Status: Real
is was selling an upside-down Christmas tree for $499.99. (Thanks to Travis for the link--which has now gone dead, therefore I removed it) I'm not religious, but my first thought when seeing it was that it would be a perfect holiday decoration for a family of Satanists, to accompany their upside-down crosses and
crucified Santa. I know it's not a joke, or some mistake on Target's part, because
Hammacher Schlemmer is selling the same thing for $100 more. I understand these things are supposed to be space-savers, but why not save space by buying a smaller tree? I guess I just don't see the point, or appeal, of an upside-down tree. And why are they so ridiculously expensive?
"That is okay because Jesus Christ and the God the Father will have the final say during the Great White Throne Judgment!"
Can you ask your two boys to hurry the Final Judgment up? It would help me save a TON of money on Christmas presents.
Oh, you were there?
Nobody knows what crosses used for crucifixion looked like. It's possible there was no one fixed shape in use. They may have used X shaped ones, T shaped ones, or + in addition to the
"I don't recall when Christ went to the cross on behalf of us the cross being upside down."
As a matter of fact, one of the saints was allegedly crucified upside-down because he said he wasn't worthy of dying the same way as Christ. You Jeezo-worshipper really need to know your fairy tale better than you do. I don't even believe this nonsense and I know the story better than you do. Sheesh.
"This is in response to Cranky Media Guy. Thats right I am a JESUS WORSHIPPER!And proud to be one! Saint Who? Check your facts--All the saints were of paganism origin."
Oh? That's fascinating. Gee, the Catholic Church sure seems to be under the impression that saints are Christian. You, of course, know better. *laugh*
"I don't recall any saints alongside Jesus when he hung from the rugged cross."
Where did I say that the saint who was crucified upside-down was alongside Jesus? If I remember my Catholic school teaching, the two other guys on crosses alongside Jesus were supposedly thieves, one of whom accepted Christ's divinity while dying and is therefore known as the "good thief."
"Since you think the Bible is such a fairy tale--why dont you try going beyond your ignorance and begin reading the 4 Gospels--in the New Testatment--maybe you will learn something that a fairytale can't tell you!!!!!!"
Well, I HAVE read the Gospels. The Gospels are PART OF THE BIBLE as is the entire New Testament so I don't get your point here. It's all a fairytale, in my opinion.
Like I said, I'm not a believer and I seem to know your book better than you do.
If you don't believe that, you need to do your research.
Oh, and another's pretty irritating when something which is not seen as Christian and just happens to be pagan is always associated with Satan. Most pagans don't even believe in Satan! We don't believe in hell either! Those are Christian concepts!
What is wrong with you people?
"Cranky Media Guy don't rush the judgement because if you have not accepted the Lord as you're personal savior you will get your reward."
I think YOU should accept Strunk and White as YOUR personal Saviors. Google for them and find out what they can do for YOU.
by God
The upside down tree has nothing to do with Satan, just as much as Satanists use upside down crosses is stupid. St. Peter refused to be crucified like Jesus, not worthy, so he was hung upside down on and upside down cross. So go figure.
So in the middle ages they would hang the Christmas trees upside down not being satantists, but because of the Trinity.
Also, it shows off the ornaments better, and saves space.
Merry CHRISTmas, y'all...
If one uses the tree in any fashion he desires it should be OK as long as it does not go against Gods word.If it is not used as a thing of worship or does not disgrace God and is done to honor him I see no problem here.We are to do all things to please God, and in all things bringing honor unto him.
Yes certian things are in the bible that don't pertain to today like mixing of seed and fibers but these are metaphors to the seed of the Jews that are not to be mixed with the non-Jews as the christian should not be unequilly yoked with the unbeliever.
Since in those days the proper handling of meats and the microscopic diseases wern't known by man. There were things that prevented disease and were of precautionary measure at the time.
Although God never changes and is allways the same he sees the things we don't and knows things we can't see or imagine.What we see or know is a dimly lit amount of knowledge to his greatness and wisdom of intelect.
Be not dismayed at these things but do all things for his glory and he will see and aprove of you and will give you rewards in heavon.
Merry Christmas and God Bless.Remember Jesus in your holidays and every day and Love one another as he Loves us.
