Indigo Children See The Future

Status: New Age Mumbo Jumbo
Indigo Children is a new-age term for children whose aura is indigo colored. These are the kids whom medical science would diagnose as being hyperactive or having ADD (and many lay people might diagnose as spoiled brats). But according to the indigo-child theory, these are actually children with very special powers. Nancy Ann Tappe, the psychic who first described the concept, says that Indigo Children are "souls with an evolved consciousness who have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and create one land, one globe and one species. They are our bridge to the future." The Skeptic's Dictionary has some good info on the subject.

According to an article from the Orange-County Register, one of the powers being attributed to Indigo Children is the ability to see the future. Take this example:

When Carolyn Kaufman was getting her daughter, Ariel Carreno, ready to go, Ariel had an unusual request.
"Mom, we need to take an orange," Ariel said.
"Why?" Carolyn asked. Carolyn explained that this was a pizza party, and that an orange would probably be out of place.But when Ariel insisted, Carolyn grabbed an orange and took it to the party... So Ariel carried her orange into Chuck E. Cheese. The party went just as planned. The kids ate pizza. The kids played games. The parents endured the noise. Then, the birthday girl asked for the strangest thing. An orange.

Wow! The kid brought an orange to a party. Try to explain that, skeptics! Carolyn Kaufman also offers an example about her sony Tomy:

After fights with his sister over what to watch on TV, Tomy has broken five VCRs in the family home using only his energy force, Kaufman said. In some families, kids might get grounded for breaking expensive electronics. Not in Kaufman's house.

I'm sensing it would be great to be a kid in the Kaufman house. You could get away with anything. "It wasn't my fault, Mom. It was my energy force."

Future/Time Psychology

Posted on Tue Dec 13, 2005


My thoughts:
1) The orange story is silly. The girl probably just knew her friend liked oranges.
2) People with indigo auras DO NOT have freaky special psychic powers. The just have deep intuition and a different way of thinking.
3) This doesn't have much to do with the article but... I'm age 13, and an indigo. Most people I know who have also said they are indigos are 20 and above, and seem like they're trying to prove how different they are. I think these people are most likely purple, a) because of their age, and b) the fact that they like attention. I just thought I'd put that in because purples often confuse themselves for indigos.
Posted by Natsumi_Takashima  on  Tue Jan 30, 2007  at  05:17 PM
Natsumi said:

"I'm age 13, and an indigo."

No, you're not. The existance of a "human aura" has never been scientifically established. Yes, I'm sure you believe whole-heartedly that you are an "indigo" but you aren't. NO ONE is.

You're 13 so there's still time for you to adjust to reality. You should start that immediately, however, before you waste your life believing in nonsense.

Please DO NOT tell me that I can't prove that there is no such thing as a "human aura." It is not possible to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on YOU to demonstrate that the human aura exists, that auras can have different colors and that yours is indigo.

Good luck with that.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Jan 31, 2007  at  01:18 AM
Silly, silly Cranky. Aren't you aware by now that by the very virtue of being an indigo, these children have nothing to prove? You're supposed to simply accept their claims without questioning the superior race.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Wed Jan 31, 2007  at  08:16 AM
I know, I know, Charybdis. I should just learn to accept our new Indigo overlords.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Thu Feb 01, 2007  at  04:16 AM
And they called the 80s the 'Me' Decade.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Thu Feb 01, 2007  at  08:14 AM
Therefore, I am interested in WHAT WORKS. I am not interested in mere theories. I have been told I am an indigo child by a psychic. I honestly don't have much experience with spiritual new age things. But the psychic knew pretty much everything about me. She was amazing. And I know you're probably going to say/think something like "those psychics say things that apply to everyone in a way that makes everyone say YEAH THAT'S ME" I am not one of those people. I can't say that I live my life in complete objectivity, but I try my best to be objective about things.
Posted by HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hilarious...  on  Wed Feb 28, 2007  at  12:07 PM
omg sorry. i totally posted on the wrong thing! ahh, how embarrassing.
Posted by HAHAHHAHAHAH hilariuos  on  Wed Feb 28, 2007  at  12:08 PM
HAHA etc. said:

"And I know you're probably going to say/think something like "those psychics say things that apply to everyone in a way that makes everyone say YEAH THAT'S ME"

Well, that's part of the scam, but not all of it. There are some other tricks to making it look as if you know all about a person you've never met. It's called "cold reading" and the techniques are well known to magicians and others who are interested in this sort of thing.

