Dawn writes in with a question:
I was looking at this site: http://www.wayofthemaster.com/
and thinking it was one of these movie/tv promotions that you have been talking about, but it actually seems real. It's very strange. Has Kirk Cameron, the former teen heart throb turned into a Christian preacher or am I being gullible?
Yes, Dawn,
Way of the Master is very strange, but I'm afraid it's quite real. This is one of those sites that you hope (or pray) for it to be a joke. You sit there as they tell you that if you don't buy their overpriced DVD, then someone you love will GO TO HELL, and you think, 'they've got to be kidding.' But sadly, this isn't another satire like
Objective: Christian Ministries or
Landover Baptist Church. These 'Way of the Master' guys are quite serious. As they say, truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.
Landovewr good site though... thanks
I like your hoax site, but if you don't tell the truth, what's the point?
But, you know, I remember the statement being far more direct than that. I think they might have toned it down a little in the past week.
This uncomfortable undergarment will be a daily reminder to unmarried women to find a husband and a emergency moral reminder to her would-be-suitor. (For use under traditional underwear only.)
Who wants to be told their wrong?
YOU ALL on this comment page??
As far as I know nobody does.
If your guilty your guilty. Thats it.
If you get mad, your mad b/c you know its true.
Why are you playing perfect or something?
Just admit your like the rest of the world.
OKAY! Have you lied? Stolen? Lusted?
and you have to face God when you die.
Innocent or guilty? I think you know.
BUT, since God doesn't want you to go to hell,
He sent His Son JESUS to take our punishment.
Just admit you've done wrong, and turn away from
it. Its not that hard to understand. You can't
work you way to Heaven. Thats in Galations ch 2.
In fact, read the book of John.
So what if you say I'm wrong~ b/c if I am,
then when I die, I rot in my grave- BUT... what
if it is the truth? which it is.
I'm covered either way!
Check out..
the evidence for the Bible. It's not as far
fetched as you may think. don't think you'll
get the STRAIGHT facts from an atheist site.
They tend to stretch the truth a little bit
about history.
I know because I took several years in History.
Remember, God loves you so much, you can never
possibly understand His love HE has for you.
Don't knock it till you try it.
-your friend adam
very interesting:
In fact Objective Ministries is actively trying to SHUT DOWN Landover Baptist which is a hoax site. Landover Baptist is the site that sells a Christian thong.
see my point..John 8:7 "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" Jesus didn't condemn the woman, because He condoned her sin, but because the men who brought the woman to Him were Hypocrites. Jesus was the only person there that day who was free of sin, the only one who had the right to "cast the first stone." He didn't stone her (or her accusers), but instead forgave her and told her to "sin no more." "the KURK and the other guy" should know only god can forgive your sin ...and condemn people ...the way of the master presume that people like Kurk are non sinner saving others from sin.... when they are also sinners ...they are nothing but dust and they will to return to dust...
Remember the Catholic religion are the original Christian religion...so those other diluted faith like "the way of the master" they are group of people pushing their agenda within the vacuum of their belief....
Be careful ...of what they say ...
Just for your knowledge, websites hosted by Kirk or Ray Comfort do not have any kind of saying, print, or message saying "You sit there as they tell you that if you don't buy their overpriced DVD, then someone you love will GO TO HELL, and you think, 'they've got to be kidding. by Sun" He or she is a liar him/herselve. And as for the entry from some person named CATHOLIC. First off, before you slander someone, research the subject so you don't look like a fool!!! "The other guy" Ray Comfort is in fact an ordained, college educated minister. 2nd Learn your own church history, idol worship - mary, eucharist, etc. Read what happened with the protestant splinter by a German Monk Martin Luther. READ YOUR CHURCHES HISTORY so you may not look LIKE THE FOOL. By the way, there are free audios and videos at http://www.wayofthemaster.com and www.livingwaters.com. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING!!!! The devil works overtime with some of you people. You folks defending the faith, thanks and God Bless!!!!
I am a true believer of the ministry of The Way Of The Master. I've only been able to watch it a few times and what they say is so clear... crystal clear. I have been trying to buy the DVD's on e-bay of the series but they command high prices. If anyone has a set and wants to make copies, I'll pay for the copies. Or, if you want to mail me yours I'll copy them in one day and return them back to you immediately. I am on disability and can't afford the luxury of $100.00 for the set. I have trouble reading so, the dvd is the best. I really want to hear more and more about this ministry. I've been to some "new age" sort of churches and they were fine, but they did not make the impact .. the immediate impact that I feel when I watch Kirk and Ray. I Understand!
Thank You
marty jones
WOTM is based on sound Biblical teaching. CATHOLIC in sd implied that Kirk and Ray (whose name he didn't even know) see themselves as non sinners. 180 degrees off... They routinely tell the people who they are witnessing to that their own (Kirk's and Ray's) sins are likely worse and more numerous than those of the people they are talking to.
I'm no religion expert, but I think that Mary (Jesus' mother) is integral to the Catholic religion. I'm not sure how exactly Catholicism could be older than Christianity itself, as CATHOLIC in sd claims! If it is, then they must have believed something else before Jesus came along.
I'm not sure what Kirk's or Ray's official titles have to do with anything. If you are at the bottom of the pool with your big toe stuck in the drain, are you going to refuse my help unless I'm a certified SCUBA diver? I don't think so! God has used all sorts of characters throughout history, many times the person you'd least expect. Fishermen, tax collectors.... Paul persecuted many Christians before he was blinded by the Truth on the road to Damascus. Do we then discount everything he did after that (including writing many of the letters of the New Testament), because he had "a past"? That seems to be what some of you are doing, with the message of WOTM being delivered by "former teen idol Kirk Cameron". We all have "a past". Those who don't want to hear or accept the Message will always use the imperfections of the messenger to discount the Message. That is unfortunate. Shoot... Jesus Himself was not a "religious" man by early 1st century standards. He was despised by the "religious" people of His time on earth. He was only a lowly carpenter's son. People would have to be crazy to follow Him, right? What credibility did He have, to speak with authority on the things He spoke of? Thank God that not everyone is so narrow minded!
I can only assume that CATHOLIC in sd heard or read just enough of WOTM to begin feeling guilty, then stopped reading or watching, because most everything they wrote after talking about feeling guilty was pure fabrication.
I would challenge.... No, I would dare CATHOLIC in sd and anyone else to go and download some of the WOTM programs and actually listen to it. Don't believe what I've written. Don't believe what CATHOLIC in sd has written. Listen to it and decide for yourself what the truth is... If you dare!!!
WOW, great comments.
I guess the truth is harder to swallow then I thought.
I have been training in the WOTM for 4 months now.
I have never brought a DVD or book.
I have downloaded all their free stuff and have used it for our Youth group.
The only thing I brought of Living waters was the silver coin and the 1 million dollar tracts.
These are great.
I have waited so long for something like this to come along.
Being able to witness to a non-believer with truth, conviction and the word.
I thank God that he has made these teachings known to this generation at this time.
Thank God for Krik and Ray, we have stray so far from the 10 Commandments.
People can argue all they want; we do not need to defend religions or faiths anymore.
We should get out there and fulfil the Great Commission.
Your brother in Christ
My children are grown up, living responsible lives as citizens. WOTM has a store, they sell stuff and they make a profit. That's all, folks. It's as simple as that. Give it all away for free and we'll talk. Until then: kidnappers and homosexuals are two different things. One is a kidnapper by choice, but one is born a homosexual. To compare these two as equal 'sins' is just incorrect.
They themselves tell us that the bible states homosexuals are born as such. Yeah, I did watch these WOTM presentations and I think it's a load of crap, they full of it.