Man Sells Wife’s Kidney

Here's an odd spin on the old urban legend about sharing a drink with a stranger at a bar and then waking up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice, without a kidney. How about, instead of just sharing a drink with that stranger, you also get married to him, and then he sells off your kidney.

According to the Daily Times, Ashfaq convinced Zohra to undergo surgery so that the couple could have children, but instead had one of her kidneys removed and sold for Rs.200,000. Having no further use of her, he also divorced her.

Body Manipulation Urban Legends

Posted on Fri Oct 22, 2004


I've seen several reports of this happening (husband makes wife sell kidney, by deceit or brute force) in India and Pakistan. One magazine story was accompanied by a photo of the victim displaying a huge surgical scar on her back, which made the story pretty convincing. It also gave her name and home town, which I've forgotten by now.
Posted by Big Gary  on  Fri Oct 22, 2004  at  09:24 PM
Divorce decree:
Wife, keeps house & cows...
Husband, keeps surplus kidneys...
Posted by Maegan  on  Sun Oct 24, 2004  at  09:47 AM
SELLS 1 of my KIDNEYS, I am man, my name it is ELIAQUIM, I have 21 old,I don
Posted by Eliaquim  on  Tue Sep 20, 2005  at  08:18 AM
Sorry, Eliaquim. I won't let you post your email address for something like that. The Museum of Hoaxes has a firm no-organ-trading policy.
Posted by The Curator  in  San Diego  on  Tue Sep 20, 2005  at  08:47 PM
I will donate my kidney, my name is Eliaquim Raone, 3 years ago I wrote an message in some web addresses trying to sell my kidney but 16 months ago I decided to donate, to sell a kidney is immoral and it is against law, I don't want to seem hypocrite but you do not need to sell your kidney, it is better to donate, to donate is a love attitude. Shortly I will donate my kidney to a people, without to request money in change.
Posted by Eliaquim  on  Wed Jul 16, 2008  at  07:16 AM
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