Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Cliff Morrison is Jim Morrison's son

Posted by Rhiannon  on  Wed Oct 25, 2006  at  03:07 PM
Jim Morrison's son??
Never heard it about, please, someone can explain me?

Katia Santos

...A God called Jim
Posted by katia  on  Thu Oct 26, 2006  at  04:25 PM
you have to feel for the people who knew Jim Morrison personally. it cant be easy when things like this crop up. no matter what though its a very interesting and intriguing story. however whats the betting that if ever this takes off with the media showing an interest in this (although it seems to have been about for a while now) that the person whoever it maybe in these pictures sadly "died" a few months before anyone has a chance of contacting him. i sense maybe there is something afoot with regards of making a movie or a documentary about all of this.
Posted by blues man  on  Fri Oct 27, 2006  at  01:49 PM
His grave was exumed and no body was found! I recall, thats funny i agree with the guy who was typing about the IRS, they would be all over his a@#. Sorry it just cant be true i have 4 words people EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS HAHAHA
Posted by mikey h  on  Fri Oct 27, 2006  at  02:46 PM
I met Jim's friend Herve Muller in Amsterdam in 1973. Herve was one of the last people to see Morrison alive. He knew what happened.

Morrison is as dead as Elvis. Accept it.
Posted by Brian  on  Sun Oct 29, 2006  at  07:03 PM
certain musicbiz celebs think not only jims alive but pam too, who is apparently unaged but looking a little different,and in italy,france and u.k shes been followed and questioned,they said she is evasive of any questions relating to jim and denies she is pamela and then looks at you in a very calm way as if mojo himself has told her exactly what to say if asked, its said she knows several rock stars including astbury ,people actually follow her she frequents america we know that and is quite unique,one things for sure if jim is still alive he knows her,thats a sure bet.
Posted by reid  on  Wed Nov 01, 2006  at  01:03 PM
Can any dead singers rest in peace?
They say Elvis is still alive, Tupac is still alive, Marilyn Monroe is still alive and now Jim Morrison?
Unless I can see concrete proof on any of the above I say it's all hogwash, and some stunt for this man to make money.
Why doesn't this man claiming to be Jim submit to fingerprints to prove he is who he say's he is?
Posted by Ms. Pris  on  Wed Nov 08, 2006  at  06:47 AM
Get, over it people Jim is dead so stop making up shit about him.
Posted by Cody Lamb  on  Thu Nov 09, 2006  at  12:26 PM
Posted by lenny  on  Fri Nov 10, 2006  at  10:31 AM
Jim Morrison....DID NOT have a kid.... Come on think about this one...with all the drinking and drugs he's reported that he had a low, if any, sperm count.
Posted by Megan  on  Tue Nov 21, 2006  at  11:03 AM
he could be alive he could be dead who knows but one things for sure patricia keannelly is a lying fantasy romantic novelist she even said she may have dreamed it she was probably fuckin a tramp that looked like jim
Posted by layer  on  Wed Nov 22, 2006  at  08:12 AM
Jim Morrison is alive and well and living in Miami Beach.. I know I had sex with her last night.
Posted by DJM  on  Thu Nov 30, 2006  at  10:30 PM
I Fly

Atop the Cake

Thin Wood Doors so Easily Opened

Climb, Climb the Stairs

Abandoned Disco Hall

Hand Painted Icon

Stairwell turns from Drab to Me


Loved and Despised

Rooms Below Maids Talk, Sheets Changed

Spanish Families and Less Crowded Waves

Sea Creatures in Broth

Waiter Promised With Smile

Side Walk Cafe

Tourists, Tourists...

Butterfly of Love

Closed Years Ago

Enjoy Your Stay

Atop the Cake


I Fly
Posted by Guess  on  Sat Dec 02, 2006  at  09:06 PM
Jim could be alive, but he's not this guy...
If is him, no one had doubts.

