
Sufferers of
Morgellons disease complain of invisible parasites biting their skin. And they get skin lesions from which sprout strange fibers. And mysterious black spore-like specks appear on their skin. Cases of this strange disease
seem to be spreading, especially in the Bay area. One theory is that it has something to do with Lyme disease. Or it may be a case of mass delusion. The medical community
seems to think it's mass delusion. Most people who show up complaining of these symptoms get diagnosed with 'delusional parasitosis', which is a psychological problem in which people imagine that they're infested by parasites. Not having any medical qualifications at all, I won't weigh in on whether this is a real disease or mass delusion, but some of the behavior of the patients does sound suspiciously bizarre. Take the case of Theresa Blodgett:
She gathers up the black specks, the mysterious fibers and the small, fuzzy 'cocoons' she finds on her skin and around her home. She tapes the macabre samples to typing paper, but she said no doctor will analyze the collection. Physicians who glance at the specimens dismiss the lot as stray hairs, clothing fibers, scabs and other common household debris, she said.
So either she really is suffering from something and is desperately but unsuccessfully trying to get doctors to pay attention to her, or she's obsessively collecting house dust and stray flecks of dirt and convincing herself that these things are parasites attacking her. (Thanks to 'K' for the links)
beware of some postings in here. this paul guy... http://www.be-healthy-forever.com Well.. this guy is a nut and has caused a lot of problems for safe to use. He is not the owner of safe to use, but is in all the message boards so that people buy his stupid book. He is not a catholic or religious person. He is a scam artist!!! Beware.
He is in and out of lymebusters forums. we all know who he is.
The level of maturity evident here; in name calling, threats, bickering, profiteering and misrepresentation, lets me now that I have come to the wrong place.
Or, can anyone, using collembola speak or hookworm-ese, explain this 'dismmissed fibres' actions when plucked out of a patients arm and floated in 93% alcohol?
I thought not.
Please excuse, time to travel to places where It is better spent.
- Bryan.
I'm not dismissing the fibers, I know they are a factor. But I think the scientists should be the ones to figure out how the collembola produce them.
I don't understand how people can so easily dismiss collembola as being the cause of this horrible affliction, I mean, it's not a theory but rather scientific findings:
"Abstract - Twenty individuals diagnosed with delusory parasitosis participated in a single site clinical study under the auspices of the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The objective of this study was to determine if there were any common factors in skin scrapings collected from this population. These individuals, whose symptoms were originally attributed to lice or scabies, were part of a larger group reporting symptoms of stinging/biting and/or crawling to the NPA. Multiple skin scrapings from each person were microscopically examined. Any and all fields of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin were digitally photographed. When the photographic images were initially evaluated, no common factor was identified. However, more extensive scrutiny using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in 18 of the 20 participants."
July 1955
The springtail Sira, a pesky human parasite, confirmed for the first Swedish Medical Journal 52 (29) pages 822+26
time in Sweden.
By entomologist Felix Bryk, Solna[Vay1]
"Until now, collembolans or
Frye, F. L. 1997. In search for the haphazardly elusive: a follow-up report on an investigation into
the possible role of Collembolans in human dermatitis. Veterinary Invertebrate Society Newsletter
13: 12.
Scott, H. G., J. S. Wiseman and C. J. Stojanovich. 1962. Collembola infesting man. Annals of the
Entomological Society of America 55(4): 428
Hurd, P.D. (1954:814) Alaska: "During the past two summers I have served as research entomologist at the Arctic Research Laboratory, Point Barrow, Alaska." "Apparently because of the use of the aspirator, a most unique case of "myiasis" (or infestation) occured." "Approximately 2 mo. after the completion of the past summer's work at Point Barrow I became ill. During the week following the onset of illness four major groups of insects (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Hymenoptera) were passed alive from the left antrum of the sinus. These insects included ... and about 50 springtails (Collembola, Isotoma olivacea Tullberg. The medical aspects, as well as the specific identification of the insects involved, are to be reported by Donald G. Casterline, M.D. (Calif. Mo. Medicine, in press)." "It is believed that these protracted periods of dailly aspiration during the summer contributed to a case of "myiasis" that is without parallel in its origin and nature. Insofar as I have been able to ascertain none of the insects reported herein have been previously shown to cause "myiasis" in man." "Apparently the insects gained access to the sinus as eggs which passed trough the fine mesh brass screen.
