Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


mizark keep us posted on your findings,its about time somebody out there,is willing to find out the truth for themselves,were backing you up mizark,good luck buddy!t-care.
Posted by monster of sin  on  Mon Feb 06, 2006  at  06:43 AM
Why don't they ask the surviving Doors members what they think. I am sure they would know if it was him or not.
He's dead, fucktards!
Posted by Dazz  on  Mon Feb 06, 2006  at  10:07 AM
"Why don't they ask the surviving Doors members what they think. I am sure they would know if it was him or not.
He's dead, fucktards!"

OOOOO! Good one DAZZ!
Posted by Name Here  on  Mon Feb 06, 2006  at  10:24 AM
Watch this video and you will understand why Jim can't sing like he used to.
Posted by hardamber  on  Wed Feb 08, 2006  at  08:02 AM
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
Posted by markr37  on  Thu Feb 09, 2006  at  03:02 PM
Its just a stupid hick trying to be famous. If Jim were to be alive he wouldn't be in Oregon.
Posted by Kevin  on  Fri Feb 24, 2006  at  01:46 PM
Mr. Mancerik,
I have spoken with Gerald Pitts and you will be receiving legal papers soon. I hope your fantasy novel was written on recyclable paper.
Posted by John  on  Sun Mar 12, 2006  at  10:33 PM
I cannot believe everyone. Jim Morrison is dead. You people read are blinded by mass media, which is exactly what Jim strongly apposed. WAKE UP! You're all feeding the machine of technology. Realize that death came to him. Accept death. Jim would not reveal himself some 20 odd years later as a fucking cowboy for FUCK sakes. He lived, he showed us truth, passion and cosmic energy. ITS GONE. HE IS GONE. Although he lives on... jesus christ... the world is truely lost.
Posted by Nick  on  Mon Mar 13, 2006  at  10:58 AM
that is bull shit jame morrison is not living anymore he died in Paris on July 3, 1971 evin if he didnt die 1971 but he did but if he didnt die then he would be 55 and he most likely died of old age.
Posted by jamie ouimette  on  Thu Mar 16, 2006  at  02:43 PM
james morrison died in Paris on July 3, 1971 and the only person that would evin have me thinking that he is alive is him and he's died.
Posted by jamie ouimette  on  Thu Mar 16, 2006  at  02:51 PM
these guy's should be ashamed of themselves, jesus christ there are now offically two more losers out there trying to make a buck, leaching off the talent of someone who is unable to defend himself, thank god anyone who has ever laid eyes on Jim (god rest his soul), knows this hillbilly is most certantly not him!
Posted by jill  on  Thu Mar 30, 2006  at  08:58 PM
I really do not know what to make of this whole JIM MORRISON ALIVE story.

I was never a DOORS fan, fan...though I did like their music.

When did all of this start? And why? Is this person REALLY an agent? Was he Jim's agent before he died?

Has anyone here purchased this video? Any comments?

What about the remaining DOORS band? Have they spoken out at all?

Sorry, for all the questions, but if anyone is interested in answering, thanx much.
Posted by Sue  on  Tue Apr 04, 2006  at  12:10 PM
john densmore (drummer, the doors) : "the grave is too small"

ray manzarek (keyboards & bass, the doors) : "if anybody is able to fake his death and put a 150 punds sandbag in his coffin to dissapear... then it's jim"

