Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?

image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)

Health/Medicine Psychology

Posted on Thu Feb 10, 2005


People that think they have this are posting about it right here...on the HOAX FORUM?

Naaaa, it can't be.

So, is that a part of the hoax too?
Posted by Magnificent  on  Sun Apr 23, 2006  at  06:54 AM
I have had the sensation of things crawling on my skin before when around large amounts of old paper for too long. The only conclusion I had was that mites were getting on me that were attracted to was a horendous feeling...and you could never see them..but once you thought they were on felt like they were crawling all over you...very much a physcholigical thing...
Posted by Robb Hill  on  Fri May 12, 2006  at  03:03 PM
Haldol should fix you guys right up, try that.

Also, remember to sleep at least every third or fourth day.
Posted by Straker  on  Fri May 12, 2006  at  05:06 PM
I stumbled upon this as the direct result of recent unemployment and having way too much time on my hands on days I am too lazy to look for a job.

It seems as if I have stumbled into a whole subculture of similarly situated folks who also have way too much time on their hands; who choose to focus on endless windy arguments to "prove" their opinions to other, equally wordy skeptics seeking to "disprove" their nemeses'.

I stopped reading after two or three pages of this repetitive, self-serving, circular argument.

The "morgellons" phenomenon may be legitimate; it may be some form of hysteria.
Whether "morgellons" is a disease, either somatic or psychosomatic seems up for grabs as long as it stays in the realm of "research" done by the sufferers themselves. The patients' claims that, "This is real! I suffer from this disease, am not delusional because I see the little bugs crawling on, in, or under my skin..." is not credible.

Two additional items act to work against any legitimizing of this phenomenon. First the crackpot, conspiracy theorists have gotten a hold of this. They have every motivation from an axe to grind with someone, somewhere, to hawking tonics and machines to eradicate the evil machinations of the illuminati. All you need is an internet connection and some dollars and ninety-five cents, shipping included. Second, until the threshold of a few thousand sufferers among a world population of several billion (on the order of one part-per-million) is crossed, the morgellons phenomenon won't receive much research attention. Dollars are spent on things like heart-disease, cancers, and the common cold-things that affect large numbers of folks.

This article is entirely opinion. I have done only unsystematic surveys of web articles relating to this phenomenon. This is my first and very likely my last posting on this
Posted by edumacated  on  Sat May 13, 2006  at  05:57 PM
I observe a simple, if possible, idea.

People have some kind of infection. In fact, they do not even have the same one. This is a real infection, causes some real difficulties, and possibly impairs rational thought. These people who have these diseases read about Morgellons, and hear a little box click in their head. "This must be it!" they cry. And thus begins a happy little merry-go-round...

I am not prepared to believe in Morgellons as reported. The only doctor I've seen cited had his license revoked for prescribing illegal narcotics. All other comments regarding possible causes by other doctors have not merely been uncertain, but clear that there is no demonstrable link between Morgellons symptoms and any given pathogen. I do not even believe in the multi-colored little folicles growing around. That makes absolutely no sense. If they were of one origin, they would at least be similar in color. Reports of green, red, and blue sounds like a Christmas shopping mall, not the by-product of a malevolent disease.

Also, regarding the conspiracy theories; what kind of bioengineered threat has no actual lethality barring those sad fools who choose to end their lives? Shall the terrorists/government wackos/evil scientists riddle us with disgustingly vile skin irritation? Grow up. Get real.

It is my belief, from what I have read, that these people have some kind of disease from some other pathogen, and for whatever reason (that pathogen or otherwise) have mild mental instability that leads them to fabricate symptoms, and evidence thereof, and to believe it wholeheartedly. There is such a thing as mass delusion. A delusion, it must be noted, is not the same thing as a hallucination. A delusion is a belief in something which is not true. There are also such things as mass hallucinations, which could account for the crawling feeling.

The point is, aside from unclear at this late hour, this can far more easily be explained by common pathogenic diseases paired with slight mental imbalance (however induced) than by some mysterious super pathogen that makes string grow out of our bodies and has parasites that we ought not be able to feel crawling to vacate through holes in our skin.
Posted by The Impartial Spectator  on  Sun May 14, 2006  at  12:30 AM
Dracunculus medinensis
Posted by NeemaSingh  on  Sun May 14, 2006  at  08:49 AM
Don't be too quick to discount "new" diseases. Several years ago I had the priviledge of supplying computer equiment to an undertaker in the city. He was telling me that long before anyone named "Aids" he had been processing dead gay men who died of it. His attempts to report it were ignored.