From Krakow to the Carpathian Highlands, it was displayed point down.
It is thought that the term "Doing something the Polish way" originated from the display of these trees.
Legend says that England's St. Boniface used the triangular shape of the Fir Tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
By the 12th century it was being hung, upside-down, from ceilings at Christmastime in Eastern Europe, as a symbol of Christianity and God the Son becoming man.
Martin Luther is said to have decorated a small Christmas tree with candles to show his children how the stars twinkled through the dark and holy night.
The early trees were biblically symbolic of the Paradise Tree in the Garden of Eden. Food and flowers were used to decorate the tree.
The many food items were symbols of plenty.
The flowers, originally only red for knowledge and white for innocence completed the tree.
It is thought that the colors of red and green for Christmas originated from this tradition. Red flowers on a green tree.
The ancient Polish custom was to hang from the ceiling in a central position with the topmost part of a spruce tree, upside down, and to decorate doorways and wall with separate boughs of the same tree.
It is the peak of an evergreen, suspended upside down from the ceiling or rafters point-side-down and decorated with fruit, nuts and sweets in shimmering wrappings, with decorations made of foods, straw, oplatek, and gold-painted spruce cones that made Christmas special.
In the Krakow region, they decorated a hanging upside down top a pine tree with apples, nuts, pears, and ginger breads.
Beginning the day after Christmas these delicacies could be eaten by children and carolers.
Maybe we have all been putting our Christmas trees up the wrong way for all our lives.
one, the symbolism of the upside down tree, goes back to the Bronze Age; some trunks have been found turned upside down and buried with the roots sticking out of the ground; this 'seems' to be part of a pan Europe tradition that was related to ancestor worship, and the idea that the after life was beneath us.
2nd, the upside down tree tradition, is definitely pre christian, and european in origin. lost to British culture because of the invasions of the first Millenium; but not to the Eastern European Slavic and Germanic Peoples. anyone who knows their Christian History understands that there was a split between Rome and Constantinople; the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church, approximately 1500 years ago, and they both have different traditions and ways of worship and celebration of Christ's (that is greek for Messiah, which is hebrew for The Annointed One of Jehovah) Life, who should really be called Yahshuah ben Joseph or Yahweh, depending on how you believe. the countries from the Baltics, down through Poland and the Balkans, where the Slavic people stopped their migration west, seems to be where the Upside-down Tree had it's longest cultural stand. I would bet it has something to do with the split in the Church. the days of killing other Christians because they worship differently are gone. America was founded on the principal that all people were free to worship their GOD in what ever way the felt was appropriate, and there is no place in Christianity for the Bigotry that I have seen expressed here. the NON-Believers have put the Christians who have commented here, to shame, by their tolerance of differences and their Knowledge of the Bible and the History of Christianity.
but third, and foremost, I agree with the Pagan girl Adrienne, (sorry if the spelling is incorrect), this tree has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism. upside down, sideways, or stuck in the chimmney. it is a tree, and WAS used as a means of spreading the Christian Message 100's of years ago; SOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY ARE THE CHRISTIANS ARGUING ABOUT IT: because they simply have latched onto THEIR TRADITIONS and made them A LAW, ABOVE GOD; which is just what Jesus came to change in Judaism.
I am a Christian, and have been for close to 45 years, born again, Spirit Filled, Tongue Talking, Prophet, and I SEE NOTHING WRONG IN THIS TREE, get real folks, it is just a tree, and in todays society doesn't have the same weight of meaning as it would 400 years ago, when you could be burnt alive for being different. or, is it true, as some Pagans believe, that we are headed for another BURNING TIME.
I love it. It takes up less space and hangs much better than a traditional one.
No one likes change do they?
Open your eyes (and hearts) you self-serving jerks who wouldn't know Christ's message if it bit them on the bum.
Open your eyes (and hearts) you self-serving jerks who wouldn't know Christ's message if it bit them on the bum.
WOW! Pherfinion, your quote above simply shows your own hatefulness.
Yes, I'm intolerant of attacks on Christianity. You go right ahead and tolerate whatever you want to. But I will speak up anytime I wish.
Everyone should really do their homework before thinking they are smart enough to give an answer...