Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


listen guys i know we all want to see Jim on the news revealing that he's alive and then reuniting with the doors, pop LSD, smoke joints and have a great time, but those days are over, the doors are over, and Jim Morrison is but a fond memory. Stop taking time out to ask the question "is he dead"? Instead read his poetry, read his physcadelic lyrics and celebrate that at one point we were blessed with the presence of someone greater than ourselves. God Bless you Jim Morrison, rest in peace, you shall be remembered as a singer, songwriter, but especially an American Poet!!!!!

By the way if at one point im wrong and he is alive well than FUCK YEA!!!!
Posted by Joe  on  Tue Feb 06, 2007  at  05:57 PM
Hey Joe,
That's a safe way to feel but you are going to be celebrating, I promise, and you'll see. As a matter of fact a DW from New Jersey just purchased the Discovery video from me today and I hope we will all see more positive feedback on my ebay account by Valentine's Day.
The one statement that I know is a misleading lie is:
The Admiral and Mrs. Morrison met Cliff one time for 15 minutes in the mid-1980s. Nothing came of it except disgust with their son-in-law (who set up the meeting) for being taken in by this grifter.
DCM, think about how inconsiderate this statement would be if it were true and secondly your source is a joke. Cliff Morrison is already to make waves again and will be immensely populare in 2007 thanks to the love and help he has received from the Morrisons.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Feb 09, 2007  at  05:21 PM
I don't think that is him. For all the year of drinking and doing drugs he look very good for a 64 year old man.

Mr. Morris was born Dec 8 1943 died on July 3,1971 he would of been 28 years old. Now add 36 years from time of death till 2007 No Way Possible not even with the best plastic surgeon.

Just leave him alone what ever happened happened if he is alive leave him alone. But this man in not Mr. Morris.
Posted by Carrie Goulett  on  Tue Feb 13, 2007  at  10:50 AM
go to my blog and look at the pictures.
fuck you and your video tape.
Posted by sam  on  Thu Feb 15, 2007  at  11:12 PM
I actually met this Gerald Pitts in 2001. I was working for a staffing company and this guy brought his son in to see if we could get him a job. It was a pretty surreal conversation to say the least. It was on of those situations where you do the obligatory head-nod, hoping that the nut doesn't fly off the handle. This Gerald Pitts is trying to cash in on fans of the Doors and he is doing it in an unsavory manner. I don't believe for a minute that Pitts is the agent for Jim Morrison nor do I believe that Morrison is alive. No matter how much Pitts believes or wants us to believe it!
Posted by Tim  on  Fri Feb 16, 2007  at  10:39 PM
You tell em Tim, I'm with you on this one. I think myself, Jim would be the bigger man here, and if he were alive he would come out on he own. Without a fake ass video tape, they can do just about anything on computers today. Just someone seeking money and world wide fame, if Jim were alive we would see more book's, because wasn't that he's plan to move and kick out a few book's? I think so, and I sure haven't seen any!! Jim is were he has been since the day he died, resting in his plot in paris. I don't see why someone has to try disturb he's sleep, this is wrong, in my opinion. Well try to rest in peace Jim.
Posted by Donald  on  Sat Feb 17, 2007  at  12:46 PM
Tim from Roseburg, Oregon,
I guess you are supposed to have crediblity because you work for a staffing agency. You present absolutely no facts pertaining to this matter, only that you like to mock people even though YOU work for a temp agency. How close was your face to Gerald's Nuts flying off the handle- is that from a porn movie?
Posted by JLizard  on  Sat Feb 17, 2007  at  04:48 PM
You seem awfully hostile in your blogging. It's great to be a fan but there's no need to be nasty about another person's opinion. I respect your opinion in believing that Morrison is alive. After all, it's a free country. I am a little confused at your reference to a porn movie. I do not consider myself an expert because I worked (past tense) at a staffing company. I was merely commenting on the fact that an individual is attempting to fleece people who are Doors fans. Perhaps you should throttle it back a little and just mellow out some. Enjoy what Morrison gave us and let others believe what they want.
Posted by Tim  on  Sun Feb 18, 2007  at  02:34 AM
I Just Wanted To Say If Jim Was Still Alive Why Would Jim Be A Cowboy Like He Was Fasinated By Native Cultures Don't You Think He Be More Of A Native Cuz Pple Ushally Confront Cowboys And INdians As Enemys
Posted by Wordman  on  Tue Feb 20, 2007  at  07:53 PM
I talked to jim morrison in the summer of 1970 a year before he died and he said one thing to me before he left and that was, keep the man off your back. the best words of advice ive ever heard.
Posted by Cleave, the source  on  Sat Feb 24, 2007  at  08:56 AM
This is the biggest HOAX I
Posted by Alexandra  on  Mon Feb 26, 2007  at  07:19 PM
Oh, by the way, does anybody know where Miss Patricia Kennely-Morrison has gone???
She had a homesite a couple of years ago, but that seems to be shut down these days...
Posted by Alexandra  on  Mon Feb 26, 2007  at  07:26 PM
1. To the Dummy from above. Native American's are "cowboy-like" Einsein.

