Morgellons Disease: Is It Real?

image Sufferers of Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:

She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.

So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)

Health/Medicine Psychology

Posted on Thu Feb 10, 2005


Oh wait, hahahaha, Marc you had so many spelling errors, and you told me I couldn't spell. Sorry that just made my day.

Posted by Mary Mahmud  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  05:46 PM
HaHa,,,I am really at SAFE2USE,,,,I hate you all,,,rat mite fever,,,is what this is,,,use pepermint enzyme cleaner,,,and you win, win, win!!!
Posted by [email protected]  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  05:54 PM
Yo bozo,,,,,ddon't get so on yourself!!!,,,oh, sorry, Dr. BOZO!!

Safe2use has been treating this for years!!!,,,it's eternal rat mites!!!,,see my skin Dr. Bozo,,,,leave now!
Posted by [email protected]  on  Fri Sep 30, 2005  at  05:58 PM
Greetings - I have been infested with Collembola Seira since 3/05. I believe "Morgellon's" (or whatever the appropriate term) and Springtail Collembola are caused by different organisms. "Collemboliasis" has been absolutely horrible, but I have never seen or experienced hair like fibers, nor does it sound as severe. I am not contagious and believe this is associated with a immune deficiency.

So "delusive parasitosis" (the Drs-clueless-so-call-patients-crazy disease;-p) is caused by either Collembola and/or the Morgellons infestations. Is this correct?

Have you read about association with Dental Sealants as a cause?

So how are Morgellon's Disease and Collembola related? Similar mite? Are Morgellon's in the order of Collembola? Do they respond to similar treatments? Is a Morgellon just a hairy collembola? What is the name of the mite which causes the fibers?

My collembola symptoms are (in this order) a reddened area, then itchy red bumps and then open lesions, then small black lines and black specs. Sometimes large collections of bumps appear. The lesions attract additional infestation.
Please, anyone feel free to provide any insights or feedback you may have. I believe I have a treatment regimen that I believe will heal and rid myself of Collembola in the next 4-6 weeks. I am eager to share what I have learned.
ddx in Chicago
Posted by ddx  on  Sun Oct 02, 2005  at  12:36 PM
Please post your email so others can contact you DDX. I will entertain any remedies to be rid of this!
Posted by KB  on  Sun Oct 02, 2005  at  02:20 PM

I found out what is was, full diagnosis, and beat it wit diet,,,if you want there all prescriptions,,,,feel free to reach out to me.....beware of others here,,,,for they may want to do the ole,,,rippo-offo!!!
Posted by marc & paul  on  Sun Oct 02, 2005  at  06:09 PM
Hi Marc,
I am interested in what you say about having been prescribed thiabendazole for this. Would you be good enough to tell us the actual dose that you had, and exactly how long you had to take it? This is one of the azole drugs, used in worm infestations. Some scientists believe that the primary organism in this new disease is a fluke shaped nematode, which has other 'parts' to it, including mucus like worms, hairs, and the grey and coloured fibers. If this is so, I can see why you were prescribed medication from the azole group.
Please say more about the diet that helped you too. I do not see how a diet in itself would cure anyone, but it could certainly help, perhaps alongside medication, as you said.
I think that entrenched infection could attract collembola (which research has proven)and perhaps other arthropods.
Anyone with this horrible condition is likely to have, in addition to the brain fog, high levels of irritation. Please do not let this get in the way of realising when someone might be indicating the right answers, as that really would be a tragedy.
For those who claim to have been cured solely by diet, please post more details. I do not think it fair to expect anyone to pay for a diet sheet when they are so ill and desperate.
Marc, I hope that you tell us of the medication regimen that you were prescribed, thus allowing fellow sufferers to request the same, (or perhaps a similar drug), from their doctors.
With best wishes to you all,
Posted by Mo  on  Wed Oct 05, 2005  at  01:56 PM
my daughter has these same symptoms. where can we find help in illinois? she is a patient at Mayo Clinic for other health problems and we would like to see if any of these health problems may be connected to Morgellons. at first I was doubting her skin problems, thinking because she is going through so much, she was imagining these feeling of bugs under her skin, but I have seen the spots and figers, they are realy. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you
Posted by chris schott  on  Wed Oct 05, 2005  at  02:40 PM
Hey, I spent mucho dinero, how many doctors see you for free?