There seems to be an ingrained unwillingness to reject such things especially if they are really odd.

Morgellons? Who knows? Just pray if it is real you don't get it.
Posted by Sam Evan  on  Mon May 22, 2006  at  02:56 AM
I'm confident that this" disease" is nothing more than an elaborate hoax set up by the US government in order to deliberately spread fear so taht greater restrictions can be places on immigrants..particularly of Mexican and South American descent.

Think about it: It's also referred to as the "Mystery Border Disease" in many reports because most cases are cropping up in places where immigrants are most likely to enter(California, Texas, Florida). This whole thing just happens to pop up while the president is engaging the public (for the first time)in an immigrant discourse, and while senate is trying to pass an immigration bill. Coincidence?

So, rather than be the "bad guy", Bushco can close the Mexican-American boder to save us from this evil disease..thus catapulting himself into hero status?
Posted by Archbishop Murry  on  Wed May 24, 2006  at  11:10 AM
"I'm confident that this" disease" is nothing more than an elaborate hoax set up by the US government in order to deliberately spread fear so taht greater restrictions can be places on immigrants..particularly of Mexican and South American descent."

While we're not above dumping nasty diseases on other nationalities in desperate (and largely successful) land takeovers, the United States never conspired to do so. I am one-hundred percent confident that all instances of anihilation of lesser Americans and foreigners residing in this great land were the result of total ignorance on the part of your governmant.
Thank You
Posted by G.W.B.  on  Wed May 24, 2006  at  01:16 PM
There are people of all educational levels with this disease, including professionals such as doctors, chemists, scientists and engineers. There are babies, children, parents and grandparents with this disease. Your neighbor, co-worker, or family member could have this disease, which has a variety of manifestations, including internal, and neurological - not just skin lesions, rashes, fibers, or scalp itching and crawling and hair movement sensations.

Some people who have this disease reduce symptoms by an anti-candida diet and may have a systemic fungal infection, and perhaps more, including co-infections and weakened immune systems. (Some parasites are attracted to fungus. ) Doctors have prescribed antifungals, antibiotics and antiparasitics for this disease. Tests for Lyme disease are positive for some sufferers.

Some sufferers recall being bit by ticks or bed bugs or having had lice or scabies. Others have speculated that they have been bit by some unknown mite or bug, or wondered about mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, etc. Some believe they caught this from traveling. Others believe they caught this from someone they knew or by using blankets or clothing someone else had used. Others have no idea how they caught this. Some families have more than one member of the family who has these symptoms. Some are husband and wife and not genetically related. Some families have one parent and some or all of the children with this.

Whether this is genetic or environmental or both is unknown. How contagious it is, or at what stages it is contagious is unknown too.

One of the patients on Lymebusters / Morgellons message board reported that her doctor examined her without gloves and caught the disease and is treating himself with Ketaconazole for the fibers coming out of his hands. (This is not the same doctor as mentioned in the Oregon TV news clip)

News clips & articles on Morgellons:

From the scientist researching Morgellons:

Click and listen to "Dr Wymore Speaks" - an mp3 file which is a brief interview where the scientist researching Morgellons discusses the fibers, patients and doctors.

Posted by QH  on  Wed May 24, 2006  at  02:49 PM
I feel sorry for the people who believe they have this disease. They are clearly suffering from a delusion. I am a psychologist and the definition of a delusion is a belief that people think is real. You all are having symptoms that are real, but I believe the symptoms you are having serve some psychological purpose. What would your life be like without this disease to use as a focus? Perhaps feeling passionate about the disease allows you to ignore real depression or feelings of unmet needs. You need the attention of having a disease that no one believes in. You need an excuse for not having a productive life. What are your relationships like? Do you have friends? Do you have a life outside of your disease? The passion with which you hang on despeartely to this belief is a reflcetion of how threatening it must feel to look inward beyond it. Instead of dedicating your lives to pushing people to ackknowledge that your sickness is real, how about getting into therapy and examining what this diagnosis could be doing for you in your life. What's the secondary gain behind having this "disease?" Does it make you feel important? Whole? Victimized? A martyr? The cure lies within yourself. Are you ready to take up the challenge to really look at your lives?
Posted by Mike  on  Sat May 27, 2006  at  06:46 PM

Please see the bottom line of this website - note the statistics - "94% of Patients with Morgellons have Lyme disease."

