A guy
selling nothing on eBay is promoting it as the dumbest eBay auction ever. Since the idea isn't new (nothing has been sold on eBay before, as even he admits), it may just live up to the claim. The seller writes:
Rather than put up some arbitrary item that's worthless and intangible, I figured I'd just put up something of equivalent value: nothing. You are bidding on absolutely nothing. I won't send you anything if you win the auction. Shipping on this particular item is free. I will send you exactly what is described here, including no item and no packaging.
What gets me is that he then becomes all fussy and uptight about possible hoax bids. As if he would actually have something to lose if a hoax bidder won the auction.
How could you be sure you were getting the genuine nothing advertised instead of a counterfeit nothing?
If the nothing didn't not arrive, how could you prove it?
What I notice in the questions and answers are that some people are hoping to use this to get themselves some positive feedback.
Money for nothing! Har har har!
Flip answer: No, God is better than nothing.
Theological answer: As the ultimate ground of Being, God transcends categories such as "better" and "worse."