keep thinking...
Posted by Rouven Niederer  on  Tue Apr 04, 2006  at  06:13 PM
"Have you heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place, and cried incessantly, 'I seek God! I seek God!' As many of those who do not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked much laughter... 'Whither is God,' he cried. 'I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. All of us are murderers.... God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him...' - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Rest in peace, Mojo.
Posted by Deus Emeritus  on  Sat Apr 08, 2006  at  06:42 PM
Hello, i am a truly dedicated doors fan along so is my dad. I am here to say, that though i wish he was alive, Jim Morrison is a dead man. I mean if he were alive, they would have done a DNA check by now. Plus, Jim Morrison, is no cowboy. Though he was an active gun supportist some say, he's no cowboy. The band members even say he was much like a punk rocker when offstage. Please deal with it, Jim is dead, and we should all realize it. thank you.
Posted by stephen  on  Sun Apr 09, 2006  at  02:38 PM
you guys r looking the wrong place...
Posted by DTL  on  Fri Apr 14, 2006  at  08:10 PM
Theres a new band in town Jim..
Posted by Kev  on  Mon Apr 17, 2006  at  07:47 AM
:shut: GAH i think the guy is dead
Posted by Bridgette  on  Mon Apr 17, 2006  at  08:38 AM
:roll: Patricia Keneally's rage and despair still burns like an inferno 35 years later - 🐛 She must have a bottomless well of energy to keep summoning the energy it takes to hate everyone as she seems to particularly Jim's fans :gulp: she seems to think that we do not have the "right" to be a fan,follower,admirer, whatever you want to call it - This dumbfounds me - why does she hate his fans so? This is one very strange lady but after 35 years I aint going nowhere Patricia - We his fans are still here and there's not a damn thing you can do about it so ponder that in your coven or while flying on your broom
Posted by Rhiannon  on  Mon Apr 17, 2006  at  03:09 PM
on july 5th 1971 James Douglas morrison died and that end of it!!!! If jim wnats me to think he is dead the i think he dead end of story!!!!!
Posted by Jonathan Femons  on  Wed Apr 19, 2006  at  10:23 PM
It was 3rd july 1971, not 5th. The best occasion for an american to fake his death. Why? Because it was sunday, and on the next day the american offices were closed because of the Independence Day. During this time the burial was done. No one could identify the corpse. And maybe there was no corpse. I don't know. He was very clever, with an I.Q. over 140. The government of the US disliked his anti-war mind, and his revolt. Ray Manzarek said that Jim was scared. He wanted to disappear. He talked about it to his bandmates.
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps 'Oh look at that!' Then - whoosh, and I'm gone... and they'll never see anything like it ever again, and they won't be able to forget me - ever." - Jim Morrison

Books Allegedly Authored by Jim Morrison:
*Light My Fire (1978, First Edition 1975). ISBN 0-915628-07-4.
*American Prayer (1983). ISBN 0-915628-46-5.
*Bank of America of Louisiana (1983). ISBN 0-915628-00-7.
*IBM Oil: Asylum in a Danish Embassy behind the Iron Curtain (1985). ISBN 0-915628-35-X.
*CIA Psychic (1986). ISBN 0-915628-01-5.
*Eyes: Poetry of Jim Morrison 1967-1971 (1986). ISBN 0-915628-40-6.
*Sparkerpolice Guidebook: How to Play Sparkerpolice (1986). ISBN 0-915628-17-1.
Posted by J  on  Thu Apr 20, 2006  at  03:05 PM
I really think it would be better if jim was dead because if he was alive he would stop being a legend. Jim is fuckin dead!!!!!!! thats his place. I prefer jim being dead. MR MOJO RISIN!!!!, RISIN RISIN!!!
Posted by Ivan  on  Sat Apr 29, 2006  at  06:34 PM
Gerald Pitts is Jim Morrison's agent and producer. He is a successful businessman who is well respected in his community in Oregon. He happend to run into Jim Morrison who was in hiding, having faked his death. Jim Morrison said that he would fake his death and only 4 people showed up to the "funeral". The photomorph at shows among other things that Jim's eyes align exactly to those taken of him 30 some years ago.
Jim's estate is worth many millions and many people profit immensely from it every year. The Doors of the 21st Century recently scheduled a concert an hour away from where Jim is living in RURAL Oregon so that Jim would come out and talk to them. Jim did not. Ray did not show up to the concert. The concert was cancelled. Strange Days.
Posted by JLizard  on  Mon May 01, 2006  at  08:19 AM
u all might see beyond ones beliefs to find me
Posted by the hitchhiker  on  Mon May 01, 2006  at  10:43 AM
It's possible! Why wouldn't his parents bring him back to the states? To exhume the body and not be in there? Why did Pamela die 3 years later? To be with Jim and fall off the face of the earth also. And how come Jim and Pamela's parents sue the remaining Door's, not including Densmore, for royalties. So they can have an income coming in. Hmmmmmm
Posted by Lee  on  Tue May 02, 2006  at  10:35 PM
He might be living... he might be dead... But it's clear he doesn't want to be LIVE on a stage.
The things he might have seen and feel... like Syd Barrett who also decided to dissapear from the public, and many other artist. These are the real artists and we have to respect them cause we'll always learn something. Spirits live forever and as long as your memories remember something, it will never die.
Posted by delorto  on  Mon May 08, 2006  at  10:14 AM
I do not believe this cowboy crap. But I do not believe the Paris Death story either. There just is not enough conclusive evidence to convince me that he died on July 3,1971. Especially given the fact that he went around telling people he was going to fake his death. He probably is not still around today though. I think his most recent book was released in 1986, so where has he been since?
Posted by Randy California  on  Fri May 26, 2006  at  09:20 PM
I don't believe that man is James Douglas Morrison, I think that is a lie, Gerald Pitts only wants money.

But... If you really are Jim Morrison, I'm waiting for you in Portugal.

