Is Jim Morrison Alive?

image Most people think the musician Jim Morrison, lead singer for the Doors, died in Paris on July 3, 1971. But Gerald Pitts says that he "discovered Jim Morrison Living on a Ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998." According to him, Morrison is living a quiet life as an American cowboy "away from the Hollywood scene." Even though Morrison evidently engineered an elaborate death hoax to escape publicity, he agreed to appear on film for Pitts. You can buy a copy of this film for only $24.95 (shipping is extra). Pitts' site includes a video comparing the features of Jim Morrison the fifty-something cowboy to Jim Morrison the twenty-something singer. However, no matter how many times I watch the video, I just don't see any similarity.

Celebrities Death

Posted on Mon Jan 03, 2005


Opiates can cause tachycardia as well as bradycardia.Given the quantity and temp doesn't neccesarily mean the heartrate would slow.Actually the opposite would and likely occur therefore causing a fatal heartattack.
Posted by horses knowledge  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  10:31 AM
I believe there may be a way to settle this once and for all: X-Rays. If Jim's down there, then bones will show up on the screen.
Posted by Will  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  10:51 AM
I am not saying she did it perfectly. After a few days she iced him down. After a few more days she called authorties. The boys he was doing business with took him to the apartment and put him in a cool bath. Whether she was asleep or came in the story varies.
Almost always herion slows the heart rate. Hence the "nodding off" Arrythmia is always present. Heading towards bradycardia and at the last possibly experiencing tachycardia and then myocardial infarction.
Cyanosis had to be present. That is a blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues. The range varies.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  01:44 PM
She was there to protect him.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  01:48 PM
The boys took him to the apartment after ripping him off. She tried to keep him alive.

The brain can slow down or speed up the heart rate to meet the demands of changing conditions. The brain does not cause the heartbeat. A small mass of tissue within the heart called the Sinoatrial node is the pacemaker. Electrical impulses arise spontaneously and stimulate contraction. When the Sa node is not functioning properly arrythmia results. An impairment in the conduction of the impulse from the SA node is called heart block. Normal contraction does not occur.
Cooling the body down to match the heart rate was imperitive.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  02:18 PM
The water ws recorded as warm about 30
Posted by anonymous  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  02:27 PM
What a scary bedtime that story is.Do you realise how overwhelmingly scary that whole story sounds? Ido agree that there is no respect to be found by these new founded 'friends'.
Posted by mary  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  02:37 PM

Steed. I am aware of what you talk about in part.
Have read only a few books twice, other than study. The Bible, The Forgotton Star and maybe a Louis LeMore. My first read (author?) was about a Canadian Mountain Man. Next, required by school actually, a man lost in the wilderness. He didn't make it.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  02:49 PM
Mary.?. take a look at the pictures ( and I will put some more on there. Take your time. And we will make nothing of it. That's good anonymous. You coulda picked an easier name ta spell. Ya know.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:01 PM
I was aware of the temp,however I really don't like to speak of the bath.I see you are a learned man Mr.Logan.This is more than books,facts,friends,or hoaxes. This is a spiritual journey here.There is no enemy in that journey.There is love.
Posted by horses journey  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:32 PM
Again my afterthought disturbs me david.I can't do this--- its giving me nightmares.Iced him down!that is impossible in theory.and so insensitive david.What are you saying?How does your story make you feel?because I'm really bout to vomit,literaly.I'm sick from these thoughts of someone I love.
Posted by horses stomach  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:46 PM
If he was so successful in science fiction,why on earth does the poet become a bricklayer? And I have looked at pics awile back. I lmao.they r not very good.can you get some better shots?
Posted by mary  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:53 PM
AHhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please stop.........aHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhno more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Posted by horses insanity  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  03:59 PM
So I have to read water meters. Last month uncapped one and low and behold a dead snake on top. Today we approached the same meter and I tell my partner hey, we're gonna see that dead snake.
When I open it, sure is, laying on top. No wait, it moved a little, no wait there are 2 of them!! I took them out of the meter whole and put them on the wet grass. They moved ever so slowly. It seemed like they were hibernating. But it sure makes me think of how Jim escaped.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  04:05 PM
I got into it once w jlizard.he called me bloody.ha.I am appalled by the fact that you have a good friend andrew carpenter who dares talk like that and gets away with it!!no one repremands him?just pass by and welcome him right in again next time huh?jlizard?you r ok with that?talking bad about our country?freedom of speech yes.down right rude and insulting and __________ ,no.
Posted by mary  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  04:30 PM
Mary, I'm glad you stayed on board! Someone makes up stuff and says it's Andrew- that's not him.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  04:34 PM
Thanks!O.ok.I see.but j,this horse is rather knowledgable,and plainly upset by the graphic nature of this story.Maybe,just maybe they r family. But I was freked out and scared too!Even though to hear it helps understand where you all arecoming from.That was very 'insensitive' to say that snake story right after the horse cried!!!!!
Posted by mary  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  04:52 PM
Mary I knew you had been there because I remember your lmao. Some more pictures coming up. Somebody told me they knew how to lay bricks at the age of 16.