There are books available which will tell you all about it, if you want to learn. One is by an Englishman named Ian Rowland; it isn't cheap but it's very good about explaining all the tricks that "psychics" use.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Feb 28, 2007  at  02:24 PM
Indigo chidren? That's another word for selfish little brats who they they are special but they are really frequently bullied into submission by others and therefore reduced to whiny emo kid who spends most of their free time writing unoriginal self-insertation fanfics that defy all logic. It's also a way for irresponsible parents to "feel better about themselves" so they don't have to miss their favorite soap opera program. A spoiled brat has nothing to do with "Indigo children". If that's true, then many people who have ever lived may have been identified as "Indigo" in their childhood.

Now if you really want special individuals, you have to look into the much more rational and calm youngsters that truly believe in change for the good and actually research into the subject at hand for a change of pace. And no, don't try that trick in which you look at random shapes and say "I know what's going to happen."

What's that? You "predict" disaster? You are far from the only one that claims to do that. Throughout history, people who claimed to "predict the end of the world" have been proven wrong over and over and over and over. And even if there is a event that slightly relates to your "predicted event", you claim that to be a "hit".

In conclusion, the "Indigo children" theory is nothing new, except in different names.
Posted by A person  on  Fri Mar 09, 2007  at  04:59 PM
Nicely put, A person. I do have to ask a question, however. I know what "fanfic" is, but what does "self-insertation fanfics" mean?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Mar 10, 2007  at  12:36 AM
I would assume he meant "insertion", and by that I guess he means the author putting themself into the work, probably as a love interest.

Something best kept to oneself, methinks.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Mon Mar 12, 2007  at  10:29 AM
I don't know about the truth of the "Indigo" thing, but I was often able to see things that had happened in the past, I still usually know what people are going to do or say, and have been able to since I was very small. My first memory is of an event that happened when I was only six months old. Because of the clarity of the memory for a long time I thought I had been older, but everyone that was present supports the memory of the crib. It was extremely traumatic, and no one could forget the fit I threw, I was not going to bed in that room again, and no one could make me. I knew my life was in danger in that particular room. My mother and father said it was like trying to put a cat in water. I have been diagosed as "Indigo" recently. I am well into my thirties, but I showed all of the symptoms all my life. My parents are extremely religious and terrified by the things I told them, and was convinced that I was "demonized". Being alone doesn't bother me, never has, probably never will. I do not play sports, but I do like to "hike" through the desert or mountains. School was extremely frustrating, I already knew most of the information and was bored out of my mind, and could not understand why it was that I was expected to repeat myself year after year by "learning" the same crap. I didn't have many friends, mainly because the kids were mean and hateful, I didn't want anything to do with them. Don't get me wrong, this is not a "poor me" statement. I have a happy life, marriage, kids. I am blessed to be alive. The thing with "Indigo" is that no matter how bad things get, you're problem solving abilities will get you through, and if you truly are "Indigo", it will not destroy you, adversity can only make you stronger and more loving. The wrongs done to you, you have a need to turn them around and do the opposite so that you do not cause the pain that was caused to you. In doing so, we rise above our own petty problems and learn that we are brothers and sisters, all things are concected, when one of us hurts, we all do. Please stop being so cynical and hateful.
Posted by delilah  on  Sun Jul 01, 2007  at  02:28 PM
It's hard to not be cynical when people like you want us to accept your claims, but you won't do anything to actually prove yourself.

I might also point out that posting such a long comment about yourself and your abilities shows that you haven't risen above all of your petty problems. If you were truly happy with yourself and didn't feel the need to prove anything to anybody then you wouldn't be here posting in the first place. Especially on a hoax site.