..Love the eternal poet
Posted by Katia  on  Tue Dec 05, 2006  at  05:39 PM
Well Jim, tomorrow you'd be 63. at 4:20 I will salute you. My wife knows one of the cops that arrested you back in 67 in New Haven. Goes with the territory huh. They were most likey jealous of your genius.

I went to visit you in Paris 2 weeks ago and left some flowers. I hope you found them ok.

Remember, You ARE the Lizard King and YOU can do anything!

Posted by Lizard  on  Thu Dec 07, 2006  at  06:50 AM
I am reading alot of unconvincing posts saying this is NOT Jim Morrison. I am a Medical Illustrator and advisor to Attornies at Law. I'm not saying it IS, but this deserves a closer look

The first GLARING fact that everyone is missing here is this RODEOWEST and website is flatly, no mistake about it, claiming this to be Jim Morrison of the band the DOORS. Son of Admiral G.S.Morrison, etc.

Listen people. Lawyers dont f**k around. So the estate of Jim Morrison should have shut this site down by now. This is a passive fact, but the lack of action against Rodeowest raises my eyebrows firstly.

Someone is saying the IRS would be after him. Bah. Anyone with millions can change their name, alter their face, change countries. Attorneys can arrange ANYTHING. Most don't know this because were not millionaires. People with money operate in a different world. His royalties could go to a trust, a laywer, several ways to trickle NEXT!

Another genius poster said it doesn't look like him. Well, I did a "quicky" in photoshop and overlayed the famous Lion photo with the Rodeowest photo. It matched medically. The width of the eyes match very-very close. The eyes would be a first starting point as the eyes fix early in years, and stay fixed as we grow old. I calculate Jim Morrison the singer for the DOORS would be 62 now. The face would elongate and the nose would expand, etc. No photo of a 27 Y.O. would not match said person at 62 exactly. I find the picture on Rodeowest actually remarkeably similiar to the Jim of 27 photo. There is a similiar asymetry of the left eye, which is a bit more closed than the right. The curve of the nose matches. The chin matches as does the DISTINCTIVE mandibular angle. Vertically, all of the classic "Da Vinci" proportions are in place. Eye to nose, nose to lips, lips to chin. As well horizontally. Square face and distinctive mandible to bite ratio.

Personally, looking into the eyes of the famous Door's photo, and the photo of the man on the Rodeowest site, there was a subtle connection.

The RODEOWEST agent says he has fingerprints of Jim Morrison now. So, that would be interesting to see side by side.

Again, I cannot say it is him, but there are quite a few interesting things going on here. I don't respect the loud mouths who just barf up negative comments without posting a few facts or connections. Thats lame, even if this is a fake.
If this guy is a FAKE and a CON, this is DAMN good. Very very good. It DOES medically look like a 62 year old Jim Morrison to me.

And if youre going to slam my post, go ahead, but do with FACTS and logic not more lame excretions.

Posted by Dave  on  Thu Dec 07, 2006  at  10:37 AM
Thank you Dave,
Your reply is a very powerful response in defense of the truth. A truth which is in the darkness of a very tall and dark shadow. Please feel free to call Gerald Pitts at 541 560-4061 if you would like to hear even more factual evidence that this is THE JIM MORRISON.
Earlier in the year Gerald received a call from the Ball-Janick law firm out of Portland. I called the lawyer there, who was very polite, but who said that he could not discuss the nature of the case with me, only an attorney. Gerald chose to defend himself as lawyers could drag out sproceedings for years. The Portland lawyer backed out of the potential case. Rodeoswest, Inc. is prepared to stand up to any attorneys, media or staff members of the Doors of the 21st Century/Riders on the Storm/filthy rich exDoors members or Jim Morrison family members seeking incredible wealth through perverted means.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun Dec 10, 2006  at  02:53 PM
Jim Morrison lives alright...

There is woman named Martha Clark that dated Jim in Florida that is supposed to have had a kid from Jim.
It's my understanding that the band knows about Martha. At least Ray and John.