2. Please don't give that fat lying whore Patricia, the pleasure of seeing Morrison included in her name.

3. Come directly after number 2.
Posted by Guest  on  Thu Mar 01, 2007  at  03:55 PM
Not to continually pick on the DCM archives for lying, but Cliff Morrison, Jim Morrison's true son, is now on MySpace. His link is

and he will be glad to be your friend. Oh and to tell you the mutual respect between he and Jim Morrison's family.
Posted by JLizard  on  Thu Mar 01, 2007  at  04:23 PM
Thanks for posting that link, JLizard! WOW when you listen to his voice, it really sounds like Jim! SOOOO Amazing!!! And he has some very similar facial features to Jim! So cool, thank you!
Posted by JMG  on  Thu Mar 01, 2007  at  07:06 PM

Posted by jim  on  Sun Mar 04, 2007  at  12:55 PM
i think jim didnt die when everyone thought he died. he's so smart he could fake his death easily, i think he goes by the author Robert Trimwell.
Posted by guitarclay  on  Sat Mar 17, 2007  at  08:45 AM
im a huge doors fan and i just wanted to add my comment witch is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WHY THE HELL WOULD HE TURN HIMSELF INTO A HILLBILLY!?!?! let me give you some advise, if you want to find out where he went (if hE even went anywhere)DONT TRY TO FIND HIM ON A FARM stupidoh
Posted by vanessa  on  Sat Mar 17, 2007  at  08:53 AM
I think that if people are trying to make money, stating that Jim is alive as a cowboy on a ranch in the pacific or somewherelse in africa, it is sad and very dishonourable! is time to give to his soul some peace!
Posted by Gabriele Bernardini  on  Tue Mar 20, 2007  at  05:17 PM
I find it funny how there's 2 types of comments left on this site, one are those who say "I think..." and leave a bunch of jibberish as comments, and the other group of us who bring research and evidence to the table. The latter group are the ones who truly love Jim Morrison, the first bunch like themselves.
Posted by JLizard  on  Wed Mar 21, 2007  at  02:41 PM
JLizard in Chicagoland is one of the people selling this movie so his statements are going to say he alive
It will not be long before they are in fron of the judge
Posted by Steven M  on  Fri Mar 23, 2007  at  01:24 PM
JLizard has been telling everyone for a couple years now that Jim is coming out soon. How long is this crap going to keep up. If he is coming out give us a f___ ing date
Posted by zorro  on  Fri Mar 23, 2007  at  01:41 PM
This world is crazy
Posted by stern  on  Fri Mar 23, 2007  at  04:23 PM
It will not be long before Califonia Stevo and Zorro the gay blade are in front of each other. Anway,


From: Rodeoswest, Inc.
PO Box 312
Prospect, OR 97536

Contact: Gerald Pitts
(541) 560-4061
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Jim Morrison of the DOORS Is Still Alive video is now available online

Silver Lakes, Oregon, March 23, 2007- Gerald Pitts, president of Rodeoswest, Inc., announced that the Jim Morrison Discovery video, previously only available on VHS tape, will now be available for online viewing at The video can be viewed for 1 day for 11.99 or $23.99 for a week.

Rodeoswest, Inc.'s move is the result of consumer request that the video be converted to a modern format. The VHS video was created in 1999 and has sold hundreds of copies worldwide. Rodeoswest, Inc. has sold videos on ebay since 2006 and has received only positive feedbacks from commenting customers.

A radio interview with staff of Rodeoswest, Inc. has been scheduled on the nationally syndicated Mancow Morning Show on March 27, 2007. The Discovery Video and proof that Jim Morrison of the DOORS is still alive are to be the topics of discussion.
Posted by JLizard  on  Fri Mar 23, 2007  at  08:50 PM
JLizard whats funny is actually what you are saying about JDM, have you made you first million out of this crap stories? I tought you were one of the truly loving fan of make me laugh! Get a life!
Posted by Gabriele Bernardini  on  Sat Mar 24, 2007  at  02:53 PM
Bad Lizard Bad Lizard what you going do whatyou going to do when the Doors and Jim family sue you.