I cannot prescribe Thiebendazole, I am not a doctor.

40.00 for diet is peanuts!!!,,,buying the herbs and suppliments needed are big bucks,,,,

I am sorry that I charge to keep my site open.

If you can tell my bill sto stop billing me for a while that will help, until then, good luck!

my time is money,,,,sorry!,,I have a family and life.

If you want to get cured (and you will receive the prper way of curing yourself) go see my site

by the way,,,it is named THE CREEPING NEMATODE of BORNEO,,,now asia!

Take care, & good luck!~

marc and paul!
Posted by marc & paul & artie  on  Wed Oct 05, 2005  at  06:28 PM
Man, The world would be better off without people like you, marc or whatever your name is today. Buzz off, fkn idiot, jerkoff schlocker.
Posted by Annoyed  on  Wed Oct 19, 2005  at  10:36 PM
The world would be way better off without clowns like you- go crawl under a rock you freak, sorry i tried to help.

Good luck wart face!

Lester, customer service mananger
Posted by marc & paul & artie  on  Thu Oct 20, 2005  at  06:26 AM
sounds like annoyed is a real loser,,,go away loser!!
Posted by sue  on  Thu Oct 20, 2005  at  06:28 AM
Only a dr could prescribe anthelminthics. These, plus diet, and other measures, could possibly help. Has anyone been so treated?
Posted by Mo  on  Mon Oct 24, 2005  at  03:51 AM
Perhaps it only feels as if there is movement in the skin. Fungus readily attaches itself to and colonizes human hair, root hair itself is magnetic to dictate the direction of growth. Certain fungi also have polarity to aid in colonization and reproduction. People suffering from tinea capitis may have hairs that attract and repel each other. The fuzz balls collecting on morgellons sufferers may well be household fuzz that has been colonized by dermatophites. The black specks and some of the fibers shown on the morgellons site really resemble filamentous fungi. Labratory tests for fungal infections are inacurate at best for known species with their geonomes mapped. The majority of species have unknown genomes. I would advise the physician to not dismiss all meth users as simply being delusional when it comes to fungal infections, they are probably the highest risk group behind AIDS sufferers for harboring strange molds, chronic yeast infections etc.
Posted by mialabu  on  Sat Nov 19, 2005  at  05:08 AM
I almost hate seeing this crap e-mailed to me, sorry I do not have patience for stupid behavor.

Infectious Desease doctors know what skin worm from ASIA this is. OK. Some form of CLM, OK!

Get on Thiabendazole pills for 60 days, get the hookhorm blood work ups, and stop waisting your time.

I happened to beat this holistically, and I have repeatedly asked this ASSHOLE firm to take me off the list.

Regular MDs don't treat this. Southern Doctors in ID/TD can fix up up or lay off the sugar for 90 days OK,

Good luck everyone, this site is clowns!
Posted by sue  on  Sat Nov 19, 2005  at  02:21 PM
Chris Schott - can we connect off line from this site re help for your child? I am also in chicago.

I've been researching since I was last here and found this topic is finally getting attention in scientific circles. Some of it reads like a sci-fi novel.

Morgellon's and Collembola are caused by separate, but perhaps related afflictions going on here-- and none of them are delusional. I found some amazing images a Morgellon's and they looked like hairy nematodes to me. Thousands of families around the world are reporting infestation. A group of scientists has been studying them -- did you know they glow under black and UV light? And they definitely move and jump, so forget the fungus theory. Early, unpublished analysis shows indication of labatory, or synthesized origins.

One reason there is so much controversy is that there are actually a number of crawling mites which create creepy, stinging, biting or crawling sensations...scabies, rat mites, bird mites (etc), collembola (springtails) and Morgellon's. Springtails, for their part, are highly opportunistic moving in existing infestations, which is what happened to me. I believe many sufferers of Morgellon's also have springtails biting them. (I'm lucky in that I only have springtails, and after reading so about the Morgellon's worms I want to know what I can do to avoid them!)