I searched for Martha Clark, Chris Morrison, and Chris Bangs ( the kids name ) and came up with some interesting links.

Also Cliff Morrison played in a band with Robbie Krieger's son Waylon and it is fairly well thought that the band supports his claim as well. After all, they sell his music on the
Posted by Legend Finder  on  Wed Dec 20, 2006  at  02:06 PM
ok so it is the 30 of dec 2006 and i heard he was dead so i looked it up on google. it said he was but i didnt believe it. some of the dates and times on the wesite didnt match up with the movies jon heder has made. so i was still curious. so i went onto a site where you can find out if someone has a death certificate that is legal. i went on and typed in......
name:jon heder
state:oregan (allegid death site)

i saw that there was one for jonathen joseph heder around 28 is years old and death place was salem,oregan. big coinky dink huh?!!!!
so i went to google images and typed in the name that i got on the certificate...jonathen joseph heder. and guess what!!!! all of these pics of him showed up!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by mads  on  Sat Dec 30, 2006  at  08:34 PM
Mads, I think you're on the wrong thread. You want to check out this thread regarding Jon Heder:
Posted by Smerk  on  Sat Dec 30, 2006  at  09:41 PM
For the record...Jim Morrison's FATHER was named George, not his son. Also, in the book "No One Here Gets Out Alive," it mentions at least two pregnancies cause by Jim, I am pretty sure he had a decent sperm count.
Posted by njs  on  Fri Jan 05, 2007  at  07:26 PM
Tonight, January 6, 2007, on Coast to Coast internet radio, famous rock and roll writer Gary Patterson had Allan Grahm, Jim Morrison's brother-in-law. They have been working with producers in Hollywood for several months and plan on going to Oregon in the very near future to meet with a man who claims Jim is still alive there. Museum of Hoaxes- you heard it here first!
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun Jan 07, 2007  at  12:13 AM
look ok first apparentley jim was infertile second he didnt love pam well he did but she oput him thru so much bullshit . i don't think that pams parents shuld have the powwer over his estate etc she was a fukn bitch. if jim was alive i doubt that he wuld have put linda thru that pain.( the woman he alledgedly loved). besides if he did fake his own death who wuld klill themselves so that there body culd be used and buried in that grave under jims name. i dnt know i hope hes alive but if not rest in peace baby i luv u sooo much xoxoxo.
Posted by Haylie  on  Sun Jan 07, 2007  at  03:30 PM
Portland, Oregon, January 7, 2007 - has released OBSCURA, the documentary of Jim Morrison's movie, FIRST LOVE, for on-line distribution. The film can be found on Google Video @

Before becoming lead singer of The Doors, Jim Morrison studied film at Florida State University prior to his transfer to the film department of the University of California, Los Angeles. 42 years ago Morrison created his only surviving film starring his roommate Max Schwartz, who helped him out when Morrison threatened to become homeless. With the obscure print still in his possession, Schwartz, now a poet- photographer, leads us around his studio while talking about his friendship with Morrison, about the last day they plunged into a swimming pool in Bel Air ('the
last innocent day of our lives') and about the love of Schwartz life, Liz, whom he eventually lost. The documentary OBSCURA comes to a climax with Morrison's film FIRST LOVE shown in it's entirety.

What is truly unique about the film is the viewer's ability to actually look through the eyes of Jim Morrison. OBSCURA also provides the missing strand needed to sequence the creative DNA that produced the artists Jim Morrison and The Doors.

