to replace Anakin in ROTJ, why didn't he just make Hayden Christensen look like he was in his late 40s? What about make up?
Posted by Star Wars Fan  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  01:21 PM
Here's a tip for everyone, regardless of whether you like the Special Edition or DVD versions. I happen to thoroughly enjoy the DVD versions now that I have seen Epi. 1-3, but I also really wish the DVDs had an option to view the original releases.

I'm not sure how much the software costs (possibly expensive) but my buddy can rip VHS tapes, turn them into computer files, then burn them to DVD. I have the black-case VHS releases (the "restored" version, different from the gold-case VHS "Special Edition" version) and had him burn me DVDs of the original movies. These tapes are not too old (in Star Wars terms) and make for great DVD transfers. You aren't violating any copyright terms as long as you are only making a copy for yourself. If you are SUPER creative you can print up a spiffy retro DVD cover for these, but one way or another they are a great addition to your Star Wars DVD collection. This may be a way to satisfy the craving until Lucas releases the inevitable "Theatrical Release" DVD set.

One can only hope that George will have the guts to include the two Ewok movies and the little-known 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. You all know about the Star Wars Holiday Special, right?!
Posted by Scooter  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  08:32 PM
Psi Fi you are right about that...... he did look to old to be Anakin, I always thought that, since Anakin is supposed to be about 45 or so. That is one thing I don't get is why they used him, instead of someone who actually looked like they where 45. Other then that though, I think the ending is still better showing Anakin how he looks at that part of his life, rather than he he looked back when he was 19.
Posted by Ryan_1416  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  10:10 PM
I'm not sure. I think originally Lucas was trying to make Anakin appear to be the same age as Obi-wan. I don't think Lucas knew how old Anakin was in ROTJ, until he wrote TPM. Maybe he should have gotten a forty something actor instead of Christiansen, but I still think people would be confused. What do you think of the idea of aging Christiansen to look forty-five? Or, alternatively, what actor would you recommend to play Anakin instead of Shaw?
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Wed Jun 01, 2005  at  10:46 PM
When someone dies, the age they appeared at death might be the age they would appear afterwards. It would not make sense to have Hayden Christensen appear as the young Anakin Skywalker as it would seem
that Darth Vader is a young man in ther next life. I
also preferred the original ending with Sebastian Shaw as the middle aged Darth Vader. (David Prowse
played Darth Vader in the uniform and mask as well as unmasked.) Maybe George Lucas wanted a new take on the original trilogoy, but I preferred the origiinal
ending to remain the way it was.
Posted by matt n.  on  Sat Jun 04, 2005  at  09:58 PM
But, Sebastian Shaw wasn't middle aged. He was seventy-eight! He was *far* too old to be a realistic Anakin Skywalker. Anyway, a soul doesn't necessarily have to have the appearance of the physical body when it dies. Maybe Anakin looked young, cause that's how he conceived of himself...the young man Anakin freed from the aged and evil Darth Vader. I think replacing Shaw was necessary, based on the timeline now set by the prequel trilogy...although I will concede that replacing him with a forty something actor might have made more sense, for some.
Posted by Psi Fi  on  Sun Jun 05, 2005  at  07:27 PM
Come'on guys! Who cares what was altered or not. This is just a film and it's supposed to be entertaining. I personally will not waste time on why Anakin is old or young becuase it's only a film.
Posted by Chewy  on  Sun Jun 05, 2005  at  11:50 PM
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