We've got a problem here. You can't have a sick horse. Easy now (pat,pat) we're still in the wilderness here. See e? Town's just right over there.

To Horses Love. That is so beautiful. Wonderfull.

Well close your ears now Horsey somewhat because here comes some more.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  05:06 PM
A wall was built.
Posted by horses memory  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  05:17 PM
"It seemed" Or can I suggest from what I've read and heard that corresponds including news releases and underground news? Pamela Courson specifically stated that she added ice to the bath midterm (end of the second day) of a four day process. 5 sometimes.
This was practically the best method to treat herion overdose.

May I also suggest that she was trying to revive him, as much as it hurts, that is why the water temp was up. 60 degrees is still cold submerged.
H in mLand what i meant by almost a Stasis was, as if almost like a...
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  05:42 PM
I don't know about the southern hemisphere but up here in the northern 6o degree water and you'll freeze very shortly. Becoming numb and sluggish anything colder than that.
The table for time expended in the water and temperature and time survivability rate is interesting. 30+* 15 mins. 40+* half hr. 50+* 1 hr. 60+* 3 to 4 hours. Remember hypothermia can occur in 70 to 80 degree water.

You should take the watersnakes water temp. Better yet take the snakes temperature. Those kinds of critters once they reach a point, it can drop on down. Watch out.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  06:28 PM
You know where the thermometer go's right JLizard.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  06:37 PM
Pulmonary edema.Blood was present as a result of it.Hypoxia,and including all you mentioned earlier today, is a result of a heroin overdose.Pulmonary edema.Pulmonary edema david.Again,you'd freeze your blank off and then mixed with heavy opiates,have a heart attack needing something like naloxone or the s s , or epinephrine, to get you back,also have to be careful of those anti opiates also can cause MAJOR problems.
Posted by horses lungs  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  06:57 PM
When it gets to deep you can say you are up to your horses fetlocks with this. The horse's gall. Oopz
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  06:58 PM
It seemed" Or can I suggest from what I've read and heard that corresponds including news releases and underground news? Pamela Courson specifically stated that she added ice to the bath midterm (end of the second day) of a four day process. 5 sometimes.
This was practically the best method to treat herion overdose.'

Mr. Logan, you get goofier by the minute. You're claiming Pamela said things she never said and did things she never did.

