In his new article in the hoaxipedia, Elliot gives some background info on the
Church of the SubGenius -- the church which may represent a genuine religious movement, or may be just an elaborate joke.
The Church of the SubGenius is affiliated with the Universal Life Church, "an organization that has been legally (in some states) offering tax-exempt ministerships to all who apply regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation." Years ago I sent away to become a Universal Life Church minister, but I no longer have any clue where I put the sheet of paper saying I'm a minister.
I've sometimes thought about starting my own church. It would be the Church of the Great Hoax. Its motto would be: "Whatever you believe, it's wrong."
1) The Book of the SubGenius was first published in 1983, then republished in 1987.
2) There are approximately 10,000 ordained (paid-up) members worldwide, not 5,000.
3) The Church is not "affiliated" with the Universal Life Church, in that it is not a spin-off, offshoot, schism, or descendant of the ULC. If anything, the Church owes more to the works of Robert Anton Wilson. SubGenius ministers often (usually) ordain themselves under the ULC in order to legally perform marriages. The SubGenius ordination might be considered a legal license to perform marriages, but it hasn't been tested in court the way the ULC has, and the Church isn't wealthy enough to pursue a legal test case. They've had enough trouble raising funds to support Reverend Magdalen, whose child was taken from her due to her SubGenius activities as the article notes. ( More information about her case can be found at my Web site: )
Then how are you supposed to believe this motto? 😊
That's what makes it the perfect motto.
My blessings to all of you! :-D