Abominable Science

Looks interesting. I'll add it to my reading list.

An interview with the authors:

The Science Behind Bigfoot and Other Monsters
National Geographic

There's ample circumstantial evidence for all these creatures: eyewitness accounts, blurry photographs, mysterious footprints. For many cryptozoologists—the people who search for legendary animals—that evidence is enough to confirm a monster's existence. But it will take more than shadowy sightings to convince Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero that Bigfoot or any of the other monsters are real. What Loxton and Prothero want is scientific evidence. In their new book, Abominable Science! Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids, they analyze the history of mythic beasts and the clues to their existence.

Books Cryptozoology

Posted on Wed Sep 11, 2013


Did you ever read Dr Myra Shackley's book, "Still Living?: Yeti, Sasquatch and the Neanderthal Enigma"? She was an Oxford archaeologist that did some pretty solid research on the southern African and central Asian Palaeolithic. Then she took the opposite side of the one that Loxton and Prothero take in their book: she wrote the book mentioned above, in which she argues that Alma's, bigfoot and Yeti's are real and relict hominin populations, specifically relict Neandertal populations. She published her book, one of the first in the Western world to detail Soviet/Mongolian Alma sightings, in 1986 and was never taken serious by her archaeological colleagues again...

Prothero, one of the authors of the book in your post and a professional palaeontologist, has written a very fine debunking of creationist arguments by the way: "Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters".
Posted by LaMa  on  Fri Sep 13, 2013  at  02:09 AM
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