Admittedly, it is almost unbelievable that the insects should have undergone several stages in their metamorphosis within the sinuses, but since the screen was so fine as to preclude the possibility of the aspiration of adult insects, it must be concluded that such was the case."
Cited from Hopkin, S.P. (1997:3):
"Hurd (1954) accidently infected his nasal sinuses with eggs
of a species of Isotoma during fieldwork and passed about 50
live springtails from his nose some two months later. Pooters
Amin, O.M. (1996:64) ?: "The closest published references to the presented case1, 2 reported springtails (Insecta: Collembola) causing pruritic dermatitis in humans; collembolans are generally regarded as saprophagous and phytophagous insects. 1. Hunter GW, Frye WW, Schwartzwelder JC, 1960. A Manual of Tropical Medicine. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 2. Scott HG, Wiseman JS, Stojanovich CJ. 1962. Collembola infesting man. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am: 528-530."
Hunter, G.W., Frye, W.W. & Schwartzwelder, J.C. (1960) cited from Scott, H.G., Wiseman, J.S. & Stojanovich, C.J. (1962:430) Nearctic: "Entomobrya nivalis (cosmopolitan) and Entomobrya tenuicauda (Australasian) have been reported as causing a pruritic dermatitis in man."
Mackie, T.T., Hunter, G.W. & Brooke Worth, C. (1945:541-542) Australia: "The Collembola are primarily phytophagous and are not usually thought of as medically important insects. Two Australian species, however, Entomobrya multifasciata Tullb. and E. tenuicauda Sch
Mertens, J. in Christiansen, K. (1998 in 2001:in litt.) Belgium: " Several years ago our Faculty of Medicine once offered me 'strange small insects', which were considered as being responsible for causing allergic reactions on the skin of a woman. Those insects were Seira domestica. I could prove that the scales of Seira on the cushioned seats caused the allergy. As you know, Lepidocyrtus, has scales too. " Mertens, J. (2004:in litt.) Belgium: "In 1976 (or 1977), our Faculty of Medicine was puzzled by a rare case of skin allergy in a woman, living near Ghent. The allergy was caused by the scales of Seira domestica on a cushion of a rotan chair. Whenever the woman used the rotan chair, the allergic skin response occured (and only then). The chair was located in the veranda, which was quite moisty and where the temperature was enjoyable. It turned out that the hollow rotan branches of the chair hosted a population of Seira domestica. During the night, they left their hiding place and crawled all over the chair. The cushion collected many of the lost scales, causing as such the allergic reaction. "
In 1939, specimens of springtails were received from a Melbourne specialist who stated that they were causing skin troubles on a female patient. The insect in question was the species Entomobrya multifasciata Tull....... The symptoms of this case were as follows : the patient experienced a sharp biting sensation, followed by intolerable itching. There were few marks on the body with an occasional excoriated papule, while the irritation was distributed fairly generally over the trunk and limbs, but was most marked around the waist. Several specimens of the insect responsible for the condition were found on the patient's body..... "In 1941, specimens of another springtail were received from a military hospital in Victoria, where skin irritations were occuring among the nursing staff. The species concerned was Entomobrya tenuicauda Schott., a native insect originally described in 1917 from Queensland, later recorded by Womersley (3) from Western Australia and Tasmania, and now from Victoria. In this instance, the presence of the insect produced on several nurses raised lumps very similar to mosquito bites, and which later were very irritable. In one instance there was also a good deal of reddening of the calf of the leg. These conditions lasted for somewhat less than twenty-four hours in each case, but reoccurred the next day, probably from more 'bites'. On analysing this case, it appears certain that the insects were introduced into the hospital with flowers, and from there moved on the affected nurses during their normal routine duties." "3. Womersley, H. : Primitive Insects of South Australia, Gov. Printer, Adelaide, 1939." Womersley suggested that the easily detached, long ciliated hairs of Entomobrya species undoubtedly would cause skin irritations.