I will be tested for Lyme Disease soon myself. Some of the others cannot afford to do so.

The many professionals who have this disease have busy and productive lives (or had.) Your line of questioning shows your lack of research into Morgellons.

The danger in automatically diagnosing this as a mental illness - either long distance by internet, or in person in a doctor's office - without bloodtests, skin or hair samples, or examination with a magnifying glass, is delayed treatment for a systemic disease.

Many Morgellons patients have been diagnosed DOP without examination or any labwork. A proper diagnosis of DOP is a diagnosis of exclusion.

The process of exclusion to diagnose is being ignored and the DOP diagnosis is quickly made by the doctors Morgellons patients have sought medical help and relief from.

That is verifiable if you do some research, expecially by reading the individual stories of many Morgellons sufferers. Once any mention is made of the unusual symptoms, the DOP diagnosis is made and the appointment is over.

Here's some information on the questionable history of Ekbom's / DOP:

Posted by QH  on  Sat May 27, 2006  at  09:19 PM
Posted by cerulean  on  Sat May 27, 2006  at  10:45 PM
Posted by cerulean  on  Sat May 27, 2006  at  10:49 PM


Ginger Savely:

Posted by QH  on  Mon May 29, 2006  at  07:35 AM
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

(404) 639-3311

June 1, 2006

Dan Rutz of the CDC on the phone.

The CDC has chosen a head researcher to lead a group, currently in the process of assemblage, to investigate Morgellon's.

Here's a very lucid person with a dry sense of humor, an Intel microscope, and continuing to keep an open mind about possibilities:

Exactly What Morgellon's IS...

whether natural or unnatural mutation, whether something very old awakened in the environment or something very new released, whether a unique complex of the known come together naturally or unnaturally, whether something that has been going on under the radar and is just now coming to light or something that really is a recent novel addition to the scene

...the, "kind," with the physical evidences that has prompted formation of a CDC group dedicated to finding out, hopefully will be known sooner rather than later.
Posted by oldtimeybioman  on  Sat Jun 03, 2006  at  01:23 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You all are EXPERTS at this hoax business!!!
Posted by The Best I've Seen  on  Mon Jun 05, 2006  at  01:48 AM
Despite the fact that someone can say, "X person is a healthcare professional," or "X person is qualified to make an assessment", using such flimsy claims of evidence or credibility is no way to go about forming a 'belief'.

Having spent several weeks watching this build up, there are still some questions that haven't been answered well enough, or even asked by so many 'believers'.

1.) Why are and registered anonymously? Why would anyone need to obfuscate who they are or what they are doing?

2.) Out of scores and scores of digital photographs, why do so few have things such as SCALE listed? Why are there no size references in said photographs?

3.) Fibres that emerge from these lesions are so varied in their shape, color, and apparent composition as to be ridiculous. Black specks? Thready pinks, reds, blues, whites?

To be honest, it looks to me like clothing fiber...synthetic clothing fiber, carpet fiber, or some other form of benign fuzz. Until someone posts CREDIBLE chemical analysis of the 'fiber', you would be a complete fool to believe this nonsense.

Really...some yahoo sees a few fuzzy specks in a scab and throws a fit? A few other yahoos see it and throw an equally spectacular fit, then whip out the digital camera and take photographs of starfish, black specks, pink threads, and then everyone goes hysterical?

Does that seem right to you?

Jesus, critical thinking is in short supply lately.
Posted by Soror  on  Tue Jun 06, 2006  at  03:26 AM

" . . . Data extrapolated from vaccine studies and CDC lectures suggest that the number of patients with Lyme Disease may be ten-fold higher than what is being currently reported. In spite of this, the CDC seems to be more concerned with diagnostic criteria that prevent false positives, with little concern for false negatives. A system with better balance in regard to this issue is urgently needed for accurate statistics concerning the magnitude of the number of patients with Lyme disease . . . "