I'm going to order the diet, anything can help. I believe these are systemic infections which require an integrated and wholistic approach to curing them.

Good luck to all the sufferers out there. Read and learn as much as you can.

Posted by ddx  on  Sun Nov 20, 2005  at  08:19 AM

London re Garlic advice

Morgellon's are classified as Quorum Sensing, so as it turns out Garlic is an effective Quorum Sensing inhibitor. I would not only injest it but will try spreading directly on lesions and areas of infection. The abstract from the University of Zurich
describes how quorum sensing inhibitors "interfere with bacterial cel to cell communications".

In summary, all Morgellon sufferers should be ALL OVER garlic (I'm guessing part of diet plan referenced??). Yet another example of the powers of garlic!

Great advice, London, thanks.

Posted by ddx  on  Sun Nov 20, 2005  at  08:45 AM
Hey folks. Listen to mialabu!
That person is definitely on the right track. Srangely enough, many people have been cleared of this strange condition by receiving lyme disease treatment. Is this a rare form of lyme disease? Lyme disease is more common than many people think. I, at first, thought ofr ure there were bugs on me but it turns out that microscope images determined that there was indeed dermatophytic fungus growing all over my skin. A dermatophyte fungus causes the crawling sensations because it is a plant type fungus. that is, it actually grows roots- thus causing the sensations. Also the info which mialabu offered says that the airs attract each other. this sounds tru too as that's what it feels like.
Good luck everyone I know what you're going through.
Posted by jason  on  Mon Nov 21, 2005  at  12:00 PM
If you can not afford Thiabendazole, fenbenzadole (similar drug from same group) is available under the name "Safeguard". I becently bought a tube large enough to treat a 1000lb critter, from wallmart for like $8. It's an oral horse wormer and extremely safe. The dosage is easy to adjust, the tube is marked in 250 lb intervals. Just be sure to dose yourself for 3 days, and do not under or overdose. The combination of that and topical antifungal spray seem to be helping.
Posted by mialabu  on  Wed Nov 23, 2005  at  10:11 AM
I respect everyone's input on this condition however...when people recommend chemicals for this condition and it's not correct I feel , since I know a bit about this infection, that I should inform you all of the possible dangers. Somebody posted a comment about Thiabendazole or fenbenzadole to treat this condition. the problem with this is that your condition (if in fact you have morgellons) is not a worm or insect of any kind. This is a blood infection which closely resembles LymeDisease. Lyme disease treatments have proven to cure this condition 100%. be careful with chemicals because they wnon't alleviate the symptoms nor will they cure you. you'll only unecessarily ingest or coat yourself with dangerous chemicals. Good luck!
Posted by jason redlight909  on  Sat Nov 26, 2005  at  06:43 PM
If you are registered on the Morgellons site, has anyone receive an update? There was a flurry of activity a few months ago and talk of a news station in LA doing a story... then dead silence. I would hate to think the story has been hushed!?!
That is just fluff though... I have been afflicted with this thing for at least 5 years now- but only aware it was a parasite for 1 year. In that year I have methodically tried many different treatments, some working better than others. I have retried treatments that didn't work the 1st time and had better results (and vice versa). My personal instinct and feeling is that this thing is CYCLICAL! Figuring out what the cycle is would have to take place in a lab... Just when I think it is a monthly cycle (or whatever) the pattern changes... Probably because I somehow become reinfested with worms at a different stage...
This is my first posting and I have some specific intrests to pursue and am very willing to share what I have learned.
Foremost I am concerned because my 11mo old granddaughter lives with me and I have seen fibers on her. She has had a few seizures that are under control on phenolbarbitol. I have heard Morgellons correlated with autism and ADHD in children. Anyone out there with kid experience?
I will end this missive with the following advice:
Trust your instinct about how YOU treat this (regarding medication, herbs, personal and environmental hygeine, etc.) Read up on and aim to strengthen your immune system... the ultimate cure for all!!
Posted by Grammavicki  on  Mon Nov 28, 2005  at  08:44 PM
BEWARE OF SAFE2USE, they sell junk. They make money off of fears, nothing worked for me,,,,I HATE .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Posted by Josh  on  Fri Dec 09, 2005  at  11:11 PM
In response to my own first question, I finally received an update from the Morgellons people regarding the planned media coverage planned for Jan-Feb 2006.
I would encourage all to register on the Morgellons site. You will only receive informational emails -NO SPAM !- As far as I can tell they are the center of all that is Morgellon and definitely the most active toward finding some answers, if not a cure!! Especially if you live in a cluster state (CA, GA, or NY)! 😝
Posted by Grammavicki  on  Mon Dec 12, 2005  at  07:58 PM
The only thing "morgellons" is interested in is making sure NOTHING happens for anybody. They've been doing TV interviews for 2 years to no avail. They ignore the only published study on this disease, furthermore they spread misinformation about this study as well, even going so far as to launch a pre-emptive strike against the study by sending letters out to various entomologists accusing the NPA of fabricating their images.(this was done before the study was published) As a result, it's taken much longer for the NPA to make any headway in trying to get this disease recognized by the scientific community.
Unfortunately for the sufferers, "morgellons" is more concerned with self-serving politics and greed, than they are with actually helping any of you people.
All "morgellons" is here for is a distraction, and to offer you a false sense of hope that something positive will actually happen through them.
Someday the truth will come out and hopefully the people involved will be held accountable for prolonging the suffering and impeding any legitimate scientific progress.
I guarantee you that in one year's time the "morgellons" foundation will still have all of up the river without a paddle.