NOW you're claiming Jim was kept in icewater in the bathtub for several days?? Where are you getting this shite--aside from the usual source, of course...?
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  06:59 PM
Yea I don't get it. Other than she was trying to keep it from the media
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:04 PM
That is all part of the history. Apparently I've heard more and read more than you.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:07 PM
This picture you create david,made me puke and shake again.I can't take it,and the man I love isn't suffering in the bathroom.There is NO WAY being a Morrison Lover There is no way Pamela could accomplish something of that intesity.I wonder how much of this is purely contrived by you.....
Posted by horses vomit  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:24 PM
There are problems getting some of us in a bath tub as it is,thank you for more nightmares.This is hurting more people than you even know,or care about.
Posted by horses eyes  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:33 PM
What makes us Great can also destroy us.
Posted by horses greatness  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:41 PM
WoW! Mind Blowing to say the least! Iced down. David Logan. If I remember correctly you said before that you lived with Bill / Jimbo. Did he ever tell you what really happened how it was all done. Like who helped him. Where did he go right after the world thought he was dead. Stuff like that.
Posted by Big Tom  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  07:42 PM
Then you Must be saying the authorities were in on it too,because it was out of Pamela's hands once they got there.AND. Do you think for even a second, she could be comfortable with the chance he could be embalmed(which is the frenchs'forte)while still alive or even worse wake up in a sealed coffin if his timing wasn't perfect.That is beyond imaginable.You are making her a scientist,doctor,the authorities,the coroner and the mortician?
Posted by horses insomnia  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  09:50 PM
Big Tom. The only logical person that could of helped him right off. Then the same man that made arrangements for Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix handled Jimmy's. It was kept very tightly under wrap. They did it fast. Thousands were outraged.
Pamela admits Jim Morrison is alive.
She admitted it at least 3 times in the major news in the following years. The one I saw was on a piece of film. An interview. Done so that people could interpret for themselves what she means by saying "Jim is alive."
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  10:00 PM
I am saying if the timing is just right he woke up before the embalming process. If only delayed a little bit for the right people to get there.
Posted by David Logan  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  10:05 PM
I'd be laughing at the absurdity of Logan's posts about his fake Jim Morrison if they weren't so full of misinformation and so hurtful to those who knew the real Jim Morrison and to those who are the real Jim's fans.

Just to keep this discussion honest and factual.

The missing passport was found at the airport in Marseilles, not Paris. It was found the same weekend Jim lost it and it was returned to the Embassy in Paris immediately.

If normal procedures were followed, JDM's new passport would not have been completely processed by the time the old one was found. His replacement passport would therefore have been cancelled and the formerly missing original passport would have been returned to JDM. This all happened about two months before Jim died. So this has nothing to do with JDM's death, except that the old original passport was sent to the Admiral after Jim died. It was obviously not cancelled during Jim's lifetime.

JDM was dead when he was taken back to the apartment on July 3, 1971. The Count put him in the tub to see if he could be revived. JDM couldn't. He was dead. Pamela wasn't there when JDM's body was put in the bathtub. She got home later and found JDM dead and called the Count, who returned to the apartment to help Pamela come up with an alibi. Then the Count left France the same day.

Jim's body was never taken to the morgue. Jim's body was put on the table in the apartment by the police and firemen. From Saturday until Monday, the mortuary delivered ice to the apartment to keep his body cold until his body could be put into the coffin on Monday, July 5th.

Agnes Varda,a friend of Jim's, saw his dead body on July 3rd. To this day she will tell you that there is no doubt in her mind that Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, is dead.

Pamela saying that JDM was alive after July 3, 1971 was because she was in complete grief and at times delusional. At those times she wanted to believe Jim was alive, even though she knew he was dead.

Most of the time Pamela was sure Jim was dead and she felt that she was to blame for his death, even though she wasn't.

Now let's have enough of your misinformation, Logan, and an end to the lies from that 57-58 year old, born in 1950-1951, American Indian Oregon cowboy former bricklayer who refuses to meet with or talk to any of us who actually knew James Douglas Morrison, because your cowboy knows we can prove him to be a complete fraud.
Posted by Salli Stevenson  on  Tue Jan 19, 2010  at  11:42 PM
See this is hard. What about the guy who has come out lately who was there, the owner of the nightclub who said the thugs took his body back.
I have read your account. For those who haven't read, or watched the news, O one of Pamela's accounts was that she was with him, he had a headache and went to bathe. Also the written account where she kept him in the bath for over 3 days. Everybody knows that one.
Did they embalm him on Monday also?
Records for Bill Loyer go back only to 1970. I understand the age confusion. I have celebated several birthdays with him.
You're just P.O.d because we wouln't talk to you. Blame Gerald and the hype. I can see you read that right out of the same book I read. Or did you write one. Thanks for clarifying. We'll all go home now.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  12:36 AM
The effects are what is affecting us.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  12:40 AM
The "tavern owner" who wrote that was actually at one time the vice president of Euro Disney. He's what they'd have to call a reliable source.
Even if they are right, and I don't think they are, it sounds so heartless when they say Pam was delusional when she said Jim was alive- you should have heard how Pat Butler would write it. From all this reverence towards Pam to all of a sudden "that bitch was crazy". (And then I guess she'd say, ok DOORS where's my paycheck.)
Posted by Jlizard  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  04:19 AM
"and an end to the lies from that 57-58 year old, born in 1950-1951, American Indian Oregon cowboy former bricklayer who refuses to meet with or talk to any of us who actually knew James Douglas Morrison, because your cowboy knows we can prove him to be a complete fraud."