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences

From Randy S. Wymore Ph.D. Department of Pharmacology and Physiology

Rhonda Casey, D.O., Department of Pediatrics

Letter to Practioner
Posted by QH  on  Tue Jun 06, 2006  at  11:49 PM
I feel so bad for those people suffering with his disease..I pray that a cure will be found. This is not dillusional. There's been too many people with the same complaints. Has anyone suffering from had flu shots? I read that there was a high percentage of nurses and teachers with Morgellons...Just a thought.
Posted by Marlene  on  Thu Jun 08, 2006  at  03:29 PM
This "Morgellons disease" is a total hoax. How come there is NO mention of it on AMA's website? Or the American Academy of Dermatology's website? Or ANY medical dictionary? Or the CDC's website? And how come the *only* article about it on PubMed is co-authored by the creator of Why? Because it is MADE UP. There are some sick people out there -- the ones who are making up disease just to scare people. Shame on them.
Posted by Sassy  on  Thu Jun 15, 2006  at  02:43 PM
OMG! Posts like the one above just make me so durn mad. This disease is NOT made up!!!!!!!!!!!! Man MADE - perhaps! But others (myself included) who suffer from this disease could think of a million other things to occupy our lives with - other than MAKING UP SOME DISEASE to draw attention. Whoever you are - Sassy- you KNOW NOT of what you SPEAK! God forbid you develop the same "fictional disease."
May God speed!
Posted by Victoreah  on  Mon Jun 19, 2006  at  04:49 PM
I have a desease what they call it like this!
I have proof and I have seen it!
I never was on drugs, I be on no medication and when i heard Dr. Sheinfeld telling, it comes from gardening.... I think he is ready to see and phisiatric. The whole world would be infected, as every one is doing work in the garden ..
What about farmers...
We are in the 20. century and the sientists wqnt believe that are more things in the world, as that what they build in there mind and are frightend to change...
I can help the people with Morgella desease, not cure, as I am still with this Critters, as I call them...
I have seen them in my house and I have proof collected... If only someone would put there mind on it they can learn something...
Anyone would like some advise, I am willing to give it and I also would like someone to believe me and give me some help...
I have written all the experiances down and can proof it...
Greetings Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  02:09 AM
for anyone who actually wants an answer: (if not then stay with morgellons, they're going nowhere fast...just how they want it.)
Posted by cerulean  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  11:23 PM
I'm itchie now...thanks!!
Posted by You're All Crazy  on  Thu Jun 29, 2006  at  05:24 AM
Hi, I have the same trouble, but my critters what I call them are outside myself..
I spit out a sticky substance and it has insects in it... By now I learned a lot about it and there are no more insects in the saliva.
You all can laugh about me, but I saw that critter hopping down from my bed when I did put the new sheet on... I talk to it and it did not harm me in any way till now.. I can write a lot about it and can give advice from my experiance.
So anyone is welcome...
Regards Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sat Jul 01, 2006  at  07:44 AM
I have been writing to you but can not see my articel... Is it, becouse I have written that I saw my intruder...???? It is the truth and I wish anybody can give me an advice how to get rid of it!!!!!
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Jul 02, 2006  at  05:41 AM
Jane, you said "Cheese, Sugar, sweets, refined carbohydrates make it worse." I believe this is a mutant yeast gone fungia, some form of Canida Ablicanas, see my post @

Start a seroius anti-candida diet and see what happens, you'll be suprised
Posted by Optimistic  on  Thu Jul 06, 2006  at  09:28 AM
I have been researching this and believe I have most of the symptoms. But I also have had flies and bugs dead and alive emerge from an open sore. It is constant and I can not get rid of it. if I close up the sore then I can feel the crawling.

