Got an email from Kentaro Mori who runs a
Brazilian weblog about hoaxes (he also translated my hoax photo test into Portuguese at one point). He took a look at the video of that guy ducking under the bus. Whereas I thought the guy must be on the opposite side of the bus, employing a trick of perspective to make it look like the bus was going over him,
Kentaro analyzed some of the frames of the video a little more closely and suggests that the bus is actually going over him. Could be. If so, hopefully it was a staged stunt, otherwise I can imagine the heart attack the guy must have given the bus driver (who doesn't appear to even slow down).
No special equipment here, just eye balls and a pause button...
Same thing they do by using a blue screen.
He'd have done his 'stunt' on a completely empty road, then they'd have filmed the bus going along seperately.
Later, with video editing equipment, they'd have combined the two shots together.