Morrison's simulated sex scene, phallic symbolism and preoccupation with voyeurism manifest itself later as a performer and is already distinctly
present in this early document. Emerging media soundtrack by Dave Aron.
Posted by August West  on  Sun Jan 07, 2007  at  04:36 PM
Well With It All Said And Done. All The Speculation's Going On About My Beloved, Long Lost,Shaman JAME'S DOUGLAS MORRISON My True Friend And Only Friend "The End". I Have To Say To Settle All Of This Why Don't Someone Get His Dental Record's, And Have His Remain's Exhumed. Do A Comparison On The Teeth And There You Have It. Pearly White's Don't Fib. I Hope If That Would Happen That It Isn't You My Friend, Were Ever You Are Be In The Grave Or Just Hanging Out On The Other Side Riding The Snake. Just Remember " You Did Ride The Storm" Rock On Rock God..
Posted by Donald  on  Mon Jan 08, 2007  at  10:31 PM
Hey Donald,
How are your teeth doing, because your mind sure seems to be playing a hoax on you isn't it. How can one get Jim's teeth when A) the French won't allow anyone to dig up his grave because it is too big of a tourist attraction and B) Jim's body is not in that casket as you see on the Jim Morrison Discovery video from Rodeoswest.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sat Jan 13, 2007  at  10:37 PM
Look Jlizard, My Mind Is Just Fine!! Just Clouded Up With Some Smoke. Since I Posted That Comment I Have Done Some Research And Found Out That They Did Plan On Exhuming The Remains To See If It Was In Fact Jim In There. And By The Way That Dude In That Video Isn't Jame's Douglas Morrison! They Can Do Anything With Computer's Know! And I Can't Imagine You As A Morrison Fan, When You Degrade Him By Saying The Old Gook Above Even Look's Like Him. What A Crock Of Shit Man!! Even If It Was, And I'm Knot Saying It Is. Don't You Think He Would Keep His Identity Hid Awhile? 30 Some Damn Year's Is A Long Time To Wait To Just All Of Sudden Come Up With Some Bullshit Movie. Get Real Man! Think About This If You Were Him Would You Wait 30 Yr's Just To Pop Up Out Of The Blue And Announce That You Were Alive? I Don't Think So....
Posted by Donald  on  Sat Jan 13, 2007  at  11:03 PM
I am curious if anyone has contacted Gerald Pitts. Why does he post his phone # like that as if he's dying for phone calls? The picture with the hat and him looking down sideways a bit does look like him, but the straightforward pic with the wash-over of when Jim was young, doesn't look like him, because the guys' eyes look really small and squinted.

I still don't know what to think, and I am still suspicious. If it is Jim, why is he allowing the guy to advertise him like that? If it is Jim, then why doesn't he prove it to everyone himself, instead of having this guy do it in such a suspicious way? Curious.

Looking forward to more comments.
Posted by JMG  on  Sun Jan 14, 2007  at  09:53 PM
Jim has more enemies than friends. The media comglamorates such as FOX toyed with breaking the story but wanted exclusive rights to Jim in writing and Jim told them no. As you see in the Discovery video, Gerald Pitts was someone Jim came to trust over many months. Not only Gerald, but his sons and their friends. I frequently talk to Gerald and he wants people who loved Jim to know that he is alive. Why did the remaining Doors band schedule a concert an hour away from Jim way up in the mountains of Oregon- and then cancel. They can smile. They are wealthy. Their names should be the Doors of Deception.
Posted by JLizard  on  Sun Jan 14, 2007  at  11:34 PM
Where did you fuckers learn to write sentences?!
Posted by John  on  Sun Jan 14, 2007  at  11:41 PM
Look I Think All Of This Is A Load A Big Pile Of SHIT!! All They have 2 Do Is A finger Print Or A Blood Test. Or Check The Grave. And If He is Alive I Think He Would Come Out And Tell The Band 1st Off, Knot Gerald Pitt's Or Whoever. Him And Ray Were Tight, I Also Think With The New Door's Band Performing So Close 2 Were The Suppose Look Alike Is, That The Look Alike Would Show Up. I Don't Think He Did? And If The look Alike Did Come Face 2 face With The Remaining Door's Member's They Would Know If It Was Really Him. Don't U think So? Well With All Respect, As Much As I Wish Him 2 B Alive, He's In The Spirit World. Leave It At That!! Why Can't Anyone Except It? And If He Were Alive He Probley Wouldn't Want The Attention. He Did Want To Away From All It, And Start Writing. Even Though The Grave Has Your Remains, Your Spirit And Your Poetry And Music Will Live On Until the End Of Time. REST IN PEACE Jimbo.
Posted by James Douglas Morrison  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  12:49 AM
Well this has been driving me crazy, so I just called Gerald Pitts. I asked him a lot of questions and he provided me with some information, and he was also evasive at times. I asked him, "why is Jim allowing you to expose him now?" and his response is that the statute of limitations has run out for all of his legal issues. The other reason is that he says that Jim wants to be in his cowboy film, so he doesn't mind being exposed now. He adamantly offered to me, "he does NOT want to get back with the Doors!!!" I told him I wasn't even asking that question.
I am still very hesitant and skeptical; Gerald kept telling me to "get the video". Well I saw one person's comment here that said he saw the video and it did not provide him with any evidence. Gerald told me "well.....he is singing all of the Doors songs in the video".
Gerald told me that "everyone" who sees him and has met him, "knows" that it is him.

