Status: Real (though the pumpkins are fake)

The newest thing for Halloween is
fake pumpkins. Made out of polyurethane foam, they can be carved just like the real thing. But don't try to eat the seeds. A guy quoted about this issue in the
Loudoun Times-Mirror notes that: "There's something wrong with society if people start carving plastic pumpkins." I don't think I have anything to add to that statement. The article also notes that once you've carved your foam pumpkin, it wouldn't be wise to light it up with a candle. You need to use a flashlight.
I carved my real pumpkins 2 nights ago. I made my pumpkin look like my band director because that was the scariest thing I could think of. It has fangs and horns and everything.
A regular pumpkin will go the way of compost in about a week, unless you spray it with a bleach solution. I think its ephemeral vegetable nature is part of the point of a jack o'lantern, though.
I tried to carve the more historical turnip some years back, but it was not a success.
As for I have encountered a jack 0'lantern where the candle had fallen over and continued to burn for quite some time-the inside charred a bit-but did not burn. Yeah it can get hot, but come on-just use a tiny bit of care and there is no problem.
The cheapest pre-cut ones are selling for around $5 at K-Mart, but they don't look very realistic, because the holes aren't perpendicular to the surface. More of a beveled effect.
She's the manager of my local pub, so the convenience of having a pre-carved, non-rotting Jack O'Lantern was pretty appealing to her. The cost-saving aspect was pretty appealing to the bar owner.
cvirtue, I've been tempted to try doing one from a turnip (as the Celts did before pumpkins were imported from America). You say it didn't work?
I prefer the real thing FOR the flickering firelight effect that it holds. It's not the same with artificial light...
While I appreciate the tradition of a real pumpkin, I feel bad just chucking them every year into the garbage. I'll be able to use my fake ones year after year. And it makes a pumpkin carving party much neater - no guts everywhere.
is one example.
Fenix LD20
I hate leaving candles burning in the house with my daughter around so this seems like a safer option.