The people at Fox news said your wacked
Posted by Andrew M  on  Mon Mar 26, 2007  at  02:28 PM
That video proves nothing. Look at the video you keep saying. When is Jim going to show his face if he is really alive. sounds like your putting people on if he were alive he bemaking big money
ona book
Posted by Batman / batcave  on  Mon Mar 26, 2007  at  02:46 PM
To Alexandra in Sweden: where has Patricia Kennealy gone you ask? To hell I hope - have you ever read any of this chick's books she wrote about "Jim and her"? and I use that term in it's loosest sense. She makes it very plain and clear that she hates his fans, feels nothing but disdain and hatred for any of us who have the nerve to call ourselves his fans, is obsessed with the notion that "Jim loved only me" and pounds this in on practically every page - she hated Pam Courson and is so narcistic that her whole book was written not about "Jim and her" but "it;s all about me,me,me, wonderful me" and how oh so intelligent and above it all she was and once again JIM LOVED ONLY ME! This is one sick twisted chick consumed with hatred for just about everyone. Avoid her unless you just like hatred and negativity in your life because here's the thing - she sure has hell dont like you or anybody else unless it is a group of sycophants agreeing with her every word and of course - first and foremost the JIM LOVED ONLY HER!
Posted by RHIA  on  Tue Mar 27, 2007  at  01:49 PM
Shit Mancow was making fun of this on his show.It was Jlizard or one of his nuts on the show and Mancow did not fall for it
Posted by Mancow Guy  on  Wed Mar 28, 2007  at  08:40 PM
you can not change a persons hands and fingers, and those are not jim morrisons hands or fingers...sorry in BIG TROUBLE....hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah i hope you saved some of that money u made....
Posted by me  on  Sat Mar 31, 2007  at  01:11 PM
The MANCOW has put JLizard out of biz. How do you sleep at night JLIZARD you let Pitts take you for a ride
Posted by Steven M.  on  Tue Apr 03, 2007  at  01:45 PM
The Lizard king is dead!!!! Ray manzarek would cream himself if Morrison we're alive. The Doors we're great with Morrison absolutely terrible without.
Posted by big daz  on  Wed Apr 04, 2007  at  10:56 AM
Jim is alive and well. I slept with him last night.
He came, wearing a false moustache disguised as Hitler.
I wrapped my legs around his head and we took digital photos.
We've made prints and are charging $1200.
Posted by theotherwoman  on  Sat Apr 07, 2007  at  03:55 PM
Greetings Jim Morrison Fans,
Please check out this new link on youtube that shows more proof that the gentleman from is really Jim Morrison formerly of the DOORS. This is the truth, it is not a joke, as evidenced by Rodeoswest, Inc. over the course of several years. Please let me know what you think!

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter,
Posted by JLizard  on  Mon Apr 09, 2007  at  06:13 AM
Jlizard is as full of shit as Gerald Pitts! They both know full well that Jim Morrison is NOT alive yet they try to scam a buck from jims fans with the cowboy kicker in Oregon! IT IS ALL A BUNCH OF SHIT!!! Cliff has refused to DNA with the Morrisons, and is NOT jims' son. May Cliff, Jlizard, Gerald and everyone else go to hell for using Jims' name and ruining it.

Posted by Jade  on  Mon Apr 09, 2007  at  01:58 PM
Hey Jade, I AGREE TOTTALY with you, I've already send a mail directly to Gerald Pitts, saying precisaly what you mean here. Please people, read this comment, and don't give more money to this crap.

Kisses, Portugal

Jlizard is as full of shit as Gerald Pitts! They both know full well that
Jim Morrison is NOT alive yet they try to scam a buck from jims fans with
the cowboy kicker in Oregon! IT IS ALL A BUNCH OF SHIT!!! Cliff has refused
to DNA with the Morrisons, and is NOT jims' son. May Cliff, Jlizard,
Gerald and everyone else go to hell for using Jims' name and ruining it.

