The Tripodero lives in areas of dense brush and undergrowth, hunting for birds and other small animals that are its main source of food. When it sees some prey, the tripodero slowly extends its legs, just as the legs of a photographer's tripod can be extended, thereby raising its body above the brush. When it has a clear line of sight, the tripodero then shoots a mud pellet (a supply of which it stores in its left cheek) out of its blowgun-like snout. It rarely misses. Once the prey is stunned, the tripodero can consume it at its leisure. The tripodero is usually reported as having two legs, rather like a bird, and a kangaroo-like tail that it uses to balance itself while aiming. However, four-legged varieties of the Tripodero have also been seen. These lack the long tail. When its legs are not extended, the Tripodero can move quite rapidly through the brush.
Inflatable hedgehogs live in Africa, and when threatened, the blow up to twice the size of a beachball!
How on earth did that evolve?
Because it's made-up!
Legs stretch above undergrowth
Mud pellets fly
who uses mud like an arrow.
Whatever the season
Food is the reason
For the strange Tripodero.
A haiku just did not do the wonderous Tripodero justice. My son and I thought a limerick much more poetically effective.