For the past week (ever since Nov. 14) Brian has been drinking
nothing but Pepsi Holiday Spice. He will continue to drink nothing but Pepsi Holiday Spice until Christmas Day. It's his strange, self-appointed mission for himself, apparently inspired by the movie
Supersize Me (as well as the fact that his friend bet him $1000 that he couldn't do it). On
his blog he's recording the health effects of all this Pepsi Spice drinking. Now, I've never had the stuff myself (though I plan to get some), but I seriously doubt that any soft drink is so bad that it would cause all the health problems he's experienced in the nine days since he started the project. For instance, he's already gained twenty pounds. He's started sneezing. He's developed a strange cyst on his neck. And his urine has turned red. He's blaming all this on the Pepsi Spice. The red urine... maybe. But I don't understand how anyone could gain that much weight in nine days just from switching what they drink, unless they were consuming huge amounts of the new drink (which he doesn't claim to be doing). So I'm guessing that he's making up most of the stuff on his blog. Either that, or he's allergic to the drink (in which case his health problems should be worse than they are).
As the sugar level in the blood goes up, one of the body's reactions is to demand more fluid in an attempt to thin out and so reduce the concentration of sugar. The victim feels very thirsty, drinks more cans of soda, raises sugar levels further.
If the body's fluid disposal system is not working properly, especially if it is retaining fluid to reduce sugar concentration, then weight increase rapidly.
I personally have some of these problems, as a result of virus leading to fluid retention, to heart failure, to diabetes (note that in my case diabetes came 2 years later).
One treatment was to reduce the fluids. I lost 14 kilos in 7 days. 3.2 of those kilos in 45 minutes - the direct approach of pushing a big needle into my abdomen and allowing a controlled flow. I now drink diet soda.
Upshot. If someone is drinking lots of soda, there can quickly be an chain reaction of weight gain.
Take care,
Someone had already put out the details on Redban.
GEEZ! Read the earlier postings thoroughly.