So I remain curious, and skeptical.......and determined to solve this mystery.

Looking forward to more comments.
Posted by JMG  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  02:07 PM
Ok, instead of arguing, how about we all read a book? (I'm sure some of you already have, I know I did.)

No One Here Gets Out Alive
by Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugerman

Here's the link to buy it from Amazon:

Now, as a 15-year-old, I know I can't show as good as evidence as everyone else, but I am still voicing my opinon.

Please, read this book now, and argue later.
Posted by njs  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  03:01 PM
Also, for the love of GOD, please, don't capitalize every word, it just isn't necessary.
Some commas would be helpful, too.

Thank you.
Posted by njs  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  03:06 PM
Posted by Up Ur Ass Who Asked U?  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  03:21 PM
I don't get what there is to fight over.........

..........let's get back to the topic.

The more and more I look at that pic posted above, with the squinty tiny eyes, it just isn't him. On the other hand, the cowboy hat pic with his head tilted to the side does look like him.

I have resolved that the only way *any* of us are going to know, is if we meet him in person. Watch him. Look at him. See for ourselves. Unless it is really obvious on the video, which Alex says it isn't.

So how can we all work together on this?
Posted by JMG  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  03:49 PM
I C what you are saying JMG, I think that the video of it fading into his younger picture matches up great. But the thing's people can do with computer's now is unreal, the only thing I can think of is this. Someone that lives near or in Oregon go to the suppose to B Jim and hound the Hell out of him!! And see if it is really him, ask him questions that only the real Jim Morrison would be able to answer. You feel me? Post more comment's on this matter, this is driving me crazy.. thanks Donald
Posted by Donald  on  Mon Jan 15, 2007  at  10:07 PM
I don't think that it would do much good to hound Jim Morrison. I think we need to get reputable good hearted media personnel to want to go up to the mountains and cover the story. Writer Gary Patterson recently had Allan Grahm (Jim's ex brotherinlaw) on a national radio show and it seems like they are going up to the mountains with a Hollywood crew within the next months. Their collaboration with Rodeoswest, Inc. is weak as they think they know how to handle this story in their own way.
Does anyone know how much money the DOORS made on this new 40 year anniversary box set cd that just came out? I saw like a 15 x 15 glass picture of it at a Barnes and Nobles and was shocked. It was funny too because I saw a kid reading No One Hear Gets out Alive and I went up to him and said Hey, Jim is still alive, check out And he got all excited and probably went home and did!
Posted by JLizard  on  Tue Jan 16, 2007  at  06:31 AM
Dear Donald,

Cool name ~ my brother, Dad and nephew are all Donalds!