If you are actually interested in finding out what is really bugging you then here you go:
Posted by cerulean  on  Mon Dec 12, 2005  at  09:13 PM
I believe that Collembolla exists as well, however if you had experience with Morgellons, you would know that although there are some similarities, Morgellons presents some very specific and different symptoms than your Collembola.
I am also more inclined to believe and information site not linked to advertising!!
Posted by Grammavicki  on  Tue Dec 13, 2005  at  09:17 AM
grammalicki, ...
I'm glad you believe,
I actually do know a thing or two about morgellons, having been a registrant a few years back, I don't know where you get your ideas from -hmm,i wonder, but if you knew anything you'd know the symptoms are the same. I also have had collembola identified in my skin scrapings and am now being treated for that. and guess what, my symptoms have subsided and lesions almost all gone. So yes this morgellons disease is collembola. Of course people may have varying degrees of symptoms but it is all the same condition, if it wasn't then nobody would have recieved the delusional diagnosis.
I'm not sure what you are talking about when you mention advertising, but I have seen ad's at Lymebusters, so maybe that's what you are talking about.
Anyways, I wish people like you would stop spreading misinformation, it does nothing to further the cause, and does not bring you any closer to any kind of medical help.
Posted by cerulean  on  Tue Dec 13, 2005  at  11:18 AM
I am fairly well aware of the whole scene going on.just two questions.
"of and on blue or red feet
and tooth starting to "crisp"
Are this getting familiar symptoms of Morgellons too.
every other symptom is familiar
Posted by Arend ter Horst  on  Sun Dec 18, 2005  at  05:09 PM
The website fully describes this Collumbola Springtail and the skin problem it causes.

If you are suffering from this problem, please call their toll free phone at 1-866-314-8917. Their trained specialists have patient with your problem.

The trditional use of 5% Permethrin (Elimite) to treat scabies or head lice has never worked for this type of skin infection.
Posted by ELAI  on  Mon Dec 26, 2005  at  10:05 PM
how could they possibly be trained specialists? this disease is not yet recognized by the medical community.
don't bother ordering from these idiots unless you are looking to ruin your eyesight.
Posted by cerulean  on  Tue Dec 27, 2005  at  11:22 AM
The term
Posted by ELAI  on  Wed Dec 28, 2005  at  11:45 AM
ya I'm just saying that it's difficult to have a specialist trained in this disease since it's not recognized by anyone in the medical or scientific communities. Furthermore I know people who have tried this "treatment"--they say it does not work, in fact one woman complained about having trouble with her eyesight after using the treatment. One good thing at least is that they are acknowledging that collembola is at least part of the problem, although I know that collembola is all of the problem.
The NPA is a godsend and they should be commended for all their efforts in trying to bring this skin disease to the attention of the medical and scientific communities, I wish more sufferers would support them.
Posted by cerulean  on  Wed Dec 28, 2005  at  12:47 PM
The following websites provide valuable information regarding this disease:

Dr. Schwartz
Posted by ELAI  on  Tue Jan 03, 2006  at  09:04 PM
The link for DermaTechRx listed above in reference to Collembola by Posted by ELAI on Wed Dec 28, 2005 at 10:45 AM is actually mis spelled and giving an invalid link. The correct link is
Posted by Sandra  on  Fri Jan 06, 2006  at  06:53 PM
ONE MORE TIME! The link for DermaTechRx listed above in reference to Collembola by Posted by ELAI on Wed Dec 28, 2005 at 10:45 AM is actually mis spelled and giving an invalid link. The correct link is
Posted by Sandra  on  Fri Jan 06, 2006  at  06:55 PM
Oh, first off this whole message goes off to Rod.

"As for the nurse who says that just because so many people claim it that it must be true." That nurse you are talking about happens to be a world renowned Lyme Disease specialist, who has had patients come in from tons of different countries. She is a Nurse Practioner, and won the Nurse Practioner of the year award in 2004. She speaks at Lyme conferences all the time, because they realize that she is one of a few hundred people who fully understand Lyme Disease. She is a genius and with her knowledge alone, she could beat almost any doctor's practice around in Texas.

Her name is Ginger Savely, and she was the one who was interviewed by about 10 different news stations in Texas and in a recent article in Popular mechanics, all having to do with Morgellons.

She saved my life, and she was the only one who didn't treat me like a leper, like the first doctor who saw me in the ER when I got it. She actually, "GOSH," examined me unlike the two previous doctors before her, since she actually understood that a natural response in her situation would be to at least see if I didn't have DOP. She looked at my legs, which were covered by lesions, and oozing puss. And then she got out a 10x magnifiying glass, which is all you need in order to see the psychical manifestations of Morgellons. Well actually you can see them with the naked eye coming out of your skin in little black and white specks that look like cotton, but the magnifiying glass let's you see that those little specks aren't just dirt or dust. Not to mention that they were coming out of my skin, which she and her nurse witnessed. When she examined them, she saw the parasites, and since she had treated so many cases, it was a very easy diagnoses since my symptoms aren't in the medical books, yet. I was diagnosed with Morgellons Disease. It took her a total of about 8 minutes to do that. Then she took my blood, to have it tested for Lyme Disease, and what do you know? It came back positive.

Yes, it's in my medical records if you want some copies. Morgellon's Disease in fine print. Not to mention that I submitted these medical documents to my government, in order to obtain SSI because i'm currently disabled from this disease. They approved my application.
Posted by Travis  on  Sat Jan 07, 2006  at  09:48 PM
Sure, no proof of course, but if you were to study philosophy, you would realize that your idealistic and masturbatory fantisies of complete truth don't trully exist and can't exist in our reality... since we are all part of one homogenous mix... one conscoiuness, just observing everything around us, even each other, completely subjectively. This of course nullifies the very idea that there exists a singular "reality" that we all live in because we're constantly forming our own realities despite the fact that we are all connected to a single one that we don't necessarily perceive, but could. You don't have to believe me, why don't you go study quantam psychics for the basic lessons of what i've said.

That's why i'm picturing you as a non-human entity, just regurgitating your constant idea that everything in life is explainable, and that our scientific "theories" are the ultimate truth in the world, except for the ongoing scientific process of new discovery and research. Hey, i'm probably wrong about you, but in the subjective reality that is forming around my 1's and 0's, the "fact" is that I have this disease and the "fact" is the CDC has been investigating it, and it will become another known disease soon enough. We'll of dismissed each other by then, and our subconsiouness might retain just a bit of the memory of these words.