Funny how she didn't mention the bricklayer spends his time writing and painting and is married to a retired medical doctor. Dr. Marsha has been mentioned over a dozen times here and would be quite a credible witness.
Posted by Jlizard  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  04:38 AM
Pamela was in no way whatsoever short of money.She didn't need to ask The Doors for a paycheck. In feb 69,(7 months before his child was to be born,and the gestation period when the pregnancy is confirmed) his will was signed,clearly stating how he bestowed on her his riches.In today's society,we all see how the spouse is always looked at, questioned, accused of the others death even when great amounts of money aren't involved.Because it was not about money,but possibly about pamela's neglect, absence or heroin,(which some were yelling at her for)she had no problem in her grief, saying he was alive to ease the pain.
Posted by horses ears  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  07:31 AM
He never did update his will.And we all know were the money goes,and were the money didn't go.Why he made that decision in feb 69, will always be a secret.
Posted by horses ears  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  07:47 AM
Horsey, sounds like you're assuming Jim knew about Cliff. Does that mean you know Cliff and/or his mom?
Posted by Janet Erwin  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  09:26 AM
To blatantly answer that question,most definetly will result in a diversity of questioning.Let us ask ouselves,are we ready for a revolution?or even a revelation.?
Posted by horses spine  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  10:55 AM
Salli has down a ton of reasoning and research. Salli we were terribly upset with Gerald about that time. Pulling a couple of things behind our back. Owner, agent and producer. DISCOVERER.
Ignoring a lifelong friend. Ignoring the two people that were the lead in to this story.
The original film shot in Eastern Oregon was hidden for over a year. He wouldn't come and see us. We specifically stated that we were to see it first in order to follow through with his idea. He ignored Jim's and my request. Finally showing up with his edited country bumpkin version. He still holds pieces of film skirting around to suit his idea of granduer. He swore we would get to see it first on his pis ant projecter. No wonder Loyer is upset. I took the little scammer up there. How do you think that lays with me.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  10:59 AM
One of the most pitiful, greedy self serving displays of manhood I have ever seen. Might I add sneaky.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  11:16 AM
My Dad announced along with Roy Rogers the first televised rodeo in America. Madison Square Garden. 1948.
Gerald and I were partners in 95 looking for something, riding on the name and some longtime desires.
In 98 Jimbo jumped into his big orange monster truck, with a son, warming it up after months of sitting. On the radio was Paul Harvey giving a eulogy for my Dad as they were best friends. A tribute. Saying "He was the greatest cowboy he ever knew" "if uncle Sam had a voice it would be that of Logan." Over the years quoting him and introducing him as "My friend Pete Logan the all American."

The mysterious part (ready Horse?) was my best friend Billy Wilson had been in a trance for almost a year over Jim. Not like him. Come to find out he had been delivering hay to them. Faithfully. Which is not easy in snow laden mountains in the winter. Billy's the hero. When Jim introduced himself, Billy's blood pressure shot. He was probably about ready to rip his head off. Just joking. Spun around for sure. Bill had to calm him down as Jim, without backing up.
An accomplishment that might not always be to easy. A sensible thinking man, Wilson could still take you, me , Bill and Jim all day long.
Toot toot.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  02:21 PM
The same go's for my friend Travis Gillentine, second in the world twice of the National Black Belt League. My point? You don't con these people too long or me.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  03:50 PM
30 days later Billie W. calls me. While we were struggling to survive we were trod on. People get trodded on once in awhile. But the job was an success for the most part.

Boy talk about timing.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  04:15 PM
R.K. is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor's Degree in Science of Nursing. Wonderful girl.

She does have a video which I encourage her not to show. Too much of anyway. Yee Hee

Returned to some demand. it'll be awhile.
Posted by David Logan  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  04:35 PM
I got the ok.Cliff says hello! to you(Janet) and Salli.He hopes you have recieved and enjoyed the pictures he sent you of Uncle Andy w/friends-germany. .......Listen to The Prophecy.Watch it unfold and come to pass.
Posted by horses prophet  on  Wed Jan 20, 2010  at  08:01 PM
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