I think I first became aware of the picture of
Munchkin the Monster Cat two years ago. The picture always perplexed me because Munchkin seemed too big to be real, but I couldn't see any evidence it was photoshopped. The Sydney Morning Herald, however,
decided it was a hoax. But it turns out Munchkin was real. His owner, Susan Martin of Ontario, Canada, just contacted me with more pictures of her former pet (he died
at the age of 8 of heart disease). His real name was Sassy. He certainly was a big guy. She says he weighed forty pounds. Here are more details from Susan:
Sassy was born in Virginia, and moved to Canada in 1991 with me. He was a kitten then and after we had him fixed he started getting fat. I never thought anything of it cause he slept so much. His visits to the Blair Animal Hospital did not find any problems with him and could not figure out why he was so fat. He was on diet food for about 8 years. In 1999 he was noted as being 15.9 kilos. in 2001 he was listed as 40 pounds and then lost 8 when he died. He did not eat an excess amount of food and did not eat table scraps. A bite or two of chicken or tuna was his favorite. I miss him very much and often find his picture posted on various web sites.
fattest cat in the world weighs about fifty pounds. Here are more pictures of Sassy:
There's no stopping them.
he liked water too! that was one unique kitty.
I never thought i would see a cat fill out one of those cat-bed thingies.
Susan Martin
?!?!?! Do they not spay cats in Russia?
With cats, as with people, a lot of their weight and body type is determined by genetics. My cat eats about a quarter cup of cat food every day and she still won't lose weight. It's not fair to assume Sassy's owner is a bad person because her cat was overweight. It sounds like she loved him very much.
It appears to me that Sassy was a Bengal cat, and I am wondering if his mixed genetics might have somehow gone haywire and caused this weight problem.. (Bengal cats are a domesticated crossbreed between domestic house cats and wild Bengal Leopards). If you look at the 5th picture above (with the kitten) you can see the distinctive markings & pattern on his back. (not stripes, but spots).
Cheers everyone!
To the person who posted ages ago about the spots on sassy's back, there is also a breed called an Egyptian Mau that has the same coat but they are scrawny little things similar to siamese cats.
And JFYI when i was little we lived on a farm in outback Australia (Queensland, and we had a stray that showed up in the machinery shed so we adopted her, she had several litters kittens through the years and at least 2 kittens in every litter had the same coat as Sassy.
Remerciez Dieu de fat cats! They are so very funny. Keep feeding them from McDonald's and letting them watch television with remote controls because this has been proved scientifiquement to be only reasons for being fat.
his owner is lying that he was this way by accident
he was force fed the same way fat people do to themselves because they like to get beatdown
they can't have sex so it takes the place of sex
in school we would stick them with tacks and they would pretend to be hurt but they do not really feel it because they are fat
so teachers would grab them and put them in detention for jumping and yelling when we stuck them and they would pretend to cry and get depresed
this is fun because they do not really have feelings like real people do
scientest who try to say it is a disease and it will be cured are the same dumb stupid people who don't want us to enjoy drinking drugs and sex
they can't have fun because they are OLD LIKE THE CRYPT KEEPER
so they are only trying to spoil any fun that is left in this world for all the rest of us 😡
show more fat cats
they are funny :coolgrin: