BIOPRO EMF Harmonization Chips

Cranky Media Guy sent me a link to this interesting product: BIOPRO Chips. BIOPRO describes itself as a leader in the field of EMF harmonization devices. You see, you may not have realized it but, as BIOPRO tells you on their website, virtually all electronic devices emit dangerous electromagnetic frequency (EMF). Phones, microwaves, computers... You name it. So what's a person to do? Simple. Get some BIOPRO Chips. These amazing chips are designed to defend against EMF. Apply some of them to your electronic devices, and EMF emissions will be 'harmonized', thereby rendered harmless. It took me a while before I figured out exactly what these 'chips' were. But then I figured it out. 'Chips' is a euphemism for 'stickers'. BIOPRO is selling little stickers that are supposed to protect people against 'electro-pollution'. Of course, the website contains no explanation of how or why these stickers would work. Obviously that's because these stickers won't do anything but lighten your wallet by a substantial amount.


Posted on Wed Apr 13, 2005


BIOPRO IS A SCAM - Your a fool and an idiot!

"Man Made Global Warming scare which we all know now is just another method to rape us as a new type of tax; AKA: Carbon Credits. All of this is created through total propaganda".

For years govt's were trying to cover up global warming, but now that it's undeniable they have no choice but to come out, sure they might be making MORE money off it, but it does not mean its man made propaganda. When animals that have been around for thousands of years before us start declining 400% or more on the last 100 yrs or so, climate specific animals I mean, well it's not hard to realise whats happening.

Wake up and smell the car fumes, IDIOT!
Posted by BIOPRO IS A SCAM - IS AN IDIOT  on  Wed Oct 29, 2008  at  02:54 PM
"Thanks - we will...

Did you see one of the pitchers at the world series was using one of the Q-Link knockoffs??? Had one around his neck".

All I can say is, don't knock it till you try it. There have been a lot of "scientific" and real world tests for clarus products all with positive results, so sure you can poke your fun, but your just showing your imaturity level by babbling about something you know nothing of.

Go, believe everything the corrupt US government/FDA tells you, be another sheep that works to make the rich that way, like I said, Morons!
Posted by Fabs  on  Wed Oct 29, 2008  at  03:03 PM
Fabs said:

"All I can say is, don't knock it till you try it."

You know what I heard? I heard that rubbing squirrel dung on your head will keep you from getting sick. Given the "logic" in the part of your comment I just quoted, you HAVE to try it. After all, you CAN'T knock it if you haven' tried it, right?

Please give us a link to a photo of you with a poop patty on your head OR I will be forced to conclude that you are a hypocrite.

"There have been a lot of 'scientific' and real world tests for clarus products all with positive results, so sure you can poke your fun, but your just showing your imaturity level by babbling about something you know nothing of."

Why did you put "scientific" in quotes? Can you please give us links to those "scientific" and "real world" tests so we can determine their validity or lack thereof?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Oct 29, 2008  at  04:46 PM
Fabs said:

"Fisrtly, let me get this straight, what the makers claim is that it harmonizes emf's by harmonizing our own energy fields so we don't get affected as much as we would if we were not in balance."

What does that gibberish mean? Assuming we can figure it out, how do we test it? I mean, you're not just taking their word for it because you WANT to believe in it, are you? You DO want them to actually work, right?

"Let me guess, you wouldn't even believe in Auras unless your precious mainstream science could not prove it."

Uh, what? I wouldn't believe in "auras" unless science couldn't prove their existence? I suspect you meant that I wouldn't believe in "auras" unless science COULD prove their existence. That would be correct. I do NOT believe in the existence of human auras.

"Well people have been working with body energy for thousands of years before your precious, government controlled scientists proved we all have our own energy fields."

Every time I type a letter on my keyboard, I'm using "body energy," so yes, it obvious exists. What is your point?

I'm confused. First, you attack science, then you claim that my "precious, government controlled scientists" have proven that we all have an "energy field."