Terinte, C., Dulceanu, N.I., Terinte, R. & Dobrescu, G. (1998?) Roumania: "A 80-years-old woman presented with pruritus, insomnia, anxiety, paleness, weight loss (7 Kg in 6 months), and loss of appetite. In the lumbar region, on the buttocks, on the right posterior hemithorax and interdigitally on both feets she had small ulcers of 0.5-1 cm in diameter, surrounded by an indurated congestive or cyanotic, ovoid area of 1 x 1.5 cm. Small scars, with furfuraceous, dry and gray exfoliation on round and linear zones of 20-25 x 4-5 cm., were observed in the submammalian region. Linear short subepidermic truncated trajects were also observed. The microscopic examination of the hypodermic material obtained by scraping, revealed an adult Collembola spp. insect, eggs, cocoons of different colours..."
Finding it hard to believe that all of these scientists throughout the past century, and coming from all over the world are all making the exact same mistake by identifying collembola as investing people.
One person removed the fear of 'falling off the edge of the world' against all that was known to be true.
New Information: This film will rock some boats and open this a bit wider I think.
Your thoughts on it would be respected and well recieved.
Charybdis - Moderator
Thank you again - May God Bless You with your future research.
"Could people be so kind to send the link
to as well national as international Institutes.
Thank You.
Also I advise You to seek litigation."
Naaaa, it can't be.
So, is that a part of the hoax too?
Also, remember to sleep at least every third or fourth day.
It shows up mostly in ppl with lyme's disease,
and it may be related to some horse parasites .
It seems as if I have stumbled into a whole subculture of similarly situated folks who also have way too much time on their hands; who choose to focus on endless windy arguments to "prove" their opinions to other, equally wordy skeptics seeking to "disprove" their nemeses'.
I stopped reading after two or three pages of this repetitive, self-serving, circular argument.
The "morgellons" phenomenon may be legitimate; it may be some form of hysteria.
Whether "morgellons" is a disease, either somatic or psychosomatic seems up for grabs as long as it stays in the realm of "research" done by the sufferers themselves. The patients' claims that, "This is real! I suffer from this disease, am not delusional because I see the little bugs crawling on, in, or under my skin..." is not credible.
Two additional items act to work against any legitimizing of this phenomenon. First the crackpot, conspiracy theorists have gotten a hold of this. They have every motivation from an axe to grind with someone, somewhere, to hawking tonics and machines to eradicate the evil machinations of the illuminati. All you need is an internet connection and some dollars and ninety-five cents, shipping included. Second, until the threshold of a few thousand sufferers among a world population of several billion (on the order of one part-per-million) is crossed, the morgellons phenomenon won't receive much research attention. Dollars are spent on things like heart-disease, cancers, and the common cold-things that affect large numbers of folks.
This article is entirely opinion. I have done only unsystematic surveys of web articles relating to this phenomenon. This is my first and very likely my last posting on this
People have some kind of infection. In fact, they do not even have the same one. This is a real infection, causes some real difficulties, and possibly impairs rational thought. These people who have these diseases read about Morgellons, and hear a little box click in their head. "This must be it!" they cry. And thus begins a happy little merry-go-round...
I am not prepared to believe in Morgellons as reported. The only doctor I've seen cited had his license revoked for prescribing illegal narcotics. All other comments regarding possible causes by other doctors have not merely been uncertain, but clear that there is no demonstrable link between Morgellons symptoms and any given pathogen. I do not even believe in the multi-colored little folicles growing around. That makes absolutely no sense. If they were of one origin, they would at least be similar in color. Reports of green, red, and blue sounds like a Christmas shopping mall, not the by-product of a malevolent disease.
