Status: Strange (but real) marketing campaign

You see a large cockroach on your floor. If you don't scream and run the other way, you might try to kill it. But it won't squash like a normal roach. So you pick it up, and then you see the advertisement printed on the bottom of it:
"See how easy it is to get into your house? D.D. Drin. Insect Elimination."
This scenario may happen to you, because fake slogan-bearing roaches are apparently being slipped beneath people's doors as part of a marketing campaign designed by Master Comunicacao, a Brazilian ad agency (as reported by
AdArena). I don't know why the ad is in English if the agency is Brazilian.
Ironically enough, given this campaign, in the advertising industry consumers themselves are sometimes referred to as roaches. Thus 'roach baiting' refers to the practice of hiring cool-looking people to hang out in public and visibly use a product. The cool-looking person is supposed to serve as a trendsetter who influences roaches (i.e. the consumers) to follow his or her lead.
Three inches? They'd be considered dwarves here in Dallas. Remind me to tell you what my cat dragged in the other day ... 🐛
The idea that there are any houses in Brazil (or anywhere in the tropics) that aren't already full of insects strikes me as fairly ridiculous.
Sorry, I just feel better when I say that.
How can I still be amazed by all the ignorance in the world...