Anyhow, I have to disagree to hounding him; he wouldn't like that and it's not very respectful. I live in Marin County, and we have a lot of famous people here. We have no paparazzi here; when we see and/or run into famous people/celebrities, no one approaches them, or anything. A couple of months ago, James Hetfield (Metallica), was right in front of me in line at Whole Foods. The whole store was crowded, not one person went up to him. We pretty much leave people alone.

What I meant, was watch him, and notice him. I think once we see him in person, face to face, that will answer our question whether it's him or not. I mean, if you know someone, you know someone. You get that immediate "knowing" feeling, everything about the person; their visual appearance, and their essence.

For example, John Densmore NOW looks like John Densmore THEN. Clint Eastwood NOW looks like Clint EAstwood THEN. Jack Nicholsen NOW looks like Jack Nicholson THEN. Robin Williams NOW looks like Robin Williams THEN. And so on and so forth. There's no guess or mystery. People really don't change that much.

So I am veering towards the "it's not him" side.....because if we can't be convinced by these pictures, then it can't be him. I think when we see a picture of Jim, we are going to KNOW and it will hit us "Yeah! That's him alright!". There's just too much mystery and suspicion with this guy's website.

I just didn't like how the guy (Gerald) kept telling me "buy the video, buy the video".......Sheesh, is he just out to sell this darned video for $20-whatever dollars?

The other thing I am now trying to do is contact John Densmore, and find out if it's true if he verified/confirmed that it's Jim or not. John Densmore will tell us the truth. I have his book, "Riders on the Storm".


Can you get more info. and keep us updated with this crew that is going up there to investigate?
Posted by JMG  on  Tue Jan 16, 2007  at  03:45 PM
Take the following with a grain of salt. I met a fellow soldier while stationed at Ft Bliss in mid 1972 who swears he encountered Jim Morrison after he supposedly died. The story goes like this: the soldier in question (I do remember his last name but not his first as is often the case in the military) was in Cocoa Beach, Fl working on the docks when he observed a man on a yacht. For whatever reason the man waved him aboard, and now the story gets more incredible. Turns out the yacht belonged to an Admiral Morrison and the man aboard her was no other than his son Jim who then proceeded to break into the Admiral's liquor cabinet and share some brandy with the lucky future soldier. Suffice to say, this anecdote is most likely if not definitely BS as any veteran knows the military is fertile ground for fantastic fish stories such as this one. BTW, "Jim" told him he would go public in ten years, which obviously hasn't happened...or has it?
Posted by Phil  on  Wed Jan 17, 2007  at  05:43 PM
...haha. That guy looks like he was fucked up the ass past Wednesday. Honestly, guys, let it rest. Whether he is dead or not...leave the guy alone. Poor Jim. :[

Love, Cris.
Posted by Cris  on  Thu Jan 25, 2007  at  02:20 PM
Where does that guy get off telling a 15-year-old that his opinion doesn't matter? I think he is just saying read the book so we aren't fighting... Also, it's great that 15-year-olds can apprieciate a man who "died" in 1971. The more youth that know about him, the longer his legend lives on. Jim Morrison was a great man to many people then, and he continues to be a great man to people (and apparently some youth) now.

One more thing.

Does that guy have so little of a life that he had to reply to njs' comment 15 minutes after he posted it? Leave the kid alone. If he read the book, more power to him.
Posted by Huh?  on  Thu Jan 25, 2007  at  03:31 PM
Hey huh, who asked you? Why don't you mind your own? Besides the little dude was disrespectful!! And for a 15 year old child voicing his opinion, I have no problem with. It's just the fact that he was trying to tell me to read a book that I have had 4 going on like 5 yr's + all the other book's,and soundtracks, box's set's and "etc". I have been a fan of the Door's since I was like 6 or 7, I am 27 at the present. All I know is that my IDOL is dead in the flesh, but his spirit lives on.. And Yeah I have a life, I protect the great country we all live in the USA. And If I were you, I would get yourself a life!! It looks like you like to keep stiring in shit, haven't you heard the more you stir in shit the worse it stinks? Well, with that said. You have a wonderful day!
Posted by Go Fuck Yourself.. HUH..  on  Thu Jan 25, 2007  at  07:31 PM
To set the record straight and, unfortunately, add to the mystery.