I doubt that you can prove it..

The Doors forever!!
Posted by Katia  on  Sun Jun 04, 2006  at  10:54 AM
Its just a stupid hick trying to be famous. If Jim were to be alive he wouldn't be in Oregon.
Posted by Kevin in Ohio on Fri Feb 24, 2006 at 12:46 PM

i take umbrage at that comment! oregon is EXACTLY where one would want to LIVE....'hicks' are everywhere and might even been in ohio and named 'kevin'... lol (ummm, we all done got some book larnin and some uneeversatees out here in owah back woods and we even have shoes and rarely chew on pieces of straw while sittin in the shade drinkin from the products of our local vineyards...don't be too quick to apply labels, kevin, it's a tad narrow.) 😜
Posted by SkySmiles4u  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  01:57 AM
Jim is ALIVE... I met him at my local kwiky mart, He sold me a slurpy and a bag of chips. He told me "thank you" and to "come again"...
Posted by Me  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  11:07 PM
You realize that an anagram of 'James Douglas Morrison' is 'Mad major gloriousness'. I think that's significant.
Posted by You  on  Wed Jun 28, 2006  at  11:17 PM
I just have to say a few things:
1st. I can't believe people wrote paragraphs on the subject!
2nd. He's dead for crying out load get over it people!!
Please don't have a nervous break down...because Of what I said....yeah I'm sorry psycho's he's dead...dead as a door nail..Dead like people that die dead and are now buried in a cemetery...yes I believe that qualifies him as dead...yes I thinks so..OK well I guess he's dead ah so now you know he's dead OK bye...yeah He's dead.
I wanted to join the insanity...hence the paragraph
Posted by You're All Crazy  on  Thu Jun 29, 2006  at  05:37 AM
What's the deal with the email from Lizzy in October, 2005 about Pamela Susan Shhops website and that her dad (married to Pamela? ) had taken her three kids. I looked up her website and didn't see anything about Jim Morrison. What's the deal? Did they have an affair? I don't get it.
Posted by Robert Good  on  Mon Jul 03, 2006  at  06:18 PM
On the topic of Jim Morrison, I've looked at the Pitt's photos and his short video clip of the individual claiming to be the real Jim Morrison. There is no way that this guy is the real Jim Morrison. Morrison was a pretty boy. This guy's features are down right homely. Granted, if Jim were alive, he would certainly not look exactly as he had in 1971. However, he would still retain his basic features. Also, there is no way that Jim Morrison would have let his girlfriend Pam Courson die as she did in 1974.
Posted by James Douglas Morrison  on  Mon Jul 10, 2006  at  03:21 AM
Once again on the topic that Jim Morrison might be alive and well in the state of Oregon. Since I have the summer off, I will volunteer to go to Oregon to check this dude out. I will talk to him face to face and totally interrogate him. I will ask him numerous questions that only the REAL Jim Morrison could answer. If he slips up only once, I pledge to beat his ass severely. If he is an imposter, he will pay dearly. Also, he will have to pay for the gas that I bought just to drive all the way to Oregon. Peace out!
Posted by James Douglas Morrison  on  Mon Jul 10, 2006  at  03:34 AM
dude your gay jim morrsin was still writing songs when he faked his death and he is alive he announced it on mtv so im getting sick of these bull shit comments hes alie deal with it even iff you dont wanna bealive it
Posted by jaKE  on  Mon Jul 10, 2006  at  05:31 PM
Ok, let's all get something straight...Jim Morrison was a wonderfully fascinating man who made music we all loved and still love. Everytime a famous musician dies, there seems to be this unwillingness to let them go and this is the craziest example of all. Jim was highly addicted to alcohol and many damaging drugs and lived a life of excess. I doubt very much that even if he were alive he would be at all in good health. I would imagine his liver and kidneys were practically useless before he died let alone to allow him to live another 30 some odd years. I sit on the fence about whether he actually died on that fateful night in Paris or not but in all truthfulness, we will never know...if he staged something it was permanent, he would not want to be found but if he were planning a comeback, what would he do now, squeeze into his old leathers and take us all back to the 60's? Let's get real...let's let it go. Let's all remember Jim for the man we all knew back then, the Lizard King. We'll see him The End.
Posted by Virginia  on  Tue Jul 11, 2006  at  04:18 PM
Hi!! I'm decided to travel to meet this person who says that is jim morrison. Where is his address??