And no amount of denial will change that fact.
Posted by Charybdis  on  Mon Jul 02, 2007  at  08:58 AM
When I am capable of bilocation, I will believe that indigo children exist. Until then, I rest secure in the knowledge that my soul is old and that every human soul regardless of it's age will continue to mutilate itself for the sake of knowing that each single one is right, and that those who disagree are at least by extension, wrong.
Posted by Brian  on  Sat Jul 14, 2007  at  08:04 PM
Is there a way that I may speak with someone about being an indigo child. Me and a friend Shun where looking at the mayan calander that says that on the date Dec. 21 2012 The world will end. Now for the longest time me and him theorised that it wont be the destruction but a large change in the world as we know it. Then at the same time we both thought to search indgo child. Our amazment knew no bounds for the next 2 days we didn't sleep as we were so deep into reasearch. We look at all of the angles. The only conclusion we have are that we are Indigo Children our self he is 18 and I am 16. Also we kept seeing the word or name KRYON. Please reply and tell me what you think and more on the situation.

P.S. Sorry if my spelling is bad I good at a lot of things but thats where the stick ends.
Posted by Chaz Schultz  on  Sat Aug 11, 2007  at  04:12 PM
Well Chaz, obviously you need to have a baby. But first you should build a spaceship, and when the world ends you need to ship your baby off to the planet Kryon (which is actually the newly rebuilt planet Krypton, but they didn't want to call it Krypton for fear of jinxing it to the same fate as the old one.) There in the red sun, your child will thrive and gain super human abilities and be able to save their world.
Posted by Sakano  on  Sat Aug 11, 2007  at  04:21 PM
Okay if you feel that way but get you facts right. Kryon has nothing to do with Krypton from my understanding it is a fourm of Angelic energy I never said it was like a doomsday there are many ideals and to ignore such ideals is ignorent. Any one who thinks them self to have any part of a brain must know that you have to see all the angles and see it from all the points of veiw you can.
Posted by Chaz Schultz  on  Sat Aug 11, 2007  at  04:28 PM
But angelic energy DOES come from Krypton! Who's to say Superman's not an angel? He does fly and save people.
Posted by Sakano  on  Sat Aug 11, 2007  at  04:34 PM
Hey, Chaz, you seem like a nice kid so I won't rag on you.

Can I suggest that before you and your friend decide to believe in something, you try to find out if the thing is REAL?

People can and do talk themselves into all sorts of stuff, so the fact that you believe in a thing does not PROVE that it's real. You only have one brain and one life and my suggestion is that you don't waste them on superstition.

One good question for you and your friend to ask yourself is why you believe that "indigo children" exist and why you think you are indigo children.

Is it because there are ACTUAL FACTS to support those beliefs or is it because you want to feel special and different and being "indigos" would help you with that?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel special. Maybe you two feel like outcasts in your town and thinking of yourself as "indigos" makes you feel as good as, or better than, the kids who pick on you.

LOTS of kids think they're weirdos. I did. Here's a little secret: high school sucks and a lot of the kids there, even the "cool" ones, are assholes. Don't worry about what they think of you. Chances are, once you graduate, you'll never see most of them ever again.

Figure out what's cool about YOU, what YOU like to do and what YOU'RE good at and concentrate on those things. You know that "secret of life" stuff people are always talking about? Well, being yourself is pretty much it. I'm an old fart and it took me most of my life to figure that out.

See, I just saved you DECADES of wondering about the Secret of Life. 😊
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Aug 12, 2007  at  02:48 AM
How very unevolved to argue about such trivialities.
Posted by A.B.  on  Tue Sep 18, 2007  at  07:13 PM
You guys are just agry. Peole bash what they dont know becuase they are jealous. im one of those indago children and you think your trying to say its easy being one and we're fake!
Posted by ross  on  Wed Jun 04, 2008  at  10:41 AM
Ross said:

"You guys are just agry. Peole bash what they dont know becuase they are jealous. im one of those indago children and you think your trying to say its easy being one and we're fake!"