James Douglas Morrison officially and legally has only one son that he knew of. Of over 20 paternity suits that were filed against The Doors, most after Jim's death, there was only one. This paternity test was done before Jim's death. Jim made arrangements to support the child and his family and they never wanted for anything. The child
Posted by familiarfreak  on  Wed Jan 31, 2007  at  03:03 PM
Finally, something that makes sense. Yes, OUR idol is dead and flesh and alive in spirit. Point made.
Posted by Huh?  on  Wed Jan 31, 2007  at  03:09 PM
Thank you familiar freak, I didn't know that Jim had a son. This is big news to me, I had heard about all the DNA tests, all the women coming forward claming they were pregnant with Jim's baby.Were did you get your information on this, it must have been a recent finding? Because I had read about the women claming to be pregnant by him, but I think all those were a hox. Well thx 4 the info. Peace Out My Bro&sis; DewDrop:)
Posted by Donald  on  Wed Jan 31, 2007  at  08:08 PM
Hey Familiarfreak,
Are you posting a press release from the DOORS or something. I've been on this story for some time and our findings do NOT line up whatsoever. And I mean whatsoever. Jim has several children and one even performed with Whalen Krieger (Robbie Krieger of the DOORS's son) and you can even buy their cd on the website. If you're too heavyset, maybe you can hire someone to run around and do a little investigating. Well unless, you just want to give a little foreplay lukewarm snipit of insite. I guess that is ok too. Thanks.
Posted by JLizard  on  Thu Feb 01, 2007  at  04:19 PM
He doesent have theole on his face any more in the picture
Posted by Zach  on  Sun Feb 04, 2007  at  01:08 PM
The reason that the CD was on the Doors web site is because Robbie's son is on it. Cliff may or may not be Jim's son. He needs to take a paternity test. (Which he has refused in the past) The fact remains, although there may be others, there is only one "certified" child of Jim Morrison's. Jim and the band acknowledged the child, supported him and his family, and keep the names secret until this day. Cliff, and all of the others can continue down their paths of proofing there lineage but as of now, there is only the one. Where are these people with there proof to collect there millions? It is clear that the child in Texas that Sallie, Ray, and Danny Sugarman have acknowledged as the only child of Jim's that can be trusted as valid. Question is, who is it?

If you can prove that Cliff lived in Texas as a child and later New Orleans on Dec 11th, 1970, maybe so. But that is not the case.

Cliff Morrison's real name is Cliff Marsden. The Admiral and Mrs. Morrison met Cliff one time for 15 minutes in the mid-1980s. Nothing came of it except disgust with their son-in-law (who set up the meeting) for being taken in by this grifter. Anne has two sons and one daughter with Alan Graham, and Andy has one son and one daughter. Andy's son is a musician living on the East Coast, and like the rest of the family, values his privacy.

Isn't it odd that the genuine blood relatives are not interested in exploiting Jim's name, while the fakes are clamoring for attention?
Posted by DCM Archives  on  Mon Feb 05, 2007  at  08:08 AM
look i love Jim and he is a roll model to me, Jim is god i belive but with all the eveidence theres a good possibility hes alive and out there somehwere, the man is a genuis hes not going to be living in the united states, i kno and the doors kno he's alive there just keeping it a secret to show respect to jim. yea if you go to paris and he his grave i bet there is a strong energy feeling, Jim has tons of souls and is extremly spirtual you dont think he used his ways to get an indain vibe around that paris burial ground??

Jim Morrison is alive.
Posted by Zach  on  Mon Feb 05, 2007  at  10:30 PM
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