Also, regarding the conspiracy theories; what kind of bioengineered threat has no actual lethality barring those sad fools who choose to end their lives? Shall the terrorists/government wackos/evil scientists riddle us with disgustingly vile skin irritation? Grow up. Get real.
It is my belief, from what I have read, that these people have some kind of disease from some other pathogen, and for whatever reason (that pathogen or otherwise) have mild mental instability that leads them to fabricate symptoms, and evidence thereof, and to believe it wholeheartedly. There is such a thing as mass delusion. A delusion, it must be noted, is not the same thing as a hallucination. A delusion is a belief in something which is not true. There are also such things as mass hallucinations, which could account for the crawling feeling.
The point is, aside from unclear at this late hour, this can far more easily be explained by common pathogenic diseases paired with slight mental imbalance (however induced) than by some mysterious super pathogen that makes string grow out of our bodies and has parasites that we ought not be able to feel crawling to vacate through holes in our skin.
There seems to be an ingrained unwillingness to reject such things especially if they are really odd.
Morgellons? Who knows? Just pray if it is real you don't get it.
Think about it: It's also referred to as the "Mystery Border Disease" in many reports because most cases are cropping up in places where immigrants are most likely to enter(California, Texas, Florida). This whole thing just happens to pop up while the president is engaging the public (for the first time)in an immigrant discourse, and while senate is trying to pass an immigration bill. Coincidence?
So, rather than be the "bad guy", Bushco can close the Mexican-American boder to save us from this evil disease..thus catapulting himself into hero status?
While we're not above dumping nasty diseases on other nationalities in desperate (and largely successful) land takeovers, the United States never conspired to do so. I am one-hundred percent confident that all instances of anihilation of lesser Americans and foreigners residing in this great land were the result of total ignorance on the part of your governmant.
Thank You
Some people who have this disease reduce symptoms by an anti-candida diet and may have a systemic fungal infection, and perhaps more, including co-infections and weakened immune systems. (Some parasites are attracted to fungus. ) Doctors have prescribed antifungals, antibiotics and antiparasitics for this disease. Tests for Lyme disease are positive for some sufferers.
Some sufferers recall being bit by ticks or bed bugs or having had lice or scabies. Others have speculated that they have been bit by some unknown mite or bug, or wondered about mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, etc. Some believe they caught this from traveling. Others believe they caught this from someone they knew or by using blankets or clothing someone else had used. Others have no idea how they caught this. Some families have more than one member of the family who has these symptoms. Some are husband and wife and not genetically related. Some families have one parent and some or all of the children with this.
Whether this is genetic or environmental or both is unknown. How contagious it is, or at what stages it is contagious is unknown too.
One of the patients on Lymebusters / Morgellons message board reported that her doctor examined her without gloves and caught the disease and is treating himself with Ketaconazole for the fibers coming out of his hands. (This is not the same doctor as mentioned in the Oregon TV news clip)
News clips & articles on Morgellons:
From the scientist researching Morgellons:
Click and listen to "Dr Wymore Speaks" - an mp3 file which is a brief interview where the scientist researching Morgellons discusses the fibers, patients and doctors.
Please see the bottom line of this website - note the statistics - "94% of Patients with Morgellons have Lyme disease."
I will be tested for Lyme Disease soon myself. Some of the others cannot afford to do so.
The many professionals who have this disease have busy and productive lives (or had.) Your line of questioning shows your lack of research into Morgellons.
The danger in automatically diagnosing this as a mental illness - either long distance by internet, or in person in a doctor's office - without bloodtests, skin or hair samples, or examination with a magnifying glass, is delayed treatment for a systemic disease.
Many Morgellons patients have been diagnosed DOP without examination or any labwork. A proper diagnosis of DOP is a diagnosis of exclusion.