I need a doctor in Dallas, can anyone help please. I am not delusional
Posted by drama in Dallas  on  Fri Jul 07, 2006  at  10:16 AM
I am sorry, I axcidently removed myself from the
list where I get comments... Please can you enter me again..
Thank you Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sat Jul 08, 2006  at  07:29 AM
When I was reading the paper I had 4 dead insects fallen on top of it... There was nothing flying around in the room.... Where did the come from????
Why does nobody believe it and why can,t the start a resurch on it...
This things are real and with a bit of an open mind, they would learn something from it..
But till now we are alone!
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sat Jul 08, 2006  at  07:38 AM
already research done by reputable group, all u gotta do is read:
Posted by cerulean  on  Sat Jul 08, 2006  at  11:49 AM
I just have to keep going to tell you that this is not a desease...
I have it now for 14 month and need no medication... You can believe me when I tell you I SAW that critter... Whenever I go to sleep at night I hear it humming like a mothy and I can feel it coming to my shoulder and scratching like a cat when it is going to sleep! It is not in my mind and I am lucky it is outside my body... Otherwise are there all the same symtons like the M. desease... like finding fibre and strange things on the floor... Please wake up and believe and find solutions...
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Jul 09, 2006  at  07:44 AM
Where are all the Supernatural people, Medium's
Writers and all who tell us that they can help to get rid of the negative entiety... If they are so sure and take our money, why don't they
take the Docktors and Sientists on and speak out what they are preaching...No, they prefere to stay quiet. I payed a good bit of money for there help... I can say I cope very well and in time, I am sure I will be free of it...
But they should stand up and teach the Docktors and Sientist as they make a fool of ourself.
Get it from gardening was the most impossible think I heard
Posted by Charlotte  on  Mon Jul 10, 2006  at  06:34 AM
It's a real disease, I had it and have never used meth. I cured it with auto-urine therapy, yes, drinking my own urine. 😊
Posted by saraz  on  Sat Jul 15, 2006  at  09:04 AM
my one is a bit different, it is outside my body and I never was in pain with it...
I saw that thing too and it is real...
My house is clean and I have nothing with feathers, but I pick feathers up from the floor, even very small green one... A have a good collection of it already, beside all the other things..
I always hear the insects in my ears and breathing fron something. When I get mad at it, my ears are quiet... I do not believe it myself, But I know it is near me......
Posted by Charlotte  on  Mon Jul 17, 2006  at  03:51 AM
where can I get treatment for this in california., I live in the Imperial Valley about 25 miles from the Mexicali Boarder.
Posted by Silvia Meraz  on  Mon Jul 24, 2006  at  09:54 AM
Collembolla schmolembolla. It is a type of slime mold that has learned quantum tunnelling and is sooo basic it can take over the smallest of functions/structures and acts alone or as 'one' in a group. Looks for 'wholes' in multiplicity take over and/or singles, systems or populations for growth.

Ease pain by following those at Lymebusters Proboards/Morgellons. For FREE.

Wish you well,

Posted by Fighorfly  on  Tue Jul 25, 2006  at  10:28 PM
Ooooh, a slimey mold, is that the flavor of this week? sorry I can't quite keep track of all the hairbrained ideas dreamed up over there at lymebuste-d.
I'm sorry that you are so threatened by science, bryon, I'm sorry published studies and other documented scientific evidence frighten and confuse you and your buddies so much.
Now I know, it's not your fault, it's the Collembola(and the bacteria and fungus they carry)--they are affecting your brain and clouding your judgement. I'm sorry you have to go through all this, I'm sorry that it takes years for the scientific communities to embrace new discoveries and such. However eventually they are going to have to admit to the fact that collembola are causing this terrible skin disease, I hope for your sake that the time for this comes sooner rather than later. Morg foundation know it's collenbola--they can't say anything though because the pile of crapped they tried to heap on the NPA when the study was first published. (Now they gotta wait for someone independant of the NPA to come up with the same findings in order for them to jump on the bandwagon,--which is why there has really been NO progress made by the Morgies on this issue over the last 2 years--actually, no progress since the time MRF was founded, but who's counting?)

So, once again....

Accept it, it's the truth. You'll see.
Posted by cerulean  on  Wed Jul 26, 2006  at  01:51 AM
anybody can say whatever the want...
I saw that critter what I call it...
I am 80 percent better... Whether you believe it or not, I did talk to it and told it:
I can not see you and you are invading my body...
I told it when it was here on earth it would be jailed... I said: I will respect you if you do the same to me!
I did it the spirituelly way and told it to go on towards the light as it is not his place here.
I had a feeling it said it was lost and than I said: no more invading my body, you can stay if you behave.. I always tell it what not to do and it did work.....
It is not 100 percent, but I got a lot of relieve.
The Chemist told me to take Oilive Leaf extract and Garlick, horseraddish and Marschmallow for blood clearing..
I do not believe it myself, but it is better and I also do dozing with a list I got from a Lady in Africa...
I do anything, as from Doctors and Sientists you have no hope to get help...
Anyone like to know more, contact me... It is free........
Posted by Charlotte  on  Thu Jul 27, 2006  at  02:38 AM
With my condition I get small pin size specks of dried blood, when scab is scrapped off it bleeds terribly, then they start to itch and continue to drive me nuts for weeks until they heal.This has caused me much anxiety and stress.My memory is awfull anymore and I hate how this Morgellons has disfigured my skin leaving numerous scars all over me.My first spot appeared the summer of 1993 on my right shoulder and has progressively gotten worse, with an occasional slow down here and there. I hate it! People think I have aides alot of times or something they may catch.
Posted by Judy  on  Fri Jul 28, 2006  at  09:25 AM
The fiber everyone seems to be seeing I think is a strand of skin pulled from near the lesion site. I get that to sometimes when i try to pull one off.
Posted by Judy  on  Fri Jul 28, 2006  at  09:29 AM
I thought I had MS - now I know. How do I convince all the docs who think I have MS, I have this instead; apparently, in my case, Morgellons mimics MS?

