Christmas Party Prank Gone Awry

In an otherwise dull story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about local school-district politics, one bizarre passage caught my eye:

The embattled Mento also sought to downplay his much-publicized conduct at last year's Christmas party, saying he blew up a bikini-clad doll as a harmless practical joke. An exact replica of the doll was displayed at the hearing, complete with the package labeled "Inflatable Fat Ass Party Doll"... All agreed that it took the superintendent about 15 minutes to inflate the doll and that many at the party were surprised at Mento's determination to finish the task.
"It took a long time. Someone joked about needing an ambulance because he might pass out," recalled Scott.

This is the kind of story where you know there's even more to it than they're telling here.


Posted on Wed Jun 23, 2004


Posted by Gutza  on  Wed Jun 23, 2004  at  06:18 PM
🐍 This is the best thing I've read all week!
Posted by Fool  on  Thu Jun 24, 2004  at  12:19 AM
Do you think this story will follow the poor guy to his death and be the last paragraph of his obituary?
Posted by Josh  on  Fri Jun 25, 2004  at  12:47 AM
Wonder just what kind of Xmas party that was? 😉
Posted by Brie  on  Wed Jun 30, 2004  at  07:01 PM
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