White House pranksters wrapped Karl Rove's car in plastic wrap, as a way to say goodbye to the guy.
CBS News reports:
Rove, the top White House political strategist who recently announced his resignation, left his car on the driveway while visiting Texas and traveling with President Bush. He was due back in Washington Wednesday evening. Since the lot is heavily patrolled by the Secret Service, reports Maer, the joke looks like an inside job.
It would have been funnier if they shrink-wrapped Rove himself and shipped him away somewhere. And if they had done it seven years ago.
Its just that I don't expect to see them intermixed with the search for all thing hoaxical. Kind of like when I was watching a recent football game on ESPN, and instead of the game, all they could seem to talk about was Vick and the moral decline of all things sporting. I wanted to shout at the TV: HEY, I JUST WANNA WATCH THE GAME, OK, but there would have been no point in that. I thought that perhaps here, I could possibly initiate a thought process in those of you that read and care about those things that perhaps political messages are better left to other forums than the wonderful MUSEUM OF HOAXES (and not politics).
Carry on! (and BTW, I've been here for years, so I can remember Alex from his more humble beginnings! 😊 )