Well, thanks to Ross, we now know that being "indigo" doesn't mean that you have superior literacy skills.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Jun 04, 2008  at  01:52 PM
"When Carolyn Kaufman was getting her daughter, Ariel Carreno, ready to go, Ariel had an unusual request.
"Mom, we need to take an orange," Ariel said.
"Why?" Carolyn asked. Carolyn explained that this was a pizza party, and that an orange would probably be out of place.But when Ariel insisted, Carolyn grabbed an orange and took it to the party... So Ariel carried her orange into Chuck E. Cheese. The party went just as planned. The kids ate pizza. The kids played games. The parents endured the noise. Then, the birthday girl asked for the strangest thing. An orange."

Posted by Gela  on  Wed Jul 23, 2008  at  12:49 AM
That is an AMAZING story. As we know, no child in the history of the world has ever asked for a piece of fruit. Clearly, something supernatural was involved here.

Also, there's NO way that Child A happened to know that Child B was fond of oranges. I mean, that would just be IMPOSSIBLE, so the whole "Indigo" thing is the only possible explanation. Clearly.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Jul 23, 2008  at  12:57 AM
Indigos are known as people with higher spiritual awareness. In contrary to popular beliefs, they're selfless, and willing to sacrifice for others.

By that alone, you can already imagine that they will have a painful life. Nobody can really understand them unless among themselves.

I don't understand why some people think the brats with behavioral problems are the same. I can't really speculate, gotta ask the New Agers about that.

Supernatural is also real, read the Holy Bible, for Jesus was real, not just he healed and casted demons out. He also taught His disciples to do that.

If any of you think this is hoax, consult with the nearest church. They'll speak better than me.

In a few Asian countries (especially south east), some sects still practise psychic development. And obviously they don't write blogs.

So, I think we should separate between "psychic" and "Indigo". Not all who have psychic ability are Indigos, and vice versa. Haven't heard any of them carry crystal ball around so far.

Although most/all Indigos are attracted to psychic development, not all of them pursue that path. Nevertheless, their lives will be full of unexplainable chain of miracles. ^_^;

I don't care if they think that they came from other planet to save the earth. If they think so, I'll simply say: you're here because of love, and you made your choice already, it's too late to go back anyway. (^o^)V

Indigo or not, they've to work together as the next generation to inherit this beautiful place anyway (hopefully before we suck everything dry).

Oh, about Dec 21, 2012. It's just another sunny day. \(^o^)/
Posted by Whatever  on  Sun Aug 03, 2008  at  10:16 PM
Whatever said:

"Indigos are known as people with higher spiritual awareness. In contrary to popular beliefs, they're selfless, and willing to sacrifice for others."

Known by whom? Can you prove that "Indigos" even exist? I doubt it.

"Supernatural is also real, read the Holy Bible, for Jesus was real, not just he healed and casted demons out. He also taught His disciples to do that."

What evidence do you have that PROVES that Jesus existed? No, the Bible does NOT constitute "proof." It's a book of fairy tales, none of which has any basis in reality.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Aug 04, 2008  at  12:32 AM
I still havn't seen any sort of proof for this except children behaving badly which could be chalked up to the fact that parents don't spend us much time with their children, children now a days tend to be spoiled and as far as the ADD aspect is concerned well the pharmacuticals have to make a profit somehow. It just seems kind of silly to me.
Posted by Oldsoul  on  Wed Aug 20, 2008  at  02:05 PM
wow! I think my sister has indigo powers because she was always bigger and stronger than me and im older than her!
Posted by Amanda  on  Thu Nov 06, 2008  at  08:52 PM
Amanda said:

"wow! I think my sister has indigo powers because she was always bigger and stronger than me and im older than her!"

Yup, that's gotta be it! I mean, there's no variation in human physique even among siblings, right?

Can you sense me rolling my eyes right now?
Posted by Cranky Media Gu  on  Fri Nov 07, 2008  at  12:57 AM
re: ASHLEY POMEROY'S comment.
"If this child has special powers, and he was fighting with his sister, why didn't he just wish her into the cornfield? Perhaps these Indigo Children are actually a menace to humanity, and should be blown up as in "Village of the Damned".

