Here are some images that have been circulating around of anorexically skinny fashion models. Are these models actually this skinny, or have the images been touched up by someone trying to make the fashion industry look like a gallery of horrors? I'm not sure. (Warning: one of the images may not be considered safe for work, though it's no racier than what you'd find in your average issue of National Geographic).
Comments yeah, these photos are fake and it's very easy to find the real photos.
but I'm still pretty thin and that's good. Thank goodness for my super fast metabolism
im fat ;
and i'd rather fuckin stay fat then be like that .
i literaly barfed when i looked at this dumb shit
i otta slap those stupid bitches
i know girls skinnier that model.
its not a choice its a disease how DARE YOU talk crap about those girls.
you dont know what there feeling about themselves. what they thihnk they look like.
would you make fun of some with autism???
i would hope not.
anorexia and bulemia are a disease and whether you believe it or not, they could be your friends and neighbors, sister,daughters, sons and yes even mothers.
so think about it.
im not the skinniest or fattest
im5'3 and weigh 126 im normal weight. especially for just having a baby.
so you cant judge me.