The 1988 radiocarbon results that dated the
Shroud of Turin to the Middle Ages have long been a thorn in the side to the True Believers. But they may get the chance to have new tests conducted, thanks to the efforts of John and Rebecca Jackson of Colorado.
From the LA Times:
Jackson, 62, is getting his chance to challenge the radiocarbon dating. Oxford University, which participated in the original radiocarbon testing, has agreed to work with him in reconsidering the age of the shroud. If the challenge is successful, Jackson hopes to be allowed to reexamine the shroud, which is owned by the Vatican and stored in a protective chamber in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy.
Some facts about the Jacksons: 1) They own a styrofoam model of Jesus's corpse which they call "Roger"; 2) John once suspended himself from a cross in order to learn how blood flows from a crucified body; 3) Rebecca, who used to be Jewish but converted to Catholicism, became interested in the Shroud "when it occurred to her that the image of the man's face looked like her grandfather's."
I'd like to have "Roger" as an exhibit in the someday-to-be-real Museum of Hoaxes. He'd fit in perfectly alongside the
Cardiff Giant. (Thanks to Joe Littrell)
Um, forgive me Isiah but if you're 'keeping an open mind' then shouldn't you be open to the possibility that the shroud is a medieval fake?
If the shroud is not as old as it is claimed, then it couldn't possibly of been on Jesus, and hence not authentic. Unless I'm reading it wrong, your comment is intrinsically contradictory.
I wish you would do a little bit of research before coming to your conclusions. If you had, you would realize the history of the Shroud of Turin is already known. There is no mystery beyond how it is possible anybody could believe it is Christ's burial cloth. Supporters of the Shroud's authenticity count on people like you to automatically believe their lies or delusions knowing full well you won't check out the facts first.
Radiocarbon dating by three independent labs confirms the documented evidence of history texts. From a report by a Dr. Walter McCrone and his colleagues:
...the 3+ by 14+ foot cloth depicting Christ
You can stop using it as a proof of amazing and wonderful things now.
It's true that new species are almost never found by scientists.
What an exceedingly stupid statement from a person who has no concept of how real discoveries are made.
It seems one of the Apostles would have mentioned JC being a foot and a half taller than everybody else.
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, and he shall be a great big sucker - I mean we are talkin' NBA here.
Malachi 3:1
From what I have read it was more common of the Romans to leave a body on the cross until it rotted away.
Now they let JCs body be taken down very early...all well and good. But how?
I mean what were the actual mechanics of removing his body from the cross?
Did they use some type of big claw hammer?
Did they just pull the nails through his body and yank him off?
Or maybe they used a punch to drive the nails on through?
Or did they used axes to chop up the cross to get the nails loose?
Just a question I have had since my Sunday school days that has never been answered for me.