I very much do not like to say things like that but you Ash have something bad coming.
Not only that you don't get it and therefore should rather keep your STUPID for yourself but you actually do wish harm. BADBADBAD.
It is not important who she or he is. LET THEM BE. You are "rotten" inside. Start doing something about it.
Posted by kat  on  Mon Dec 01, 2008  at  09:18 AM
I temporarily disable electronic equipment if I am touching it while I'm angry. For example if i am grounded I could walk up and lightly tap the computer monitor only to have it crash. My parents are furious...they don't know why.
Posted by OS  on  Wed Dec 03, 2008  at  01:19 AM
OS said:

"I temporarily disable electronic equipment if I am touching it while I'm angry. For example if i am grounded I could walk up and lightly tap the computer monitor only to have it crash."

Dear Os:

Prove it. Until then, I'm not buying your story.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Dec 03, 2008  at  01:39 AM
OS, that's not because you can disable electronic equipment, that's because you're using Windows ME. Maybe it's time to upgrade!
Posted by Sakano  on  Wed Dec 03, 2008  at  06:58 AM
ok know ive been found to be a indigo child and i share the qulities of being one i see some what of the future and ihave dreams of fighting demons and evil spirits and i think the devil himself even though i never stay asleep lond enough to find out the results and its like i see creatures and spirits that that know body can see untill i met my little cousin and i hear voices saying your time has come im comming for u and you are mind i allso know i have some type of duty on earth befor i leave this planet but i cant seem to figure it out all the way and also i have this idea that there another high force and between the devil and God somthings not right and im wondering if indigos are gods children the why do i go through this i know im a warior of some type and i know i was ment for good but y am i the only other one like me besides my cousin my first name is in the bible my last name king my name its self is the sir name of jesus and josph and my last name king speaks for its self
Posted by justus  on  Mon Dec 08, 2008  at  01:27 PM
i have to agree with raven for i am and indigo mysef with that logic stuff its true there is more to things that uyou would think and i have a nologize of know a whole lot that would confuse yall
Posted by justus  on  Mon Dec 08, 2008  at  01:32 PM
Why do many of these "indigo children" have such awful spelling?
Posted by Sakano  on  Mon Dec 08, 2008  at  01:35 PM
"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
- L. Ron Hubbard
Posted by Sukram Reittort  on  Wed Dec 24, 2008  at  10:00 AM
Just for all you people who dont believe in Indigos. I Understand you can say what you like. Fine, but other people believe in indigos I do and people commenting on this site. So you dont know they are not real. research cant prove anything, people can though.
Posted by BrokenEyes.x  on  Sun Jan 04, 2009  at  05:54 AM
No, research can't prove anything. It didn't prove that the world wasn't flat, that the sun revolved around the earth, and that flies aren't born from rotten meat. The people in those situations were right, of course. The world is flat, the sun revolves around us, and flies pop out of dead meat.

Just because other people believe in indigos doesn't mean that they're real, it just means you're all deluded.
Posted by Sakano  on  Sun Jan 04, 2009  at  06:44 AM
BrokenEyes said:

"research cant prove anything, people can though."

Huh? That isn't a serious comment, is it?

Exacly who do you think conducts research? HINT: it's people.

In the absence of research, all we would have is guessing. Since you reject research, whether or ot you realize it, you're admitting that you're just guessing about "indigos."

Why should we take your guesswork seriously?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Jan 04, 2009  at  01:39 PM
Look I'm sorry okay, some people believe in them some don't and yes research can prove things. But it all comes down to peoples thoughts and ideas and if you dont believe me fine but i dont want to be aganist you. (whats the point looking at what it says above if you don't believe in indigo's??
Posted by BrokenEyes.x  on  Sun Jan 04, 2009  at  02:17 PM
I must confess recent years I did wonder about Indigo Children. I'd research and find it all very interesting if it was true. Although the copypasta of the 'traits' did raise my eyebrows a bit.

But one fateful day I discovered the Dallas newspaper article on Indigo Children and the whole "I'm the Avatar!" quote had me rolling around with laughter. (Avatar is a brilliant show BTW)

I do frequent some forums on Paranormal and I can tell you as soon as anyone posts a topic mentioning Indigo children there is a metaphorical dogpile of badly written posts each clamouring that "Liek omgz im a inigo child to and i liek takl with mi angles and cn reed mines".

