Pranksters in Inverness have made it even more difficult to find Nessie by moving the road signs for Loch Ness so that they point in the wrong direction. The leading suspects are concert-goers attending the RockNess music festival.
But here's the part of the article I found interesting. One resident "likened the alterations to World War II, when the authorities removed signs to prevent German soldiers from navigating their way round the country if they invaded."
I didn't know that had been done during WWII. I can't imagine that a lack of road signs would have significantly slowed down a German invasion. [
Press and Journal]
It would certainly have hindered the speed of an invasion. England, certainly the rural southern part, was and is riddled with small hamlets and small roads. It is very easy to get lost in them if you don't have roadsign names to compare to a map.
In my country, Belgium, the Germans finally noticed it and used to paint the correct signs on the very wall of houses located near crossroads. You can still find many today, as long as the facade hasn't been renovated.
As well as roadsigns, all railway station names were removed, along with all platform illumination. With all windows and doors obscured because of "blackout" regulations, it became impossible to know where you were whenever night fell. In response passengers would frequently alight at every stop and call out asking the station's name. This lead to numerous accidents when the train stopped at signals and unwary passengers would step out into empty air.
Eventually a paper in the British Medical Journal pointed out that the new rules were causing upwards of 600 deaths/month through accidents, while costing the Luftwaffer nothing. Restrictions were loosened slightly and "glimmer lighting" allowed at stations, road crossings, etc.
West Germany had a similar policy in place even after WW2, just in case of an imminent Soviet invasion.
Leaving them up would have just made Jerry's job that bit easier. And part of a war is making life difficult for the enemy every way you can.
I suspect that the real purpose of steps like removing road signs was to provide a sense of purpose and involvement for the locals, to make them feel safer and give them an illusiory sense that they were doing their bit. Somethiong akin to bomb-taped windows, duck&cover;, contemporary airport security checks, and other ineffective but visible precautions.