Basically, I am a moral and ethical person, who would most likely never resort to violence unless it was in self defense. But if you
say one more spiteful word about Ginger Savely, I will excersize extreme physical force on your body... enough to make you feel a
0.000001% of the pain I deal with everyday, but that's of course if you have a body, heh. Can you prove to me that you exist? Come on
i'll play your game and i'll manage to do the same thing you did, committ an atrocious amount of ignorance by completely unhealthy
skeptical design. But I am serious, because she has saved me from taking my own life, and she could crush your ignorance in one fell
swoop of rhetoric, if you had the guts to actually call her. Are we clear here?
Posted by Travis  on  Sat Jan 07, 2006  at  09:51 PM
You can call me delusional or whatever you want and it wouldn't bother me; which would be very oblivious on your part, espescially since even the government acknowledges that i'm been
diagnosed with a physical disease.

There, now that I told you that, how about you listen to how the first doctor, when I got Morgellons Disease, treated me in the ER,

He talked to me for a total of 3 minutes, refused to even examine my huge lesions on my legs(Delusional Parasotitis is supposed to be the
last conclusion to investigation of someones complaints of physical maladays, not the first) and he didn't even take my vitals and walked
out. I was told to leave, and he never mentioned anything. I had been diagnosed as Delusional Parasotitis by this so called "reputable"
doctor because his ego, and his belief that he was excellently versed in the alimighty book of the DSM. But of course he failed to do
anything right in his treatment of me, and it was a clear case of negligance. He didn't mention, "oh maybe you could be seeing things,"
or examine me, or recommend me a psychiatrist, or bother to have the balls to actually do his job. In all the medical journals about
DOP, it always says to at least examine the patients concern, just in case they have scabies or some kind of ailment and then, if they
don't, ease them into positive thinking about the fact that they're most likely seeing things, and recommend a psychiatrist.

These are the doctors that Morgellons sufferers deal with. They're on par with you, as far as skeptisicsm is concerned. And you wonder
why this disease hasn't been recognized as a "true" medical disease. We're awash in a medical community of people like you, and it's
only the doctors who show compassion for their patients that recognize something weird is happening in their bodies, and it's not in
their minds.

Oh and also. since my NP studied this disease all her life, she and all of the other hundreds of doctors who are proficient in Lyme
Disease treatment are trying to urge the CDC and medical community to stop with the misinformation that is currently widespread. Doctors
think it's a rare disease. It's an epidemic in America now, and it has many vectors, not just the infamous ticks that only leave
bulls-eye rashes about 10% of the time. , and from her research she has told me that 75% percent of what the CDC information on Lyme

Disease is completely false. I myself, believe her, espesically after constant research... I mean does anyone honestly think that a
chronic lyme patient can be cured by a 30 day antibiotic treatment that the CDC claims? The Lyme Doctors I mentioned are willing to give
anyone $50,000 if they can show that they cured a chronic sufferer with the CDC's bonfied treatment.

Oh yah, but that offer has been there for about 6-7 years now, with these Lyme doctors completely promoting it all the time to the CDC
and to any healthcare worker.
Posted by Travis  on  Sat Jan 07, 2006  at  09:53 PM
Oh wait, that's right, the government just recently released info that Lyme Disease is an epidemic and it's actually a biological weapon:

Anyway, i'll get back to Morgellons.

Dr. Scwhartz which has been mentioned here, has recently, from research of his Morgellon patients, proposed the theory that this disease

is some kind of disease that possibly is a combination of Schistosomiasis and S MALTOPHILIA.

There's some info for you to blow off.

Oh and now we have the disease of Morgellons classified on a governmental healthcare website:

Yah, that sure sounds like one of those crazy conspiracy sites doesn't it? Oh wait, no, it's actually a very serious

health website that is being maintained by our government to inform people about all kinds of things, like novel diseases that actually
CAN become a reality in this world.

The fact is, I know you'll just slip right around all of these things i've shown to you, and claim healthy skepticism. If I was a
psychiatrist, I would classify you as having Borderline Personality Disorder, a little bit of Narcissitic tendicies, and an all around
seriously lonely and afraid lost soul, who uses all sorts of seriously awful psychological schemas of self-defense mechanisms that he's
built up throughout his life. And he can't let himself know about his self-defense mechanisms, because without them he would feel dead,
mentally and spiritually. And the most natural and serious ability of living things, is self survival.

