The April Fool Archive

Shares in Heaven    (April Fool's Day - 1912)

Sharon, Pa. — For issuing stock certificates good for a certain number of shares in Heaven in exchange for a meal, a shave and clothing, Henry Benjamin, believed to be from Youngstown, O., is in custody here pending an investigation.

Benjamin first visited a restaurant. After eating a hearty meal he handed the waiter a slip of paper which read, "Good for one share of stock in Heaven." As it was April 1 the waiter accepted the incident as a nervy April fool joke and allowed Benjamin to depart. A barber was next given some of the celestial in payment for a shave. He kicked. Benjamin, however, managed to get out of the shop and was taken by the police while attempting to settle a clothing bill of $44 in the same manner.

The Charlotte News - Apr 2, 1912

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