The process of exclusion to diagnose is being ignored and the DOP diagnosis is quickly made by the doctors Morgellons patients have sought medical help and relief from.
That is verifiable if you do some research, expecially by reading the individual stories of many Morgellons sufferers. Once any mention is made of the unusual symptoms, the DOP diagnosis is made and the appointment is over.
Here's some information on the questionable history of Ekbom's / DOP:
OR, http://tinyurl.com/mm7jg
Ginger Savely:
(404) 639-3311
June 1, 2006
Dan Rutz of the CDC on the phone.
The CDC has chosen a head researcher to lead a group, currently in the process of assemblage, to investigate Morgellon's.
Here's a very lucid person with a dry sense of humor, an Intel microscope, and continuing to keep an open mind about possibilities:
Exactly What Morgellon's IS...
whether natural or unnatural mutation, whether something very old awakened in the environment or something very new released, whether a unique complex of the known come together naturally or unnaturally, whether something that has been going on under the radar and is just now coming to light or something that really is a recent novel addition to the scene
...the, "kind," with the physical evidences that has prompted formation of a CDC group dedicated to finding out, hopefully will be known sooner rather than later.
You all are EXPERTS at this hoax business!!!
Having spent several weeks watching this build up, there are still some questions that haven't been answered well enough, or even asked by so many 'believers'.
1.) Why are morgellons.com and morgellonsusa.com registered anonymously? Why would anyone need to obfuscate who they are or what they are doing?
2.) Out of scores and scores of digital photographs, why do so few have things such as SCALE listed? Why are there no size references in said photographs?
3.) Fibres that emerge from these lesions are so varied in their shape, color, and apparent composition as to be ridiculous. Black specks? Thready pinks, reds, blues, whites?
To be honest, it looks to me like clothing fiber...synthetic clothing fiber, carpet fiber, or some other form of benign fuzz. Until someone posts CREDIBLE chemical analysis of the 'fiber', you would be a complete fool to believe this nonsense.
Really...some yahoo sees a few fuzzy specks in a scab and throws a fit? A few other yahoos see it and throw an equally spectacular fit, then whip out the digital camera and take photographs of starfish, black specks, pink threads, and then everyone goes hysterical?
Does that seem right to you?
Jesus, critical thinking is in short supply lately.
" . . . Data extrapolated from vaccine studies and CDC lectures suggest that the number of patients with Lyme Disease may be ten-fold higher than what is being currently reported. In spite of this, the CDC seems to be more concerned with diagnostic criteria that prevent false positives, with little concern for false negatives. A system with better balance in regard to this issue is urgently needed for accurate statistics concerning the magnitude of the number of patients with Lyme disease . . . "
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
From Randy S. Wymore Ph.D. Department of Pharmacology and Physiology
Rhonda Casey, D.O., Department of Pediatrics
Letter to Practioner
May God speed!
I have proof and I have seen it!
I never was on drugs, I be on no medication and when i heard Dr. Sheinfeld telling, it comes from gardening.... I think he is ready to see and phisiatric. The whole world would be infected, as every one is doing work in the garden ..
What about farmers...
We are in the 20. century and the sientists wqnt believe that are more things in the world, as that what they build in there mind and are frightend to change...
I can help the people with Morgella desease, not cure, as I am still with this Critters, as I call them...
I have seen them in my house and I have proof collected... If only someone would put there mind on it they can learn something...
Anyone would like some advise, I am willing to give it and I also would like someone to believe me and give me some help...
I have written all the experiances down and can proof it...
Greetings Charlotte
I spit out a sticky substance and it has insects in it... By now I learned a lot about it and there are no more insects in the saliva.
You all can laugh about me, but I saw that critter hopping down from my bed when I did put the new sheet on... I talk to it and it did not harm me in any way till now.. I can write a lot about it and can give advice from my experiance.
So anyone is welcome...
Regards Charlotte
Start a seroius anti-candida diet and see what happens, you'll be suprised