What scientists are you talking about and in what way are they "government controlled?" Also, why would the government (WHICH government?) be interested in suppressing knowledge of such a thing?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Oct 29, 2008  at  04:58 PM
This is for you CRANKY MEDIA IDIOT....

"Please give us a link to a photo of you with a poop patty on your head OR I will be forced to conclude that you are a hypocrite".

Your just showing your plain ignorance and stupidity, poor fool. I said don't knock it ie don't knock something you know nothing of and besides I know squrrel dung is good smeared on my head, I just can't get any of the good stuff here in OZ.

Check that out, theres pleanty more case studies out there, and that is for the clarus clearwave, not the biopro products, but I'm guessing you'll have just as much problem with the clearwave too.

I put scientific in quotes, because as god as mainstream science is good, it is bad too. There have been known cures for cancer, aids and many many types of serious illnesses for decades that never make it public, I wonder if thats because the gvt and pharmacutical companies are in bed together, duh. How do we have memories or think or walk or breathe, at the core of it all, it's because of energy, little electrical impulses, so where does that come from ?

Your next post I can't even bothered be responding to, but I'll say this much, Aura's can definately be proven using GDV and kirlian photographic cameras, among other methods. It is well known that the energy field around our living bodies, as well as animals bodies dissapate and vanish once we die.

Do a little research before you make yourself sound even more discredited and totally stupid you arrogant Cranky Media Idiot. Why are you so cranky anyway, maybe it's because your so tied up in the governments media BS, or maybe you just have a small penis, oh well either way it's your loss.
Posted by Fabs  on  Wed Oct 29, 2008  at  08:25 PM
Fabs said:

"There have been known cures for cancer, aids and many many types of serious illnesses for decades that never make it public, I wonder if thats because the gvt and pharmacutical companies are in bed together, duh."

And the actual EVIDENCE for this is what, exactly?

"How do we have memories or think or walk or breathe, at the core of it all, it's because of energy, little electrical impulses, so where does that come from ?"

Well, to greatly simplify the answer, our cells convert the electrical impulses into motion or thought. This has what to do with BIOPRO?

"Your next post I can't even bothered be responding to, but I'll say this much, Aura's can definately be proven using GDV and kirlian photographic cameras, among other methods."

"Kirlian" cameras take pictures of coronal discharge, not auras. The Kirlian nonsense has been thoroughly disproven many times. As a believer in the existence of human auras, however, you won't be interested in reading about those FACTS, I'm sure.

"It is well known that the energy field around our living bodies, as well as animals bodies dissapate and vanish once we die."

Yes, it's "well known" by people who believe in psuedo-scientific nonsense.

"Why are you so cranky anyway, maybe it's because your so tied up in the governments media BS, or maybe you just have a small penis, oh well either way it's your loss."

Ah, Ye Olde Ad Hominem Attack, the last refuge of those who have no actual FACTS to back up their beliefs.

Aren't you afraid that letting out all that "negative energy" will turn your aura black?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  01:03 AM
"And the actual EVIDENCE for this is what, exactly"?

You couldn't believe it anyway, you media idiot, all you believe is what the pathetic government and media tells you, so I don't care about your useless way of thinking.

My question was where do the electrical pulses originate from, media idiot, not what happens afterwords, read what I wrote properly, and it has something do do with our energy fields, not biopro, we are beyond that point of the conversation now, try to keep up.

If you don't believe that we have spirits, souls or auras, it really is your loss, all you see and hear and feel is what this materialistic world has to offer, and because of that, I truly feel sorry for you.

Don't worry your just not at a point in your spiritual evolution to understand or accept what I am saying or what more is out there that could benefit you greatly.

You probably have truckloads of karma to pay off first, so don't worry, one day (or life), you will get there.

I'm not afraid of anything Media Idiot, I'll let out what I want and it wasn't negative to me, maybe you, but who really cares, each to his own.

Your either working for the government, completely brainwashed by everything you see on the media, or very deeply christian, maybe all of them. Like I said, it is your choice to close of the doors to a higher evolution, and I respect you for your choice, good luck!
Posted by Fabs  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  03:46 AM
Wish I knew programming so I could write an application for my computer to harmonize it with me then I would not have to worry about emf when I am using it.
Posted by Alfie  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  06:32 AM
Programming has nothing to do with it.

You can't harmonize emf's unless you use something like lead, then still it's not harmonizing, it's shielding.

Basically put, every living thing has an energy field, if this field becomes weakened or imbalanced, then things like disease, illness and emf's can be detrimental to our bodies.

The idea of resonance technology is to harmonize or balance our energy fields so as such things do not impact us. I guess you could say its like a force field. This force field or aura can be programmed (by our concious mind) to vibrate at higher frequencies (stronger force field) or lower frequencies (weakened force field). It very much has to do with our intentions, thoughts and actions as to the specific frequency we create for ourselves.

Love and light to all, except that Media Idiot guy, just joking, even you 😊
Posted by Fabs  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  06:50 AM
"force field"

....May the force be with you!

Great - now we are into the world of fantasy...I guess you voted for Barack Hussein Obama II also...
Posted by scott  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  06:53 AM
Well I beleve it will work as well, so I guess I won't invest in either.
Posted by Alfie  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  07:41 AM
LOL, its fantasy until you can comprehend it properly.

Comprehend this though, I would never vote for Obama, even if I could from OZ.

Obama's foreign policy advisor is Zbigniew Brzezinski (and is a member of the illuninati). Brzezinski's foreign 'policy' during the Carter administration, as he has since admitted without regret, was to entice the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan in December, 1979. The idea, he said, was to weaken their rival superpower and the result was a ten-year occupation that cost the lives of an estimated 1.3 million Afghans and spawned the Mujahedin, Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

... Whether America votes for Barack Obama (a false savour due to the media which is totally controlled) or Macain the outcome will be the same because they won't dictate policy - the Shadow People will.

"God" help us all!
Posted by Fabss  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  07:46 AM
check this out people, read both pages form top to bottom. If you disagree that's fine, but do the research in regard to what you don't agree with and see if you find anything that backs up your denial!

OBAMA AND Z. BRZEZINSKI will stuff america up even more so than Bush did. Don't agree? Just wait and see. Obama is here to pick up where Bush has left this nation, in the dumps, now we are headed for the sewers.
Posted by Obama Hater  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  08:00 AM
Fabs said:

"You couldn't believe it anyway, you media idiot, all you believe is what the pathetic government and media tells you, so I don't care about your useless way of thinking."

In other words, you have NO evidence to support your contentions, so you resort to personal attack.

Obama Hater, the topic here is BIOPRO. Talking about Obama is off-topic. Please contribute something about BIOPRO or leave. Thanks.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  01:50 PM
"In other words, you have NO evidence to support your contentions, so you resort to personal attack".

Actually what I mean is, even if I showed you the proof, you would not believe or could not believe it due to your being brainwashed by the pathetic goverment and media. It's not that hard to understand is it? When someone wholehartedly agrees and believes the government and media propaganda as you do, it does not matter if the real truth comes along, because they already have thier "truth". I too was like you once, completely believing in the countries authoritarian figures, but you have to ask yourself, what agenda do or might they have to be this way. Why would the government go in and start wars in completely different countries, why would the government, who is supposedly in power because of the people, not get the peoples approval first, hmm maybe, just maybe Media Guy, they have agenda's that are far beyond the well being of people. Most of the people in power have let it get to thier head, and get worse and worse and more money and status hungry.

Wake up and smell the truth Media Guy, your just being childish.

You don't want to even face the truth about Obama, it's clear that you, for some reason are avoiding any real truth that comes along.

Biopro is the least of our concerns, if it even gives people a little bit of positive thought, it's well worth it in my opinion, placebo or not. By the way, placebo's have been found to be even more powerful (depending on the individual) than so called medications. Figure that one out Media Guy, yes thats right, the body can heal itself through the mind, most of the medications out there, do more long term damage than the short term "fix" is good. What people need to understand is why they have disease and sickness in the first place, fix and isolate the cause and most of the time the body will repair itself readily and easily. That goes for any sickness, disease or imbalance.
Posted by Fabs  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  08:03 PM
Very well written. I have seen professional athletes (golf especially) wearing magnetic or other bracelets for some effect on their play also, which I believe are placebos but if it gets them in the right frame of mind then good for them.

Unlike prescription drug medicines, the Biopro device has no side effects I know of (other than a tendency to develop dependency on an inanimate object or to separate the owner from some of his money)..
Posted by Scott  on  Thu Oct 30, 2008  at  08:44 PM
Well, Fabs, you've really got me. I didn't think anyone knew about the money the U.S. government pays me to deny the existence of human auras. How did you find out?

"You don't want to even face the truth about Obama, it's clear that you, for some reason are avoiding any real truth that comes along."

It's as if you can see right through me. Yes, I also get paid to not face the "facts" (whatever they may be) about Barack Obama.

You keep on keeping on, Fabs. Don't worry for a moment about the people who think you're a conspiracy theory nut job. They all just have dark auras. And negative force fields, too. But what would you expect from extra-terrestrials, huh? So typical.

Hey, I've got a question for you. How expensive is it to line all the walls of your house with aluminum foil? I have a feeling you'd know about that.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Fri Oct 31, 2008  at  12:57 AM
Media Guy, you really are just an idiot.

Conspiracy theorist you might say, I say call me what you will, but do the research and you'll find it's not a conspiracy, like it said on the x-files, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE for those that want to seek it anyway. Me keep on going, how about you keep on going, suckling the teet of George Bush, or Barack or whoever wins, the US government, like most others are corrupt in one way or another, if you choose to turn a blind eye, that's your problem.

Like I said, one day you may come to realise just how much of an arrogant idiot you really are, and perhaps you'll change your perceptions and ideas and see past the BS and propaganda. Honestly, if the gvt was paying you to discredit aura's, biopros and things that can help protect you from the harmful effects of EMF's, I would not be in the slightest surprised. Although you arn't doing a very good job so I hope for the tax payers sake, you arn't getting paid and your doing this of your own pathetic accord.

Aluminium foil wouldn't work with EMF's like I said before, I'm just sensible when it comes to things that give off a high level of them. I would suggest for anyone that reads this to get yourself an emf gauss meter and do your own experiments in your house about what gives of Emf at an unacceptable level. If anyone has an electric alarm clock next to thier head when they sleep, scrap it or move it into another room, just go for a battery operated one.

Why would I care about people that think I'm nuts? I know what is truth for me may not be true for someone else, and I'm totally happy with that, we wouldn't be individual otherwise thats what makes this world so great, the contrasting ideas and idiots such as yourself Mr "Media Guy".
Posted by Fabs  on  Fri Oct 31, 2008  at  01:31 AM
Fabs said:

"I know what is truth for me may not be true for someone else..."

While that statement *might* have some sense to it IF we're talking about personal situations, it certainly is NOT relevant to the laws of physics.

You can believe in stuff like human auras, etc. all you want, but your belief, no matter how sincere, will NOT will them into existence.

Of course, I'm just a government dupe so what do I know?

You, on the other hand, are a guy who knows the T*R*U*T*H about all these things but who refuses to provide any evidence of such to we poor mortals. How could we NOT take you at your word?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sat Nov 01, 2008  at  01:15 AM
Cranky Media Idiot Said:

"While that statement *might* have some sense to it IF we're talking about personal situations, it certainly is NOT relevant to the laws of physics.

You can believe in stuff like human auras, etc. all you want, but your belief, no matter how sincere, will NOT will them into existence.

Of course, I'm just a government dupe so what do I know?

You, on the other hand, are a guy who knows the T*R*U*T*H about all these things but who refuses to provide any evidence of such to we poor mortals. How could we NOT take you at your word"?

The "laws of physics" huh? Who made such laws, and are these men perfect, are they all knowing?Like I said previously Mr Media Guy, Aura's are proven, and people have been working with the human energy field for thousands of years, some people can even see them with thier own eyes, some can feel and sense it. The instant like or dislike of a person, upon first seeing them or hearing them can be attributed to this, although that is a very basic level of the sensing I'm talking about.

Ok then mr I don't believe, I challenge you to prove human energy fields or Auras are not real, and I'm just imagining them along with all the others.

Don't reply unless you have something to back up your disbelief. While I could spend time for you, looking up various studies, I believe in it enough not to care whether you believe in them or not, so it's up to you to prove me wrong, if you can.

Posted by Fabs  on  Thu Nov 06, 2008  at  08:33 PM
Fabs said:

"The 'laws of physics' huh? Who made such laws, and are these men perfect, are they all knowing?"

OK, you simply CANNOT be as stupid as that sentence makes you appear.

"Ok then mr I don't believe, I challenge you to prove human energy fields or Auras are not real, and I'm just imagining them along with all the others."

Please read the following slowly so you can understand it. Feel free to move your lips if necessary.

The burden of proof is on the person making an assertion of existence, NOT on the person disagreeing with him. In other words, it's up to YOU to prove that auras exist. I realize that isn't how you'd LIKE the world to work, but tough break for you.

OK, time to let you in a little secret. I can fly. Yes, FLY just like a bird, no engines, external power source or wires involved.

Now, since you think that the burden of proof is on the person who doubts the existence of something--in this case my ability to fly under my own power--by your own rules, you now HAVE to concede that I can fly. You CANNOT ask me to prove it, since that would violate your own rules.

In your next posting, I DEMAND that you acknowledge my ability to fly. OR you can admit that your rules make no sense.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Fri Nov 07, 2008  at  01:06 AM
It shoots a beam of microwaves that can't penetrate the skin deeply (thus doing no internal damage) but do cause what's apparently incredibly intense pain. I doubt a sticker would be very effective.
Posted by fallen earth chips  on  Tue Dec 01, 2009  at  08:44 PM
I purchased an EarthCalm pendant a few weeks ago and put it on expecting nothing. The next morning, I woke up with no back or hip pain for the first time in a couple years. I have a feeling of inner peace and calm. Wow! It's amazing. The building I work in has WIFI and I live in a condo where everyone around me has their own WIFI. I will get the EarthCalm home protection soon.
Posted by Delite  on  Mon Jan 18, 2010  at  06:42 PM

You might be in for a rude awakening by realizing that the Earth has a magnetic field. Then there's another rather large problem being that all sorts of EMF naturally penetrates us from outer space every second, X-rays, radio waves, microwaves, you name it. You might be even more disappointed to realize that biological nervous systems use sodium-potassium pumps to communicate rather than flowing electrons. So where a radio signal can induce a current in a metallic wire, it cannot induce a current in a nonconductive biological tissue such as your nerves.
Posted by jon  on  Fri Apr 30, 2010  at  07:44 PM
The speculation and criticism can be put to rest. EarthCalm has been certified effective by the International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IIREC). IIREC is a globally renowned authority on EMF research and testing of EMF protection devices. IIREC is a government funded research institute in Austria and comprised of globally recognized scientists of electrophysics, biophysics, environmental medicine and wave genetics. Concerned about the health effects of EMFs, these scientists united to establish EMF protection protocols and methods for testing the effectiveness of protection devices. Its website states, “IIREC offers manufacturers of EMF protection products a reliable quality test and interested parties and consumer protection organizations the ability to distinguish the effective products from the ineffective ones."
Posted by Liala Epstein  on  Sat Jul 07, 2012  at  08:48 AM
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