We've got a pareidolia double feature. First up is an image of the Virgin Mary that some claim to see in a sycamore tree that was burned in the recent Southern California fires. The tree is located off the Sierra Highway in Los Angeles County.
KNBC reports:
Believers have left flowers and other offerings in front of the tree, turning it into a makeshift altar. Some also have left notes, hoping to be blessed after seeing the vision.

Second up is a
Jesus and Mary Pancake (which sounds kind of like a rock group) which Marilyn Smith recently sold on eBay for $338. In her
description of the item, Smith writes:
This is a spiritual, unusual and unique pancake that we believe to be holy and depicts what looks to be Jesus and Mary. My brother said it looks more like Moses and Elijah. What is your guess?? It was created on November 5th by accident along with a batch of pancakes for breakfast. With no suspicions of any figures being in it, my mother flipped it over to do the other side and discovered that these are obviously religious figures dressed in the early desert garb that would have been worn at that time in Jeruselem.
(Thanks, Cranky Media Guy)
Maybe there will Buddhas on a sushi soon and Wishnus in chicken curry.
I am thinking of starting a business of wire grid frames with stencils of relegios appearances 😊. So, everybody can have Jesus, Mary, Pope, Buddha or whatsoever on his meal at a BBQ.
Commenters on another site are currently locked in fevered dispute over the pancake: is it His Noodliness the FSM (PBUH) or is it Futurama's Slurms Mackenzie? 'Tis one or t'other, and a schism rides upon it...
The tree trunk is, of course, Emmitt Kelly wearing a hooded robe.
However, all of this pales in comparison to seeing Josef Ratzinger, a.k.a. Pope Benedict, on a fried rump steak. I want to meet the discoverer of that miracle. :lol:
Predator, there are already vendors of utensils for putting religious images on food. For example, Archie McPhee and company sells an iron for branding the Virgin Mary's picture onto pieces of toast.
Secondly, to me, that tree looks more like a hooded figure from a horror movie holding a severed head in what would be IT'S right hand.
And last of all, the pancakes look as though an ATTEMPT was made by the cook to "create" the image by applying batter to the grill in the desired shape of the image they wanted to produce FIRST, THEN pouring the remainder of the pancake batter on the grill just a bit later... My mom used to do that when I was a kid. Before we got up for breakfast, she'd do the "cartoon" pancakes first, and then wake us all up when the rest were done. The cartoon pancake always went on the top of the stack.
In light of all the hoaxed "religious" images being sold on Ebay these days, you'd think the "market" would realise they're all a bunch of fakes, and the demand would dry up... Obviously not, so I'm going to work to create the most awesome "chance" appearance of of ALL the religious figures appearing together and IN HARMONY in one SINGLE food item... Anybody got any suggestions as to what may be a hot seller???
I've seen bands with much, much worse names right enough. "That Ubiquitous Smile" being the stupidest :lol:
Exactly, and if you look REAL close you can see a naked young woman hidden in the picture of the camel!
I dont get it. what happens to the trees and potato chips and billboards and markings on all other assorted objects that seem to show jesus or mary?...that is, after the buzz dies down. If the claiments dont sell and no ones buying..
You dont see or hear about the vatican stepping in and saying that the pancake belongs to them. What if there was a Vatican-Jesus/Mary image cover up, like the U.S. government supposevly does with UFO sightings or crashes. No because UFO's may also be Top secret military testings. Whats a pancake have to do with religion?