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The Free Church of Country Sports
image The British government's decision to ban hunting is encountering stiff opposition from pro-hunting groups. While I was over there this issue was constantly on the news (especially when a group of hunting advocates managed to disrupt a session of the House of Commons). But now British hunting enthusiasts have adopted a novel defense of their pasttime. They've formed the Free Church of Country Sports, which is an ecumenical group that views hunting as a form of worship. Therefore, they claim, a ban on hunting would violate their religious rights. They're also arguing that a hunting ban would be racially discriminatory since, as this article puts it, "those who take part in country sports are sufficiently culturally different to be considered a social group with an ethnic identity." So far, the British government doesn't seem to be buying these arguments. But then, it was also slow to recognize Jedi-ism as a religion, wasn't it?
Categories: Religion, Sports
Posted by Alex on Wed Sep 29, 2004
Comments (3)
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And then God said - Men must hunt and be strong. Women must cook and be pretty.
Posted by Lox  on  Wed Sep 29, 2004  at  04:00 PM
Posted by Charybdis  on  Thu Sep 30, 2004  at  10:08 AM
"...with an ethnic identity"

As ethnic actually means non-Christian/Jewish and they are a Christian group... er... I don't think so.

The only "religious right" secured in English Law is blasphemy and it only applies to the Christian religion.

If this isn't a joke then they are insane - but hey! they think chasing foxes about and when they get one wipe it's blood on their face are good ideas.
Posted by Peter  on  Thu Sep 30, 2004  at  10:13 AM
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