And now for your daily pareidolia. (Well, weekly pareidolia, at least.)
Manny Duenas of Sacramento was cutting down some old palm leaves in his yard -- on Palm Sunday, no less -- when he happened to look at one of the leaves in his hand and
saw an image of the Virgin Mary cradling baby Jesus in her arms.
Duenas says: "God is out there and maybe these are one of the messages that they send."

Actually, I don't so much see the Virgin Mary figure, but I definitely see an outline of the state of Illinois. Maybe it's some kind of message being sent to us by the
Illinois Cornflake.
Hmm, it's too bad for Manny he didn't find an image on that palm leaf of a grammar book chapter on subject and verb agreement.
It's the end of time! Save yourself by donating all your money and worldly possessions to a worthy cause! Send them to me and I'll make sure they reach a worthy cause.
People who see these things always say it's a message... but what's the message? What message does a collection of splotches that look like a woman holding a baby convey? Hold your babies? Don't hold your babies? Hold your babies near trees?
I still say you need to rid yourself of all your worldly possessions and give them to some deserving charity. I can do that for you, for a small fee of course.