I love Jim Morrison
Posted by katia santos  on  Sat Jul 15, 2006  at  07:01 AM
what does it matter if this dude is or isn;t.
How many Elvis impersonators are out thier claiming to be Elvis? Lots of em.
so if this guy says he's J.M.
well man rejoice in it and be happy man!!
Stop with the threats and all....
Pease is what he preached man...
Posted by Jacob  on  Thu Aug 17, 2006  at  12:54 AM
easy and simple
just get a dna test

id love for jim to be alive but hes probably dead
dna test proves everything
pamela could have faked everything to help jim afterall she was the only one to see his dead body

and just sonar the coffin easyly

long live the doors music and mr mojo risin's music
Posted by doorsfan  on  Sun Aug 20, 2006  at  04:08 PM
Maby he fakes it's death, maby he's still alive, i don't know we don't know, and maby we wil never know.

But if he's death he's death and lying in Paris.
When he's is alive then just leave the pore guy alone he disurves his rest and peace...

Morrison my muse.
Posted by Thunderhawk  on  Mon Aug 21, 2006  at  06:22 AM
morrison- pam calls up label- "morrison is dead" fly out imidiatly. when they man appears he sees a coffin sealed tight, which contains "jim morrison" and a certificate of death by a doctor who was never found.
jim on many occasions had the idea to fake his own death and call the authorities saying "mr. mojo risin"
no doubt jim could have abused his own body so much to have a heart attack at 27 but the facts are - he wanted to escape from fame
- be a quiet poet out of stardom
- no one saw his body other then Pam
- the doctor was never found after signing the certifacate
now whether or not this man is the real jim morrison which i can't fully doubt
in high probablity morrison is probably alive
a true makevellie
Posted by reif  on  Wed Aug 23, 2006  at  12:52 PM
relax, ladies & gentlemen, he is where he is. if he wants to find you he will. if he doesnt he wont. you've seen the evidence a million times, make your own judgement. i believe he was an amazing poet, an amazing character and the amazing representation of all that was, all there could be and all the opinions of synical people will never dull or tarnish the illusions that the true Jim Morrison left on the people he encountered. if he is dead, celebrate the life of a prsonality and a poet. if he is alive let him be, he is his own and nothing can change it.
Posted by A young doors fan  on  Thu Aug 31, 2006  at  06:53 AM
Jim Morrison has a son named Chris Bangs, he lives in Louisiana.
Posted by Banya Bauzoiulei  on  Tue Sep 05, 2006  at  03:39 AM
i think he is still alive ... i wish ... he disappeared as Rider on the storm...if you know something for him write me on my e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)..... Thanks a lot
Posted by shkumbin  on  Tue Sep 19, 2006  at  08:12 AM
Hey i didnt fake my own death i am dead the jim morrison you all know is dead it was the native american in me that died not the man but the spirit i am now living on the sunny shores of the goldcoast queensland Australia
Posted by J.D Morrison  on  Thu Sep 28, 2006  at  11:43 PM
Why not try a DNA test on him and compare to his parents' DNA?
Posted by pc93  on  Thu Oct 05, 2006  at  12:19 AM
I always found it strange that an autopsy was never done on Jim.But,let him rest in peace,he simply lived life at a thousand miles an hour,drugs,booze,poor diet,he basically killed himself.As an Aussie,i have admired him since 1967,when i saw him on TV.Good on him for not changing the words to Light my fire,on the Sullivan show,he had more guts than the Stones did,and i love the Stones too(shame on them for changing the words,just for old Sullivan).Jim was the ultimate rock star,he probably never wanted to get old,and i still love his songs,and the Doors in general.Don't do an Elvis on him,let him go,thanks for the memories Jimmy!!!
Posted by Stephen Bickell  on  Thu Oct 05, 2006  at  10:47 PM
yeah um this is bull shit jim is dead and it sucks cus he was like one of the greatest people who ever lived and jim was way too cool to come back for a profit.this is like saying elvis is alive or saying kurt cobain or janis is still alive. this is something that the national enquirer would write about
Posted by gfhgf  on  Thu Oct 19, 2006  at  06:19 PM
I live in Chicago and recently got a call from a man in Oregon who said that the RIDERS ON THE STORM, aka the Doors of the 21st Century after litigation, again scheduled to perform in Medford, OR within this last month, and again they cancelled (when JDM didn't come out?). I went to the Riders On the Storm website but it was mysteriously closed for construction. Now on March 6, 2006 they did schedule a concert in rural OR and this concert was cancelled and this I confirmed on Manzarek's website. Yes, many believe that Chris Bangs is JDM's son as well. But what about the story of Cliff Morrison, who's cd NO PEAKING still sells on the DOORS website, who performed with Waylon Krieger and who undeniably Jim's son.
Posted by JLizard  on  Tue Oct 24, 2006  at  09:39 PM
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