Yes, I have my own views on the paranormal- that some things a worth a second look at. But Indigo Children? Oh god please stop with this bull.
Posted by Urist McDwarfy  on  Thu Jan 22, 2009  at  12:04 AM
Oh come on. The only one to reply is a spam bot?
Posted by Urist McDwarfy  on  Tue Feb 24, 2009  at  03:29 PM
BrokenEyes said:

"Look I'm sorry okay, some people believe in them some don't and yes research can prove things. But it all comes down to peoples thoughts and ideas and if you dont believe me fine but i dont want to be aganist you. (whats the point looking at what it says above if you don't believe in indigo's??"

When I attempt to boil down what you said there, what I get is, "I believe in certain things, including Indigo children, not because there's any evidence that they actually exist, but because I just WANT TO."

There are a great many things in this world that I'd LIKE to believe in, but if the evidence doesn't support their existance, why should I waste my intellect on them?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Tue Feb 24, 2009  at  04:22 PM
Look around you there's indigo children amongst us!

Look around you there's indigo children amongst us!!!!

Maybe you'll see one sittin in the rain at some sidewalk cafe;
with half of their wet cigarette in the ashtry..

they just want to find a lost soul to save..

Are you a lost soul tryin to find a road that's paved?

Keep faith in your suitcase, pack your beliefs...

Indigo children exist, I've even seen some sleep!

I love this fucking country...
Posted by kEeBzLuR  on  Tue Feb 24, 2009  at  09:15 PM
Cranky Media Guy is right; If you can't measure it, detect the particles that propagate it, mathematically define its behaviour, manipulate it with a device and have observable and repeatable results of its cation, then it does not exist.

Just like love.
Posted by D F Stuckey  on  Wed Feb 25, 2009  at  12:34 AM
Oooh, snarky, D.F.

The difference between love and "indigo" is that the former is an emotion and the latter is claimed to be an observable phenomenon. Funnily enough, scientists have actually seen a change in brain activity when a person thinks about someone they love.

Auras, on the other hand, like fairies, can apparently only be seen by those who believe in them. Please don't bring up Kirlian photography; it's been dealt with already in this thread.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Feb 25, 2009  at  01:03 AM
Cranky, you can see a chnage in brain activity simply by speaking to someone when they are being monitored - Your 'proof' is absolutely ridiculous and makes even less sense than the Indigo claims.

There is no such thing as love - Emotions are utterly irrational and therefore nonexistent, simply random chemical imbalances in the body.

I doubt the existence of Indigos, but there are simpel exoperiment sto determine their claims . . . Love however cannot be tested and therefore is far and away less likely to exist.
Posted by D F Stuckey  on  Wed Feb 25, 2009  at  03:22 AM
D.F. your arguments are flawed. They were looking for specific changes in the brain. Here's an interesting article about the study:
Posted by Sakano  on  Wed Feb 25, 2009  at  07:21 AM
A news article description of a scientific study is always a poor way to review the study, but even so . . .

Firstly, the test subjects were those people who were 'in love' or 'recently heartbroken'. In my misspent youth studying biology, the one thing that was important was measuring the state of test subjects; There were vast lists of procedures to determine isf an organism was alive, something most laypeople would describe as 'f&^%*ing obvious'. I note NO repeat NO mention of the criteria that was used to determine the state of these people apart from what they 'felt' or 'believed' about their emotional state ( Does that remind you of someone? Some people of a certain "colour" which is how all this started? 😊 )which is a serious flaw to the study; And it underlines my point that this so-called state of being cannot be measured objectively by instrumentation. Reality is waht can be determined by equipment, not by the subjective opinion of flawed human beings as I know all too well.

The brain loop circuit the study notes is probably just some reflex involved with the activities associated with sexual behaviour, rather than the airy-fairy emotional repsonse you seem so determined to waste your intellect upon.

In conclusion, Cranky, you appear to be falling for a similar delusion as the Indigos - Rather like the old Szardi ( sp?) test for mental illness, where the patient supposedly responded most strongly to a picture of someone with the same symptoms - And to regrettably quote the Bible, you should look to the log in your own eye before trying to remove the splinter form your neighbour's eye.
Posted by D F Stuckey  on  Wed Feb 25, 2009  at  02:57 PM
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