Go ahead and wind up like one of those doctors i've talked about, but when you are finally alone and realize you're in a black abyss of
despair, you'll be screaming out into the world because you'll realize your life is a very empty one, and there will be no one to comfort
Posted by Travis  on  Sat Jan 07, 2006  at  09:55 PM
Trust me, i've experienced that kind of feeling about a million times since I acquired my medically diagnosed disease of Morgellons. But
now I don't experience any more, because i've learned the lessons of morality, ethics, compassion for everyone, and a spiritual
awakening. I hope you'll find those qualities too, but not from a godawful disease like Morgellons, a disease that you are continuning
to perpuate and frame into your own twisted reality.

No hard feelings, I don't hate you or have any negative feelings towards you. If you perceive that from my message, then you're just
mistaking the whole message for something it's not. I'm not out to try and provoke you, humiliate you, or anger you... i'm just trying
to help you understand that the path your leading now in your life, in my opinion, is a path that will further you away from all comfort
and solace. And will leave you a soul-less wreck. I don't want that to happen to you, I want you to have a happy life.

Posted by Travis  on  Sat Jan 07, 2006  at  09:55 PM
Good news!

Dr. George R Schwartz newly published a book decribing MORGELLONS. If you are interested, please view his website at

new book!!

Lisa's Disease, Fiber Disease, Also known as Morgellon's disease: Origins, staging, clinical course, treatment, case histories, decontamination of house--much more !!!

Due to the overwhelming demand for reliable information, we have published the first edition of our book. For physicians and patients, we present everything that is known about this strange new epidemic. THIS is the only AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE. Send $24.95 to: P.O. Box # 991 Elephant Butte, New Mexico 87935

Posted by ELAI  on  Mon Jan 09, 2006  at  10:09 PM
( I ) Source: Randy Yaskal, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Quoted from Randy's experience in curing "BUGS" as follows,

Posted by ELAI  on  Sun Jan 15, 2006  at  02:57 PM

FLAGYL 400mg (METRONIDAZOLE) is a good choice for treating "BUGS", as quoted as follows,

Posted by ELAI  on  Sun Jan 15, 2006  at  03:09 PM
Other Miscellaneous Information
1. To treat eyes:
Bausch & Laum Sulfacetamide drops ?3 drops 3x per day, one more time at bedtime. Feels like it burns, but it does work.
2. Use mud packs purchased from DermaTechRx 2x per day
3. Bath with Sulphur soap with lanolin
4. Always use Borax in laundry
5. All carpets should be removed ?Check with your insurance company, they may pay to replace your carpets.
6. All Cloth Furniture should be removed ?Check with your insurance company, they may pay to replace your furniture.
7. Note that it may get worse before it gets better.
8. A high protein diet is highly recommended. Example?Adkins Diet. Products that contain yeast and bacteria such as breads and cheeses can make your condition worse.
9. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth on your carpets, rugs, and your car and rub it in the carpets
10. Below are a couple of products to treat for internal parasites. It is highly recommended that you do this as the parasites appear to enter body cavities also.

21 day Anti-Para Parasite Cleanse* (90 capsules)
A gentle all-natural herbal parasite cleanse that promotes the expulsion of intestinal parasites from the body.* $19.95 US

Along with the antibiotics, internal cleansing of parasites as well as external cleaning needs to be done with our DermaTechRx products.

Paragone - 2 Part Internal Cleansing System
2-Part Internal Cleansing System Natural Ingredients Traditionally Used to Balance Intestinal Microbes & Candida*
$25.59 US