Posted by Katia  on  Tue Apr 10, 2007  at  08:44 AM
The associated Press has just announced that Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is considering the pardon of Jim Morrison's actions when the DOORS performed in FL. Please contact Gov. Crist at

at let him know that Jim Morrison is still alive as seen on This is the chance of a lifetime for Jim Morrison devotees to let the world know the truth.
Posted by JLizard  on  Tue Apr 10, 2007  at  04:46 PM
I think that this guy may be the real Jim Morrison, but why the public media don^t
written about his story. I hope that Jim Morrison is alive in enywhere, if this is true
I gonna buy a lot of cannabis to celebrate.
Posted by alexander jose salamanca  on  Wed Apr 11, 2007  at  10:15 PM
i say old chaps, there are a lot of us famous folks who pretended to die like me TERRY THOMAS, james (as he likes to be called) IS ALIVE!!!!!!! myself, james, peter sellers and the greatest golfer of all time Jesus were only the other day playing golf, total waste of time as jesus was taught by his dad who's on the sam par as tiger woods, was an absolute shower of a game.
Anway keep an eye out as jim morrison always shops at the Wrekin Retail Parks Tescos at 5:30 every wednesday to stock up on Madame Wiksey leather buffer.
Posted by TERRY THOMAS  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  07:08 AM
if anyone would like to join the cribbage team please call 444444 ask for Roy Castle, jim morrison sometimes doe the karoke, so you'd be in for a right old treat
Posted by terry thomas  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  07:26 AM
I don't know if Jim is dead. There's a part of me that longs he's alive, but there'se also a part of me that can "feel" his presence(well, more like his aura), but not see him. I WANT PROOF either way just to know...... maybe I'LL dig Jim up, I really don't think he'd mind. If he realy was dead he'd just look down from above on this fans and smile, knowing there will never really truely be an end. I anyone knows any good sites about this please let me know asap.
Posted by Katie  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  10:08 AM
I don't kow about anyone else, but on that stupid place I never found ANYTHING about Jim Morrison. I'm personally writing a letter to this Jim Williamson Owner dude and will make a copy of it and of any letters he sends me back about this bull. I will prove that Jim for sure if he is alive isn't on some gay ranch being a cowboy.... not at the age of 62(which is how old he'd be today). This whole site is bogus!!!
Posted by Katie  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  10:27 AM
its not a good idea to go round digging people up, especially france...........although they would probably just stick his remains in a stew with loads of frogs legs snails ang garlic. I personally think the way to look at it like this there is always a very VERY slim chance this bloke on the ranch is Jim Morrison, suppose you just have to keep an open mind. Seems a seriously fucked up thing to do but he may be him??
Posted by terry thomas  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  10:38 AM
Terry Thomas, did you go to the page?

"Seems a seriously fucked up thing to do but he may be him??"- what does this mean? If it's in regards to digging him up I believe that people deserve to know the truth. And as for people who don't agree with it, this is my philosophy, "The body is just a gateway. After death, the soul, which is the only thing that matters about the person, leaves the body. SO WHATS THE BIG DEAL?! If he's not him anymore, then why shouldn't they exume his body. All it was was his transportation through this realm we ALL live in and will ALL leave."
Posted by Katie  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  11:12 AM
sorry you got the wrong end of the stick, i wasnt saying its fucked up to dig him up i meant if that bloke on the ranch is pretending to be jim morrison THATS FUCKED UP, i think if it clears things up then dig away, people deserve to know the truth, another ones Brian Jones the guitarist out the rolling stones there all that conspiracy thing that he was killed by the rolling stones, he was buired and ought to exhume his body to see if he was poisoned
1000 apologies for any misunderstanding
Posted by terry thomas  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  11:57 AM
Hey JLizard that Gov. site in Fla. does not say anything about Jim. You are in over your head in this and be paying out of your pocket in the end
my friend
Posted by Andy M.  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  12:44 PM
Hey Katie I have the so called ranch name where he
suppose to be and the name he is livng under. I just do not want to put it on here,because I'm in the biz of bothering people who want to be left alone. Ido have his so called wife name also
Posted by Stick  on  Thu Apr 12, 2007  at  12:48 PM
Posted by TERRY THOMAS  on  Fri Apr 13, 2007  at  06:57 AM
Unfortunately I live near this idiot Gerald Pitts.
He has been scaming since he was born. I called him one day and told him it was dispicable to use a dead man to make money. His reply was that he was now talking to a guy named "Zap Zeppelin or Zep Zapplin or something", I said do you mean Led Zeppelin? He relied "yes thats it, I told him that Led Zeppelin is a band not a person and he began a tirade about Jim Moorison and the movie he is making. The movie by the way is about a shhoting that took place in a trailer park in Prospect Oregon between 2 inbreads one of which is related to Gerald. This guy is truly disturbed and the only way to stop it is if people stop giving him attention.
Posted by Woody  on  Fri Apr 13, 2007  at  10:10 AM
Wouldn't we all love to believe that Jim is still alive? I don't think this guy looks like Jim at all.. He'd be much older AND how rotten to even suggest that is Jim.. To get the hopes up of all of his fans? What I really think is whoever made this site should get a real job!
Posted by Michele McKee  on  Fri Apr 13, 2007  at  06:54 PM
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