It's like the X-files for sure.

I have been a computer researcher off-and-on since the 1970's including more recently in-silico biology and this stuff just astounds me.
Posted by PSIII  on  Sat Jul 29, 2006  at  07:20 PM
If you listen to TV Commercials...they tell of drugs for similar symptoms as 'Morgellons'(which by the way is only a name given to something that has yet to be researched.

What sends people to drs. are skin lesions which begin as small bumps that itch...if you don't like the bump you do tend to scratch...beneath the skin are a cluster of tiny white spots 'heads'. They can be washed away with fungisan. Look up Filaria people and you will not be so smug.

One TV comm. talks about crawling feeling in legs....Morgellons has a 'mooncycle' of a crawling feeling and you look and see nothing....I'll bet all who read this has had the feeling that something was crawling on their ankle but look to see nothing. And no you don't scratch and make sores.

If you are female you will see white short hairs growing on your face. Men probably have it also but a beard of regular hair covers this white furry layer. Almost everyone I know uses hair remover on female mustache or beardlike growth....Look up a few things. Find out about human worms that are as minute as dust and we breath them in. Nasal worms are minicule but I would be willing to bet these are what is the "common cold" as they take 9mos to hatch. They cause sinus infections/infestations.

Years ago before the Medicine Gods took over we dosed our children with concoctions of things like Sulphur and Molasses. Every fall and spring.

If you think there are only a few things that can be caught even during sex....better think again. Micro and Nano Organisms are very tricky and they need a place to live.

I would be willing to bet that all reading this has some level of parasite infestation...The symptoms that send you to a dr may be just that ...little filarial parasites swimming in your blood...a mosquito bite ...those Gnats that swarm can lay an egg in your nose. The Cyst they remove from your breast ....look up that word....means Egg Sac.

Hugs to you all,
Posted by ronica  on  Sat Jul 29, 2006  at  08:19 PM
It is not a parasite, I have seen it with my own eyes and feel it! I can hear it breathing, also smerl it... My way to beat it, is taking to it and thrue this I am 80 percent better. I take bloodcleaning herbal remedie, like Oilive Leaf extract Garlicktablets etc. I have the invasion not in my body, but outside... I hear the humming at night and feel it when it is coming...
I told it to respect me as I will respect this critter and it is an invader as I can not see it.
I do it now the spirituell way and it lost either the power over me, or it does listen..
On Tuesday I go for Acupuncture as I was told they will be able to close the opening in the aura. I will try anything, as I get no result from Doctors...
I can recoment a very interesting place to go:
or; http://www.alien de
Posted by Charlotte  on  Sun Jul 30, 2006  at  07:41 AM
If it lives on you, sings in your ear or makes its bed in your skin or intestines is a parasite.
You can talk all you want and do Voo Doo with the green feathers you pick up....if they want to stay alive they need your blood or whatever else they munch or lay eggs in.

Your creature? Does it come and take you in a space ship?? Even it that far fetched thing is happening they are still parasites.

I had an Uncle who slept on my couch and mooched all the time....yes he was a parasite.

Posted by ronica  on  Sun Jul 30, 2006  at  10:22 AM
I do not think it comes from outer space.
I told you I can talk to it and since then I am 80 percent better..
I was told it comes from deep down the earth and as I am in contact with spirituel people, they told me that some people are open to recieve them... I will go tomorrow for acupuncture and see if the can do something to close the whole.
It is unbelievable for myself, but it is there...
the feed from me, I am sure as other people say, they feel foggy in the head.. This is the only way I can think about it... But I am very clear in my mind, I learn more every day...Whoever wants the proof, I can send it as I can no attachment fit with this mail. Green feathers, you have not seen them, they are very delicat and fine... It is not an elusion...
I got E mails from people saying they can help me
but I have to pay. Why don't they come out and say that there is something around what is unnaturel, but they stay quiet for fear the might loose there income..I try to help myself and everyone can do it when they believe they have the power.. But we get no guidence from anybody,,
Warm greetings Charlotte
Posted by Charlotte  on  Mon Jul 31, 2006  at  03:32 AM
Dearest Charlotte,

This might help in understanding what it is that has us in its grip. It did for me.

With love,

Posted by Bryan aka Fighorfly  on  Mon Jul 31, 2006  at  01:11 PM
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