Also includes a Internal Cleansing System for Children
Posted by ELAI  on  Sun Jan 15, 2006  at  03:12 PM
calling me crazy is not much appreciated, more a sign of ignorance. i have fought what was thought to be bedbugs. after putting many glue traps around the house i have caught thousands of springtails, which are near microscoptic. wondering how a "harmless insect" could intell such wicked bites, i did sone research. the parasite is linked to lymes disease and the springtail. if your family or friends were inflicted with such, your ignorance and apathy would be deploying.
Posted by marie  on  Sat Feb 04, 2006  at  03:48 PM
The disease can be treated. Check it out here,
Posted by Dr. David Bremmer, DO  on  Tue Feb 07, 2006  at  02:45 AM
safe2use is unreal, they are a circus of clowns, starting with art the fart, LINDA the owner, and MARC, whatever he is!
Posted by Dr. David Bremmer, DO  on  Tue Feb 07, 2006  at  02:51 AM
HELLO ALL MORGELONS SUFFERERS! First I would like to say I have not posted in a while. I have been very busy with my new business! Products for the skin, wouldn't you know it! My mother is a Morgellons patient and I am a Lyme patient. We were diagnosed in June of last year by an infectious diseases doctor. I am doing much better and no sign of Morgellons for me THANK GOD. I don't know how to even come close to sympathizing with those who have this dreaded disease. After my first round of treatment for Lyme, I accidentally drank after my mother. So far, so good. That was about 4 months ago and I continue to get better day by day with the help of anitbiotics, vitamins, herbs, etc. I have energy that I NEVER had before in my life!!! The pain that my "shrink", ahem, said I felt in my joints and muscles was caused from depression and "unresolved childhood issues". It is AMAZING to me how ppl can go through THAT MUCH SCHOOL AND TRAINING AND STILL NOT KNOW A DARN THING! This statement was in response to the fact that I told her I believed I may have Lyme disease and that that was what was causing me so much pain. Multiple x-rays have shown I have NO ARTHRITIS WHATSOEVER in my hands, wrists, feet, and ankles, which WERE severely painful sites. My pain has decreased by 90% since June 2005. My fatigue has decreased by 90% during the same time period. SHE, this doctor with multiple diplomas and ceritficates on her walls, was not willing to accept that I may have Lyme. It JUST HAD TO BE IN MY HEAD 😕 OR SHE WAS NOT HAPPY. When I saw her 3 months later, and reported that I had be diagnosed and was getting IMMEDIATE relief, she was severly taken aback. SHE could not accept that something may ACTUALLY be PHYSICALLY wrong with me. I did have post-partum depression. Needless to say, I have not returned to see her anymore. I need someone who LISTENS, which is what I THOUGHT HER medical field WAS.
But I digress.
My mother was getting soooo much better, and now, this has returned with a vengance. It is relentless in it's quest to inhabit her body. I will tell you, she went to lengths of "cauterizing" her open sores herself since no doctor would. THEY HEALED. AND QUICK. I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANYONE DO THIS. I ENCOURAGED HER TO STOP IT. I KNOW THAT SEVERE INFECTIONS COULD ENSUE AND THAT WOULD ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE. I don't think she could stand to do it again anyway!
I have watched her put "stuff", since we don't know exactly WHAT it is, on a gas stove eye and I have watched this "stuff" start to crawl away and literally jump off the eye away from the fire!
We have found one other person in our city with this.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Feb 08, 2006  at  06:09 AM
When I carried information to our local health department, they just dismissed it.
Anyone who does not personally know someone with this will easily dismiss it. SUCH AS ROD. HI ROD!!! :cheese: THIS IS WHY NEWS COVERAGE IS IMPORTANT. Most ppl will listen to what is on the news. At least they are becoming aware.
I wonder about DermaTechRX. I have looked at their products and frankly their prices are OUTRAGEOUS. I KNOW, since I have been making bath and body products for the last year, that this stuff is TOO HIGH. But, then again so is BATH & BODY WORKS. However, I am thinking of ordering a jar of that scrub because if I can get the ingredients list, I can make it myself for about $5 and that includes the jar. I have made something that does help my mother's skin, so I would not completely discount these folks. Diet does help, but can a diet alone actually CURE? That is where I would need "empirical evidence". Even vegans have heart attacks, cancer and strokes.
Posted by jaleenasmom  on  Wed Feb 08, 2006  at  06:10 AM
"I have watched her put "stuff", since we don't know exactly WHAT it is,
on a gas stove eye and I have watched this "stuff" start to crawl away and
literally jump off the eye away from the fire!"

Jump-- collembola=springtail

this is what is actually bugging you
Posted by cerulean  on  Wed Feb 08, 2006  at  09:06 AM
dermatechrx are only capitalizing off of this condition, their products DO NOT work.
Posted by cerlulean  on  Wed Feb 08, 2006  at  09:08 AM
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